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王艺霖  郑建国 《控制与决策》2021,36(9):2267-2278
为了解决三阶段装配流水线调度问题,提出一种改进的离散型蝙蝠算法(DBA).针对所提问题的瓶颈期,提出下限理论,改进三阶段瓶颈期的下限公式,并引入调度模型生成初始种群,重新划分蝙蝠的捕食范围(HR),通过捕食行为、迁移行为的改进提高局部搜索能力,以有效提高离散蝙蝠算法的性能.改进K-means聚类算法,将具有最高相似性的...  相似文献   

This paper studies a new generalization of the regular permutation flowshop scheduling problem (PFSP) referred to as the distributed permutation flowshop scheduling problem or DPFSP. Under this generalization, we assume that there are a total of F identical factories or shops, each one with m machines disposed in series. A set of n available jobs have to be distributed among the F factories and then a processing sequence has to be derived for the jobs assigned to each factory. The optimization criterion is the minimization of the maximum completion time or makespan among the factories. This production setting is necessary in today's decentralized and globalized economy where several production centers might be available for a firm. We characterize the DPFSP and propose six different alternative mixed integer linear programming (MILP) models that are carefully and statistically analyzed for performance. We also propose two simple factory assignment rules together with 14 heuristics based on dispatching rules, effective constructive heuristics and variable neighborhood descent methods. A comprehensive computational and statistical analysis is conducted in order to analyze the performance of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a novel distributed assembly permutation flowshop scheduling problem that has important applications in modern supply chains and manufacturing systems. The problem considers a number of identical factories, each one consisting of a flowshop for part-processing plus an assembly line for product-processing. The objective is to minimize the makespan. To suit the needs of different CPU time and solution quality, we present a mixed integer linear model, three constructive heuristics, two variable neighborhood search methods, and an iterated greedy algorithm. Important problem-specific knowledge is obtained to enhance the effectiveness of the algorithms. Accelerations for evaluating solutions are proposed to save computational efforts. The parameters and operators of the algorithms are calibrated and analyzed using a design of experiments. To prove the algorithms, we present a total of 16 adaptations of other well-known and recent heuristics, variable neighborhood search algorithms, and meta-heuristics for the problem and carry out a comprehensive set of computational and statistical experiments with a total of 810 instances. The results show that the proposed algorithms are very effective and efficient to solve the problem under consideration as they outperform the existing methods by a significant margin.  相似文献   

邓超  钱斌  胡蓉  王凌  孙在省 《控制与决策》2020,35(10):2507-2513
针对现有三阶段装配集成调度问题模型将各工件在运输阶段的运输时间简化设定为相同常量,未考虑运输车辆数量和车载重量有限会导致工件需按批量分别运输的实际情况,研究以最小化总完工时间为目标的带工件批量运输的加工、运输、装配三阶段装配集成调度问题(three-stage assembly integrated scheduling problem with job batch transportation, 3sAISPJBT)和求解算法.首先,分阶段建立3sAISPJBT的数学模型;其次,分别提出求解运输、装配阶段对应子问题的先完工先运输(first completed first transported, FCFT)规则和先到先装配(first come first assembly, FCFA)规则,以降低求解3sAISPJBT的整体计算复杂度;再次,提出一种融合多种规则的混合分布估计算法(hybrid estimation of distribution algorithm with rules, HEDAR  相似文献   

This paper attempts to solve a two-machine flowshop bicriteria scheduling problem with release dates for the jobs, in which the objective function is to minimize a weighed sum of total flow time and makespan. To tackle this scheduling problem, an integer programming model with N2+3N variables and 5N constraints where N is the number of jobs, is formulated. Because of the lengthy computing time and high computing complexity of the integer programming model, a heuristic scheduling algorithm is presented. Experimental results show that the proposed heuristic algorithm can solve this problem rapidly and accurately. The average solution quality of the heuristic algorithm is above 99% and is much better than that of the SPT rule as a benchmark. A 15-job case requires only 0.018 s, on average, to obtain an ultimate or even optimal solution. The heuristic scheduling algorithm is a more practical approach to real world applications than the integer programming model.  相似文献   

邓超  胡蓉  钱斌 《控制理论与应用》2020,37(5):1090-1102
本文研究以加工–运输–装配同步性和交货准时性的加权和为优化目标的三阶段装配集成调度问题(3sAISPSP),并基于问题特点设计混合分布估计算法(HEDA)进行求解.首先,分别建立3sAISP SP的数学规划模型和排列模型.其次,在对问题模型特点分析的基础上,设计合理的编码和解码规则,同时利用HEDA中基于概率模型的全局搜索以发现问题解空间存在优质解的区域.然后,为进一步提高算法性能,设计3种局部搜索策略对优质解区域进行细致搜索.进而,在小规模问题下,将HEDA得到的较优解与优化求解器GUROBI得到的最优解进行比较,验证HEDA的求解结果接近最优解;在较大规模问题下,将HEDA与其他有效智能优化算法进行比较,验证HEDA的求解性能.最后,通过对优化目标中不同权重设置的实验分析,给出加工–运输–装配同步性和交货准时性权重设置的合理范围,并得到考虑装配同步性有利于降低中间库存的结论.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the 2-stage assembly scheduling problem where there are m machines in the first stage to manufacture the components of a product and one assembly station (machine) in the second stage. The objective considered is the minimisation of the total completion time. Since the NP-hard nature of this problem is well-established, most previous research has focused on finding approximate solutions in reasonable computation time. In our paper, we first review and derive a number of problem properties and, based on these ideas, we develop a constructive heuristic that outperforms the existing constructive heuristics for the problem, providing solutions almost in real-time. Finally, for the cases where extremely high-quality solutions are required, a variable local search algorithm is proposed. The computational experience carried out shows that the algorithm outperforms the best existing metaheuristic for the problem. As a summary, the heuristics presented in the paper substantially modify the state-of-the-art of the approximate methods for the 2-stage assembly scheduling problem with total completion time objective.  相似文献   

研究钢管加工流程中一类新型两台机器流水车间调度问题,工件在第一台机器上加工后被分解成多个子工件.对于最小化最大完成时间的情况,给出一个多项式时间的最优算法;对于最小化最大完成时间与惩罚费用之和的情况,给出一个拟多项式时间的动态规划算法;对于考虑生产前运输的最小化最大完成时间的情况,分析了问题的复杂性.证明了第一种情况的最优算法可作为后两种情况的2-近似算法.数值实验表明了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对置换流水车间调度问题,以最小化总流水时间为目标,提出了一种新颖的两阶段分布估计算法。第一阶段先利用NEH(Nawaz-Enscore-Ham,NEH)启发式构造一个较优的初始个体,然后随机生成初始种群,为保留种群的多样性,提出一种择优机制来选择个体并建立概率模型,同时在当代种群中利用精英机制保留当代种群中的最优解,最后利用概率模型采样并生成下一代种群。第二阶段采用插入、互换操作算子对第一阶段得到的最优解进行邻域搜索,来提高分布估计算法的全局搜索能力,阻止其陷入局部最优解。通过对算例进行实验、对比和分析,证明该算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

蛙跳算法与批量无等待流水线调度问题的优化*   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
针对以makespan为指标的批量无等待流水线调度问题,提出了一种有效的离散蛙跳算法。首先采用基于工序的编码方式使蛙跳算法直接应用于调度问题;其次采用基于NEH与改进NEH和随机产生相结合的初始化方法,保证了初始解的高质量和分布性;再次采用交叉或变异方法产生新解,保持了种群的优越性和多样性;最后对全局最优解执行快速局部搜索,有效地降低了算法的时间复杂度,平衡算法的全局和局部开发能力。对随机生成不同规模的实例进行广泛的实验,通过仿真实验结果的比较,表明所得蛙跳算法的有效性和高效性。  相似文献   

A two-machine flowshop makespan scheduling problem with deteriorating jobs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In traditional scheduling problems, the job processing times are assumed to be known and fixed from the first job to be processed to the last job to be completed. However, in many realistic situations, a job will consume more time than it would have consumed if it had begun earlier. This phenomenon is known as deteriorating jobs. In the science literature, the deteriorating job scheduling problems are relatively unexplored in the flowshop settings. In this paper, we study a two-machine flowshop makespan scheduling problem in which job processing times vary as time passes, i.e. they are assumed as increasing functions of their starting times. First, an exact algorithm is established to solve most of the problems of up to 32 jobs in a reasonable amount of time. Then, three heuristic algorithms are provided to derive the near-optimal solutions. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate the performances of the proposed algorithms. In addition, the impact of the deterioration rate is also investigated.  相似文献   

张其亮  陈永生  韩斌 《计算机应用》2012,32(4):1022-1024
针对置换流水车间调度问题,提出了一种改进的粒子群算法进行求解。改进算法引入了判断粒子群早熟的方法,并在发现粒子群早熟后采用逆转策略对种群最优粒子进行变异,利用模拟退火思想概率接收新的最优粒子。种群最优粒子的改变会引导粒子群跳出局部极值的约束,从而克服粒子群的早熟状态。通过对置换流水车间调度问题中Car系列和Rec系列部分基准数据的测试,证明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Genetic algorithm is a powerful procedure for finding an optimal or near optimal solution for the flowshop scheduling problem. This is a simple and efficient algorithm which is used for both single and multi-objective problems. It can easily be utilized for real life applications. The proposed algorithm makes use of the principle of Pareto solutions. It mines the Pareto archive to extract the most repetitive sequences, and constitutes artificial chromosome for generation of the next population. In order to guide the search direction, this approach coupled with variable neighborhood search. This algorithm is applied on the flowshop scheduling problem for minimizing makespan and total weighted tardiness. For the assessment of the algorithm, its performance is compared with the MOGLS [1]. The results of the experiments allow us to claim that the proposed algorithm has a considerable performance in this problem.  相似文献   

This paper describes an improved lexicographic search algorithm for the solution of the n-job, M-machine flowshop scheduling problem. The proposed improved algorithm is capable of generating all optimal schedules for any monotonically non-decreasing optimality criterion and is computationally more efficient than the basic lexicographic search algorithm. A numerical example is solved to illustrate the decrease in the computational effort by the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper considers a two-machine flowshop scheduling problem with a separated maintenance constraint. This means that the machine may not always be available during the scheduling period. It needs a constant time to maintain the machine after completing a fixed number of jobs at most. The objective is to find the optimal job combinations and the optimal job schedule such that the makespan is minimized. The proposed problem has some practical applications, for example, in electroplating process, the electrolytic cell needs to be cleaned and made up a deficiency of medicine. In this paper, we propose a heuristic algorithm to solve this problem. Some polynomially solvable cases and computational experiments are also provided.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to propose tools in order to implicitly consider different preventive maintenance policies on machines regarding flowshop problems. These policies are intended to maximize the availability or to keep a minimum level of reliability during the production horizon. It proposes a simple criterion to schedule preventive maintenance operations to the production sequence. This criterion demonstrates the significance of taking into consideration preventive maintenance together with sequencing and the consequences of not doing so. The optimization criterion considered consists in minimizing the makespan of the sequence or CmaxCmax. In total, six adaptations of existing heuristic and metaheuristic methods are evaluated for the consideration of preventive maintenance and they are applied to a set of 7200 instances. The results and experiments carried out indicate that modern Ant Colony and Genetic Algorithms provide very effective solutions for this problem.  相似文献   

This paper considers a two-stage hybrid flowshop scheduling problem in machine breakdown condition. By machine breakdown condition we mean that the machine may not always be available during the scheduling period. Machine failure may occur with a known probability after completing a job. Probability of machine failure depends on the previous processed job. The problem to be studied has one machine at the first stage and M parallel identical machines at the second stage. The objective is to find the optimal job combinations and the optimal job schedule such that the makespan is minimized. The proposed problem is compatible with a large scope of real world situations. To solve the problem, first, we introduce one optimal approach for job precedence when there is one machine in both stages and then provide a heuristic algorithm when there are M machines in stage two. To examine the performance of the heuristic, some experiments used are provided as well.  相似文献   

闫红超  汤伟  姚斌 《计算机应用》2022,42(9):2952-2959
针对置换流水车间调度问题(PFSP),提出了一种混合鸟群算法(HBSA)以更加有效地最小化最大完工时间。首先,为了改善初始种群的质量和多样性,结合一种基于NEH(Nawaz-Enscore-Ham)的启发式算法和混沌映射提出了一种新的种群初始化方法;其次,为了使算法能够处理离散的调度问题,采用最大排序值(LRV)规则将连续的位置值转换为离散的工件排序;最后,为了强化算法对解空间的探索能力,借鉴变邻域搜索(VNS)和迭代贪婪(IG)算法的思想针对个体最佳工件排序和种群最佳工件排序分别提出了局部搜索方法。针对广泛使用的Rec标准测试集进行了仿真测试,并与目前有效的元启发式算法——刘等提出的混合差分进化算法(L-HDE)、混合共生生物搜索算法(HSOS)、离散狼群算法(DWPA)、多班级教学优化算法(MCTLBO)相比较,结果表明,HBSA取得的最佳相对误差(BRE)、平均相对误差(ARE)的平均值比上述四种算法至少下降了73.3%、76.8%,从而证明HBSA具有更强的寻优能力和更好的稳定性。尤其是针对测试算例Rec25和Rec27,仅HBSA的求解结果达到了目前已知最优解,进一步证明了其优越性。  相似文献   

This paper deals with a bi-objective flowshop scheduling problem minimizing the makespan and total weighted tardiness, in which all jobs may not be processed by all machines. Furthermore, we consider transportation times between machines. Obtaining an optimal solution for this type of complex, large-sized problem in reasonable computational time by using traditional approaches and optimization tools is extremely difficult. This paper presents a new multi-objective electromagnetism algorithm (MOEM). The motivation behind this algorithm has risen from the attraction–repulsion mechanism of electromagnetic theories. Along with MOEA, we apply simulated annealing to solve the given problem. A set of experimental instances are carried out to evaluate the algorithm by advanced multi-objective performance measures. The related results show that a variant of our proposed MOEM provides sound performance comparing with other algorithms.  相似文献   

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