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Electroantennograms (EAGs) were recorded from laboratory-reared, male and female Ceratitis capitata (medfly) in response to individual volatiles identified from ripe nectarines. Uniformity in EAG response between the sexes was observed for most test compounds. Only 10 volatiles, of the 44 nectarine volatiles tested, elicited significantly different EAG responses between the sexes. No correlation was observed between the magnitude of antennal responsiveness and the concentration of a particular volatile in the headspace odor of ripe nectarines. The most abundant (major) nectarine volatiles were among the least EAG stimulatory compounds tested. And certain minor and trace volatiles were the most potent compounds in eliciting EAGs. Moreover, the magnitude of antennal response to a nectarine volatile was related to the functional-group, chain-length, and unsaturation of the compound. The degree of potency of the compounds was as follows: six-carbon unsaturated aldehydes and alcoholsmethyl and ethyl hexanoates and octanoateshexenyl acetates and monoterpenes>shorter chain-length acetates and alcohols>lactones. Unsaturated aldehydes, alcohols, and acetates generally elicited larger EAGs than their saturated analogs, with the (E)-2-isomers being the most potent isomeric configurations. In addition, medfly antennae exhibited long recovery periods (i.e., >10 sec.) for the EAG tracings to return to baseline potential after stimulations with certain classes of compounds, e.g., C6 to C8 acid esters, monoterpenes, and hexen-1-ols. The potential adaptiveness to medflies for selective sensitivity to these volatiles is discussed.  相似文献   

Host-specific development and survival rates were measured and population parameters computed for both a wild and a laboratory strain of the oriental fruit fly (Dacus dorsalis Hendel) in Hawaii. Gross fecundities of the wild and laboratory strains were 241 and 1551 eggs per female, respectively. Egg to eclosion developmental rates were 27 days for the wild strain and 24 days for the laboratory strain. The preovipositional period of the wild strain was 19 days compared to 9 days in the laboratory strain.Differences of this magnitude in fecundity and developmental rates between laboratory and wild strains have not been observed in other recent demographic studies of tephritids. The results suggest that the laboratory strain of the oriental fruit fly may have undergone more intense selection than laboratory strains of the other species.
Résumé Pour deux souches, l'une sauvage, l'autre de laboratoire, de D. dorsalis de Hawaï, les mesures ont porté sur la durée de développement et le taux de survie, les paramètres caractéristiques de la population ont été traités sur ordinateur. Pour les souches sauvage et de laboratoire, les fécondités brutes ont été respectivement de 241 et 1551 oeufs par femelle. Les durées de développement larvaire et nymphal ont été de même de 27 jours pour la souche sauvage et de 24 j pour celle de laboratoire; les périodes de latence avant la ponte ont été de 19 j pour la souche sauvage contre 9 j pour celle de laboratoire.Jamais de telles différences de fécondités et de durées de développement entre souches sauvages et de laboratoire n'avaient été observées lors des études récentes sur des téphritidae. Ces résultats suggèrent que la sélection subie par la souche de laboratoire de D. dorsalis été plus intense que celles subies par d'autres espèces.

Electroantennograms (EAG) were recorded from, and behavior observed of female apple maggot flies, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) (Diptera: Tephritidae), in response to over 60 individual esters. For acetates through decanoates, 2 methylbutyrates, and isobutyrates, we tested homologous series of systematically altered chain lengths. Most of the compounds had been isolated from behaviorally active fractions derived from extracts of volatiles produced by host fruits of R. pomonella. For the acetates through hexanoates, maximum EAG amplitudes were elicited by esters with chain lengths of 9 carbons and for the heptanoates through nonanoates, by 10 carbon esters. Recovery time, or the rate at which the EAG trace returned to the baseline following maximum depolarization, was slowest for straight chain esters that were 9–11 carbons long. Branching of the chain by addition of a methyl group to either side of the ester resulted in a decline in amplitude and a faster recovery time. Compared to EAG results, only 5 esters (butyl and pentyl hexanoate; propyl and butyl heptanoate; propyl octanoate) were highly active in wind tunnel bioassays, demonstrating (1) the hazard of assigning significance to EAG-active compounds without accompanying behavioral data, but more importantly; (2) a high degree of olfactory specificity. Maximum behavioral response was contingent upon the following rules regarding size and structure of the molecule. The ester must (1) be a straight chain; (2) be 10–11 carbons in length; (3) have an acid portion of 6–8 carbons and an alcohol portion of 3–5 carbons. One of the active esters, butyl hexanoate, appears in significant concentrations in the headspace of host fruit and, because this ester elicits such a pronounced behavioral response, our results suggest that R. pomonella is adapted to perception of a compound that is typical of its hosts.
Résumé Les réactions de R. pomonella à plus de 60 esters différents ont été enregistreées par électroantennogrammes (EAG) et par ovservation du comportement. Pour les acétates, avec les décanoates, les 2-méthylbutyrates et les iso butyrates, nous avons examiné des séries homologues de chaînes aux longueurs systématiquement altérées. La plupart de ces composés ont été isolés à partir des fractions actives sur le comportement, issues des extraits des substances volatiles des fruits des plantes hôtes de cette téphritidae. Pour les acétates, avec les hexanoates, les EAG aux plus grandes amplitudes ont été obtenus avec des esters dont la longueur des chaînes est de 9 carbones, et avec les heptanoates et les nonanoates pour les esters à 10 carbones. Le temps de récupération ou temps mis par l'EAG pour revenir à l'ordonnée de départ après dépolarisation maximum, a été plus lent pour les esters à chaînes droites avec 9 à 11 carbones. La ramification de la chaîne par addition d'un groupe méthyl de chaque côté de l'ester a provoqué une réduction de l'amplitude et une accélération de la récupération. 5 esters seuls provoquent une forte réaction dans le tunnel à vent (hexanoates butilique et pentylique, heptanoates propylique et butylique, octanoate propylique). Ceci montre (1) le risque qu'il y a à attribuer une signification aux substances provoquant une réaction en EAG, lorsqu'il n'y a pas d'observations comportementales parallèles, et, surtout; (2) le degré élevé de spécificité olfactive.La résponse comportementale optimale obéit aux règles suivantes concernant la taille et la structure de la molécule. L'ester doit avoir: (1) une chaîne linéaire; (2) 10–11 carbone de longueur; (3) une portion acide de 6 à 8 C et une portion alcool de 3 à 5 C. Le butyl hexanoate, l'un des esters actifs, présent en concentration suffisante près de fruits utilisés, provoque pour cette raison une réponse comportementale tellement marquée, que nos résultats suggèrent que R. pomonella est adapté à la perception des substances caractéristiques de leurs hôtes.

Chromatic cues to trap the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Various colors have been used as visual cues to trap insect pests. For example, yellow traps for monitoring and control of the oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) have been in use for a very long time. However, the chromatic cue of using color traps has never been meticulously investigated. In this study, the spectral sensitivities of the photoreceptors in the compound eyes of B. dorsalis were measured intracellularly, and the theory of receptor quantum catch was applied to study the chromatic cue of fly attracting. Responses to five wavelength categories with peak wavelengths of 370, 380, 490, and 510 nm, and one with dual peaks at 350 and 490 nm were recorded. Based on spectral sensitivities, six colored papers were chosen to test the color preference of the fly, and an additional UV preference test was done to confirm the effect of the UV stimuli. It was concluded that UV and green stimuli (spectra: 300-380 nm and 500-570 nm) would enhance the attractiveness of a colored paper to the oriental fruit fly, and blue stimuli (380-500 nm) would diminish the attractiveness.  相似文献   

Evidence presented indicates that exposure of wild Queensland fruit files, Dacus tryoni (Froggatt), to a given host fruit type (e.g. pear) for 3 days causes females to attempt oviposition to a greater degree in that fruit type than in other fruit types (e.g. tomato, grape). The effects of exposure to a particular fruit type proved reversible, suggesting that D. tryoni females were capable of learning. Females exposed to pear for 3 days appeared to retain the effect of such exposure on acceptance of tomato for up to 4 days but appeared to retain the effect on acceptance of grape for less than 2 days. The possible significance of prior experience of females with a particular fruit type on future ability to discriminate among varying-quality specimens of that type is discussed.
Résumé Les éléments apportés montrent que l'exposition de D. tryoni Froggat à un type de fruit déterminé (par exemple, la poire) pendant 3 jours, conduit la femelle à tenter de pondre à une plus haute fréquence dans ce type de fruit que dans d'autres (par example; tomate ou raisin). Les effects de l'exposition à un type particulier de fruit étant réversibles, ceci suggère que les femelles de D. tryoni sont capables d'apprentissage. Des femelles exposées à des poires pendant 3 jours ont conservé l'effet d'une telle exposition pendant 4 jours en présence de tomates, mais moins de 2 jours en présence de raisin. La discussion porte sur la signification possible de la connaissance antérieure d'un type particulier de fruit sur l'aptitude ultérieure des femelles à distinguer parmi des spécimens de ce type, mais de qualités différentes.

The vapours of certain pure chemicals, typical of ripe fruits, elicited characteristic components of ovipositional behaviour from gravid Dacus tryoni (Froggat) in an olfactometer: the flies walked and flew upwind to the source of the vapour and then probed with their ovipositors. A range of alcohols, acids, ketones and esters having 2–6 carbon atoms were effective (1 and 10% of iso-butyric acid, n-butyric acid, methyl butyrate, ethyl butyrate, 2-butanone, ethyl lactate and ethyl acetate; and 10% concentrations of ethanol and 2-propanone). The most effective were 4–6 carbon acids, esters and ketones. Behavioural threshold for n-butyric acid vapour at 26°C was obtained from a 5×10–3% dilution in paraffin oil; maximum fly response occurred at about 200 times this concentration. Low concentrations of the 15-carbon sesquiterpene, -farnesene, were also very effective, despite its lower volatility. These results suggest that at least three different types of alfactory sensory neurones are involved in the identification of fruit attractants by gravid D. tryoni.  相似文献   

Mature oriental fruit fly females, Dacus dorsalis, from a population cultured on host fruit in the laboratory for one generation responded positively to visual and olfactory stimuli of individual natural kumquat (Fortunella japonica) and apple (Malus pumila) host fruit or models of these fruit hung from branches of potted trees in field enclosures. When females were exposed for 3 days to natural kumquats or apples on trees and subsequently released individually onto trees harboring one or the other of these fruit types, a significantly greater proportion of those exposed to kumquats than those exposed to apples or those not exposed to any fruit visited kumquats. Females exposed to kimquats for at least 3 days followed by at least 3 days of exposure to apples retained ability to find kumquats. Compared with females exposed to apples for 3 days or with naive females, females exposed to kumquats for 3 days exhibitied no less ability to find apples but did significantly refrain from accepting apples for oviposition. A final test was conducted in which females were exposed to natural kumquats or apples for 3 days and tested for response to inanimate models of either the same color and size as natural kumquats (orange, 20-mm diameter) or apples (green, 75-mm diameter) or models of the same color but opposite size. Results suggest that fruit size is the principal character learned and used in finding kumquats, which apparently are somewhat inconspicuous to an inexperienced foraging D. dorsalisfemale.  相似文献   

Electroantennogram (EAG) responses were recorded from females of two related butterfly species, Pieris brassicae L. and P. rapae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) to 23 volatiles of plant origin, 19 of which have been reported to occur in the headspace of their preferred host plants, Brassica and Sinapis species (Cruciferae). In both species, selective responses were observed and the most effective compounds were the 6-carbon fatty acid derivatives trans-hex-2-enal, hexan-1-ol and hexanal, which are common green leaf volatiles. Of the 6 isoprenoids tested, myrcene and geraniol were most effective. Of the 4 crucifer-specific compounds tested, phenylacetonitrile was a distinctly stronger stimulant than the three isothiocyanates in both species. The rank order of mean stimulating effectiveness of all compounds tested was strongly correlated between the two species. Statistical analysis of dose-response relationships for 6 compounds revealed significant differences between compounds. The rank order of effectiveness changed with dose. Exclusive exposure to Sinapis arvensis during larval life and young adulthood resulted in quantitative changes in EAG responses to several compounds in both species, although the overall rank order of effectiveness was strongly correlated between the groups reared on the two host plants.  相似文献   

Thermal responses controlling pupariation and adult eclosion in a citrus fruit fly,Dacus tsuneonis (Miyake), were studied to understand the winter biology of this species. When mature larvae were exposed to various temperature conditions, the highest percentage of pupariation was obtained at 15 °C, although the variance at this temperature was greater than at 20 °C or 25 °C. Pupariation occurred most rapidly at 20 °C and an alternating temperature with a mean of 15 °C. At constant 15 °C, pupae failed to emerge as adults. Pupae were characterized by a reduced respiration rate, which is typical of a diapausing pupa. When insects were stored at different temperatures for 45 days after pupariation, and then transferred to 25 °C, adult eclosion occurred earlier when the initial temperature was 10 °C than when it was 5 °C or 15 °C. Adult eclosion occurred most synchronously and pupal mortality was lowest when insects were stored at 15 °C for 90 days before incubation at 25 °C. These results strongly suggest thatD. tsuneonis enters a pupal diapause.  相似文献   

Electroantennogram responses of aphid nymphs to plant volatiles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. Electroantennogram (EAG) responses of immature aphids were investigated for 30 plant volatile compounds in third‐ and fourth‐stadium nymphs of the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae. The nymphs were destined to develop into adult alate (winged) virginoparae. The EAG response profiles were similar to those previously reported in the adults. Among the compounds tested, hexanonitrile elicited the largest EAG responses in both nymphal stadia, corresponding to previously reported results with adults. Six‐carbon aliphatic compounds showed relatively higher EAG activities in the nymphs but, in contrast, (E)‐2‐hexenal, benzaldehyde, α‐pinene and β‐pinene, and citronellal elicited relatively smaller EAG responses in nymphs than adults. Although overall EAG response profiles were similar between the third and the fourth stadia for the majority of the volatiles, four aldehyde compounds, hexanal (E)‐2‐heptenal, 2‐hydroxybenzaldehyde and citronellal, showed relatively higher EAG activities in the third than in the fourth stadium. The present study indicates that aphid nymphs possess a functional olfactory receptor system before the antennae are fully developed morphologically and physiologically.  相似文献   

Ovarian maturation was prevented in 7-, 22-, 23- and 28-day-old females of Dacus oleae (Gmelin) (Diptera: Tephritidae), developed in the pre-imaginal stages at LD 12:12, 19±1°C and kept as adults at LD 16:8, 26±1°C without access to olive fruits. In females of the above ages having continuous access to olive fruits and held under the same photoperiod and temperature conditions, 54, 87 and 100%, respectively, had mature oocytes. When the females had access to domes of paraffin wax, the percentages of females with mature oocytes were intermediate between those with and those without access to olive fruits. Under the above photoperiod and temperature conditions unfavorable for maturation, 50% of 4-week-old females had mature oocytes if exposed for one week to olive fruits during their first week and 91% if exposed during their 4th week of adult life. The respective percentages with wax domes in the cages were again intermediate between those with olives and those without olives or wax domes. The presence of olive fruits had also a strong positive effect on the ovarian maturation of females which developed from egg through the adult stage at LD 16:8, 26±1°C, a condition favoring ovarian maturation. Access to wax domes had again an intermediate effect on maturation. It is concluded therefore that the lack of ovarian maturation of D. oleae females which is observed under a short photophase during the pre-imaginal stages if followed by a long photophase and an increase of temperature during the adult stage, continues at least till the end of the 4th week of adult life in the absence of olive fruits but is averted when such fruits are offered to the adult flies.
Résumé La maturation ovarienne des femelles adultes agées de 7, 22–23 et 28 jours de D. oleae ayant accompli leur développement embryonnaire, larvaire et nymphal en LD 12:12, 19±1°C et maintenues en LD 16:8, 26±1°C, sans accès à des olives, est inhibée. Dans les mêmes conditions, mais avec accès permanent à des olives, 54% des femelles ont des ovocytes mûrs à 7 jours, 87% à 22–23 jours et 100% à 28 jours. Avec des femelles ayant accès à des domes de paraffine, les pourcentages d'individus ayant des ovocytes mûrs sont intermédiaires entre ceux des deux situations précédentes. Dans les conditions cidessus défavorables à la maturation ovarienne, 50% des femelles de 28 jours ont des ovocytes mûrs si elles sont en présence d'olives durant leur première semaine de vie imaginale et 91% si elles sont en présence la 4éme semaine. Les pourcentages respectifs concernant les femelles pourvues de dômes de paraffine sont encore intermédiaires entre ceux des femelles avec olives et ceux de femelles privées de tout substrat. La présence d'olives a aussi un effet fortement positif sur la maturation ovarienne de femelles ayant accompli leur développement pre-imaginal et maintenues aussi à l'etat adulte en conditions LD 16:8, 26±1°C, favorisant la maturation ovarienne. L'accès à des dômes de paraffine a, là encore, un effet intermédiaire. On conclut par conséquent que la non maturation ovarienne des femelles de D. oleae qui est causée par une photopériode à jour court pendant la vie pre-imaginale accompagné par une photopériode à jour long et une augmentation de la température pendant la vie imaginale persiste au moins jusqu'à la fin de la quatrième semaine de la vie imaginale en absence d'olives, mais ne se produit pas si on met les femelles adultes en présence d'olives.

桔小实蝇对几种寄主挥发物的触角电位反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桔小实蝇寄主范围广,可危害芒果、柑橘、咖啡和红辣椒等250多种水果和蔬菜,现已成为中国、东南亚、印度次大陆和夏威夷群岛一带的危险性果蔬害虫。本文利用触角电位(electroantennogram,EAG)技术,测定了桔小实蝇雌雄成虫对8种寄主挥发物标准化合物(1,8桉叶素、α-蒎烯、β-石竹烯、柠檬醛、香草醛、乙醇、芳樟醇和月桂烯)的EAG反应。结果表明:上述标准化合物均能引起EAG反应,EAG反应值随着浓度增大(0.1μg/μL、1μg/μL、10μg/μL和100μg/μL)而显著不同。当柠檬醛和月桂烯浓度为100μg/μL时,桔小实蝇雌虫交配前、后的EAG反应值存在显著性差异。浓度为100μg/μL的1,8桉叶素对桔小实蝇交配后雌虫和雄虫的刺激反应存在显著性差异。桔小实蝇交配前雌虫和雄虫对浓度为100μg/μL乙醇的EAG反应值存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

Fifty-six compounds from the odor of calling, sexually mature, laboratory reared males of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) were isolated by headspace trapping on Tenax columns and identified using GC/MS techniques (69 total compounds were detected). Electroantennogram responses (EAGs) to 54 of the 56 identified compounds as well as 5 analogs were tested on both sexes. Significant differences between the sexes in their responsiveness were found in 9 of the 54 identified compounds tested. There was no correlation between the amplitude of the EAG response and the relative abundance of compound identified from headspace analysis. Of the five major identified components, three elicited relatively small EAG responses, while two elicited large EAGs compared to the hexan-1-ol standard. The relative ranking of EAG responses were: methyl and ethyl hexenoates and hexanoates > C4–C6 esters and/or acetates > ethyl and methyl octenoates > monoterpenes > sesquiterpenes > C2–C5 acetates, alcohols and ketones. Behavioral bioassays on each of the five major identified components as well as a blend of six of the compounds showed some degree of attractancy to virgin females which in some cases approached the response to a pheromonal standard (male odors absorbed onto filter paper). These results are discussed in relationship to the insect's antennal sensitivity to putative pheromone components and/or allomonal components and to other reported C. capitata pheromone studies.
Résumé Cinquante-six composés de l'odeur de mâles de C. capitata Weidemann, élevés en laboratoire, sexuellement mûrs et en appel, ont été isolés par piégeage sur colonnes tenax et identifiés par la technique GC/MS (69 composés avaient été détectés en tout). Les électroantennogrammes (EAGs) ont été examinés chez les deux sexes pour 54 des 56 composés identifiés et 5 de leurs analogues. Des différences significatives entre les sexes ont été observées pour 9 des 54 composés identifiés. Il n'y avait pas de corrélation entre l'ampleur de l'EAG et l'abondance relative du composé lors de son isolement. Pour les 5 principaux composés identifiés, 3 ont induit des EAGs relativement faibles, tandis que 2 étaient importants, par comparaison avec l'Hexane-1-ol utilisé comme témoin. Le classement relatif des EAG a été: hexénoates et hexanoates d'éthyl et de méthyl C4–C6 esters et/ou acétates octénoates d'éthyl ou de méthyl monoterpènes sesquiterpènes C2–C5 acétates, alcools et kétones. Les expériences de comportement avec chacun des 5 composés principaux identifiés, comme avec des mélanges de 6 composés ont mis en évidence une attraction des femelles vierges qui dans quelques cas avoisine la réponse à la phéromone témoin (odeur du mâle absorbée sur papier filtre). Ces résultats sont discutés en fonction de la sensibilité de l'antenne d'insexte aux composés supposés de la phéromone et aux composés allomonaux, et en fonction des autres études connues sur les phéromones de C. capitata.

麦长管蚜和禾谷缢管蚜对小麦挥发物的触角电位反应   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
刘勇  陈巨莲  倪汉祥 《昆虫学报》2003,46(6):679-683
采用活体蚜虫测定法,利用EAG技术比较分析了麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae和禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi有翅及无翅成蚜对小麦挥发物及麦蚜取食诱导挥发物组分的嗅觉反应,揭示了两种麦蚜的嗅觉变异特点。结果表明:麦长管蚜对水杨酸甲酯、反-2-己烯醛、反-2-己烯醇、-6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮和-6-甲基-5-庚烯-2醇的反应较强,禾谷缢管蚜对水杨酸甲酯、反-3-己烯乙酸酯、-6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮和-6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-醇的反应较强,并得到了剂量反应曲线。麦长管蚜的有翅和无翅成蚜对6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮、反-2-己烯醇和水杨酸甲酯的反应差异显著;禾谷缢管蚜的有翅和无翅成蚜对反-2-己烯醇、辛醛、里那醇、水杨酸甲酯和反-3-己烯乙酸酯的EAG反应差异显著,其原因与禾谷缢管蚜迁移及转主为害的生物学特性有关。  相似文献   

Cydia molesta is an important pest of peach and pear fruits late in growing season. We identified and quantified volatiles from immature and mature fruits of peach and pear using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Antennally, active compounds were identified by gas chromatography-electroantennogram detection and were further tested in the field. Consistent electroantennographic activity was obtained for nine compounds from headspace collections of the mature fruits of two peach and two pear varieties. Esters were the major components, but qualitative and quantitative differences were found among four odor profiles. Blends mimicking pear fruit volatiles were more attractive to both sexes than blends mimicking peach fruit volatiles in both orchards. Our finding indicated that mixtures mimicking peach and pear fruit volatiles attracted both females and males of C. molesta, and these host volatiles may also be involved in the host switch behavior from peach to pear in mid-late season.  相似文献   

Recovery time after experience of a given minimum temperature below torpor threshold is related to the value of that minimum, the length of time spent at that minimum, and the temperature prevailing during the recovery period above torpor threshold. A model can predict recovery time for flies experiencing a given temperature fluctuation if the length of time spent at the minimum is expressed as a proportion of LE50 at that minimum.The model has applications in defining the optimal protocol for chilling insects for use in the Sterile Insect Release Method. The model was confirmed by experiments showing that it is likely that flies will recover from non-lethal frosts before ant predators become active.
Résumé Le temps de récupération après avoir subi une température minimal située au-dessous du seuil d'engourdissement dépend de la valeur de ce minimum, du temps passé à ce minimum, et de la température au-dessus du seuil d'engourdissement pendant la période de récupération. Un modèle mathématique permet d'estimer le temps de récupération après avoir subi une chute de température déterminée, en fonction du temps passé au minimum thermique exprimé comme une fraction du LE50 (temps nécessaire pour tuer 50% des mouches) à ce minimum.Ce modèle s'est trouvé étayé par des observations montrant qu'il est probable que les mouches se remettent des gelées sublétales avant la reprise d'activité des fourmis prédatrices. Ce modèle peut être utilisé pour définir les conditions optimales de refroidissement des insectes utilisés lors de la libération d'individus stériles.

Mediterranean fruit flies (Ceratitis capitata Wied.) are detected by traps baited with the attractant, trimedlure (TML), deposited on the standard cotton dental roll dispenser. Since this dispenser is effective for only 2–4 weeks, controlled-release dispensers may extend the field life of TML-baited traps. A polymeric plug containing 70% by weight TML was highly effective for 8–12 weeks. Other formulations were less effective in the tests with released flies. A release rate of ca. 17 mg of standard TML/day or higher gave insect captures which were generally lower but statistically equivalent to those with the reference dispenser which released 61–63 mg/day. Normalized insect catches increased approximately as the square root of the release rate; the curvilinear regression equation suggested that TML release rates of ca. 52 and 15 mg/day give insect captures equal to ca. 100% and 50%, respectively, of the reference catches. The most attractive TML isomer (TML-C) was a highly effective attractant at a release rate of ca. 4 mg/day.
Résumé C. capitata était attiré par des pièges alimentés avec de la trimedlure (TML), attractif déposé sur un distributeur commercial de coton dentaire en rouleau. Puisque ce distributeur ne fonctionne que 2 à 4 semaines, des distributeurs à libération contrôlée peuvent augmenter le temps de fonctionnement de pièges fournis en TML. Un bouchon en polymère contenant en poids 70% de TML a été très efficace pendant 8 à 12 semaines. D'autres formules ont été moins efficaces avec des mouches lâchées. Un taux de libération, de 17 mg ou plus de TML moyen par jour, capture moins, mais sans différence statistique significative, qu'un distributeur témoin qui libérait 61 à 63 mg/j. Les captures d'insectes ont augmenté à peu près comme le carré du taux de libération; l'équation de régression curviligne a conduit à penser que la libération de TML à des taux de 52 et 15 mg/j, provoque des captures égales à 100% et 50% des captures de référence. L'isomère le plus attractif (TML-C) a été un attractif très efficace au taux de libération de 4 mg/j.

Responses of Neoceratitis cyanescens (Bezzi) (Diptera: Tephritidae) females to visual stimuli were studied in a laboratory flight chamber. A bright orange sphere was used to investigate the effects of age, mating status and time of day on their responses. In no-choice assays, four parameters were considered: mean time before leaving the release vial, percentage of flies that visited the sphere, mean number of flights and mean time before landing on the sphere. Naive mated females first became strongly responsive to the orange sphere 6 days post-adult emergence (> 40%). The percentage of females that visited the sphere increased significantly with egg load. There were no significant differences in behavioural responses between virgin and mated mature females. In a choice situation between a yellow and an orange sphere, starved females displayed a greater propensity than well-fed females to land on the yellow sphere. Mature females were more responsive to the orange sphere when tested in the afternoon than earlier in the day. In a no-choice situation, females visited the yellow sphere as often as the orange sphere. However, the mean delay before landing was significantly greater for the yellow sphere. The results emphasize the importance of physiological condition on responses of N. cyanescens females to host-simulating visual stimuli.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel (Diptera: Tephritidae) were studied through pheromone trapping over 4 years (1997, 1999, 2000, 2003) in the Kunming region, a high plateau area in southwestern China. B. dorsalis immigrates from southern Yunnan to Kunming each year, and occurs during early May through November. Annual trap captures recorded an increase in the B. dorsalis populations from May to July, when they peaked in abundance, and a decline until November. No flies were detected from November to April. The fruit flies had two generations. There was considerable overlapping due to the continuous arrival of immigrating flies during the summer months. Annual capture rates were significantly related to numbers of flies caught in July when peak captures were recorded; whereas the peak captures, in turn, positively depended on numbers of flies recorded in May, the first month of fly appearance in the current year. It suggested that the annual population abundance was mainly dependent on the size of the initial emigrating population. A daily average temperature of 18℃ was probably the threshold temperature required for the flies to undertake long-range dispersal, which partially explained the start of the fly in May each year on this high plateau. Under field conditions, the fruit flies can withstand 13℃ as a daily average temperature. No flies were recorded in any of the study years at a daily temperature colder than 10 ℃.  相似文献   

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