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维管形成层是植物的次生分生组织,它的活动促进植物侧向生长。近年来,大量研究成果加深了对维管形成层的了解,但与顶端分生组织相比,对维管形成层还是知之甚少。遗传与分子生物学研究发现,形成层的增殖与分化受多因素调控,包括长距离激素信号、短距离肽信号及两者之间的相互作用。除此之外,各种转录因子和microRNAs在维管形成层活动的调控过程中也发挥着关键作用。本文主要阐述了维管形成层发育及调控其增殖分化的新发现,并且对该领域目前的研究现状以及未来研究的重点方向进行了总结与展望。  相似文献   

本刊讯 《遗传》2014,(5):475-502
正顶端弯钩的形成对于幼苗的成功出土至关重要,顶端弯钩形成缺陷突变体(如hookless1突变体,hls1)不能从土壤中出土见光生长,因此难以存活。过去研究发现,植物激素在调控顶端弯钩形成的过程中发挥重要作用,其中乙烯通过稳定其信号通路核心转录因子EIN3/EIL1进而促进顶端弯钩形成,而茉莉素抑制顶端弯钩形成并拮抗乙烯的促进  相似文献   

植物肽类信号分子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来研究表明植物中也存在着肽类信号分子,类似于动物的肽激素。目前可分成三类:即EN-OD40、植物硫动蛋白(phytosulfokine)和系统素。ENOD40影响着细胞分裂,可能是参与控制了细胞对生长素的反应所致。植物硫动蛋白最初从芦笋叶肉细胞培养中分离,是一种减数分裂诱导因子,为细胞增殖必需,但具体机制还不清楚。系统素的研究较为深入,巳提出了它所激发的植物伤诱信号传导过程和模型。  相似文献   

采用Illumina HiSeqTM2500高通量测序技术,获得泡桐维管形成层及木质部区组织转录组的109021918条clean reads(16.35 Gb)。将clean reads从头组装得到104432个单基因簇(Unigene),平均长度662 nt。将组装得到的Unigenes与公共数据库进行序列比对,分别有40789(Nr:39.05%)、31675(NT:30.33%)、15539(COG:14.87%)、29168(GO:27.93%)、16316(KEGG:15.62%)、30499(SwissProt:29.20%)以及28828(Pfam:27.6%)个Unigenes获得功能注释。通过与GO数据库的比对分析,注释的29168个Unigenes归于生物过程、细胞组分及分子功能三大类的55个功能组;15539条Unigenes注释到COG数据库,被分为25个类别中;基于KEGG数据库可将16316个Unigenes归于130个代谢途径。此外,在泡桐的维管形成层及木质部区转录组中共检测出16118个简单序列重复(SSR)位点。为进一步挖掘泡桐重要功能基因提供了大量数据。  相似文献   

DREB是植物中重要的转录因子,调控一系列非生物胁迫相关基因的表达,增强植物抵抗环境胁迫的能力.同时,当植物受到逆境胁迫时,植物体内的酶和激素都会发生变化,从而影响一系列的生理活动或生化变化来产生抵御胁迫的适应能力.近些年来,研究者们发现DREB与植物激素之间关系密切,从植物激素角度入手研究DREB的功能逐渐成为热点.就逆境胁迫下DREB转录因子与激素之间的相互作用进行阐述.  相似文献   

Squamosa promoterbinding proteinlike genes (SPLs)在植物发育过程中具有重要作用。很多SPLs被miR156调节,然而,对于它们在植物中的系统分布和进化模式还知之甚少。本文对9个测序物种(藻类,苔藓,石松,单子叶和双子叶植物)的183个SPLs进行了生物信息学分析。结果表明miR156应答元件(MREs)仅在陆生植物SPLs中发现,藻类中不存在。系统进化分析显示陆生植物SPLs分为两大分支:group I和group II。 MiR156靶基因仅分布于group II,表明它们有着共同的祖先。Group II进一步分为7个亚支(IIaIIg),miR156靶基因分布在除IId外的其余6个亚支的特定SPLs。系统分类与基因结构的相关性反映了SPL靶基因结构上的变化。在进化过程中,它们可能发生外显子的丢失且伴随MRE的丢失。另外,基因重复对SPL靶基因的丰度变化影响很大,尤其是被子植物与低等植物分歧后它们数量明显增加。以拟南芥为模式植物分析发现串联重复和片段重复是SPL靶基因扩张的主要机制。  相似文献   

Squamosa promoter binding protein like genes (SPLs)在植物发育过程中具有重要作用。很多SPLs被miR156调节,然而,对于它们在植物中的系统分布和进化模式还知之甚少。本文对9个测序物种(藻类,苔藓,石松,单子叶和双子叶植物)的183个SPLs进行了生物信息学分析。结果表明miR156应答元件(MREs)仅在陆生植物SPLs中发现,藻类中不存在。系统进化分析显示陆生植物SPLs分为两大分支:group I和group II。 MiR156靶基因仅分布于group II,表明它们有着共同的祖先。Group II进一步分为7个亚支(IIa IIg),miR156靶基因分布在除IId外的其余6个亚支的特定SPLs。系统分类与基因结构的相关性反映了SPL靶基因结构上的变化。在进化过程中,它们可能发生外显子的丢失且伴随MRE的丢失。另外,基因重复对SPL靶基因的丰度变化影响很大,尤其是被子植物与低等植物分歧后它们数量明显增加。以拟南芥为模式植物分析发现串联重复和片段重复是SPL靶基因扩张的主要机制。  相似文献   

植物侧枝的发育在植物形态建成中具有十分重要的地位,侧枝的形态直接影响植物的产量。侧枝的发育由生长点干细胞持续分裂和分化形成,包括侧生分生组织特化,侧生分生组织起始和侧生分生组织外生。侧枝的发育受到内部生长因子和外部环境信号的共同调节。文中总结了侧枝发育过程中侧生生长点干细胞起源、形成和休眠等过程的基本问题,综述了转录因子、激素、表观遗传、外界环境共同决定侧生分生组织形成和发育中的作用机制,为探讨植物侧枝的形成机理提供参考。  相似文献   

TCP家族作为一类植物特有的转录因子,广泛参与各类群植物多个阶段的生长发育调控.其中Class ⅡTCP转录因子亚家族在植物的叶片发育、侧枝形成及花发育中发挥核心调控功能.TCP转录因子的活性在转录和转录后水平上均受到复杂而严密的调控.同时,TCP转录因子可通过直接结合基因启动子和增强子,或改变染色质结构等多种方式精细...  相似文献   

Modification of external morphology and internal structure of plants is a key feature of their successful survival in extreme habitats. They adapt to arid habitats not only by modifying their leaves, but also show several modifications in their conducting system. Therefore, the present study is aimed to investigate the pattern of secondary growth in Leptadenia pyrotechnica (Forssk.) Decne., (Asclepiadaceae), one such species growing in Kachchh district, an arid region of Gujarat State. A single ring of vascular cambium, responsible for radial growth, divided bidirectionally and formed the secondary xylem centripetally and the phloem centrifugally. After a short period of secondary xylem differentiation, small arcs of cambium began to form secondary phloem centripetally instead of secondary xylem. After a short duration of such secondary phloem formation, these segments of cambium resumed their normal function to produce secondary xylem internally. Thus, the phloem strands became embedded within the secondary xylem and formed interxylary phloem islands. Such a recurrent behavior of the vascular cambium resulted in the formation of several patches of interxylary phloem islands. In thick stems the earlier formed non-conducting interxylary phloem showed heavy accumulation of callose on the sieve plates followed by their crushing in response to the addition of new sieve elements. Development of intraxylary phloem is also observed from the cells situated on the pith margin. As secondary growth progresses further, small arcs of internal cambium get initiated between the protoxylem and intraxylary phloem. In the secondary xylem, some of the vessels are exceptionally thick-walled, which may be associated with dry habitats in order to protect the vessel from collapsing during the dryer part of the year. The inter- and intraxylary phloem may also be an adaptive feature to prevent the sieve elements to become non-conducting during summer when the temperature is much higher.  相似文献   

Abstract: The current view of sulfur nutrition is based on the source‐to‐sink relationship of carbohydrates. SO42‐ reduction is thought to occur mainly in leaves. Surplus reduced sulfur must be transported out of the leaves, loaded into the phloem and transported to other tissues, in particular tissues assumed to be sink organs. However, it has not been proved that tissues which are sinks for carbohydrates are also sink organs for reduced sulfur. It is evident that sinks must communicate with sources, and vice versa, to signal demand and to transport the surplus of reduced sulfur that is produced. The demand‐driven control model of sulfur nutrition proposes that the tripeptide glutathione is the signal which regulates S nutrition of the whole plant at the level of SO42‐ uptake. Acclimatization to environmental changes has been shown to result in several changes in S nutrition of deciduous trees: (i) Drought stress diminished SO42‐ transport into the xylem, although the GSH content in lateral roots remained unaffected, possibly due to an overall reduction in water status. (ii) Flooding decreased APS reductase activity in the anoxic roots. This may be due to enhanced GSH transport to the roots, but it is more likely to be the result of a change in metabolism leading to diminished energy gain in the roots. (iii) Mycorrhization enhanced the GSH content in the phloem, while SO42‐ uptake was not affected. This clearly goes against the demand‐driven control model. (iv) Under both short‐ and long‐term exposure to elevated pCO2, the APS reductase activity in leaves and lateral roots did not correlate with the GSH contents therein. Therefore, it must be assumed that, under these conditions, regulation of S nutrition goes beyond the demand‐driven control model, and occurs within the network of other nutrient metabolism. (v) Atmospheric S in the form of H2S enhanced the reduced sulfur content of the phloem and lateral roots. Under these conditions, the SO42‐ loaded into the xylem decreased. It would appear that the demand‐driven control model of sulfur nutrition is not always valid in the case of deciduous trees.  相似文献   

Cytokinins, a group of mobile phytohormones, play an important role in plant growth and development, and their activity is finely controlled by environmental factors in the control of morphogenic and metabolic adaptations. Inorganic nitrogen sources, such as nitrate, are a major factor regulating gene expression of adenosine phosphate-isopentenyltransferase (IPT), a key enzyme of cytokinin biosynthesis. Modulation of IPT and macronutrient transporter gene expression in response to nitrate, sulphate and phosphate, and cytokinin-dependent repression of the transporter genes suggest that cytokinins play a critical role in balancing acquisition and distribution of macronutrients. Biased distribution of trans-zeatin (tZ)-type cytokinins in xylem and N(6)-(Delta(2)-isopentenyl)adenine (iP)-type cytokinins in phloem saps suggest that, in addition to acting as local signals, cytokinins communicate acropetal and systemic long-distance signals, and that structural side chain variations mediate different biological messages. The compartmentalization of tZ- and iP-type cytokinins implies the involvement of a selective transport system. Recent studies have raised the possibility of subsets of the purine permease family as a transporter of cytokinin nucleobases and equilibrative nucleoside transporters (ENT) for cytokinin nucleosides. These biochemical and transgenic data suggest that AtENT6, an Arabidopsis ENT, could also participate in cytokinin nucleoside transport with a preference for iP riboside in vascular tissue.  相似文献   

植物果实成熟相关基因的转录调控   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文综述了番茄和苹果的一些果实成熟相关基因启动子的结构和作用特点,以及植物果实相关基因转录调控机制的研究现状。  相似文献   

miRNA是一类在真核生物体内普遍存在的,长度在22 nt左右的单链小RNA分子。大量研究发现,miRNA可广泛参与植物的生长发育、新陈代谢、物质运输、逆境响应及病原防御等多种生理生化过程。目前已经从植物中鉴定到大量的miRNA,但其中参与植物病原调控相关miRNA的研究较少。miRNA作为一种重要的转录调控因子,可参与调控病原相关分子模式触发的免疫反应和效应因子触发的免疫反应。拟南芥中,miRNA393通过靶向生长素受体基因对植物生长素进行负调控,从而在抵御细菌侵染方面发挥作用;水稻中,miRNA528可响应水稻条纹病毒(RSV)的侵染,人为提高miRNA528水平有助于维持水稻对RSV的抗性。阐述了miRNA的作用机制,与植物细菌、真菌和病毒侵染相关的miRNA研究进展,总结了葡萄,苹果,梨和桃等具有重要经济价值果树中病原调控相关miRNA研究情况,旨在为今后miRNA在植物,特别是在果树抗病研究方面提供全面的理论依据。  相似文献   

 以辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)的13年生幼树为材料,分别培养在大气CO2浓度加倍(700μl·L-1)与对照(350μl·L-1)的开顶式熏气室中,研究CO2浓度升高对其茎次生木质部和次生韧皮部结构的影响。结果表明:经CO2浓度加倍处理的两个生长季内,辽东栎的年轮宽度明显增加,为对照的300%~370%,其中晚材宽度的增加更为显著,为对照的750%~830%。另外,晚材中导管的密度和径向直径分别比对照增加50%和20%;木纤维细胞的比例约为对照的170%。但早材的导管分子和木纤维细胞与对照相比均无显著变化。在CO2浓度加倍条件下,辽东栎的次生韧皮部中含晶韧皮薄壁细胞的数目,每条韧皮纤维切向带中韧皮纤维细胞的数目,以及韧皮纤维长度均有显著增加(p≤0.05)。相反地,韧皮纤维细胞的直径和筛管分子长度却无明显变化。值得提出的是,在CO2浓度加倍的条件下,次生韧皮部的宽度、筛管分子的直径、以及每年形成的韧皮部细胞总数分别为对照的82%、87%和80%。综上所述,大气CO2浓度加倍对辽东栎次生木质部的生长发育具明显的正效应,而对次生韧皮部的细胞总数与筛管分子的影响则呈负效应。  相似文献   

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