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根据低碳-锰(Mn)-铌(Nb)合金系针状铁素体钢进行成分设计,并从加热温度、变形量、终轧温度、冷却速度和卷取温度等参数对轧制工艺加以控制,在本钢2300热连轧机组生产线一次试轧X70管线钢获得成功。检验结果表明,所生产的X70管线钢是以针状铁素体组织为主,并具有良好的机械性能。  相似文献   

 The austenitization behaviors of two high Nb-containing X80 pipeline steels with different Ti contents, including the dissolution of microalloying precipitates and the austenite grain growth behaviors, were investigated by using physical-chemical phase analysis method and optimal microstructure observation. The results illustrate that most Nb can be dissolved into austenite during the soaking at 1180℃, but very little amount of Ti can be dissolved. It is found that during soaking, the austenite grain growth rate is initially high, and then it decreases after 1h soaking; moreover, the austenite grains grow up more rapidly at temperatures above 1180℃ than at temperatures below 1180℃. It is shown that the steel with 0.016%Ti content has a larger austenite grain size than the steel with 0.012%Ti under the same soaking conditions, which has been explained by considering the particle size distribution.  相似文献   

Microstructures in X80 line pipe were classified by SEM analysis.The experimental results showed that the microstructures in X 80 line pipe steels were complicated consisting of polygonal ferrite,bainite and acicular ferrite.Orientation relation within acicular ferrite was investigated systematically by means of EBSD-OIM.The sub-structures were observed maximum in acicular ferrite which gives high strength and high toughness to line pipe steels.The K-S orientation relation was generally observed between acicular ferrite and austenite during phase transformation.The low energy CSL boundary characterized by Σ3 orientation relation according to Brandon criterion appeared with higher probability,which was benefit to improve the mechanical properties of line pipe steels.The orientations or texture of initial austenite grains could be deduced based on the Σ3 orientation relationship of acicular ferrite variants.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of heat affected zone (HAZ) of two commercial high-Nb X80 grade pipeline steels with different alloy elements were investigated using thermal simulation performed on a Gleeble-3500 thermal simulator. The results showed that the high-Nb steels have excellent weldability. Embrittlement regions appear in coarse grain heat affected zone (CGHAZ) and intercritically heat affected zone (ICHAZ); Softening region appears in fine-grain heat affected zone (FGHAZ), and the strength here was even lower than 555 MPa as required in the standard. Meanwhile, with the increase of heat input, the strength and the toughness of HAZ of steel with high Nb, C and lower alloy decrease notably. Therefore, take into account the welding procedure during manufacture of weld pipe, suitable amount of alloy elements, such as Cr, Ni, Cu, Mo and so on, is necessary for high Nb X80 heavy-thick steel plate.  相似文献   

王岩  赵爱民  陈银莉  唐获  左碧强 《钢铁》2011,46(5):64-68
运用TEM和EDS等测试方法,对高铌X80管线钢连铸过程微合金元素的析出行为进行研究.结果表明:铸坯凝固冷却至1100℃时,存在片层状以及棒状析出物,此类析出物为Nb(C,N)碳氮化物,同时存在一些TiN析出物.当铸坯冷却至900℃时,开始出现中心富钛、边部富铌的(Nb,Ti)(C,N)星形和枝晶形碳氮化物.当铸坯冷却...  相似文献   

X70管线钢微观组织分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
X70管线钢的微观组织表现为多种类型混合组织,主要有多边形铁素体、块状铁素体(准多边形铁素体)、针状铁素体、粒状贝氏体、珠光体和M/A岛等.各类组织的比例随加工工艺不同变化较大.提高冷却速度和降低终冷温度可以增加针状铁素体的比例.冷却速度较低(2℃/s)时,组织中出现明显的珠光体.  相似文献   

对应用于西气东输二线管道工程的典型X80钢级15.3mm×1550 mm板卷拉伸性能、冲击性能、DWTT性能等试验结果进行了分析。结果表明:板卷的强度分布表现出各向异性特征,即与板卷轧制方向成90°方向的强度最高,冲击性能和落锤撕裂性能优良,而与板卷轧制方向成30°方向性能指标相对较低。  相似文献   

In order to develop X100 pipeline steels with high strength and low temperature toughness,the steel bearing vanadium has been studied in the laboratory.The continuous cooling phase transformation behavior of the steel under deforming condition was investigated.The microstructure of the steel at different cooling rates was observed by microscope.Finally,by proper producing processes,the X100 pipeline steel was developed successfully in lab.The composition,processes,microstructure and properties have been analyzed and discussed.Experimental research results showed that the strength of X100 steel can be improved by reducing the cooling stop temperature.The tempering treatment after TMCP can improve the strength of vanadium-microalloyed X100 steel too,without change of the impact toughness.  相似文献   

X65、X70管线钢高温延塑性的对比分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 讨论了X65、X70管线钢铸坯不同温度区间高温延塑性的差异。根据Gleeble 1500热/力模拟机得到的数据绘出X65、X70钢铸坯断面收缩率-温度曲线,利用扫描电镜、金相显微镜对断口形貌及组织进行分析,得出两钢种在各温度区间塑性差别的主要原因:①高温脆性区(tl~1 300 ℃)X70塑性较好,碳含量越高,硫、磷在奥氏体晶界的偏析量越多;②高温高塑性区(1 100~1 300 ℃)X65延塑性较好,钛含量越高,使得TiN析出物越粗大,分布越随机;③在塑性槽高温端(900~1 100 ℃),低熔点硫化物等析出,动态再结晶发生温度不同,导致两个钢种塑性明显有差别;④在塑性槽两相区(700~900 ℃),先共析铁素体的出现是两个钢种塑性低的共同原因,钛可以促进铁素体在晶内和晶界同时生成,最后X65塑性恢复较好。  相似文献   

采用窄成分范围控制,根据规格性能要求,调整微合金元素加入量,降低X80管线钢的原料成本。改进保护浇注效果,恒拉速浇注,使用动态轻压下和大倒角结晶器,提高连铸坯表面和内部质量,提高连浇炉数,降低X80管线钢的生产成本。采用热送热装技术,降低能源消耗,提高生产节奏,实现X80管线钢高效低成本生产。  相似文献   

刘忠  哈权章 《中国冶金》2007,17(5):10-10
通过对供翼宁管线工程用针状铁素体X70的生产实践,积累了大量的生产资料和生产经验,提出了适合本钢的生产工艺路径、成分设计思想及技术手段,为全面了解本钢的生产实际情况及今后大批量生产针状铁素体X70管线钢打下了良好的基础。  相似文献   

X70管线钢的断裂韧性   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
对不同厚度和裂纹初始长度的X70管线钢三点弯曲试样进行了不同试验温度下的断裂韧性试验。试验和分析结果表明:随着试验温度降低,试样的破坏方式由韧性破坏向脆性破坏转换不同厚度试样的破坏断口均产生分层裂纹,分层裂纹的大小和数量与试样厚度有关,分层裂纹的位置与试验温度和裂纹初始长度有关;对于试验温度较低的脆性断裂,试样在破坏时产生的分层裂纹距主裂纹根部有一定距离,分层裂纹宽度较小且未充分张开,对厚度效应影响较小。对于试验温度较高时的韧性断裂,分层裂纹首先出现在主裂纹根部,试样破坏时分层裂纹宽度较大且充分张开,减小了试样的有效厚度。高强度、高韧性的X70管线钢由于分层裂纹的产生,其力学性能与具有普通强度和韧性的钢材的力学性能存在着明显的差异,普通金属材料的韧性试验方法和材料评价方法已不再适用,必须考虑管道壁厚、缺陷大小和环境温度的综合作用。  相似文献   

结合管线钢的生产实践,针对X70管线钢屈强比偏高的问题,从工艺及显微组织控制方面进行了深入分析。结果显示:开冷温度低、终冷温度偏高、针状铁素体及贝氏体等硬相组织含量偏少是导致钢板屈强比偏高的主要原因。终冷温度降低到430℃以下,形成的板条贝氏体能大幅度提高钢板的抗拉强度,而屈服强度提高不大,屈强比可得到有效降低。  相似文献   

A neural network with feed-forward topology and back propagation algorithm was used to predict the effects of chemical composition and tensile test parameters on hardness of heat affected zone(HAZ)in X70 pipeline steels.The mass percent of chemical compositions(i.e.carbon equivalent based upon the International Institute of Welding equation(CEIIW),the carbon equivalent based upon the chemical portion of the Ito-Bessyo carbon equivalent equation(CEPcm),the sum of the niobium,vanadium and titanium concentrations(CVTiNb),the sum of the niobium and vanadium concentrations(CNbV),the sum of the chromium,molybdenum,nickel and copper concentrations(CCrMoNiCu)),yield strength(YS)at 0.005 offset,ultimate tensile strength(UTS)and percent elongation(El)were considered as input parameters to the network,while Vickers microhardness with 10 Nload was considered as its output.For the purpose of constructing this model,104 different data were gathered from the experimental results.Scatter diagrams and two statistical criteria,i.e.absolute fraction of variance(R2)and mean relative error(MRE),were used to evaluate the prediction performance of the developed model.The developed model can be further used in practical applications of alloy and thermo-mechanical schedule design in manufacturing process of pipeline steels.  相似文献   

许云波  邓天勇  于永梅  王国栋 《钢铁》2007,42(11):69-73
在考虑动态、亚动态再结晶及静态再结晶的基础上,建立了X70管线钢的物理冶金模型,并应用于板带钢热连轧过程奥氏体再结晶、晶粒尺寸和流变应力的预测.结果表明,在合理的温度和压下条件下,应变累积可导致在精轧过程出现动态 亚动态再结晶行为,促进奥氏体晶粒的进一步细化.终轧温度的降低可引起奥氏体晶粒的粗化和残余应变的显著提高.建立了考虑晶粒尺寸和残余应变影响的平均流变应力(MFS)的人工神经网络预测模型,大大提高了热连轧过程MFS预测精度.  相似文献   

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