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采用高压管道速接头进行管道连接代替焊接,能保证防腐层的完整性,解决了管道内防腐补口问题,且现场施工简便,该速接头适用于管径不大于φ114 mm的管道,使用压力25 MPa,试验压力50 MPa.  相似文献   

在管道干线防腐层技术中,三层结构聚乙烯(3PE)防腐层和熔结环氧(FBE)是两种非常成熟并广为应用的技术。而在管道补口防腐层技术中,国内主要采用聚乙烯热收缩带为主,国外补口材料有多种类型,包括液体涂料,熔结环氧粉末和聚烯烃涂层等。管道补口防腐层关系到整条管线的防腐质量,也是导致管道失效的薄弱环节。介绍了国外关于管道补口防腐层的短期和长期性能的评定方法以及无溶剂环氧酚醛124在该评定方法下的产品性能。  相似文献   

耿平 《石油化工建设》2012,34(5):44-45,51
长输管道施工通常在野外进行,江南地区气候潮湿、多雨,与其它干燥、寒冷地区相比,其防腐补口中出现的锈蚀、未粘合等质量缺陷的产生存在一定特殊性。通过对热收缩套补口施工过程的简要介绍,分析了江南地区某长输管道产生防腐补口质量问题的原因,进一步总结了施工质量管理控制要点。  相似文献   

低温管道改性聚脲补口涂料的研制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
介绍了油气长输管道施工补口材料的选用以及优缺点。阐述了低温管道改性聚脲涂料的研制开发以及该涂料在高寒地区管道补口中的优势。  相似文献   

介绍了我国长输管道热收缩带补口技术的应用及其主要失效形式,分析了原因,通过从管口加热方式、热收缩带安装方式、原材料和规范四方面与国外热收缩带补口技术的比较,对国内进行此项技术研究提出建议。  相似文献   

机械补口技术取得了良好的效果,研究与应用该技术对于提高长输管道的施工效率和施工质量具有迫切的需求和重要的现实意义,同时,机械化、智能化、自动化、节能环保是防腐补口技术的主要发展趋势,通过在鄂安沧输气管道工程中的成功应用,在完成技术积累的同时,提升了公司在防腐补口领域的专业技术水平,利于提升公司在该领域的市场竞争力,在未来的市场开发中取得竞争优势。  相似文献   

采用多亚甲基多苯基异氰酸酯、聚醚多元醇、扩链剂或交联剂为原料,研制出了A、R双组分无溶剂喷涂型聚氨酯管道补口涂料。讨论了催化剂对凝胶时间的影响,以及A组分中NCO含量、扩链剂或交联剂对涂层性能的影响,同时还对两组分的贮存稳定性进行了研究。结果表明,A组分中NCO含量增加,涂层硬度提高,综合性能也相对提高,但NCO含量过高,柔韧性降低;二乙醇胺和甘油作为扩链剂或交联剂制得的涂层其综合性能高于1,4-丁二醇;所研制的管道补口涂料具有良好的综合性能,能够满足管道补口防腐要求。  相似文献   

唐山液化天气外输管道工程沿线经过约47km沿海滩涂、虾池等高腐蚀性地区,为保证防腐补口质量,设计采用粘弹体+热收缩压敏带防腐形式。此为国内第一次大面积使用该防腐形式,本文以该工程为例,主要介绍了粘弹体+热收缩压敏带这一新型防腐形式施工技术。  相似文献   

近年来,长输管道工程项目的数量不断增加,但是由于管道施工环境较为恶劣,会受到多种因素的影响,使用寿命较短,工程质量较差。因此本文以某天然气长输管道防腐补口工程为例,详细分析了热收缩带补口和双组份无溶剂环氧涂料补口工艺具体特点,从工艺流程及现场流程、补口段表面预处理、补口段涂敷处理、补口段质量检验等方面入手,具体介绍了热收缩带和双组份无溶剂环氧涂料工艺施工方法和操作要点。  相似文献   

李苍 《广东化工》2016,(14):99-100
以工程的现场施工为基础,对长输管道工程中的防腐补口补伤工作进行了分析,并根据现场的实际情况对相关的技术要求提出了自己的见解;对施工中遇到的问题及采取的相应措施进行了介绍,并提出了切实可行的技术方案。  相似文献   

本文简述了用乳液型压敏胶生产有色OPP胶粘带的过程:探讨了颜料的选择、用量,色胶的配制等问题.  相似文献   

A new shear adhesion tester of a pressure-sensitive adhesive tape is developed, by which the slippage of the tape under shearing force can be measured as accurately as 1 μm or 0.1 μm per digit by the aid of a linear variable differential transformer. When shearing force is exerted on a tape applied on an adherend, two kinds of slippages are expected, that is, the one between the surface of the adhesive and the adherend and the other of the shearing strain of the adhesive. In order to separate the two kinds of slippages, slippage under shearing force and the recovery displacement after removing the force are measured. Analysing the results of measurements it becomes clear that viscoelastic models of Voigt units connected in series are suitable for both of the slippages.  相似文献   

A new shear adhesion tester of a pressure-sensitive adhesive tape is developed, by which the slippage of the tape under shearing force can be measured as accurately as 1 μm or 0.1 μm per digit by the aid of a linear variable differential transformer. When shearing force is exerted on a tape applied on an adherend, two kinds of slippages are expected, that is, the one between the surface of the adhesive and the adherend and the other of the shearing strain of the adhesive. In order to separate the two kinds of slippages, slippage under shearing force and the recovery displacement after removing the force are measured. Analysing the results of measurements it becomes clear that viscoelastic models of Voigt units connected in series are suitable for both of the slippages.  相似文献   

电子电容器用热固化特种压敏胶带研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍以NR和SBS为主要原料的热固化特种压敏胶配方和工艺.设计了前交联和后固化的技术路线.讨论各因素对胶粘剂的影响.给出较佳配方和工艺条件及胶带的制备工艺和应用情况.  相似文献   

本文介绍了米黄色双向拉伸聚丙烯压敏胶带生产中常见的问题,揭示了问题产生的原因,提出了解决问题的方法。  相似文献   

乳液型丙烯酸压敏胶带生产技术的进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以乳液型丙烯酸酯胶粘剂来制造压教胶带,其产量在国内外均日益增加,近来在丙烯酸酯树脂聚合时采用各种共聚,交联,嵌段等工艺或调换乳化剂,改变增粘剂等措施来使乳液颗粒变小,含固量增加,同时胶带制成后持粘力与剥离强度也有改进,乳液型丙烯酸酯压敏胶带的耐水性也随之提高。目前,涂布设备也进行了一系列改进,以提高自动化程度,甚至采取各种新技术,如辐射固化等手段,用来提高产量,降低成本,并预计至本世纪末,丙烯酸酯类胶带将开拓至更多的应用领域。  相似文献   

The factors governing interfacial separation in lightly cross-linked polymer adhesives at low pulling rates as demonstrated by their stringiness phenomenon are investigated.

Cohesive failure and adhesive/substrate interfacial separation of uncross-linked polymer adhesives have been adequately explained. However, in lightly cross-linked polymer adhesives, where cohesive failure cannot occur because there is no viscous flow, there are two regions of interfacial separation at low rate and this phemonenon cannot be readily explained by present viscoelastic theories.

Investigation of the stringiness phenomenon of peeling pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes at constant loads shows that two peeling speeds exist for any peeling load up to the vicinity of 200 g/25 mm. Also it is clear that stringiness structure differs greatly at each peeling speed. The stringiness phenomenon of each of these two regions is analyzed using Miyagi's observation apparatus. These two measurements are then reversed and a comparison shows that the two peeling speeds correspond to each steady peeling region.

This field of investigation, when added to the present viscoelastic property studies, should lead to a new peeling adhesive theory which, in turn, may lead to the development of new high peel force pressure-sensitive adhesives.  相似文献   

辐射交联低温热收缩聚烯烃材料的研制   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张聪 《中国塑料》2001,15(1):45-47
研究了低烟无卤阻燃低温收缩聚烯材料的配方及其产品辐射加工工艺。该热收缩材料收缩温度为90℃,烟密度符合ASTM E662,卤化氢含量性能符合IEC754-1,综合性能符合“Q/CHR-1996”要求。  相似文献   

Silicone pressure-sensitive adhesives were introduced in 1960. They exhibit good properties and are widely used. In this study, the nanofiller montmorillon  相似文献   

压敏胶应用与开发进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
叙述了压敏胶粘剂在国内外的应用情况,着重介绍了橡胶剂,丙烯酸酯和热塑性弹性体压敏胶的研究现状,介绍了国内压敏胶的生产设备技术,指出了国内外的差距并阐述了其发展趋势。  相似文献   

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