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Augmentation cystoplasty is the treatment of choice for patients with neurogenic bladder dysfunction in cases that are unresponsive to other medical treatment. Although intestinal segments as bladder substitutes are preferred over the other alternatives at present, they are not ideal bladder replacements due to several potential hazards. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not augmentation duracystoplasty can be an afternative to augmentation enterocystoptasties.
Ten patients with neurogenic bladder dysfunction unresponsive to conservative measures, underwent augmentation duracystoplasty by using the modified Bramble-Clam technique. The follow-up period was T-28 months.
At present, seven of 10 patients are completely continent for with clean intermittent catheterization. The remaining three patients required oral oxybutinin therapy, postoperatively, to achieve continence although lower dosages than those required in the preoperative period. We did not observe any serious pre- or postoperative complications.
Based on these preliminary findings we think that duracystoplasty can be considered as a treatment alternative for hyperreflexic and/or low compliant neurogenic bladders.  相似文献   

Sinusitis is a complication known to accompany nasotrachealintubation, but its frequency has not been well documented.Twelve patients suffering from cerebral haemorrhage or fromcranial trafma and treated with mechanical ventilation wereexamined for radiological and bacteriological signs of sinusitiswith CT-scanning, and cultures of nasal pus discharge. All patientsshowed radiological signs of sinusitis within 3 days after intubation.They all developed fever, six with a known focus outside thesinuses. There was an even distribution of Gram-negative andGram-positive bacteria. It is concluded that sinusitis shouldbe considered where fever occurs without known focus in patientswith nasotracheal intubation.  相似文献   

During the period 1978–87, 22 patients with myelodysplasia had surgery for vesico-ureteric reflux (VUR) and seven patients with VUR were managed non-operatively. Clean intermittent catheterization was an integral part of the management in both the operated and non-operated cases. The majority of patients had reflux-related upper tract changes pre-operatively. but alter operation the urinary tract was stabilized in all but one kidney which was lost. Tranverse advancement ureteric reimplantation or the pull-through technique provided satisfactory results, giving a total of 29 refluxing units managed surgically.  相似文献   

In the last decade, by application of detailed methods of care, the previously accepted complications of urinary infection, pressure sores and motor skeletal problems of contractures and spasm, have largely been eliminated from the clinical picture of patients with spinal paralysis. Many professionals in medicine have contributed to these advances. Long-term or extended care in the area of tetraplegia and paraplegia need further stimulation, with continued application of all those methods used in acute rehabilitation in properly organized spinal units.  相似文献   

Studies were made of the ventilation and arterial acid-basebalance of twenty-three patients who had suffered severe headinjuries. The most frequent findings were an increased minutevolume, an increased production of carbon dioxide, an arterialhypoxaemia, hypocapnia and a raised arterial pH. There was noinstance of respiratory acidosis, and only three patients showednormal ventilation and acid-base values. The increased minutevolume was associated not only with an increased carbon dioxideproduction, but also with a reduced arterial carbon dioxidetension and, therefore, with an increased alveolar ventilation,which may be due to hypoxaemia or to central factors which werenot investigated. The hypoxaemia was associated with increasedalveolar-arterial differences in oxygen tension, and with largevalues for the "physiological deadspace"; these indicated irregularventilation-perfusion relationships. Aspiration and atelectasisat the time of the head injury may initiate the hypoxaemia,the increase in ventilation, and the arterial respiratory alkalosiswhich have been recorded.  相似文献   

The clinical neuromuscular effects of two doses of vecuronium(0.15 mg kg-1 and 0.2 mg kg-1) were investigated in 20 healthypatients and 20 patients with cirrhosis, and compared with previouswork in which vecuronium 0.1 mg kg-1 was given under identicalconditions of anaesthesia and monitoring. Ten healthy patientsreceived vecuronium 0.15 mg kg-1 and 10 received 0.2 mg kg-1.Similarly, 10 patients with cirrhosis received vecuronium 0.15mg kg-1 and 10 received 0.2 mg kg-1. Vecuronium 0.1 mg kg-1has previously been shown to have a somewhat shorter durationof action in cirrhotic as opposed to healthy patients. In thisstudy, vecuronium 0.15 mg kg-1 was found to have a similar durationof action in both groups, and vecuronium 0.2 mg kg-1 had a significantlylonger action in the cirrhotic group. It is suggested that vecuroniumshould be used with caution in patients with hepatic dysfunctionand that, in such patients, monitoring of neuromuscular functionis desirable.  相似文献   



The cause of interstitial cystitis is unknown. We evaluated the incidence of Helicobacter pylori antibodies in patients with interstitial cystitis to determine whether such infection may be a causative factor.

Materials and Methods

We obtained serum samples from 23 patients with interstitial cystitis and 23 control subjects. Samples were analyzed for the presence of H. pylori IgG antibodies.


The incidence of positive tests for H. pylori antibodies was 22% in the interstitial cystitis group and 35% in controls.


The incidence of infection with H. pylori is not increased in interstitial cystitis, and so it is unlikely to be a causative factor.  相似文献   

目的 分析汶川大地震伤员脊柱损伤情况及临床特点. 方法 5.12汶川大地震共收治146例脊柱损伤伤员,男79例,女67例;年龄11~88岁,平均51岁;收集其临床资料的相关数据,作流行病学分析.排除年龄<16岁者2例、单纯脊柱附件(棘突、横突、椎板)骨折15例、无法纳入Denis分型的AO分型为A2型骨折l例及上颈椎损伤患者9例,余119例患者纳入分析,按年龄分为两组:年龄<60岁组(A组)78例,男40例,女38例;年龄18~58岁,平均41岁.年龄≥60岁组(B组)41例,男24例,女17例;年龄60~88岁,平均71岁.将两组资料进行比较. 结果 导致脊柱损伤的主要原因是高处坠落伤(27.40%)及重物砸伤(67.81%);骨折类型按Denis分型以爆裂骨折(54.62%)和压缩骨折(33.61%)为主;有31.51%的患者发生了较严重的神经损伤(根据ASIA脊髓损伤分级为A、B、C级者);受伤部位最多见于胸腰椎(78.77%);有52.74%的患者并发了其他部位损伤,以肢体骨折(30.14%)和肋骨骨折(19.86%)最多见;有22.60%的患者发生了多发脊柱损伤.比较A、B两组临床资料,A组发生高处坠落伤的比例(34.62%)远高于B组(12.20%);A组骨折类型以爆裂骨折(58.97%)最多见,B组以压缩骨折(48.78%)最多见;B组严重神经损害的比例(24.39%)明显低于A组(44.87%);B组复合伤的比例(70.73%)明显高于A组(43.59%):B组发生多个椎体损伤的比例(39.02%)明显高于A组(21.79%);两组各项临床资料比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05). 结论 汶川大地震伤员脊柱损伤的主要原因为重物砸伤及高处坠落伤,骨折类型以压缩骨折和爆裂骨折为主,发生脊髓损伤、复合伤、多个椎体损伤的比例高.  相似文献   

Background : Oral pharmacotherapy has been commonly used as an adjunct to clean intermittent catheterization (CIC) in the treatment of neurogenic bladder in order to achieve continence, but may be associated with unacceptable side effects. The authors' experience with sterile intravesical preparations of oxybutynin hydrochloride and ephedrine in children is reported here. Methods : Patients requiring CIC for neurogenic bladder but with incontinence that was unresponsive to standard oral therapy or that was associated with severe systemic side effects were studied over a 1-year period. Clinical, radiological and urodynamic assessments were made prior to commencing treatment with intravesical oxybutynin hydrochloride. Patients who remained incontinent with poor internal sphincter muscle tone had intravesical ephedrine added. Results : Seven patients were involved in the study over a 1-year period. Two patients became continent and one patient had an improvement in upper tract dilatation. One patient had a limited improvement with oxybutynin alone but became continent with the addition of ephedrine. Three patients had no response to treatment. There were few side effects. Conclusion : Intravesical agents have a role in the management of paediatric neurogenic bladder for those children with significant adverse sequelae from oral pharmacotherapy who would otherwise require surgical intervention. Intravesical therapy is a safe technique in children with sterile preparations. Further investigation of this modality should be pursued.  相似文献   

The clinical records of 252 patients with traumatic brain lesions admitted unconscious to hospital were studied. Of the 252 patients, 51 were treated with artificial hyperventilation. The final clinical outcome in these two groups are compared. The recovery rate was significantly higher and the mortality rate significantiy lower in the group of patients treated with hyperventilation. The possible reasons for these differences are discussed, and it is concluded diat patients with severe traumatic brain injuries benefit from an adequate period of treatment widi artificial hyperventilation.


Die Krankengeschichten von 252 Patienten, die bewusstlos mit traumatischen Gehirnschäden zur Aufnahme gekommen waren, wurden einem eingehenden Studium unterzogen. Von diesen 252 Patienten waren 51 mit künstlicher Hyperventilation behandelt worden. Das klinische Endresultat dieser beiden Gruppen wird verglichen. Bei den mit Hyperventilation behandelten Kranken war die Erholungsrate signifikant höher und die Mortalität signifikant niedriger. Die Erklärungsmöglichkeiten für diesen Unterschied werden diskutiert, wobei sich die Schlussfolgerung aufdrängt, dass für Patienten mit schweren traumatischen Gehirnläsionen eine adäquate Behandlungsperiode mit künsdicher Hyperventilation vorteilhaft ist.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We evaluated the immunological response in patients with persistent candiduria with or without occult candidemia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Levels of Thl (pro-inflammatory interleukin [IL]-1, IL-2 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha) and Th2 (anti-inflammatory IL-4 and IL-10) cytokines were measured in the sera of patients with persistent candiduria. Polymerase chain reaction assessment of the 158 base pair candidal actin gene was used to detect Candida albicans in blood to identify occult candidemia. RESULTS: During a 14-month period 66 hospitalized patients with a mean age of 63 years (range 44 to 80) with persistent candiduria were evaluated. Occult candidemia developed in 27 patients (41%) as evidenced by detection of candidal actin gene in the sera by polymerase chain reaction. Risk factors included antibiotics in 27 patients (100%), central venous catheter in 22 (81%), urinary catheter in 21 (78%), total parenteral nutrition in 18 (66%), diabetes mellitus in 16 (59%) and abdominal surgery in 14 (52%). A total of 17 age matched patients with a mean age of 59 years hospitalized for elective general or vascular surgical procedures with no clinical or laboratory evidence of urinary or hematogenous fungal or bacterial infection served as controls. Serum levels of Th2 cytokines were elevated in 18 of 39 patients with persistent candiduria alone, and in 22 of 27 patients with candiduria and occult candidemia compared to controls (p<0.002). Th1 cytokines were within normal limits or slightly decreased in all patients with persistent candiduria with or without candidemia. CONCLUSIONS: These observations indicate that an abnormal immune response develops in patients with persistent candiduria with or without candidemia.  相似文献   

不同术式治疗陈旧性胸腰椎骨折并脊髓损伤的疗效比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 比较前路减压椎体间撑开植骨内固定与后路经椎弓根椎体楔形截骨减压内固定治疗陈旧性胸腰椎骨折并脊髓损伤的临床疗效. 方法 2000年9月-2006年3月,收治34例陈旧性胸腰椎骨折并脊髓损伤患者.患者分为A、B两组.A组采用前路减压椎体间撑开植骨内固定治疗,其中男10例,女8例;年龄17~54岁.骨折椎体节段:T11 2例,T12 5例,L1 8例,L2 3例.术前Cobb角为(36.33±3.13)°;伤椎前后缘高度差为(22.34 4±11.61)mm;神经功能JOA评分为(10.44 ±1.12)分,病程为8~50个月,平均25个月.B组采用后路经椎弓根椎体楔形截骨减压内固定治疗,其中男8例,女8例;年龄18~56岁.骨折椎体节段:Tu 2例,T12 6例,L-7例,L2 1例.术前Cobb角为(38.55 ±4.22)°伤椎前后缘高度差为(20.61 ±10.22)mm神经功能JOA评分为(10.23 ±2.23)分.病程为10~60个月,平均28个月.既往采用非手术治疗A组12例,B组10例;手术治疗A组6例,B组6例,均为椎板减压术,椎弓根螺钉系统内固定两组各4例.术前两组患者年龄、病程、Cobb角、JOA评分及伤椎前后缘高度差比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05). 结果 34例患者均获随访,随访时间9~46个月,甲均13.5个月.Cobb角A组为(12.78 ±3.76)°,较术前改善(24.23±1.64)°;B组为(10.56±4.23)°,较术前改善(26.66±1.66)°.JOA评分,A组为(14.21±1.08)分,较术前改善(3.92 ±1.33)分;B组为(13.14 ±2.32)分,较术前改善(3.12 ±1.95)分.术后测量伤椎前后缘的高度筹A组为(3.11 ±1.06)mm,较术前改善(18.03 ±2.14)mm;B组为(2.56 ±1.33)mm,较术前改善(20.36 4-3.78)mm.两组以上指标与术前比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01),两组间比较改善程度差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).A组出现胸腔积液2例,局限性肺不张4例,肋间神经痛1例,经对症治疗后治愈.B组发生脑脊液漏3例,未经特殊处理自愈.两组均无其他严重手术并发症发生,术后神经症状均无加重. 结论 陈旧性胸腰椎骨折并脊髓不全损伤患者选择前路或后路手术,均可获得满意的后凸畸形矫正和神经减压,神经功能均有不同程度恢复.  相似文献   



We define the risk of bladder cancer in multiple sclerosis related to the use of indwelling catheters and cyclophosphamide administered as an immunomodulating agent.

Materials and Methods

We retrospectively reviewed the records of 2,351 patients with multiple sclerosis referred to the National Center for Multiple Sclerosis.


Of the 2,351 patients 2 women and 5 men (0.29%) had bladder cancer. Of the 850 chronically catheterized patients the incidence was 0.7%. One patient with cancer performed intermittent catheterization for a rate of 0.23% in this group. In a subgroup of 70 patients treated with cyclophosphamide 5 chronically catheterized patients (5.7%) had bladder cancer. Hematuria was the most common presenting symptom. These data were compared with those in the literature on bladder cancer in spinal cord injury.


These data suggest a possible synergistic role of cyclophosphamide and chronic catheterization in the induction of secondary bladder cancer. Regular cystoscopy is warranted in these patients to allow early detection of bladder tumors. Nitric oxide metabolism may be an important factor in the carcinogenesis of this type of bladder cancer.  相似文献   

异体股骨片支撑植骨治疗胸腰椎爆裂骨折合并截瘫   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
目的 探讨前路椎管减压、异体股骨片支撑植骨,治疗胸腰椎爆裂骨折合并截瘫的疗效。方法2000年1月~2003年2。月,收治胸腰椎爆裂骨折合并截瘫36例,年龄18~56岁。受伤部位:T11 3例、T12 10例、L1 14例、L2 7例、L3 2例。脊髓损伤按Frankel分级:A级9例、B级11例、C级13例、D级3例。均采用脊柱前路手术,切除伤椎中后缘,对受压椎管彻底减压后,椎体间后缘支撑植入适宜的脱脂异体股骨片,椎管成形后,再将减压取下的伤椎椎体碎骨和肋骨骨条植入椎体进行前路“Z”型或“K”型钢板固定。结果术后CT扫描示36例椎管致压物全部去除,椎管扩大。其中33例获随访1~3年;A级中1例失访,3例无恢复,1例降至B级,2例降至C级,2例降至E级;B级中1例失访,2例无恢复,2例降至C级,4例降至D级,2例降至E级;C级中1例失访,3例降至D级,9例降至E级;D级全部降至E级。32例椎体间融合成功,内固定器械无断钉、松动;1例融合失败,改用后路手术治疗。结论采用前路异体股骨片支撑植骨,可避免取白体髂骨植骨,是一种较安全、有效的脊柱前路融合方法。  相似文献   

椎管减压在胸腰段骨折后路手术中的疗效评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨椎管减压对胸腰段骨折后路手术疗效的影响,为把握后路手术的椎管减压指征提供依据。方法回顾性分析2005年1月-2009年1月采用经后路手术治疗的170例胸腰段骨折患者临床资料。其中男119例,女51例;年龄17~68岁,平均42.7岁。骨折部位:T1122例,T1230例,L157例,L261例。骨折类型按Denis分类标准:压缩型65例,爆裂型44例,屈曲分离型25例,脱位型36例。伤后至手术时间3~8d,平均4.4d。根据术前椎管内骨折块占位率情况将患者分为4组:≤20%为A组,32例;21%~40%为B组,68例;41%~60%为C组,37例;≥61%为D组,33例。通过统计学分析,评价各组椎管内骨折块占位率与脊髓损伤程度(Frankle分级)的相关性,以及椎管内骨块占位率40%以下有神经症状者后路椎管减压与未减压的手术疗效差异。结果各组脊髓损伤程度与椎管内骨折块占位率无正相关性。170例均获随访,随访时间13~41个月,平均23.5个月。椎管内骨折块占位率<40%未作后路椎管减压且无神经症状的28例患者,术后随访期内未发现有继发性神经功能损害。椎管内骨折块占位率<40%有神经症状者中,行椎管减压的65例神经功能改善和日本骨科协会(JOA)下腰痛评分提高情况均明显优于未行椎管减压的7例患者,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论胸腰段骨折后路椎管减压的相对指征是椎管内骨折块占位<40%且术前有神经症状者,以及椎管内骨折块占位率≥40%、无论术前有无神经症状者。  相似文献   

《Renal failure》2013,35(6):781-787
We sought to determine the prevalence, recognition, and consequences of mental impairment among chronic hemodialysis patients. We administered the Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE), a brief validated method for assessing cognitive mental status that is commonly used by clinicians, to 84 patients from our dialysis units. To determine the clinical implications of mental impairment, we obtained Kt/V, albumin, protein catabolic rate, blood pressure, and hematocrit values. We found that 21% of subjects had mild mental impairment (MMSE 18 to 23) and that 11% had moderate-severe mental impairment (MMSE 0 to 17). We found no relationship between MMSE score and years on dialysis, Kt/V value, hematocrit value, or erythropoietin use. On univariate analysis, MMSE score was associated with albumin, protein catabolic rate, inter-dialytic weight gain, number of co-morbid conditions, number of hospitalizations. Outcomes on univariate analysis were further analyzed by multivariate analysis. There was an independent relationship between decrement in MMSE score and lower protein catabolic rate and increased hospitalization number and number of co-morbid conditions. Based on our findings, we recommend that clinicians routinely screen hemodialysis patients for mental impairment and target impaired patients for interventions to improve mental status and associated adverse outcomes.  相似文献   



The long-term benefits of oral oxybutynin in spinal cord injured patients with indwelling catheters is unknown. We reviewed our experience with this population of men and present the results of our analysis.

Materials and Methods

A total of 109 male spinal cord injured patients at the Houston Veterans Affairs Medical Center have been treated with chronic indwelling catheters (80 transurethral and 29 suprapubic). Thirty-eight patients (35%) were identified as using oxybutynin on a regular basis. These patients were compared to those not using oxybutynin with regard to urodynamic parameters and upper tract deterioration. Specifically examined were bladder compliance, bladder leak point pressure, vesicoureteral reflux, hydronephrosis, urolithiasis, febrile urinary tract infections and serum creatinine greater than 2 mg./dl.


The mean duration of indwelling catheter use was 11.9 years (12.4 without oxybutynin and 10.9 on oral oxybutynin). Of the 31 patients with normal compliance (greater than 20 ml./cm. water), 24 (77%) were using oxybutynin (p = 0.001). Bladder leak point pressures were abnormal (greater than 35 cm. water) in 5 of 32 patients (16%) on oxybutynin versus 34 of 60 (57%) without it (p <0.001). Hydronephrosis was present in 15 of 66 patients (23%) without oxybutynin versus 1 of 36 (3%) with oxybutynin (p = 0.009). Febrile urinary tract infections occurred in 4 of 35 patients (11%) versus 17 of 62 patients (27%) with or without oxybutynin, respectively (p = 0.077). No significant differences were found between the 2 groups with regard to reflux, renal scars, stones or elevated serum creatinine.


It appears that regular use of oxybutynin may be beneficial in spinal cord injured patients who require chronic indwelling catheters for bladder management. Our analysis reveals that patients who take oxybutynin regularly have better bladder compliance, lower bladder leak point pressures and less hydronephrosis. Until a prospective, randomized trial reveals contradicting outcomes, empiric use of oxybutynin in all spinal cord injured patients requiring chronic indwelling catheters seems justified.  相似文献   



We describe the use of a serous lined extramural tunnel for ureteral reimplantation during augmentation of a neurogenic bladder to prevent reflux.

Materials and Methods

A 46-year-old male C6 spinal cord injury patient presented with a high pressure bladder, detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia and bilateral grade II/III vesicoureteral reflux. Despite maximal anticholinergic therapy and intermittent catheterization, detrussor pressures were between 80 and 100 cm. water at volumes of 100 to 150 cc with consistent leakage between catheterizations. Preoperative ultrasound and voiding cystourethrogram demonstrated moderate bilateral hydronephrosis and a heavily trabeculated bladder. Augmentation cystoplasty with the formation of 3 cm. extramural ureteral tunnels as described by Ghoneim was performed. The serosa of the adjacent limbs of the ileal segment were opposed to form the back wall of a serosal lined tunnel.


At 3 weeks postoperatively a cystogram demonstrated no extravasation or reflux. At 8 weeks an excretory urogram showed prompt function and excretion bilaterally with marked improvement of preoperative hydronephrosis.


Subserosal ureteral tunnels can be used as an alternative antireflux technique during augmentation cystoplasty when ureteral reimplantation is required. Two advantages of this technique include the elimination of staples and avoidance of ischemic problems associated with an afferent intussuscepted nipple valve.  相似文献   

脊髓前方减压与高压氧治疗胸腰椎骨折合并脊髓损伤   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者采用脊髓前方塌陷减压加高压氧治疗胸腰椎骨折合并脊髓损伤42例,单纯减压术22例。结果按Frankel分级,脊髓前方塌陷减压组恢复到D级以上者9例(平均改善2.1级);脊髓前方塌陷减压加高压氧组恢复到D级以上者29例(平均改善2.8级)。作者认为脊髓前方塌陷减压加高压氧治疗脊髓损伤优于单纯塌陷减压术,高压氧具有促进神经功能恢复的作用。  相似文献   



A retrospective analysis of the MUSE* clinical trial was performed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of transurethral alprostadil in patients with erectile dysfunction after radical prostatectomy.

Materials and Methods

Patients received doses of transurethral alprostadil in the clinic and those for whom a suitable dose was determined were treated at home with active drug or placebo for 3 months. Patients had undergone radical prostatectomy no less than 3 months before study entry.


Of the 384 patients in whom radical prostatectomy was identified as a cause of erectile dysfunction 70.3% had an erection believed sufficient for intercourse in the clinic and 57.1% on active medication had sexual intercourse at least once at home. The product of clinic and home success rates (70.3 x 57.1%) was an overall success rate (the likelihood of active treatment to lead to intercourse at home) of 40.1%. The frequency of most adverse effects of radical prostatectomy was comparable to that of other organic etiologies of erectile dysfunction (1,127 patients). The percentage of patients with hypotension in the clinic was lower after radical prostatectomy compared to other erectile dysfunction etiologies (0.8 versus 4.2%, p <0.001) but the percentage of patients with urethral pain/burning was higher (18.3 versus 10.4%, p = 0.027). No urinary tract infection, fibrosis or priapism occurred in the post-radical prostatectomy patients.


Transurethral alprostadil is a well tolerated and efficacious method of treating erectile dysfunction after radical prostatectomy, although psychological changes associated with cancer and surgery may limit home response. The severe neurovascular deficit associated with prostatectomy neither limits the efficacy of transurethral alprostadil nor increases the risks.  相似文献   

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