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The south Solaf zone in SW Sinai comprises a metasedimentary sequence of metagraywackes intercalated with minor metavolcanic sheets, metasiltstones, meta-arenites, and calc–silicates. The metavolcanics (basalt–andesite) show high- to medium-K calc–alkaline nature. They exhibit distinctive Nb-Ta negative anomalies relative to enriched LILE, being highly similar to active continental margin lavas, but they also have the characteristics of rift-related magmatism. Magmas of similar composition are interpreted to be formed in an extensional environment and their source regions are zones of enriched subcontinental lithosphere. The metasediments are poor to moderate sorting, intercalated to the north with minor impure calcareous layers. Geochemical investigation shows that they are immature to semi-mature sediments derived from a source of mafic to felsic composition. These metasediments are chemically similar to the active continental margins and are comparable to the Feiran gneisses and metagraywackes that were deposited before 800 Ma in an extensional environment. The investigated rocks suffered LP-HT amphibolite facies metamorphism. The P-T estimates using various thermobarometric calibrations gave temperatures of 554–610 °C and pressures of 2.2–4.0 kbar.  相似文献   

The Connecticut Valley–Gaspé (CVG) trough represents a major, orogen-scale Silurian–Devonian basin of the Northern Appalachians. From Gaspé Peninsula to southern New England, the CVG trough has experienced a contrasting metamorphic and structural evolution during the Acadian orogeny. Along its strike, the CVG trough is characterized by increasing strain and polyphase structures, and by variations in the intensity of regional metamorphism and contrasting abundance of c. 390–370 Ma granitic intrusions. In southern Quebec and northern Vermont, a series of NW–SE transects across the CVG trough have been studied in order to better understand these along-strike variations. Detailed structural analyses, combined with phase equilibria modelling, Raman spectrometry, and muscovite 40Ar/39Ar dating highlight a progressive and incremental deformation involving south–north variation in the timing of metamorphism. Deformation evolves from a D1 crustal thickening event which originates in Vermont and progresses to southern Québec where it peaked at 0.6 GPa/380°C at c. 375 Ma. This was followed by a D2 event associated with continuous burial in Vermont from 378 to 355 Ma, which produced peak metamorphic conditions of 0.85 GPa/380°C and exhumation in Quebec from 368 to 360 Ma. The D3 compressional exhumation event also evolved from south to north from 345 to 335 Ma. D1 to D3 deformation events form part of a continuum with an along-strike propagation rate of ~50 km/Ma During D1, the burial depth varied by more than 15 km between southern Quebec and Vermont, and this can be attributed to the occurrence of a major crustal indenter, the Bronson Hill Arc massif, in the New England segment of the Acadian collision zone.  相似文献   


The La Tinta mélange is a small but singular ultramafic mélange sheet that crops out in eastern Cuba. It is composed of dolerite-derived amphibolite blocks embedded in a serpentinite matrix. The amphibolite blocks have mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)-like composition showing little if any imprint of subduction zone component, similar to most forearc and MOR basalts worldwide. Relict Cr-spinel and olivine mineral chemistry of the serpentinized ultramafic matrix suggest a forearc position for these rocks. These characteristics, together with a hornblende 40Ar/39Ar age of 123.2 ± 2.2 Ma from one of the amphibolite blocks, suggest that the protoliths of the amphibolite blocks correspond to forearc basalt (FAB)-related rocks that formed during the earlier stage of subduction initiation of the Early Cretaceous Caribbean arc. We propose that the La Tinta amphibolites correspond to fragments of sills and dikes of hypoabyssal rocks formed in the earlier stages of a subduction initiation scenario in the Pacific realm (ca. 136 Ma). The forearc dolerite-derived amphibolites formed by partial melting of upwelling fertile asthenosphere at the beginning of subduction of the Proto-Caribbean (Atlantic) slab, with no interaction with slab-derived fluids/melts. This magmatic episode probably correlates with Early Cretaceous basic rocks described in Hispaniola (Gaspar Hernandez serpentinized peridotite-tectonite). The dikes and sills cooled and metamorphosed due to hydration at low pressure (ca. 3.8 kbar) and medium to high temperature (up to 720ºC) and reached ca. 500ºC at ca. 123 Ma. At this cooling stage, serpentinite formed after hydration of the ultramafic upper mantle. This process might have been favoured by faulting during extension of the forearc, indicating an early stage of dike and sill fragmentation and serpentinite mélanges formation; however, full development of the mélange likely took place during tectonic emplacement (obduction) onto the thrust belt of eastern Cuba during the latest Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Lancang Group within the Changning-Menglian complex belt in the Sanjiang area, Yunnan Province involves many kinds of meta-sediments, including staurolite-kyanite-bearing garnet-mica schist, garnet-mica schist, chloritoid-white mica schist and chlorite-glaucophane-albite schist. Detailed petrographic observation, mineral chemistry analysis and phase equilibrium modelling have shown that these meta-sediments preserve distinctly metamorphic evolutions. The staurolite-kyanite-bearing garnet-mica schist records the decompression and cooling histories related to retrograded metamorphic processes from middle-temperature eclogite facies to amphibolite facies with a peak mineral assemblage of garnet + kyanite + phengite + jadeite formed at the P-T condition of about 19 similar to 30kbar and 600 similar to 750 degrees C. For the garnet-mica schist, the peak metamorphic mineral association constrained by X-Prp and X-Grs in garnet, and Si content in phengite includes garnet + phengite + omphacite + lawsonite + paragonite and the related P-T condition is around 17 similar to 19. 5kbar and 430 similar to 475 degrees C . The chloritoid-white mica schist is characterized by the mineral assemblage of chloritoid + phengite + paragonite + chlorite whereas the peak mineral assemblage includes phengite + paragonite + carpholite. The peak P-T condition defined by Si content in phengite is limited in the range of 17 similar to 19kbar and 300 similar to 330 degrees C. Both garnet-mica schist and chloritoid-white mica schist consistently record heating and decompression processes from lawsonite-blueschist facies to epidote-blueschist facies. Metamorphic reactions and mineralogy of chlorite-glaucophane-albite schist roughly give the P-T condition of 9 similar to 11kbar and 430 similar to 520 degrees C. Studies on the geochemistry of Lancang Group reveal that these meta-sediments show the geochemistry affinity to the continental arc, active continental margin and upper crust sediments. The protoliths are mainly mud rock and sandstone with low maturity and a little of mafic-intermediate volcanic rock. The sediment sources are predominantly intermediate-acid magmatic rocks with old sedimentary contamination to different degree. Tectonic discrimination diagrams show that meta-sediments in the Lancang Group are mainly derived from the continental island arc or active continental margin tectonic setting. Combined with the metamorphism and geochemistry characteristics of these rocks in the Changning-Menglian complex belt, it is therefore inferred that the meta-sediments of Lancang Group display various metamorphic evolutions. Lancang Group are considered to have experienced multi-phase/stage and complex tectonic evolution histories.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(1):309-337
The Trans-Altai Zone in southern Mongolia is characterized by thrusting of greenschist-facies Silurian oceanic rocks over Devonian and Lower Carboniferous volcano-sedimentary sequences, by E–W directed folding affecting the early Carboniferous volcanic rocks, and by the development of N–S trending magmatic fabrics in the Devonian–Carboniferous arc plutons. This structural pattern is interpreted as the result of early Carboniferous thick-skinned E–W directed nappe stacking of oceanic crust associated with syn-compressional emplacement of a magmatic arc. The southernmost South Gobi Zone represents a Proterozoic continental domain affected by shallow crustal greenschist-facies detachments of Ordovician and Devonian cover sequences from the Proterozoic substratum, whereas supracrustal Carboniferous volcanic rocks and Permian sediments were folded into N–S upright folds. This structural pattern implies E–W directed thin-skinned tectonics operating from the late Carboniferous to the Permian, as demonstrated by K–Ar ages ranging from ~ 320 Ma to 257 Ma for clay fractions separated from a variety of rock types. Moreover, the geographical distribution of granitoids combined with their geochemistry and SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages form distinct groups of Carboniferous and Permian age that record typical processes of magma generation and increase in crustal thickness. The field observations combined with clay ages, the geochemical characteristics of the granitoids and their ages imply that the E–W trending zone affected by tectonism migrated southwards, leaving the Trans Altai Zone inactive during the late Carboniferous and Permian, suggesting that the two units were tectonically amalgamated along a major E–W trending strike slip fault zone. This event was related to late Carboniferous subduction that was responsible for the vast volume of granitoid magma emplaced at 300–305 Ma in the South Gobi and at 307–308 Ma in the Trans-Altai Zones. The formation and growth of the crust was initially due only to subduction and accretion processes. During the post-collisional period from 305 to 290 Ma the addition of heat to the crust led to the generation of (per-) alkaline melts. Once amalgamated, these two different crustal domains were affected by N–S compression during the Triassic and early Jurassic (185–173 Ma), resulting in E–W refolding of early thrusts and folds and major shortening of both tectonic zones.  相似文献   

The Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Wandashan accretionary complex (AC) in NE China is a key region for constraining the subduction and accretion of the Palaeo-Pacific Ocean; however, the protoliths and structure of the region remain poorly understood, resulting in debates regarding crustal growth mechanisms and subduction-related accretionary processes in Northeast China. In this contribution, we integrate detailed field observations, ocean plate stratigraphy (OPS) reconstruction, and associated geological data to determine the structure and tectonic evolution of the Wandashan AC. The Wandashan AC formed through the progressive incorporation of OPS units along an oceanic trench. The observed OPS comprises, in ascending order, Permian basalt and limestone, Middle Triassic–Early Jurassic chert, Middle Jurassic siliceous shale and mudstone, and Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous turbidite. Numerous NNE–SSW-striking thrust faults have segmented the OPS into a series of bedding-parallel tectonic slices that were successively thrust over the Jiamusi massif along a basal thrust (the Yuejinshan Fault), producing a large-scale imbricate thrust system. The Wandashan AC underwent oceanward accretion via multiple deformational processes. The OPS units were detached and rearranged along or within a decollement through offscraping, underplating, thrusting, and duplexing. The units were then emplaced over the Jiamusi massif along the basal thrust. The timing of accretion and thrusting is constrained to the latest Middle Jurassic to earliest Early Cretaceous (ca. 167–131 Ma). Reconstructed accretion-related structural lines within the Wandashan AC trend dominantly NE–SW, close to the direction of Jurassic extension at the eastern Asian continental margin. Large-scale left-lateral strike-slip movement on the Dunmi Fault during the late Early Cretaceous resulted in the folding of structural lines within the Wandashan AC, producing their present-day westward-convex orientation.  相似文献   

Late-stage Pan-African granitoids, including monzogranite, syenogranite and alkali granite, were collected from four separate localities in Sinai. They were selected to represent both the calc-alkaline and alkaline suites that have been viewed as forming separate magmatic episodes in the Eastern Desert of Egypt, with the transition to alkali granite at ~ 610 Ma taken to mark the onset of crustal extension. Although intrusive relations were observed in the field, the emplacement ages of the granitoids cannot be distinguished within analytical uncertainty and they all formed within a restricted time span from 579 to 594 Ma. This indicates that the two suites are coeval and that some calc-alkaline rocks were also likely generated during the late extensional phase. These ages are identical to those recently obtained from similar rocks in the North-Eastern Desert, confirming that Sinai is the northern extension of the Eastern Desert Pan-African terrane of Egypt. Rare inherited zircons with ages of ~ 1790 and ~ 740 Ma are present in syenogranite from northeastern Sinai and indicate that older material is present within the basement. A few zircons record younger ages and, although some may reflect later disturbance of the main zircon population, those with ages of ~ 570 and 535 Ma probably reflect thermal events associated with the extensive emplacement of mafic and felsic dykes in both northeastern and southern Sinai.  相似文献   

Asadi  Sina  Moore  Farid 《Mineralogy and Petrology》2017,111(1):145-161
Mineralogy and Petrology - The Bavanat Cu deposit occurs as veins controlled by a NE–trending structure within the Permo–Triassic Surian metamorphic complex (SMC), southwest of Iran....  相似文献   

Petrographic and geochemical studies of peridotites from the South Sandwich forearc region provide new evidence for the evolution of the South Sandwich arc–basin system and for the nature of interactions between arc magma and oceanic lithosphere. Peridotites from the inner trench wall in the north-east corner of the forearc vary from clinopyroxene-bearing harzburgites, through samples transitional between harzburgites and dunites or wehrlites, to dunites. The harzburgites are LREE depleted with low incompatible element abundances and have chromites with intermediate Cr# (ca. 0.40). Modelling shows that they represent the residues from 15–20% melting at oxygen fugacities close to the QFM buffer. The dunites have U-shaped REE patterns, low incompatible element abundances and high Cr# (0.66–0.77). Petrography and geochemistry indicate that the latter are the product of intense interaction between peridotite and melt saturated with olivine under conditions of high oxygen fugacity (QFM + 2). The transitional samples are the product of lesser interaction between peridotite and melt saturated with olivine ± clinopyroxene. The data demonstrate that the harzburgites originated as the residue from melting at a ridge (probably the early East Scotia Sea spreading centre), and were subsequently modified to transitional peridotites and dunites by interaction with South Sandwich arc magmas. The second dredge locality, near the South Sandwich Trench–Fracture Zone intersection, yielded rocks ranging from lherzolite to harzburgite that could similarly have resulted from a two-stage melting and enrichment process, but involving a more fertile mantle residue and a reacting melt that is transitional between MORB and island arc tholeiite. The South Sandwich peridotites have a similar petrogenetic history to those from Conical Seamount in the Mariana forearc in the sense that both involved interaction between arc magma and pre-existing mantle lithosphere of different provenance. However, the precise compositions of the magma and mantle components vary from location to location according to the precise tectonic setting and tectonic history. Overall, therefore, data from the South Sandwich and Izu–Bonin–Mariana systems emphasise the potential significance of peridotite geochemistry in unravelling the complex tectonic histories of forearcs past and present. Received: 31 August 1999 / Accepted: 3 December 1999  相似文献   

Environmental and depositional changes across the Late Cenomanian oceanic anoxic event (OAE2) in the Sinai, Egypt, are examined based on biostratigraphy, mineralogy, δ13C values and phosphorus analyses. Comparison with the Pueblo, Colorado, stratotype section reveals the Whadi El Ghaib section as stratigraphically complete across the late Cenomanian–early Turonian. Foraminifera are dominated by high-stress planktic and benthic assemblages characterized by low diversity, low-oxygen and low-salinity tolerant species, which mark shallow-water oceanic dysoxic conditions during OAE2. Oyster biostromes suggest deposition occurred in less than 50 m depths in low-oxygen, brackish, and nutrient-rich waters. Their demise prior to the peak δ13C excursion is likely due to a rising sea-level. Characteristic OAE2 anoxic conditions reached this coastal region only at the end of the δ13C plateau in deeper waters near the end of the Cenomanian. Increased phosphorus accumulations before and after the δ13C excursion suggest higher oxic conditions and increased detrital input. Bulk-rock and clay mineralogy indicate humid climate conditions, increased continental runoff and a rising sea up to the first δ13C peak. Above this interval, a dryer and seasonally well-contrasted climate with intermittently dry conditions prevailed. These results reveal the globally synchronous δ13C shift, but delayed effects of OAE2 dependent on water depth.  相似文献   

This paper gives a brief review of what I consider as the state of the art regarding the largely accepted data and ideas concerning the Proterozoic to Early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of South China. The South China craton was built by the welding of the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks, with a different previous history giving a different pre-Neoproterozoic basement composition, due to the Jiangnan (Jinning, Sibao) orogeny. This Jiangnan orogeny was a collisional event, induced by the consumption of an intervening oceanic domain by subduction beneath the Yangzte plate. The evolution involved a volcanic arc on the Yangtze active margin, active from ca. 980 Ma to ca. 850 Ma, the subsequent collision beginning at around 870–860 Ma and responsible for the emplacement of thrust sheets of ophiolitic mélange (dated around 1000–900 Ma) and blueschists (900–870 Ma), followed by late- to post-collisional granitic plutonism (840–800 Ma). The newly amalgamated South China craton suffered from rifting, starting around 850 Ma, marked by mafic–ultramafic magmatism until ca. 750 Ma. The Nanhua rift basin evolved with a thick sedimentation in its middle part until the Ordovician. South China was affected by the Early Paleozoic orogeny (mainly Silurian), characterized by a strong quasi-symmetrical intracontinental shortening, involving the sedimentary cover of the rift and its margins as well as the basement, leading to crustal thickening. This crustal thickening induced an important anatexis and emplacement of peraluminous granites during the Silurian. Unlike the Jiangnan orogeny, which was of collisional type, the Early Paleozoic one was a bit similar to a Pyrenean intracontinental type.Some pending problems need further research for clarification, for example: the location and timing of integration of South China within Rodinia, the triggering factor of the Early Paleozoic orogeny, the mapping of the contacts bounding the Lower Paleozoic thrust sheets responsible for the crustal thickening.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》1999,93(2-3):181-199
The Wutai Complex represents the best preserved granite-greenstone terrane in the North China Craton. The complex comprises a sequence of metamorphosed ultramafic to felsic volcanic rocks, variably deformed granitoid rocks, along with lesser amounts of siliciclastic and carbonate rocks and banded iron formations. Petrological evidence from the Wutai amphibolites indicates four metamorphic evolutionary stages. The M1 assemblage is composed of plagioclase+quartz+actinolite+chlorite+epidote+biotite+rutile, preserved as mineral inclusions in garnet porphyroblasts. The metamorphic conditions for this assemblage cannot be quantitatively estimated. The M2 stage is represented by garnet porphyroblasts in a matrix of quartz, plagioclase, amphibole, biotite, rutile and ilmenite. PT conditions for this assemblage have been estimated using the program Tweequ at 10–12 kbar and 600–650°C. The M3 assemblage is shown by amphibole+plagioclase±ilmenite symplectic coronas around embayed garnets and yields PT conditions of 6.0–7.0 kbar and 600–650°C. M4 is represented by chlorite and epidote rimming garnet, chlorite rimming amphibole and epidote replacing plagioclase under greenschist-facies conditions of 400–500°C and relatively lower pressures. Taken together, the qualitative PT estimates from M1 and M4 and the quantitative PT estimates from M2 and M3 define a clockwise PT path for the Wutai amphibolites.The estimated PT path from the four stages suggests that the Wutai Complex underwent initial burial and crustal thickening (M1+M2), subsequent isothermal exhumation (M3), and finally cooling and retrogression (M4). This tectonothermal path, along with those of the Fuping and Hengshan complexes, which bound the southeast and northwest margins, respectively, of the Wutai Complex, is considered to record the early Paleoproterozoic collision between the eastern and western segments of the North China craton.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》2003,193(1-2):81-92
We report Pb–Pb whole rock and uraninite CHemical Th–U–total Pb Isochron MEthod (CHIME) ages of carbonaceous black slates from the Ogcheon metamorphic belt, South Korea. The Pb isotopic data of whole rock samples yield 207Pb/206Pb ages of 283±33 and 291±13 Ma for two outcrops from the northeastern part of the belt. The uraninite CHIME age is estimated at 283±26 and 281±27 Ma for the northeastern and the middle part of the belt, respectively. All of the above ages are identical within error ranges, and represent the timing of peak metamorphism after the late Precambrian intraplate rifting. On the other hand, the 207Pb/206Pb whole rock age for the southwestern part of the belt is estimated at 194±27 Ma, probably representing the timing of contact thermal metamorphism associated with the intrusion of Jurassic granitic plutons. Rb–Sr isotopic data of the black slates do not define any meaningful isochron. The early Permian metamorphic age of this study does not support any tectonic scheme in favor of major tectonometamorphism at either the Silurian–Devonian or the Triassic time. Instead, it corroborates the probability that the two zones in the Ogcheon belt, the Ogcheon metamorphic belt and the Taebaegsan zone, were separated from each other before the development of major structural framework in the former. Our data do not support an idea that the Ogcheon belt corresponds to the continuation of the Triassic collision belt in east central China.  相似文献   

The Katherina ring complex (KRC) in the central part of south Sinai, Egypt, is a typical ring complex of late Neoproterozoic age (605–580 Ma). It was developed during the final tectono-magmatic stage of the north Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS) during evolution of the Pan-African crust. The KRC includes Katherina volcanics, subvolcanic bodies, ring dykes and Katherina granitic pluton. The Katherina volcanics represent the earliest stage of the KRC, which was subsequently followed by emplacement of the subvolcanic bodies and ring dykes. The Katherina granitic pluton depicts as the latest evolution stage of the KRC that intruded all the early formed rock units in the concerned area. The Katherina volcanics are essentially composed of rhyolites, ignimbrite, volcanic breccia and tuffs. Mineralogically, the peralkaline rhyolites contain sodic amphiboles and aegirine. The rhyolite whole rock chemistry has acmite-normative character. The subvolcanic bodies of the KRC are represented by peralkaline microgranite and porphyritic quartz syenite. The ring dykes are semicircular in shape and consist mainly of quartz syenite, quartz trachyte and trachybasalt rock types. The Katherina subvolcanic rocks, volcanic rocks as well as the ring dykes are alkaline or/and peralkaline in nature. The alkaline granitic pluton forms the inner core of the KRC, including the high mountainous areas of G. Abbas Pasha, G. Bab, G. Katherina and G. Musa. These mountains are made up of alkaline syenogranite and alkali feldspar granite. The mantle signature recorded in the KRC indicates a juvenile ANS crust partial melting process for the generation of this system. The evolution of the KRC rocks is mainly dominated by crystal fractionation and crustal contamination. Mineral geothermometry points to the high temperature character of the KRC, up to 700–1100 °C.  相似文献   

We conducted geochemical and isotopic studies on the Oligocene–Miocene Niyasar plutonic suite in the central Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic belt, in order better to understand the magma sources and tectonic implications. The Niyasar plutonic suite comprises early Eocene microdiorite, early Oligocene dioritic sills, and middle Miocene tonalite + quartzdiorite and minor diorite assemblages. All samples show a medium-K calc-alkaline, metaluminous affinity and have similar geochemical features, including strong enrichment of large-ion lithophile elements (LILEs, e.g. Rb, Ba, Sr), enrichment of light rare earth elements (LREEs), and depletion in high field strength elements (HFSEs, e.g. Nb, Ta, Ti, P). The chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns of microdiorite and dioritic sills are slightly fractionated [(La/Yb)n = 1.1–4] and display weak Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.72–1.1). Isotopic data for these mafic mantle-derived rocks display ISr = 0.70604–0.70813, ?Nd (microdiorite: 50 Ma and dioritic sills: 35 Ma, respectively) = +1.6 and ?0.4, TDM = 1.3 Ga, and lead isotopic ratios are (206Pb/204Pb) = 18.62–18.57, (207Pb/204Pb) = 15.61–15.66, and (208Pb/204Pb) = 38.65–38.69. The middle Miocene granitoids (18 Ma) are also characterized by relatively high REE and minor Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.77–0.98) and have uniform initial 87Sr/86Sr (0.7065–0.7082), a range of initial Nd isotopic ratios [?Nd(T)] varying from ?2.3 to ?3.7, and Pb isotopic composition (206Pb/204Pb) = 18.67–18.94, (207Pb/204Pb) = 15.63–15.71, and (208Pb/204Pb) = 38.73–39.01. Geochemical and isotopic evidence for these Eocene–Ologocene mafic rocks suggests that the magmas originated from lithospheric mantle with a large involvement of EMII component during subduction of the Neotethyan ocean slab beneath the Central Iranian plate, and were significantly affected by crustal contamination. Geochemical and isotopic data of the middle Miocene granitoids rule out a purely crustal-derived magma genesis, and suggest a mixed mantle–crustal [MASH (melting, assimilation, storage, and homogenization)] origin in a post-collision extensional setting. Sr–Nd isotope modelling shows that the generation of these magmas involved ~60% to 70% of a lower crustal-derived melt and ~30% to 40% of subcontinental lithospheric mantle. All Niyasar plutons exhibit transitional geochemical features, indicating that involvement of an EMII component in the subcontinental mantle and also continental crust beneath the Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic belt increased from early Eocene to middle Miocene time.  相似文献   

Sub-ophiolitic greenschist facies metamorphic rocks occur at the sole of ophiolite slices and as blocks in the mélange zone beneath the Andaman ophiolite. These are represented by metabasics as actinolite schist to actinolite–chlorite schist and metasediments as garnetiferous quartzo-feldspathic mica–chlorite schist and piemontite quartzite to piemontite bearing quartz–muscovite–chlorite schist to muscovite–quartz-chlorite schist. Actinolite occurs along the schistosity and also as porphyroblasts. Syn to post-tectonic garnet shows no compositional zoning and represent almandine–spessartine solid solution (Alm44–47, Sps23–27, Gros13–17, Pyr9–10). The metabasics are enriched in LILE and depleted in Zr and Y compared to N-MORB.The lithological features suggest that residual heat was the main heat source for greenschist-facies metamorphism. Top part of the subducting slab and overlying trench sediments were metamorphosed and dislocated by the close spaced thrusts in an accretionary prism setting. The field association indicates that metamorphism and the uplift of metamorphic rocks along with ophiolite slices were bracketed in between Cretaceous and Oligocene period. These processes were later than the Pre-Cretaceous emplacement of the ophiolites of Sumatra and Java.  相似文献   

The Alpine chain exposed in the Western Mediterranean area represents a front several kilometres in width, dismembered by more recent tectonics and by opening of the Tyrrhenian Basin. In most exposures of this mountain belt, relics of older metamorphic rocks occur. The deformational sequence of events may be revealed by the recognition of metamorphic records associated with different structures. Within a tract of the Alpine front cropping out in the Peloritani Mountains (NE Sicily), we distinguished two metamorphic complexes characterized by different tectonometamorphic histories. Their present tectonic juxtaposition is a cataclastic thrust linked to the recent Africa-verging Sicilian–Maghrebian fold-and-thrust belt. The Lower Complex is characterized by Hercynian metamorphism (P > 0.2 GPa and T ≈ 350°C) exclusively. It essentially consists of very low-grade metapelites and metavolcanic rocks overlain by an unmetamorphosed sedimentary cover. The Upper Complex, comprising different tectonic slices, consists of medium- to high-grade Hercynian metamorphic rocks (P?=?0.3–0.8 GPa and T up to 650°C) with Alpine metamorphic overprint (T > 250°C) affecting also the Mesozoic–Cenozoic cover. Lithotypes, structures, and inferred PT conditions of investigated rocks suggest the existence of an Alpine accretionary wedge during the Cretaceous deformational collision. Within the Upper Complex, a polyphase Palaeogene mylonitic horizon involving rocks belonging to different tectonic slices fully preserves the tectonometamorphic evolution. For this reason, we focused our attention on these sheared rocks in order to reconstruct the entire tectonic history of this geologically complex area. Our new basic model allows the complex structure of the nappe-pile edifice of the Peloritani Mountains to be simplified, casting new light on the tectonic evolution of this key sector of the southern Calabrian-Peloritani Orogen.  相似文献   

The volcano-sedimentary succession around Wadi Zaghra in Sinai, at the northernmost segment of the Arabian Nubian Shield, comprises volcanic rocks interbedded with rather immature sediments. The succession is dominated by intermediate to silicic volcanics of medium-to high-K calc-alkaline affinity. It is divided into two units, the lower unit includes intermediate rocks and dacites interbedded with graywackes, semi-pelites and pelites and topped by polymict conglomerates. This unit is subjected to folding and regional metamorphism(up to garnet zone) and is intruded by quartz diorite-granodiorite inducing, locally, low-pressure contact thermal metamorphism. The unmetamorphosed upper unit encompasses acid volcanics intercalated with litharenite, sublitharenite and minor arenite. The rhyolites of this unit pertain to the highly fractionated granites and are characterized by an agpaitic index(NK/A) ranging from 0.87 to 0.96. They may reflect either extensive interaction of subduction-related magmas with the continental crust or a change in the tectonic regime. The present lithological and geochemical characteristics of the studied sediments together with available zircon ages indicate rather distal provenance of their detritus. This detritus comprises fluvial-alluvial sediments accumulated in the intermontane basins, which are half-grabens or tilted fault blocks. The tectonic setting of the depositional basins is active continental margin and continental island arcs. Geochemical patterns of the Zaghra volcano-sedimentary succession indicate their correlation with the Dokhan Volcanics-Hammamat Clastics sequence of the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Also, the Zaghra volcanics display geochemical similarities with those exposed in Sinai, at the Rutig, Ferani and Iqna Shar'a areas. The Zaghra succession is dated as Ediacaran but is not related either to the ensimatic island arc assemblage or to the rift-related assemblage formed during the early stages of the break-up of Rodinia as previously thought.  相似文献   

Based on analyses of calcite twins, we constrain the tectonic history of the Paleozoic Sargaz complex within the SE part of the Sanandaj–Sirjan zone (hinterland domain of the Zagros orogen), SE Iran. The mean width of measured calcite twins was 1.97 μm, corresponding to the width of type II twins; variations in twin width with twin density indicate that calcite twinning in the study area occurred at temperatures of between 170 and 200°C. These results support the interpretation that the twins developed at a shallower depth and lower temperature than those of greenschist facies metamorphism recorded in this complex, and that twinning is therefore mainly a late, post-metamorphic deformation process. The c-axis fabrics of the studied samples are monoclinic, consisting of an intense point maximum located slightly anticlockwise of the normal to the shear plane; this asymmetry indicates non-coaxial deformation and a dextral component of shear in the thrust zones. The geometric relationship between stress axes and bedding reveals that the reconstructed stress tensors mainly post-date F1-folding. Compressional stress axes are oriented NE–SW. This compressional stress was probably related to the (oblique) subduction of the Neotethys beneath Central Iran by Middle Triassic–Jurassic times, during the Cimmerian orogeny.  相似文献   

Acta Geochimica - Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of stream sediments collected from 30 stations in the Dahab-Wadi Kid area (southeastern Sinai, Egypt) are presented. The studied...  相似文献   

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