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Lim H  Schultz DG  Yu C  Hanley L 《Analytical chemistry》1999,71(13):2307-2317
Relative dissociation energies (RDEs) are obtained for the major fragment ions produced by electrospray ionization/surface-induced dissociation of singly protonated triglycine, tetraglycine, leucine enkephalin, and leucine enkephalin arginine. A previously described data analysis method (Lim, H.; et al. J. Phys. Chem. B 1998, 102, 4753) is employed to analyze the energy-resolved mass spectra by subtracting out the distribution of energy transferred to the surface, integrating over the distribution of the incident ion energy, and taking into account the precursor ion initial internal energy and kinetic energy distributions. These variables are optimized by anchoring the RDE for the lowest energy fragment of a given precursor ion to its literature values and then using these optimized parameters to obtain the other RDEs. The RDEs of the four major fragments of triglycine vary from 2.4 eV for the b(2) fragment ion to 6.0 eV for the a(2) ion. The RDEs of the four major fragments of tetraglycine vary from 3.2 eV for the y(2) ion to 5.7 eV for the a(2) ion. The leucine enkephalin RDEs range from 1.1 eV for the b(4) ion to 2.1 eV for the b(2) ion. The leucine enkephalin arginine RDEs all lay between 2.5 and 3.5 eV. The overall trend of fragmentation order for all peptides is (y(n), b(n)) < a(n) and is consistent with the results from other experiments. The peptide RDEs presented here are only as accurate as the literature values to which they are anchored. Determination of absolute dissociation energies from SID data will require further refinement of the data analysis method.  相似文献   

A novel in-line surface-induced dissociation (SID) device was designed and implemented in a commercial QTOF instrument (Waters/Micromass QTOF II). This new setup allows efficient SID for a broad range of molecules. It also allows direct comparison with conventional collision-induced dissociation (CID) on the same instrument, taking advantage of the characteristics of QTOF instrumentation, including extended mass range, improved sensitivity, and better resolution compared with quadrupole analyzers and ion traps. Various peptides and a noncovalent protein complex have been electrosprayed and analyzed with the new SID setup. Here we present SID of leucine enkephalin, fibrinopeptide A, melittin, insulin chain-B, and a noncovalent protein complex from wheat, heat shock protein 16.9. The SID spectra were also compared to CID spectra. With the SID setup installed, ion transmission proved to be efficient. SID fragmentation patterns of peptides are, in general, similar to CID, with differences in the relative intensities of some peaks such as immonium ions, backbone cleavage b- versus y-type ions, and y- versus y-NH3 ions, suggesting enhanced accessibility to high-energy/secondary fragmentation channels with SID. Furthermore, these results demonstrate that the in-line SID setup is a valid substitute for CID, with potential advantages for activation of singly/multiply charged peptides and larger species such as noncovalent protein complexes.  相似文献   

Peptide sequencing by surface-induced dissociation (SID) on a MALDI-ion mobility-orthogonal TOF mass spectrometer is demonstrated. SID of approximately 100-fmol amounts of model peptides HLGLAR (m/z 666.8), gramicidin S (m/z 1142.5), and bovine insulin b chain (m/z 3495.5) was accomplished using hydrocarbon-coated gold grids and approximately 20-eV collision energies. The current version of the instrument achieves a mobility resolution of approximately 20 and TOF mass resolution better than 200. Peptide sequences of four peptides from a tryptic digest of cytochrome c (approximately 1 pmol deposited) were obtained. The advantage of IM-SID-o-TOF-MS is that a single experiment can be used to simultaneously measure the molecular weights of the tryptic peptide fragments (e.g., peptide mass mapping) and partial sequence analysis, (e.g., real-time tandem mass spectrometry.)  相似文献   

Enhanced gas-phase cleavage of peptides adjacent to histidine was investigated. The peptides examined were angiotensins III (RVYIHPF) and IV (VYIHPF) as well as synthetic peptide analogues with altered key residues ((R)VYI-X-Z-F; X = F or H and Z = A, P, or Sar) or a fixed charge M3P(+)CH(2)C(O)-VYIHPF. While all singly protonated peptide ions containing both histidine and arginine fragment nonselectively, the doubly protonated peptide ions with arginine and histidine, and the singly protonated peptides containing histidine but not arginine, cleave in a selective manner. In particular, dominant complementary b+/y+ product ions resulting from cleavage between the HP amide bond are observed. For the fixed-charge derivative, selective cleavage occurs only if a proton is added to produce a doubly charged precursor. The results are consistent with involvement of a protonated histidine in the selective cleavage. The ratio of b+/y+ is determined by the identity of the residue C-terminal to histidine and by the ability of protonated histidine to transfer a proton to the C-terminal leaving fragment. This was probed further by systematically changing the residue C-terminal to histidine and by alkylating histidine. The results indicate that while b+/y+ complementary ion pairs dominate in doubly protonated RVYIHPF, b5(2+) and b6(2+) product ions dominate the spectra of doubly protonated RVYIHAF. Also, dominant b5(2+) product ions are observed when the histidine side chain is alkylated (H) in doubly protonated RVYIHPF. Based on all of the results, a selective fragmentation mechanism for enhanced cleavage at histidine involving an atypical b ion structure is proposed.  相似文献   

A new Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (FTICR MS) has been constructed in our laboratory. The instrument employs surface-induced dissociation (SID) as an activation method for obtaining structural information on biomolecules in the gas phase. Tandem SID mass spectra can be acquired using either a continuous or a pulsed mode of operation. Collision energy of precursor ion is controlled by a dc offset of the ICR cell. This approach eliminates defocusing of the ion beam by the ion-transfer optics as a function of ion kinetic energy and constitutes a significant improvement over our previous experimental setup. Furthermore, it can be easily implemented on any FTICR mass spectrometer. Very high signal-to-noise ratios of 200-500 were obtained in single-scan SID mass spectra of model peptides with acquisition time less than 1.1 s. Reasonable SID signal was detected in single-scan spectra with total acquisition time of only 0.3 s. The high signal-to-noise ratio and the fast acquisition time point on a potential application of SID for high-throughput studies in FTICR MS.  相似文献   

A custom in-line surface-induced dissociation (SID) device has been incorporated into a commercial ion mobility quadrupole/time-of-flight mass spectrometer in order to provide an alternative and potentially more informative activation method than the commonly used collision-induced dissociation (CID). Complicated sample mixtures can be fractionated by ion mobility (IM) and then dissociated by CID or SID for further structural analysis. Interpretation of SID spectra for cesium iodide clusters was greatly simplified with IM prior to dissociation because products originating from different precursors and overlapping in m/z but separated in drift time can be examined individually. Multiple conformations of two protein complexes, source-activated transthyretin tetramer and nativelike serum amyloid P decamer, were separated in ion mobility and subjected to CID and SID. CID spectra of the mobility separated conformations are similar. However, drastic differences can be observed for SID spectra of different conformations, implying different structures in the gas phase. This work highlights the potential of utilizing IM-SID to study quaternary structures of protein complexes and provides information that is complementary to our recently reported SID-IM approach.  相似文献   

The beam-type and ion trap collision-induced dissociation (CID) behaviors of protonated bovine ubiquitin ions were studied for charge states ranging from +6 to +12 on a modified triple quadrupole/linear ion trap tandem mass spectrometer. Both beam-type CID and ion trap CID were conducted in a high-pressure linear ion trap, followed by proton-transfer ion/ion reactions to reduce the charge states of product ions mostly to +1. The product ions observed under each activation condition were predominantly b- and y-type ions. Fragmentation patterns showed a much stronger dependence on parent ion charge state with ion trap CID than with beam-type CID using nitrogen as the collision gas, with preferential cleavages C-terminal to aspartic acid at relatively low charge states, nonspecific fragmentation at moderate charge states, and favored cleavages N-terminal to proline residues at high charge states. In the beam-type CID case, extensive cleavage along the protein backbone was noted, which yielded richer sequence information (77% of backbone amide bond cleavages) than did ion trap CID (52% of backbone amide bond cleavages). Collision gas identity and collision energy were also evaluated in terms of their effects on the beam-type CID spectrum. The use of helium as collision gas, as opposed to nitrogen, resulted in CID behavior that was sensitive to changes in collision energy. At low collision energies, the beam-type CID data resembled the ion trap CID data with preferential cleavages predominant, while at high collision energies, nonspecific fragmentation was observed with increased contributions from sequential fragmentation.  相似文献   

Electron-transfer dissociation (ETD) delivers the unique attributes of electron capture dissociation to mass spectrometers that utilize radio frequency trapping-type devices (e.g., quadrupole ion traps). The method has generated significant interest because of its compatibility with chromatography and its ability to: (1) preserve traditionally labile post-translational modifications (PTMs) and (2) randomly cleave the backbone bonds of highly charged peptide and protein precursor ions. ETD, however, has shown limited applicability to doubly protonated peptide precursors, [M + 2H]2+, the charge and type of peptide most frequently encountered in "bottom-up" proteomics. Here we describe a supplemental collisional activation (CAD) method that targets the nondissociated (intact) electron-transfer (ET) product species ([M + 2H]+*) to improve ETD efficiency for doubly protonated peptides (ETcaD). A systematic study of supplementary activation conditions revealed that low-energy CAD of the ET product population leads to the near-exclusive generation of c- and z-type fragment ions with relatively high efficiency (77 +/- 8%). Compared to those formed directly via ETD, the fragment ions were found to comprise increased relative amounts of the odd-electron c-type ions (c+*) and the even-electron z-type ions (z+). A large-scale analysis of 755 doubly charged tryptic peptides was conducted to compare the method (ETcaD) to ion trap CAD and ETD. ETcaD produced a median sequence coverage of 89%-a significant improvement over ETD (63%) and ion trap CAD (77%).  相似文献   

Prediction of low-energy collision-induced dissociation spectra of peptides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zhang Z 《Analytical chemistry》2004,76(14):3908-3922
A kinetic model, based on the "mobile proton" model of peptide fragmentation, was developed to quantitatively simulate the low-energy collision-induced dissociation (CID) spectra of peptides dissociated in a quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer. The model includes most fragmentation pathways described in the literature, plus some additional pathways based on the author's observations. The model was trained by optimizing parameters within the model for predictions of CID spectra of known peptides. A best set of parameters was optimized to obtain best match between the simulated spectra and the experimental spectra in a training data set. The performance of the mathematical model and the associated optimized parameter set used in the CID spectra simulation was evaluated by generating predictions for a large number of known peptides, which were not included in the training data set. It was shown that the model is able to predict peptide CID spectra with reasonable accuracy in fragment ion intensities for both singly and doubly charged peptide parent ions up to 2000 u in mass. The optimized parameter set was evaluated to gain insight into the collision-induced peptide fragmentation process.  相似文献   

The development of methods to chemically modify and isolate cysteinyl-residue-containing peptides (Cys-peptides) for LC-MS/MS analysis has generated considerable interest in the field of proteomics. Methods using isotope-coded affinity tags (ICAT) and (+)-biotinyl-iodoacetamidyl-3,6-dioxaoctanediamine (iodoacetyl-PEO-biotin) employ similar Cys-modifying reagents that contain a thiolate-specific biotin group to modify and isolate Cys-containing peptides in conjunction with immobilized avidin. For these strategies to be effective on a proteome-wide level, the presence of the ICAT or acetyl-PEO-biotin tag should not interfere with the efficiency of induced dissociation in MS/MS experiments or with the identification of the modified Cys-peptides by automated database searching algorithms. We have compared the collision-induced dissociation (CID) fragmentation patterns of peptides labeled with iodoacetyl-PEO-biotin and the ICAT reagent to those of the unmodified peptides. CID of Cys-peptides modified with either reagent resulted in the formation of ions attributed to the modified Cys-peptides as well as those unique to the labeling reagent. As demonstrated by analyzing acetyl-PEO-biotin labeled peptides from ribonuclease A and the ICAT-labeled proteome of Deinococcus radiodurans, the presence of these label-specific product ions provides a useful identifier to discern whether a peptide has been modified with the Cys-specific reagent, especially when a number of peptides analyzed using these methods do not contain a modified Cys residue, and to differentiate identical Cys-peptides labeled with either ICAT-d0 or ICAT-d8.  相似文献   

In this study, the electron-transfer dissociation (ETD) behavior of cations derived from 27 different peptides (22 of which are tryptic peptides) has been studied in a 3D quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer. Ion/ion reactions between peptide cations and nitrobenzene anions have been examined at both room temperature and in an elevated temperature bath gas environment to form ETD product ions. From the peptides studied, the ETD sequence coverage tends to be inversely related to peptide size. At room temperature, very high sequence coverage (approximately 100%) was observed for small peptides (< or =7 amino acids). For medium-sized peptides composed of 8-11 amino acids, the average sequence coverage was 46%. Larger peptides with 14 or more amino acids yielded an average sequence coverage of 23%. Elevated-temperature ETD provided increased sequence coverage over room-temperature experiments for the peptides of greater than 7 residues, giving an average of 67% for medium-sized peptides and 63% for larger peptides. Percent ETD, a measure of the extent of electron transfer, has also been calculated for the peptides and also shows an inverse relation with peptide size. Bath gas temperature does not have a consistent effect on percent ETD, however. For the tryptic peptides, fragmentation is localized at the ends of the peptides suggesting that the distribution of charge within the peptide may play an important role in determining fragmentation sites. A triply protonated peptide has also been studied and shows behavior similar to the doubly charged peptides. These preliminary results suggest that for a given charge state there is a maximum size for which high sequence coverage is obtained and that increasing the bath gas temperature can increase this maximum.  相似文献   

The use of ion/molecule reactions involving multiply protonated ions derived from electrospray for the determination of the charges of product ions formed from collision-induced dissociation is described. The experiments are carried out with a quadrupole ion trap capable of multiple stages of mass spectrometry. The approach is illustrated with proton transfer from a product ion from quadruply protonated melittin, and from a product ion from the (M + 20H)20+ ion from horse myoglobin, to 1,6-diaminohexane. The major product ion from quadruply protonated bovine insulin is used to illustrate the use of a clustering reaction with 1,6-diaminohexane. The ion trap is shown to be a particularly useful tool for employing both collisional activation and low-energy ion/molecule reactions in the same experiment to determine product ion charge.  相似文献   

The coupling of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) to Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR-MS) provides an exceptionally capable platform for peptide analysis, but an important limitation of this approach is the difficulty in obtaining informative tandem mass spectra (MS/MS) of singly protonated peptides. This difficulty is especially pronounced with peptide ions containing basic amino acid residues (for example, tryptic peptides). While such ions can be fragmented in some instrument configurations, most FTICR instruments have comparatively little facility for high-energy fragmentation. Here, a novel MS/MS approach implemented with MALDI-FTICR-MS and specifically intended for enhanced fragmentation of singly protonated peptides is described. The method involves infrared irradiation in concert with the simultaneous application of sustained off-resonance irradiation collision-induced dissociation (SORI-CID). This form of MS/MS, described as a combination of infrared and collisional activation (CIRCA), is shown to provide a greater capacity for dissociation of singly charged model peptide ions as compared to infrared multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD) or SORI-CID alone. Overall, the CIRCA approach is demonstrated to be a feasible technique for accessing useful fragmentation pathways of singly charged peptides, including those harboring basic amino acid residues--a crucial feature in the context of proteomics.  相似文献   

Intermediate pressure matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) source was constructed and interfaced with a 6-T Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (FT-ICR MS) specially configured for surface-induced dissociation (SID) studies. First MALDI-SID results in FT-ICR are presented, demonstrating unique advantages of SID over conventional FT-ICR MS ion activation techniques for structural characterization of singly protonated peptide ions. Specifically, we demonstrate that SID on a diamond surface results in a significantly better sequence coverage for singly protonated peptides than SORI-CID. A combination of two effects contributes to the improved sequence coverage: shattering of peptide ions on surfaces opens up a variety of dissociation channels at collision energies above 40 eV, and second, wide internal energy distribution deposited by collision with a stiff diamond surface provides an efficient mixing between the primary reaction channels that are dominant at low internal energies and extensive fragmentation at high internal excitation that results from shattering. Activation of MALDI-generated ions by collisions with surfaces in FT-ICR MS is a new powerful method for characterization and identification of biomolecules  相似文献   

Electron capture dissociation (ECD) has previously been shown by other research groups to result in greater peptide sequence coverage than other ion dissociation techniques and to localize labile posttranslational modifications. Here, ECD has been achieved for 10-13-mer peptides microelectrosprayed from 10 nM (10 fmol/microL) solutions and for tryptic peptides from a 50 nM unfractionated digest of a 28-kDa protein. Tandem Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectra contain fragment ions corresponding to cleavages at all possible peptide backbone amine bonds, except on the N-terminal side of proline, for substance P and neurotensin. For luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone, all but two expected backbone amine bond cleavages are observed. The tandem FTICR mass spectra of the tryptic peptides contain fragment ions corresponding to cleavages at 6 of 12 (1545.7-Da peptide) and 8 of 21 (2944.5-Da peptide) expected backbone amine bonds. The present sensitivity is 200-2000 times higher than previously reported. These results show promise for ECD as a tool to produce sequence tags for identification of peptides in complex mixtures available only in limited amounts, as in proteomics.  相似文献   

The infrared multiple photon dissociation (IRMPD) spectra of O-glycosylated peptides in the gas phase were studied in the IR scanning range of 5.7-9.5 μm. Fragmentation of protonated and sodiated O-glycopeptides was investigated using electrospray ionization (ESI) Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectrometry (MS) with a free electron laser (FEL). FEL is used in the IRMPD technique as a tunable IR light source. In the IRMPD spectroscopic analysis of the protonated O-glycopeptide, fragment ions of the b/y and B/Y types were observed in the range of 5.7-9.5 μm, corresponding to the cleavage of the backbone in the parent amino acid sequence and glycosyl bonds, whereas the spectra of the sodiated glycopeptide showed major peaks of photoproducts of the B/Y type in the range of 8.4-9.5 μm. The IRMPD spectra of the O-glycopeptides were compared with simulated IR spectra for the structures obtained from the molecular dynamics.  相似文献   

Identification of phosphorylation sites is of interest due to their importance in protein regulation; however, the identification of the exact sites of this modification is not always easily obtained due to the dynamic nature of phosphorylation and the challenges faced during mass spectrometric analysis. Herein we elaborate on our previous communication (Diedrich, J. K.; Julian, R. R. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 12212-12213) describing a novel technique for assignment of phosphorylation in a site-specific and facile manner. Phosphorylation sites are selectively modified through β elimination followed by Michael addition chemistry to install a photolabile group. Photodissociation with 266 nm light yields homolytic cleavage at the modification site, generating a β radical which is poised to fragment the peptide backbone. Dissociation primarily yields d-type ions at the previously phosphorylated residue, allowing facile identification. Radical directed fragmentation also occurs in smaller abundances at neighboring residues. The mechanisms behind this selective radical fragmentation are presented and the utility is discussed. Fragmentation is shown to be independent of charge state allowing analysis of a wide variety of peptide sequences including peptides with multiple phosphorylation sites. A comparison of this technique is made with collision induced dissociation (CID) and electron capture dissociation (ECD) for representative peptides.  相似文献   

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