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Tangential-flow ultrafiltration was used to isolate particulate and high-molecular-weight dissolved material from seawater collected at various depths and geographic regions of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Ultrafiltration proved to be a relatively fast and efficient method for the isolation of hundreds of milligrams of material. Optical and electron microscopy of the isolated materials revealed that relatively fragile materials were recovered intact. Depth-weighted results of the size distribution of organic matter in seawater indicated that ˜ 75% of marine organic carbon was low-molecular-weight (LMW) dissolved organic carbon (< 1 nm), ˜ 24% was high-molecular-weight (HMW) dissolved organic carbon (1–100 nm), and ˜ 1% was particulate organic carbon (> 100 nm). The distribution of carbon in surface water was shifted to greater relative abundances of larger size fractions, suggesting a diagenetic sequence from macromolecular material to small refractory molecules. The average C:N ratios of particulate organic matter (POM) and HMW dissolved organic matter (DOM) were 7.7 and 16.7, respectively. Differences in C:N ratios between POM and HMW DOM were large and invariant with depth and geographic region, indicating that the aggregation of HMW DOM to form POM must be of minor significance to overall carbon dynamics. The stable carbon isotope composition (δ13C) of POM averaged −22.7%. in surface water and −25.2%. in subsurface water. Several possible explanations for the observed isotopic shift with depth were explored, but we were unable to discern the cause. The δ13C of HMW DOM samples was relatively constant and averaged −21.7%., indicating a predominantly marine origin for this material. The δ15N values of POM were highly variable (5.8–15.4%.), and the availability of nitrate in surface waters appeared to be the major factor influencing δ15N values in the equatorial Pacific. In the upwelling region nitrate concentrations were relatively high and δ15N values of POM were low, whereas to the north and south of the upwelling nitrate concentrations were low and δ15N values were high. The δ15N values of HMW DOM reflected the same trends observed in the POM fraction and provided the first such evidence for biological cycling of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON). Using the observed δ15N values and an estimate of meridional advection velocity, we estimated a turnover time of 0.3 to 0.5% day−1 for HMW DON. These results suggest a major role for DON in the upper ocean nitrogen cycle.  相似文献   

近年来,稳定同位素技术已被广泛应用于食物网研究中。然而,生物样品取样部位对食物网构建的影响的研究相对少见。大型底栖动物作为潮间带食物网的重要组成部分,在食物网研究中有必要对其采样部位进行统一,以增加研究结果的准确性及可比较性。本研究选取黄河三角洲和烟台潮间带10种代表性的大型底栖动物,比较δ13C和δ15N在不同采样部位中的差异。结果显示,对于大多数底栖动物而言,采样部位将直接影响到δ13C和δ15N的测定结果。当底栖动物作为摄食者,需分析其食性和营养级时,应统一采用肌肉组织,如贝类的闭壳肌或足部肌肉,蟹类的鳌足肌肉,鱼类的背部肌肉;当底栖动物作为被摄食者,需分析次级消费者的食性和营养级时,除多毛类采用去除消化道内容物的体壁外,其他种类应选取整体(难以被消化的组织除外),如贝类的软体部,蟹类肌肉与鳃等的混合组织。  相似文献   

对2006年2,5,8,11月份长江口海域表层水体中的悬浮颗粒物(SPM)进行稳定氮同位素分析,根据不同季节、不同区域内其1δ5N值的变化研究水体中氮的迁移、转化等生物地球化学过程,揭示其环境行为,从而对该海域的氮循环机制进行探索。研究发现:该海域悬浮颗粒有机物的稳定氮同位素组成(1δ5Np)分布范围较宽,在0.6‰~8.2‰之间,具有明显的时空分布特点,反映了不同程度的陆源输入和氮的生物地球化学过程的影响。口门内,表层水体中1δ5Np的变化主要受长江径流的陆源输入影响,生物地球化学作用影响较弱;最大浑浊带,水体中的悬浮颗粒有机氮受微生物的降解活动影响明显,各季节均存在不同程度的颗粒物分解作用;外海区,陆源输入减弱,悬浮颗粒物的δ15Np值主要受微藻的同化吸收作用以及一定程度的颗粒物分解作用影响。  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of dissolved and particulate 210Po and 210Pb were measured across the redox transition zone at Station F1 in Framvaren Fjord, Norway. In this fjord, a sharp decrease in pH above the O2/H2S interface facilitates the aerobic dissolution of MnO2. In contrast, Fe(II) concentrations begin to increase only at the O2/H2S interface depth. Activity profiles reveal that dissolved 210Po and 210Pb are sequestered efficiently by particulates in surface waters. As polonium-210 and lead-210 activities descend down into the aerobic manganese reduction (AMR) zone, they are remobilized during the reductive dissolution of the carrier phase oxyhydroxides. Both 210Po and 210Pb are highly enriched at the O2/H2S interface where an active community of microbes, such as anoxygenic phototrophs (e.g., Chromatium, Chlorobium sp.), thrives. The coincident peaks in 210Po, 210Pb and microbial biomass suggest a strong biological influence on the behavior of these radionuclides. There is a strong covariance between the vertical distribution of Mn and Pb, indicating that their redox cycling is closely coupled and is likely microbially mediated.  相似文献   

渤海及北黄海河流悬浮颗粒碳氮同位素时空分布及源解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于靖  张华 《海洋科学》2017,41(5):93-102
选择流入渤海和北黄海的36条主要河流为研究对象,对比了平水期、丰水期和枯水期水体中悬浮颗粒物和河流表层沉积物的碳和氮稳定同位素的地球化学特征,并对颗粒物有机质碳和氮来源进行分析。结果表明,水体悬浮有机质碳同位素总体上表现为δ13C平水期δ13C丰水期δ13C枯水期的特点,δ15N值呈δ15N丰水期δ15N平水期δ15N枯水期的特点。渤海和北黄海的主要入海河流悬浮颗粒物有机质的来源具有明显的季节性差异,悬浮颗粒有机质碳平水期(春秋季)来源以C3植物、土壤有机质和水生藻类为主,丰水期(夏季)碳的各来源中浮游植物的贡献率明显增大,枯水期(冬季)则表现为陆源C3植物分解和水源性有机质的混合来源;悬浮颗粒态氮的来源与季节性降水量、生活污水、合成化肥及河流内源性水生植物密切相关。  相似文献   

为了解大亚湾西南海域食物网的营养结构特征, 本研究于2020年1月份使用底拖网采集了该海域的渔业生物, 并分析了35种主要渔业生物的碳氮稳定同位素值。根据δ13C和δ15N值, 计算出该海域食物网6种营养结构的生态指标和主要渔业生物的营养级, 并绘制了连续营养谱。本次调查渔业生物主要为鱼类和虾蟹类, 鱼类的δ13C和δ15N值范围分别为-17.63‰ ~ -14.85‰和12.92‰~15.46‰, 平均值分别为-16.47‰和13.80‰; 虾蟹类的δ13C和δ15N值范围分别为-17.67‰ ~ -15.51‰和11.05‰~12.62‰, 平均值分别为-16.30‰和11.85‰。根据δ15N值, 用相加模型(trophic position by the additive model, TPA)和缩比模型(trophic position by the scaled model, TPS)分别计算了主要渔业生物的营养级, 结果显示两个模型计算的结果无显著性差异(P>0.1), 呈现鱼类平均营养级>虾蟹类的趋势。本研究发现大亚湾西南海域食物网初始食物来源较为单一, 存在食物链营养层级较少和长度不足, 食物网营养级多样性较低和营养结构冗余程度高的现象。与30多年前相比, 大亚湾近年高营养级生物量减少, 食物网结构由复杂趋向简单化, 生态系统稳定性较差。本研究结果不仅为了解大亚湾食物网结构组成提供了基础资料, 也为保护大亚湾渔业资源, 维持生态系统结构的稳定性提供参考依据。  相似文献   


Stable isotopes of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) were studied in 11 stream communities in the Waikato region of New Zealand. From comparisons of mean δ13C and δ15N values, food webs in the shaded, forest streams were clearly based on allochthonous material (conditioned leaf litter and terrestrial invertebrates). Autotrophs in forest streams were not a significant C source for the food webs. However, the C source of food webs in the unshaded pasture streams appeared to be a mixture of allochthonous and autochthonous material. Conditioned leaf litter appeared to contribute to the pasture stream food webs, and the δ13C and δ15N of some samples of epilithic diatoms indicated their consumption by invertebrates in pasture streams. Fish ate a wide range of aquatic invertebrates; longfinned eels (Anguilla dieffenbachii) and banded kokopu (Galaxias fasciatus) also had a large proportion of terrestrial invertebrates in their diet. Filamentous green algae were found only at pasture sites, where they were sometimes abundant. The wide range of δ13C values of filamentous green algae (‐18.8 to ‐29.7‰) complicated understanding of their role in the stream food webs. The δ13C values of Cladophora were related to water velocity, with more 13C‐enriched values in pools than in runs (‐23.2‰ in pools, mean velocity 0.12 m s?1; ‐28.1‰ in runs, mean velocity 0.24 m s?1). Crayfish and the gastropod mollusc Potamopyrgus appeared to be the only invertebrates to eat filamentous green algae.  相似文献   

为了分析雅浦海沟中底栖生物群落的食物来源和营养级,本研究分析了雅浦海沟真光层中浮游植物和浮游动物、海底沉积物和巨型底栖生物(海绵、海参、海蛇尾、海星、海葵和钩虾)中的碳、氮稳定同位素组成。研究发现雅浦海沟真光层中的浮游植物和浮游动物δ13C值[(-22.8±0.4)‰和(-21.8±0.8)‰]和δ15N值[(5.4±0.4)‰和(6.8±0.2)‰]与巨型底栖生物的δ13C值(-20.1‰~-16.8‰)和δ15N值(11.9‰~17.9‰)的差异超过了一个营养级,表明作为底栖生物的初始食物来源的浮游植物和浮游动物在向下输送的过程中经历了食物链传递和细菌的降解。巨型底栖生物的δ15N和δ13C值之间无显著的相关性,此外不同物种之间营养级也存在明显差异,表现为海绵的营养级相对较高(3.4~4.7),海参(3.3~3.6)、海蛇尾(3.4~3.5)和海星(3.2~3.7)的营养级较为接近,钩虾(2.9~3.3)和海葵(3.1)的营养级则相对略低,反映了底栖生物不同物种之间食物来源的多样化。  相似文献   

以蒸馏法为基础, 研究了适合海水中铵盐稳定氮同位素分析的预处理方法。对蒸馏法预处理过程中的最佳蒸馏时间、沸石的选取、铵盐最适浓度范围等分别进行改进和优化, 获得稳定、高效的海水中铵盐氮稳定同位素分析预处理方法。结果表明: 最佳蒸馏时间为50 min, 铵盐的回收率为(97±5.8)%。测定了不同沸石对不同浓度氨氮的吸附率, 筛选出酸性条件下铵氮吸附效率较高且稳定的康华科技沸石; 确定铵盐的最佳适用浓度范围为2~10 μmol/L, 在该浓度范围内氮回收率94%~99%,氮分馏系数为0.1‰~0.8‰。将此方法应用于长江口海域水样分析, 结果表明, 这一方法可以应用于河口中铵盐的氮同位素分析, 能够为河口中溶解态氮的来源及循环机理等研究提供有效信息。  相似文献   

The nitrogen isotopic composition of dissolved nitrate (δ15N-NO3) in surface water of the Yangtze River estuary was determined in four seasons of 2006. δ15N-NO3 ranged from 0.4‰ to 6.5‰ and varied with seasons and geographic regions, reflecting the dynamics of nitrogen cycling in the estuarine ecosystem. δ15N-NO3 was markedly lower in February than in other seasons and exhibited conservative mixing, which was probably attributed to the NO3 being sourced from the atmospheric deposition and agricultural fertilizer. In the upper estuary, the influence of riverine inputs was important during all surveys. In the turbidity maximum zone, nitrification was found with nitrate depleted in 15N in May, whereas denitrification resulting in heavy δ15N-NO3 played an important role in August. More enriched δ15N-NO3 values coinciding with losses of nitrate concentrations based on the conservative mixing model were found in the adjacent marine area in May, and may reflect obvious phytoplankton assimilation of dissolved nitrate. In this manner, δ15N-NO3 may be a sensitive indicator of nitrogen sources and biogeochemical processing existing in this estuary in conjunction with the variations of dissolved nitrate and other environmental factors.  相似文献   

The modern Mediterranean Sea is oligotrophic, yet its sediment record contains layers of organic-carbon-rich sapropels at 21 ky (precessional) spacing that imply periods of elevated paleoproductivity that approached the high productivities of modern upwelling systems. Resolution to this paradox is provided by lines of evidence suggesting that the mode of primary productivity changed from one dominated by algae to one during times of sapropel deposition in which photosynthetic bacteria were important. We have made a high-resolution comparison of the organic carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions of three sapropels and their background sediments in a 3-m sequence that corresponds to 1001 to 946 ka. Organic δ13C values systematically increase from − 26‰ to − 21‰ and δ15N values systematically decrease from 4‰ to < 0‰ as organic carbon mass accumulation rates increase in the sapropel layers. The increase in carbon isotope values mirrors the increases in primary productivity and associated organic matter export indicated by the increased mass accumulation rates. The decrease in nitrogen isotope values implies major contributions of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria to the total marine productivity. The precessional minima with which sapropels coincide were times of wetter climate that stratified the surface Mediterranean Sea, increased delivery of soil-derived phosphorus, and evidently amplified microbial primary production. Our high-resolution study reveals several relatively rapid excursions into and out of the high-productivity mode that suggest that sapropel deposition was a climate-sensitive surface-driven phenomenon that was not accompanied by basin-wide stagnation.  相似文献   

Stable nitrogen isotopic ratios were measured in sinking particles and surface sediments from the South China Sea (SCS) in order to study recent nitrogen sources and degradation. Average δ15N values of 16 sediment traps deployed at seven locations in the northern, central and southern SCS were uniformly low, ranging between 2.7 and 4.5‰ with a winter minimum in the northern and central SCS. Enhanced nitrogen contents and δ15N values were noted in samples affected by swimmers, comprising between 5 and 20% of total nitrogen fluxes. Nitrate sources were subsurface waters from the western Pacific, which were isotopically depleted due to the remineralization of nitrogen from nitrogen fixation in surface waters. Nitrogen fixation in the SCS contributed up to 20% to the settling particles. In the southern SCS, resuspended matter close to the shelf added to the sinking particulates. The long-term trap record from the central SCS revealed decreasing δ15N values during the 1990s, which correspond with findings from the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre and may be attributable to increased nitrogen fixation due to global warming-related stratification. This trend may be restricted to the 1990s but could also persist due to the projection of more frequent occurrence of El Niño conditions.The δ15N increase from swimmer-free trap averages of 2.7–3.6‰ to values of 5–6‰ in underlying deep-sea sediments was in the same range as in other deep ocean areas. Similar to results from the northern Indian Ocean, this increase could be related to isotopic enrichment during amino acid degradation. The lowest sedimentary δ15N values characterize the Pinatubo ash layer deposited off Luzon in an event of mass sedimentation in 1991. The fast deposition of organic matter drawn from the surface waters with the ash in the form of vertical density currents evidently preserved the planktonic δ15N signal.  相似文献   

Large numbers of young of the year herring (Clupea harengus L.) and sprat (Sprattus sprattus (L.)) typically enter and remain within North Sea estuaries during the winter months. The main purpose of this study was to examine their migration dynamics between the North Sea and the Schelde estuary using C and N stable isotopes. Prior to this, stomach contents were used to verify the isotopic differences between the food sources at the sampling stations. From May 2000 to April 2001 fish were collected monthly in the upper and lower estuary. Muscle tissue and stomach contents were analyzed for δ13C and δ15N using an EA-IRMS. Based on the stomach contents, it was demonstrated that δ15N could not be used as a tracer for fish migration because the longitudinal estuarine δ15N gradient had reversed completely during autumn. The δ13C gradient, however, was found to be reliable for studying fish movement in the Schelde estuary.Seasonal movements of clupeoids in the Schelde estuary were analyzed by separating the temporal abundance patterns into migration groups based on their muscle isotopic composition. Immigration and emigration seem to occur continuously throughout the year. Most exchange occurred in November. During winter, immigration remained high but gradually decreased. Although the herring and sprat abundance further declined in the estuary during February and March, large seaward emigration was not fully demonstrated. As temporal overlap between immigration and emigration is concluded the results support the hypothesis that migration to estuarine nurseries is individually based.  相似文献   

南极普里兹湾沉积物中有机碳和总氮的含量与分布   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用中国多次南极科学考察获得的沉积物样品,对普里兹湾沉积物中有机碳(OC)、总氮(TN)的含量和分布以及OC/TN进行了分析。结果表明:普里兹湾表层沉积物中OC和TN的含量变化范围分别为0.14%~1.20%和0.02%~0.20%,平均值分别为0.63%和0.11%。OC/TN的变化范围为5.5~8.2,平均值为6.8。OC和TN含量呈现明显的正相关性,表明有机质来源相同,比值接近6.6,说明有机质主要为海洋生源沉积。两者平面分布趋势非常一致,且与沉积物中泥质含量呈显著正相关,湾内73°E以西区域OC和TN含量较低,而以东区域含量较高,这是上层水体生产过程和冰川携带陆源砂等因素共同作用的结果。垂直分布上,OC和TN含量总体上表层高于深层,OC含量随深度增加逐渐降低,达到一定深度后趋于稳定。较高的沉积速率加速OC的埋藏,5根柱样中OC的埋藏率为39%~91%,平均为66%,表明普里兹湾是重要的碳汇区。  相似文献   

根据2015年10月(秋季)和2016年1月(冬季)对厦门海域开展的2次水质调查,研究了该海域中溶解有机氮(DON)的时空分布特征及总溶解态氮(TDN)的组成,并探讨了DON与环境要素的相关性及其来源.结果表明:厦门海域DON浓度平均值冬季大于秋季,表层高于底层,整体呈内湾、河口区较高,湾口区低的分布格局.秋季DON浓度的空间分布为同安湾西海域九龙江口邻近海域东南海域大嶝海域,冬季为西海域同安湾九龙江口邻近海域东南海域大嶝海域.该海域秋、冬季DON浓度占比(CDON/CTDN)分别为56%和53%,DON浓度占比整体呈湾口区大、河口区及内湾小的分布特征.相关性分析表明,该海域秋、冬季表、底层DON浓度与盐度均呈极显著负相关,与磷酸盐、硅酸盐含量为极显著正相关,与叶绿素a、溶解氧、p H值存在一定相关性.厦门海域DON的来源主要有九龙江河流、城市生活污水、工农业废水等陆源输入和浮游植物活动等海源生成.  相似文献   

Naturally existing stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes are important in the study of sedimentary organic matter sources. To identify the sources of sedimentary organic matter in Sanggou Bay and its adjacent areas, which is characterized by high-density shellfish and seaweed aquaculture, the grain size, organic carbon(OC), total nitrogen(TN), carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition(δ13C and δ15N) of organic matter in the surface sediment were determined. The results showed that, in August, sedimentary OC and TN ranged from 0.17% to 0.76% and 0.04% to 0.14%, respectively. In November, OC and TN ranged from 0.23% to 0.87% and 0.05% to 0.14%, respectively. There was a significant positive correlation between OC and TN(R=0.98, P0.0001), indicating that OC and TN were homologous. In August, the δ13C and δ15N of organic matter varied from-23.06‰ to-21.59‰ and 5.10‰ to 6.31‰, respectively. In November, δ13C and δ15N ranged from-22.87‰ to-21.34‰ and 5.13‰ to 7.31‰, respectively. This study found that the major sources of sedimentary organic matter were marine shellfish biodeposition, seaweed farming, and soil organic matter. Using a three-end-member mixed model, we estimated that the dominant source of sedimentary organic matter was shellfish biodeposition, with an average contribution rate of 65.53% in August and 43.00% in November. Thus, shellfish farming had a significant influence on the coastal carbon cycle.  相似文献   

The stable isotopes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) are a powerful tool for distinguishing sources and inputs of organic matter in aquatic systems. While several methods exist to perform these analyses, no labs routinely utilize a high temperature combustion (HTC) instrument. Advantages of HTC instruments include rapid analysis, small sample volumes and minimal sample preparation, making them the favored devices for most routine oceanic DOC concentration measurements. We developed a stable carbon DOC method based around an HTC system. This method has the benefit of a simple setup, requiring neither vacuum nor high pressures. The main drawback of the method is a significant blank, requiring careful accounting of all blank sources for accurate isotopic and concentration values. We present here a series of experiments to determine the magnitude, source and isotopic composition of the HTC blank. Over time, the blank is very stable at  20 ng of carbon with a δ13C of − 18.1‰ vs. VPDB. The similarity of the isotopic composition of the blank and seawater samples makes corrections relatively minor. The precision of the method was determined by oxidizing organic standards with a wide isotopic and concentration range (− 9‰ to − 39‰; 18 μM to 124 μM). Analysis of seawater samples demonstrates the accuracy for low concentration, high salinity samples. The overall error on the measurement is approximately ± 0.8‰.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), stable carbon isotopic (δ13C) compositions of DOC and particulate organic carbon (POC), and elemental C/N ratios of POC were measured for samples collected from the lower Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers and adjacent coastal waters in the northern Gulf of Mexico during the low flow season in June 2000 and high flow season in April 2001. These isotopic and C/N results combined with DOC measurements were used to assess the sources and transport of terrestrial organic matter from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers to the coastal region in the northern Gulf of Mexico. δ13C values of both POC (−23.8‰ to −26.8‰) and DOC (−25.0‰ to −29.0‰) carried by the two rivers were more depleted than the values measured for the samples collected in the offshore waters. Strong seasonal variations in δ13C distributions were observed for both POC and DOC in the surface waters of the region. Fresh water discharge and horizontal mixing played important roles in the distribution and transport of terrestrial POC and DOC offshore. Our results indicate that both POC and DOC exhibited non-conservative behavior during the mixing especially in the mid-salinity range. Based on a simple two end-member mixing model, the comparison of the measured DOC-δ13C with the calculated conservative isotopic mixing curve indicated that there was a significant in situ production of marine-derived DOC in the mid- to high-salinity waters consistent with our in situ chlorophyll-a measurements. Our DOC-δ13C data suggest that a removal of terrestrial DOC mainly occurred in the high-salinity (>25) waters during the mixing. Our study indicates that the mid- to high- (10–30) salinity range was the most dynamic zone for organic carbon transport and cycling in the Mississippi River estuary. Variability in isotopic and elemental compositions along with variability in DOC and POC concentrations suggest that autochthonous production, bacterial utilization, and photo-oxidation could all play important roles in regulating and removing terrestrial DOC in the northern Gulf of Mexico and further study of these individual processes is warranted.  相似文献   

The stable isotopes of organic carbon (OC) and nitrogen, contents of OC and nitrogen for roots, bark, leaves, flowers and fruits of various mangrove species from Kisakasaka (Zanzibar) and Bagamoyo (mainland Tanzania) are used to assess (1) if some mangrove species are capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen, (2) if there are differences between species in the same stand and in different stands and (3) if the mangrove signature is preserved in the sediments. Mean OC stable isotope results of various plant components range from −25.9‰ to −29.1‰ suggesting that mangrove trees in the two stands follow the C3 type of photosynthetic pathway. Mean nitrogen isotope values for various plant components range from −1.5‰ to 3.2‰ suggesting atmospheric nitrogen fixation by mangrove plants, but δ15N values approaching −3‰ that are more negative than typical diazotroph biomass exclude this possibility. Mangrove species thriving further inland are enriched in 13C and 15N relative to those thriving near the shoreline owing to complete utilization of available nutrients.Sediments beneath the mangrove forest are characterized by lower C/N ratio values and enrichment in 13C and 15N relative to plant material owing to mixing of nitrogenous rich material from adjacent area. High concentration of OC is found in bark and roots, while high nitrogen concentration is found in fruits and flowers only.  相似文献   

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