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The method of prediction of earthquake by using seismisity (MPES) is to make use of the message of earthquakes (including large, middle, small) in pre-period to predict large earthquake in post-period. Some better methods are presented in this paper which are selected among many means used in our country recent years. These methods are classified into six sets: 1. Method of spatial pattern; 2. Method of time process; 3. Method of seismic sequence; 4. Method of earthquake correlation; 5. Method of parameters of seismic source and medium; 6. Comprehensive method. Prediction effects of each method are evaluated with unique score. The value of each method, scoreR, are generally in a range between 0.3 and 0.6. This value only represents internal consistency, however, the ability of actual prediction belongs to the extensional effect, which is generally lower than the value of internal consistency. If the ability of actual prediction could be evaluated withR = 0.3, the ability of prediction of earthquake by seismicity will be stated as following: If most of earthquakes must be predicted, the warning time needs to take seventy percent of whole time period of prediction; If half earthquakes must be predicted, the warning time needs to take twenty percent of whole time period of prediction. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 239–252, 1993.  相似文献   

Introduction Study of seismicity indexes and prediction methods is an important aspect of earthquake pre-diction research. In recent years, with more and more seismicity indexes being presented and de-veloped, a question is naturally put forward that which ones among so many seismicity indexes are dependent and which ones are independent when they are used to describe seismicity changes. The author studied the correlativities among several non-linear prediction indexes, such as capacity dimens…  相似文献   

This paper introduces the method of support vector machine (SVM) into the field of synthetic earthquake pre-diction, which is a non-linear and complex seismogenic system. As an example, we apply this method to predict the largest annual magnitude for the North China area (30°E-42°E, 108°N-125°N) and the capital region (38°E-41.5°E, 114°N-120°N) on the basis of seismicity parameters and observed precursory data. The corresponding prediction rates for the North China area and the capital region are 64.1% and ...  相似文献   

研究了唐山地震发生前的12年以上h≥33.1km地震的活动特征,得知唐山地震前确实存在中源地震前兆MDE;其最主要的特点是:大地震发生前几年,发生多次h≥60km的中源地震,特别是100km左右或大于100km的中源地震,是可能发生板内大地震的前兆信号。文中还研究了唐山MDE的一些具体特征。  相似文献   

通过对西南地区1970~2001年39组52次6级以上地震及四川部分5级以上地震震例资料的剖析,进一步研究西南地区各类前兆中、短期异常判据和指标;研究西南地区强震孕育前兆异常由中期向短期(临震)过渡、演化的标志和判据并作物理解释;并进行了西南地区前兆短期预测方法及强震短期预测时、空、强指标和判据的研究和西南地区地下流体新观测方法及灵敏测项的研究。  相似文献   

海城地震窗地震活动异常提取及其预报效能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
薛丁  张建业  赵爱萍 《地震学报》2012,34(4):487-493
一个时间序列可以分解为趋势周期(含季节周期)部分和不规则随机部分.趋势周期部分是序列的潜在部分,它反映了增长、下降和周期影响的长期变动规律,具有确定性或可预测性;不规则随机部分包含残差、突然等因素引起的突变量,具有不可预测性.当趋势周期部分被确定后,它可通过计算得到.本文研究了1975年海城Ms7.3地震孕育、发生的断...  相似文献   

Introduction The MS=8.1 earthquake occurred in west of the Kunlun Pass on November 14, 2001. It is the greatest earthquake occurred in China since the last half of the century and is an important event in recent seismic history of China. Some specialists consider that the earthquake occurred in the area where the earthquake monitoring capability is lowest in Chinese mainland; no striking precursory seismicity was found. The study on the precursory seismicity before the earthquake has not b…  相似文献   

以国内外大量研究成果为基础,详细介绍了各种地震预测分析的方法,分析了潮汐力谐振-共振波法、电离地层常规-异常观测法、氢同位素法、GPS法、钻孔应力变化观测法、地应力法、水下异常观测法和电磁异常法等多种方法。明确了未来发展的需要和应关注的重点,对于地球圈中的物理-化学机制还有待进一步的研究;同时对未来地震预测的发展提出了一些建议,研究地震前兆的机理将是未来地震预测方法研究的要点和关键所在。  相似文献   

地磁方法在地震预报中的应用   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
1989 年以来, 我们陆续提出转换函数法, 空间相关和加权差分法, 以及加卸载响应比法等3 种地磁方法, 将其用于200 多个震例分析, 其中有106 个地震作了正式的年度预报, 在97个次危险区预报中, 有15 个地震的时间、地点和震级三要素的预报较为成功。  相似文献   

本文对川滇地区1988年以来30次Ms≥5.0级地震前ML≥3.0级地震活动进行了分析。结果认为,中、强地震前ML≥3.0级地震活动的强度和频度曲线有一个非线性趋势增强的变化过程,曲线上升的非线性增强对整体区域一定时间段内有震、后续地震和无震的判断给出了震前地震活动的中、短期异常信息。  相似文献   

基于一种新颖的液体悬浮式长周期、超低频检测技术,避免电磁信号可能产生的一切干扰,由此研制地震前驱波检测装置及分析软件.提取前驱波信号与实际地震进行比对分析,结果表明,利用该装置及分析软件,对于记录前驱波和地震预测研究较以往有新的收获.  相似文献   

地震前驱波观测与研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
前驱波的研究,可能成为未来地震预测和理论研究的一个突破点。列举了国内外前驱波观测事实,综述了近年来国内地震工作者对前驱波进行的实验和理论研究。  相似文献   

详细叙述了自1966年邢台地震以来,我国地震预报研究与实践的主要进展:建设成了多学科的地震观测系统,为地震预报打下了良好基础;进行了大量震例研究,初步建立了地震预报的判据和指标体系;进行了地震预报理论的实验和研究,提出了多种地震孕育发生模型及前兆机理;通过20多年的5次地震预报攻关研究,形成了数十种地震预报方法;边研究,边预报,几十年来成功地预报了20多次破坏性地震,并取得了减灾实效,使我国地震预报的科学水平居于世界前列。本文还对地震预报尚需解决的科学难题进行探讨。  相似文献   

This paper has introduced the method of self-similarity analysis of time series into the analysis and study of earthquake sequence, and then researched its application in earthquake prediction. As parameter of earthquake time series, we can take the cumulated sum of the numbers of equivalent earthquakesQN*, the numbers of equivalent earthquakeN*, maximum magnitudeM max, average magnitudeQ=ΣN*, and the difference ΔN* between the numbersN* in two adjacent time intervals. The given method may be applied to analysis of long-period seismic sequences in different regions as well as to anlysis of seismic sequence in the aftershock region of strong earthquake. For making quantitative analysis the coefficient of self-similarity of earthquake sequence in order of timeμs was introduced. The results of self-similarity analysis were obtained for the earthquake sequences in North China, West South China, the Capital region of China, and for the East Yamashi region of Japan. They show that in period or half year to several years beforeM⩾7.0 andM⩾6.0 earthquakes occurred in these regions separately, the self-similarity coefficientμs calculated by using the above-mentioned parameters had remarkably anamalous decrease variations. The duration time ofμs anomaly depends on the earthquake magnitude and may be different from different regions. Therefore, the self-similarity coefficient in order of timeμs can be considered as a long-medium term precursory index. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 455–462, 1993.  相似文献   

张桂铭  刘文锋 《中国地震》2013,29(4):528-536
对国内外45 例地震预测预报震例的相关资料与文献进行查证与整理,总结、分析了震例中采用的中长期预测方法、短临前兆异常以及预报结果。研究表明,对地震发生的时间、地点和震级三要素均明确预测的概率较低,且仅为三要素的粗略预测,准确预测地震目前尚难做到。中国在地震预测过程中更注重对短临前兆异常的观测,在震前小震活动异常、地下水化学组分、地下水状态、地磁、地电、地倾斜、地应力应变、电磁波异常、前震平静等前兆预测方法中,根据震前小震活动异常作出临震预测的成功率较高,可作为预测某些类型大震的重要参考指标之一;国外震例大多是对地震进行中长期预测,在中长期预测结果的基础上采取以“防”为主的防震减灾策略,长期预测的理论和方法比中国丰富。  相似文献   

运用云南地区1997~2002年的跨断层短水准短基线资料,研究了姚安Ms6.5、永胜Ms6.0级地震的形变前兆异常特点。以断层运动速率与基准值之比定义异常参数R值,定量分析了云南地区1998~2002年的形变异常及其与区域强震的关系,提出强震预测指标。结果表明,R值出现异常后的3~20个月内,区域内都有6级以上强震发生。  相似文献   

运用地震拟合优度的计算公式,对青海省中东部的6个ME≥6.0地震从震前数年开始进行地震拟合优度计算,发现这6个地震震前一段时间地震拟合优度都有一定程度的下降。再对共和7.1级地震震中附近一定区域内的地震进行拟合优度计算,进而提取震中周边300kmME≥5.8以上地震的中期预报指标。并对这一指标进行预报水平评分。结果表明,这一方法对共和地震震中胤边300km ML≥5.8以上地震的中期预报有一定的应用价值。另外,对拟合优度计算参数的选取进行分析,确定了最优的计算参数。  相似文献   

人工神经网络在地震中期预报中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
王炜  宋先月   《地震》2000,20(1):10-16
将BP神经网络用于地震中期预报。使用一些常用的地震学指标作为神经网络的输入,而将BP神经网络的输出作为表征地震活动增强的特征参数W1,并将其用于华北地区进行空间扫描。结果表明,中强地震前1~3年未来震中周围通常出现明显的W1值中期异常区,该方法具有较好的中期预报效果。  相似文献   

Time accelerating Benioff strain releasebefore the mainshock has been observed inall five cases of strong (M > 6.0) shallowmainshocks, which have occurred during thelast four decades in the area surroundingthe Adriatic Sea. This observation supportsthe idea that strong mainshocks arepreceded by accelerating seismic crustaldeformation due to the generation ofintermediate magnitude shocks (preshocks).It is further shown that the values ofparameters calculated from these datafollow appropriately modified relations,which have previously been proposed asadditional constraints to the criticalearthquake model and to the correspondingmethod of intermediate term earthquakeprediction. Thus, these results show thatthe identification of regions wheretime-accelerating Benioff strain followssuch constraints may lead to usefulinformation concerning the epicenter,magnitude and origin time of oncomingstrong mainshocks in this area. Theprocedure for identification of thetime-acceleration is validated byappropriate application on synthetic butrealistic random catalogues. Largerdimension of critical regions in Adriaticcompared to such regions in the Aegean isattributed to an order of magnitude smallerseismic deformation of the crust in theformer in comparison to the latter.  相似文献   

在波谱分析的基础上,对广东地区75个地震的波谱和震源参数进行了研究和探讨,侧重研究了它们与地震强度的关系,初步结果表明:地震波谱和震源参数的震源半径,地震矩,应力降,平均位错,环境剪切应力,它们与地震的震级的相关性十分密切,主要表现在当震级小于ML3.8时,应力降、平均位错、环境剪切应力的对数跟震级呈现明显的正相关,而拐角频率、震源半径则与震级无关;反之,当震级大于ML3.8时,拐角频率、震源半径的对数则与震级又表现出很强的相关性,而应力降、平均位错、环境剪切应力与震级相关性不显著。上述结果说明,用地震波谱和震源参数开展地震预报研究必须十分注意它们与地震强度彼此的相关性问题,否则会对异常的判别造成很大的影响,从而得出错误的结果。  相似文献   

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