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陈静宜 《中国陶瓷》2007,43(7):66-67
著名的景德镇松柴窑,简称镇窑,已属于宝贵的历史文化遗产。其建造、生产过程及烧制的瓷器,正是该文化遗产的具体内容。着重介绍这些概念和内容,说明新建个别小型柴窑,恢复其制瓷烧造,不仅可以产生很大经济效益;对保护景德镇传统陶瓷文化更具有积极的社会价值。  相似文献   

景德镇柴窑火焰外形数学模型的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从柴窑本体结构出发,研究了其火焰外形,建立了柴窑火焰外形数学模型,并将其与实际柴窑外形相拟合,从而在理论上证明了柴窑外形结构的合理性与科学性。  相似文献   

景德镇仿古瓷器的烧制,其根本在于柴窑的"烧成气氛",在一定的氛围中并能根据古陶瓷的胎体原料的配制与陶瓷器物釉料装饰烧成特点,才能有更大程度上的仿古陶瓷之接近的机会。但是不论是现代窑的烧制,还是仿古瓷的柴窑烧制还是要追寻本质的特征与特点,并不断的探究两者的内在关系,才能"仿古"而不"泥古"。  相似文献   

刘涛 《景德镇陶瓷》1994,4(2):45-47

瓷器之成,窑火是赖。柴窑关联文化遗产是景德镇陶瓷文化遗产中最为重要的一部分。然而,长期以来,这类文化遗产保护工作中,存在着传承人后继乏人、割裂式保护、科学研究不足,保护性破坏等诸多问题,本文根据《国务院关于加强文化遗产保护的通知》精神,对景德镇传统柴窑关联文化遗产进行了分类,并就保护工作中存在的问题提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

路志遥 《陶瓷》2024,(3):100-102
柴窑在中国已经有了数千年的历史,是古代中国人智慧的结晶。随着人们频繁的陶瓷实践与科技的发展,柴窑的烧成技术也随之不断进步。五代十国时期就有柴窑的记载,随后宋代龙窑,明代狮子窑,清代镇窑,再到日本现代日下部正和的高效无烟柴窑。柴窑不断小型化,烧成温度不断升高,对木柴燃料的使用也是逐渐高效化。笔者主要讲述以日本高效无烟柴窑为基础发展而来的迷你柴窑。  相似文献   

柴窑,是一种以木柴为燃料的陶瓷烧成工艺,在电窑和气窑占据了大半个烧成工艺的今天,现代柴窑工艺像是一股清流,有着古拙和淳朴之美,它是在传统柴烧的基础上继承和发展起来的.本文通过对景德镇柴窑的研究,从工艺之美、装饰之美等多角度分析现代柴窑工艺自身优势,它不仅丰富了陶瓷艺术语言,还有利于实现传统烧制工艺的传承和把传统工艺和现...  相似文献   

柴窑不是“仙器”!归纳历代对柴窑的评价.受历史条件和生产工具的制约柴窑产品应有的特征。钧窑、汝窑发展了柴窑的制瓷技术。汴京官窑当与柴窑是同一窑址.这是因宋徽宗“崇古尊古”性格所决定的!  相似文献   

刻划花工艺在五代至宋的发展由简到繁,由繁到简,每种方法都有一定历史时期扮演了不同角色,满足了人们不同审美需求的同时也体现出古人源源不断的创新意识。  相似文献   

陈述了我国玻璃行业在近几十年对玻璃熔制设备的名称产生岐义的来龙去脉。根据汉字的本义和专业英文辞典的对应译文,作者认为玻璃熔制设备用"炉"比用"窑"更为更理。  相似文献   

<正>引言景德镇是世界闻名的瓷都,从元初至清末,历朝皇室皆指定景德镇御窑厂制作宫廷日用陶瓷,历朝达官贵人们也以拥有景德镇官窑生产的日用瓷为荣,景德镇的日用瓷在历史上曾有过一段巅峰时期,声誉响彻海内外,一直受到皇室和  相似文献   

从民窑和官窑的制度关系着手,分析景德镇窑业制度的发展历程.传统景德镇陶瓷生产包括官窑和民窑两大体系,景德镇陶瓷业发端于民窑,成熟于官窑,官窑又进一步促进民窑的发展,到了明清时期形成了官窑和民窑共同发展的局面.民窑制度是规范窑业社会成员的行为准则,其目的是为了民窑业稳定有序;而官窑制度是政府对窑业的关注和管理方法及其手段.民窑制度是官窑制度的基础,而官窑制度在民窑制度的基础上深入而严格.两者相互学习,相互促进,进而清朝形成“官民竞市”的现象.  相似文献   

提高辊道窑助燃风温度的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢炳豪  罗汉国 《佛山陶瓷》2007,17(11):11-14
本文分析了辊道窑热能利用方面的不足,并主要从直接抽取冷却带热风混合入助燃风、通过换热器转换窑炉排烟热量、通过窑炉冷却带辊棒上下的换热器来加热助燃风三种方式探讨了提高助燃风温度的可行性,还以实际应用数据论证了节能效果。最后提出使用专用的高温助燃风烧嘴和改善窑炉设计、改造对提高窑炉助燃风温度的不可或缺。  相似文献   

清代景德镇御窑厂追求完美的精品意识、严格的管理制度、精致化的分工与协作以及创新理念等,促进了陶瓷艺术的大发展和制瓷技术大飞跃,成为我国古代陶瓷生产的顶峰。本文选取景德镇御窑厂生产体制为研究对象,从设计、资金来源、管理人员、陶匠以及产品检验等方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

浅析明代景德镇民窑青花   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
明代景德镇民窑青花是我国传统陶瓷艺术的一朵奇葩,其民间的图式、题材和行云流水的笔法,给人留下无限暇想的空间。本文通过分析历代青花的演变、重点阐释明代民窑青花的形成、题材、装饰风格,以及与其他艺术的关系。  相似文献   

Theoretical investigation of the physical process of solar drying of timber based on conventional heat and mass transfer equations is presented. The governing equations and boundary conditions of the mass diffusion through the wood timbers are derived; also the governing equations of the components of the solar kiln are presented. The finite difference technique is used to solve the set of these equations by means of a simulation program that is based on object-oriented approach. The simulation program is used to investigate the effect of several design parameters on the drying rate and duration of the wood timbers in order to accomplish the drying process with minimal drying defects. These parameters include the ventilation conditions that control the drying schedule inside the solar kiln, wood volume as a ratio to the solar kiln absorber area, wood timber thickness, season of drying, the drying air velocity, and the stresses that formed on the timber boards due to drying with these several parameters, leading to derive the limit of damage for a selected local wood type. The selected local wood type is Casuarina, which is common in Egypt, and it is commonly used in many simple industries.  相似文献   

《Drying Technology》2013,31(4):677-701

Theoretical investigation of the physical process of solar drying of timber based on conventional heat and mass transfer equations is presented. The governing equations and boundary conditions of the mass diffusion through the wood timbers are derived; also the governing equations of the components of the solar kiln are presented. The finite difference technique is used to solve the set of these equations by means of a simulation program that is based on object-oriented approach. The simulation program is used to investigate the effect of several design parameters on the drying rate and duration of the wood timbers in order to accomplish the drying process with minimal drying defects. These parameters include the ventilation conditions that control the drying schedule inside the solar kiln, wood volume as a ratio to the solar kiln absorber area, wood timber thickness, season of drying, the drying air velocity, and the stresses that formed on the timber boards due to drying with these several parameters, leading to derive the limit of damage for a selected local wood type. The selected local wood type is Casuarina, which is common in Egypt, and it is commonly used in many simple industries.  相似文献   

随着温度的升高,钢筋混凝土结构各项性能将会发生明显编号,混凝土会因高温作用而爆裂,钢筋强度会显著降低,结构变形明显增大。通过对四组C25混凝土试块进行的高温试验,然后冷却到常温后2h后进行抗压强度试验。对有、无防火涂层的混凝土试块进行高温试验,结果表明防火涂层对混凝土具有明显的保护作用。因此对重要建筑物结构在高温环境中防火涂层的作用进行研究是非常重要的。  相似文献   

Semi-greenhouse solar dryer was designed and constructed in the Solar Energy Department, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt. It consists of steel frame structure and all the sides were insulated and covered by galvanized iron sheet. The roof faces south with a tilt angle of 30° and covered by glass sheets. Corrugated iron sheets, painted black on the top, were fixed beneath the glass roof as an absorber. The humidity inside the solar kiln is controlled by inlet vent at south wall and two outlet vents at north wall. Data Capture System was designed to ease the measurements and to capture the measured data automatically and continuously for 24 h a day. The selected local wood type is Casuarina, which is common in Egypt, and it is commonly used in many simple industries. The experimental results with this type of wood show considerable agreements with the simulated ones. A comparison was made between experimental results of solar wood drying and traditional air-drying. The results show that timber boards were dried inside solar kiln to moisture content of 12% within 17 days, where air dying moisture content was limited to 20% for the same period.  相似文献   

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