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In this study, we explore the following questions: (a) How do Cyprus universities that educate teachers respond to the challenge of inclusive education? Are the programmes of these institutions designed on the basis of the principles of inclusive education? What are the barriers that prevent student teachers to develop inclusive practices? How universities could help their student teachers to develop inclusive practices? These questions were investigated through qualitative data. In particular, the case study of a higher education institution in Cyprus was developed. The analysis of these data indicates certain factors that act as barriers in the development of inclusive practices by student teachers. These factors are related to the curricula, the notion of inclusion and to the different levels of culture. Developing these factors, we present at the same time particular suggestions for overcoming these barriers.  相似文献   

Internationally, the number of students with disabilities entering higher education institutions is on the rise. Research estimates that 8–10% of students attending higher education are registered with disability, with learning difficulties being the most commonly reported disability. Widening participation in higher education has been supported by legislative changes, inclusive education practices, the use of ICT and accessible facilities and programs and, ultimately, an increasing belief among students with disabilities that higher education maximizes their opportunities for employment and independent living. Within the Cypriot context, research on disability, access and provision in higher education is limited. This study was a part of a large-scale study (PERSEAS) funded by the EU. From the original sample, 15 students attending private higher education institutions in Cyprus reported disability (i.e., sensory impairment, dyslexia, physical disabilities) and were selected for focus group discussions. Also, interviews and focus groups were conducted with the Headmasters and teachers, respectively, in 10 private higher education institutions. This study yielded interesting results regarding the current state of provision (e.g., concessions for exams and assignments, infrastructure, teaching modification, counseling services) as well as issues of social inclusion, equality of opportunity and entitlement to education.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the economic benefits and costs of higher education as these are perceived by higher education candidates and labour market entrants in Cyprus. It provides further evidence on the topic after a similar study which preceded the present project by 10 years. Perceived rates of return to education are presented for two points in time, namely, 1993 and 2003. The findings point to an increasing awareness of the link between education and earnings on the part of young people, which can be linked to the country's economic development. The main influences on the respondents’ expected lifetime earnings are examined through multiple regression analysis. Gender and ability are found to be significantly related to expected earnings.  相似文献   

阐述高校公共体育教学中师生冲突的特点,教师的角色定位、学生逐渐增强独立、民主、平等、自由的意识和观念与教师的权限、师生之间结构的松散、教学评价制度这四方面是导致师生冲突产生的最主要的原因.  相似文献   

论学校心理教育与师生关系构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实施素质教育和创新教育,全面发展学生的心理素质是关键,积极开展学校心理教育是学校教育可持续发展的根本保证。师生关系的发展是制约学校心理教育效能的重要因素,适应新时期学校心理教育发展的特点与要求,从情、理、德、行四个方面构建新型师生关系,实现师生关系的心理教育功能,进而提升学校心理教育水平,推进学校教育现代化,造就高素质的未来人才。  相似文献   

This paper reviews a range of challenges and tensions experienced when using portfolios for learning as well as for summative assessment in the context of continuing professional learning in academic development programmes. While portfolios are becoming increasingly prominent, the details of how they are used are under-examined; they are often simply assumed to be an appropriate tool. However, it is important that, as practitioners, we are able to justify our own assessment practices and convey our expectations to our participants, who may be unfamiliar with the demands of a reflective portfolio. In this paper we explore some of the appeal as well as the difficulties of using portfolios, many of which arise from the fact that portfolios are often simultaneously used for summative and formative purposes. We suggest how the challenges sometimes experienced with portfolio assessment can be addressed by course conveners.  相似文献   

远程教育和谐师生关系的构建   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
远程教育师生关系具有特殊性,在远程教育中,教师、学生和虚拟社区共同构成了学习的网上生态系统,师生之间的关系是这一生态系统下的共生的双主体关系.远程教育良性师生关系的构建过程就是教育质量的提高过程.积极、认真地开展各种活动,利用一切可以利用的途径增进师生现实交流,教师对各种活动情况进行点面结合的记载,建立学生学习过程的个人档案,是实现远程教育个性化教学的基础;个性化的指导性评价是繁荣虚拟社区,实现远程教育个性化教学,确保远程教育质量的有效途径.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to find out the differences in e-learning competences of teachers. The independent variables used were geographic location, teaching experience, Internet access, e-learning training needs, ICT teacher/non-ICT teachers, and status. A questionnaire was developed to examine the e-learning competencies of vocational high-school teachers in North Cyprus. Findings reveal that the e-learning competencies of teachers in North Cyprus can be classified according to technology-based e-learning, web-based e-learning, and administrative e-learning. In addition, there is an e-learning divide between those teachers who are experienced and those who are not, those who have limited Internet access and those who have unlimited Internet access, those who have less training needs and those who have more training needs, and between ICT teachers and non-ICT teachers.  相似文献   

对长沙师范学院小学教育专业本科生高等数学的学习状况展开问卷调查,旨在弄清学生数学课程学习的基本状况,分析数学课程学习困难的主要原因——不良的非智力因素、课程偏难与专业结合不紧密,并由此得出对教学的启示。  相似文献   

利用自编《教师职业素质问卷》,对河南省几所师范院校中文,英语,数学,化学,体育,音乐及美术等专业的245名98级学生入,出校进行两次问卷调查,发现了目前师范生在专业思想,综合能力,心理品质,创新意识等方面的素质缺陷;探索出了师范教育中各专业教育与师范生素质发展的内在规律性,提出了加强教育理论知识教育及教育教学基本技能训练,强化综合意识,“弱化”专业思想,开设心理健康教育课程等建议。  相似文献   

This paper describes a research study which examined the degree to which the levels of English proficiency (high vs. low) and education (graduate vs. undergraduate) of students for whom English is a second language (ESL) were associated with differences in their reading behavior patterns. Subjects completed a survey which elicited information about several aspects of their reading behavior patterns including the type of materials read, the amount of time devoted to each type of reading, perceptions of their own reading ability, weaknesses, and needed improvements in reading. The results revealed that many of the mean scores obtained differed significantly, a fact indicating that the subjects’ levels of education and English proficiency were indeed associated with their reading behavior patterns. The paper concludes with a discussion of the instructional implications of the findings.  相似文献   

Influenced by work on learner-centred education, teacher efficacy and teachers’ concerns, we conducted an investigation of the influence of 185 preservice teachers’ teacher efficacy and concerns on their learner-centred beliefs. Learner-centred beliefs were selected for the purposes of this study as the best indicator of future teaching actions because these preservice teachers had not yet entered the classroom or engaged in teaching practices. Preservice teacher efficacy and concerns, individually and collectively, significantly influenced learner-centred beliefs. These findings indicate that teacher education can facilitate the development of learner-centred beliefs by addressing these trainable characteristics and demonstrate the need to further explore both teacher efficacy and concerns as they relate to learner-centred education within teacher education programs.  相似文献   

相比于传统的课堂教学方式,远程教育中师生之间的熟悉程度大大下降,原因在于网络教育中情感关怀的缺失、远程学习者的学习动机趋向利益化、学习方式的自主化、生师比例过高,现有的考核和激励机制不够明确等等问题。要提高师生熟识度,就要强化学生对老师的印象,或以各类活动强化班主任对学生的熟识程度,制订激励机制、量化考核。  相似文献   

本文将结合自己多年的工作经验,将思想政治教育与建设和高校师生关系结合起来,提出了高校思想政治教育下新型师生关系的重要性。  相似文献   

艺术院校的教学结构理念和思路随着时代化信息的不断进步而完善和变动着,中国大多数的艺术院校也在通识化教育的基础上不断的创新和实验着。本文针对艺术教育的现状,从学生的角度与老师的角度这两个方面来分析。  相似文献   

英语学习者要不要学习英语语法,如何教授英语语法是当前英语教学中引起广泛争议的焦点。在课程改革的新形势下,传统上倍受众多语言学家肯定的语法教学现在遭到普遍的冷落甚至排斥。究竟怎样用辩证的观点看待语法教学,如何从实际出发,如何将语法知识变成语法能力,如何通过语法教学提高学习者语言实际应用能力,确实是一个值得深入探讨和研究的重要问题。  相似文献   

从日常教学入手,改变会计专业传统的教学思路,对教师和学生在教学环节中的地位和作用进行重新分析认定,将被动教学变成主动教学,才是课改问题的根本所在。  相似文献   

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