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Oxyhydrogen combustion and detonation driven shock tube   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The performance of combustion driver ignited by multi-spark plugs distributed along axial direction has been analysed and tested. An improved ignition method with three circumferential equidistributed ignitors at main diaphragm has been presented, by which the produced incident shock waves have higher repeatability, and better steadiness in the pressure, temperature and velocity fields of flow behind the incidence shock, and thus meets the requirements of aerodynamic experiment. The attachment of a damping section at the end of the driver can eliminate the high reflection pressure produced by detonation wave, and the backward detonation driver can be employed to generate high enthalpy and high density test flow. The incident shock wave produced by this method is well repeated and with weak attenuation. The reflection wave caused by the contracted section at the main diaphragm will weaken the unfavorable effect of rarefaction wave behind the detonation wave, which indicates that the forward detonation driver can be applied in the practice. For incident shock wave of identical strength, the initial pressure of the forward detonation driver is about 1 order of magnitude lower than that of backward detonation. The project supported by State Science and Technology Committee, National Natural Foundation of Science of China (19082012), Chinese Academy of Sciences and Project of National High Technology of China. In memory of academician Kuo Yonghuai's 90th anniversary.  相似文献   

内爆炸对坑道内的人员、装备、结构都具有巨大的毁伤效应,内爆炸的防护技术已成为研究的热点。本文就炸药在坑道内爆炸情况下水的消波效应,开展了坑道模型爆炸试验、实际坑道爆炸试验、数值模拟研究,结果表明:坑道内爆炸条件下水具有显著的消波效应。文中还给出了不同置水工况下坑道空气冲击波超压的衰减率范围,并对水消波效应的机理进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

H. R. Yu  H. Chen  W. Zhao 《Shock Waves》2006,15(6):399-405
Early works on the detonation driven shock tube are reviewed briefly. High initial pressure detonable mixture can be used in backward-detonation driver when the buffer tube is attached to the end of the driver for eliminating the excessive reflected peak pressure. Experimental data showed that an improvement on attenuation of the incident shock wave generated by the forward driver can be obtained, provided the diameter of the driver is larger than that of the driven section and an abrupt reduction of cross-section area is placed just beyond the diaphragm. Also, it is clearly verified by a numerical analysis. An additional backward-detonation driver is proposed to attach to the primary detonation driver and on condition that the ratios of initial pressure in the additional driver to that in the primary driver exceed the threshold value, the Taylor wave behind detonation wave in the primary detonation driver can be eliminated completely.  相似文献   

Gaseous detonation driver for a shock tunnel   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The concept of a shock tunnel with gaseous detonation driver is discussed. A detonation driver presents an alternative to a free-piston driver because comparable values of high enthalpy can be attained, however, without the fast movement of a heavy piston. Wave diagrams, pressure and temperature distributions are presented. Finally, first experimental results are given.This article was processed using Springer-Verlag TEX Shock Waves macro package 1.0 and the AMS fonts, developed by the American Mathematical Society.  相似文献   

采用九阶WENO和十阶中心差分格式数值求解激波与火焰作用过程,考察了激波强度、火焰尺寸对激波与球形火焰作用过程的影响。结果表明,增大激波强度或火焰尺寸均可在流场中引发爆轰,但激波强度的影响更大,并且其引发的爆轰可使火焰迅速膨胀,放热率提高,从而影响燃烧特性;此外,爆轰波传播过程中会迅速消耗可燃预混气,合并原有的反射激波,并在流场中形成局部高压区,极大地改变流场结构。  相似文献   

激波聚焦诱导点火和爆轰的数值研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以二维轴对称多组分Euler方程为基础,采用非正交结构化网格和改进的波传播算法,模拟了激波在抛物形反射壁面聚焦反射诱导点火和爆轰的过程,描述了其流场形态。讨论了预混气组成、入射激波强度及反射壁面形状对点火和爆轰的影响。结果表明,激波在抛物形反射壁面顶点处聚焦反射可形成局部高温高压区域,该区域在一定条件下可点燃预混气甚至形成爆轰,其中低稀释剂浓度的预混气、较大的入射激波Mach数和较深的反射壁面有利于可燃预混气形成爆轰。  相似文献   

正向爆轰驱动高焓激波风洞的数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对充满氢氧可燃气体、带扩容腔的正向爆轰驱动的激波风洞进行了数值模拟。计算采用了欧拉方程,频散可控耗散差分格式(DCD)和改进的二阶段化学反应模型。在扩容腔附近采用二维轴对称计算模型,而在驱动段和被驱动段的直管道部分则采用一维计算模型。本文分析了爆轰波在管道中的传播、反射和绕射过程。计算结果表明扩容腔的尺寸对爆轰波的传播、反射、汇聚等起着决定性的作用;带扩容腔的正向爆轰驱动的激波风洞能够得到平稳的持续时间较长的气流,提高了实验的精确度和可重复性。  相似文献   

A simplified theoretic method and numerical simulations were carried out to investigate the characterization of propagation of transverse shock wave at wedge supported oblique detonation wave.After solution validation,a criterion which is associated with the ratio Φ (u 2 /u CJ) of existence or inexistence of the transverse shock wave at the region of the primary triple was deduced systematically by 38 cases.It is observed that for abrupt oblique shock wave (OSW)/oblique detonation wave (ODW) transition,a transverse shock wave is generated at the region of the primary triple when Φ < 1,however,such a transverse shock wave does not take place for the smooth OSW/ODW transition when Φ > 1.The parameter Φ can be expressed as the Mach number behind the ODW front for stable CJ detonation.When 0.9 < Φ < 1.0,the reflected shock wave can pass across the contact discontinuity and interact with transverse waves which are originating from the ODW front.When 0.8 < Φ < 0.9,the reflected shock wave can not pass across the contact discontinuity and only reflects at the contact discontinuity.The condition (0.8 < Φ < 0.9) agrees well with the ratio (D ave /D CJ) in the critical detonation.  相似文献   

对平面激波和单个矩形障碍物作用的过程进行了数值模拟,研究了反射产生的上行爆轰波在下游可燃气体中形成爆轰波的过程。数值结果表明,下游爆轰波形成过程主要有2种模式:爆轰波直接绕射和绕射波在上壁面反射,这和已有的实验结果是一致的。通过研究下游爆轰波的形成过程受入射激波马赫数、混合气体的压力和管道尺度的影响,分析了上游爆轰波向下游传播的波动力学过程,讨论了2种形成过程的作用规律和控制因素,阐明了下游爆轰波的形成规律。  相似文献   

爆轰波对碰区产物驱动金属圆管的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用闪光X光照相、光学高速分幅照相实验,测得了金属圆管在两个爆轰波对碰后产物驱动外壳的膨胀、变形过程,该过程表明爆轰波对碰作用使得对碰处金属圆管相对贯穿断裂时间明显提前,对碰处金属圆管径向膨胀速度较非对碰处明显增加。利用拉格朗日二维流体动力学程序TTD2C,数值模拟了对碰驱动过程,计算结果与实验结果符合很好,且用Taylor断裂判据得到的金属圆管相对贯穿断裂时间也明显提前。  相似文献   

爆轰驱动激波风洞的自由来流模拟范围与驱动气体的爆轰极限密切相关,爆轰极限越宽则模拟范围越大。驱动气体一般是通过点火管进行起爆的,提高点火管的起爆能力可以拓宽爆轰极限。为了提高点火管起爆能力,就点火管口径、点火气体爆轰敏感性和单/双点火管3种因素的影响进行了实验研究。在不同的点火管初始条件下,对驱动段波速进行了测量。结论如下:(1)提高点火管口径可以显著提升起爆能力;(2)点火气体爆轰敏感性对起爆能力有影响,点火管为缩径内型面时,低敏感性气体起爆能力更强,点火管为等径内型面时则低敏感性气体和高敏感性气体的起爆能力大体持平;(3)在保证射流同步的前提下,双点火管能够提高起爆能力,为保证射流同步性需使用化学恰当比的氢氧混气等爆轰敏感性强的点火气体。  相似文献   

基于单步化学反应的Euler方程和对激波(爆轰波)、接触间断具有良好捕捉效果的Roe/HLL混合格式以及自适应网格技术,模拟了激波在方形管中与方块障碍物相互作用,并发生绕射碰撞来诱导爆轰的过程.结果表明,弱激波在绕经方块时,形成上、下绕射激波并在方块尾部发生碰撞,生成局部高温高压点,可加快爆轰的形成;而当管内阻塞比超过...  相似文献   

用环形激波聚焦实现爆轰波直接起爆的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
利用基元反应模型和有限体积法对环形激波在可燃气体中聚焦实现爆轰波直接起爆进行了数值模拟。研究结果表明,标准状态下的氢气-空气混合气体在马赫数为3.1以上的环形激波聚焦产生的高温高压区作用下会诱发可燃气体的直接起爆形成爆轰波,爆轰波与激波和接触间断相互作用产生了复杂的波系结构;爆轰波爆点位置在对称轴上并不是固定的点,而是随着初始激波马赫数的变化而发生移动;可燃气体初始温度和压力对起爆临界马赫数都有影响,但是初始温度的影响大得多。  相似文献   

杨宏伟  黄敦  俞鸿儒  王斌 《力学学报》2005,37(4):494-500
讨论的激波管由氢氧前向爆轰产生高压驱动气体、并配有收缩截面段,它能产生高焓超高速气流.对此进行了模拟.既对变截面角度的作用,两端截面积比的作用又对比正向反向爆轰有何不同效果做了探讨.正向爆轰时主膜处的收缩段产生的汇聚作用既加强主激波又产生反向激波,缓解了爆轰波阵面后紧跟着的稀疏波导致主激波衰减偏快的不利影响.当收缩角度在30°和45°之间时,主激波的强度较高,衰减较小;当β接近90°时在主激波传播过一小段距离之后,主激波后高温高速气流较均匀,且主激波的衰减最小,具有实用价值.驱动段与被驱动段的截面积比越大,主激波的强度越高,但是最初阶段衰减也越快.反向爆轰时产生的主激波衰减最缓,但是同样的主激波强度需要的驱动段与被驱动段初始压力比前向爆轰高1个量级.  相似文献   

An analytic solution is obtained for the diffraction of a planar strong detonation wave by a three-dimensional thin body moving in the opposite direction. The planform and the thickness distribution of the body can be arbitrary and the speed of the body can be either supersonic or subsonic relative to the undisturbed stream ahead of the wave or to that behind the wave. The solution is a generalization of the previous solution of Ting and Gunzburger for the shock diffraction.  相似文献   

实验采用压力传感器测量了指定点压力时间曲线。数值模拟基于二维反应欧拉方程和基元反应模型,采用二阶附加半隐的龙格-库塔法和5阶WENO格式分别离散时间和空间导数项,获得了指定点数值压力时间曲线。理论分析基于爆轰理论和激波动力学,分析了气相爆轰波反射过程所涉及的复杂波系演变并获得了反射激波速度。结果表明:本文数值模拟和理论计算定性上重复并解释了实验现象。气相爆轰波在右壁面反射后,右行稀疏波加速反射激波。其加速原因是:尽管激波波前声速减小,但激波马赫数增大,波前气流速度减小。在低初压下,可能还由于爆轰波后未反应或部分反应气体的作用,导致反射激波加速幅度比高初压下大。  相似文献   

吕海成  黄孝龙  李宁  翁春生 《爆炸与冲击》2022,42(11):112101-1-112101-10



A computational study has been carried out to examine the effects of driver gas contamination in the NASA HYPULSE facility at GASL when operating with a detonation driver in reflected-shock tunnel mode. Unlike high-enthalpy shock tunnels which use helium as a driver gas, the driver gas in a detonation driver consists of a mixture of water vapour and argon, which has very different chemical and thermodynamic properties than those of helium. The purpose of the present work is to quantitatively evaluate the effects of driver gas contamination on the flow properties in the test section. Two computational analyses have been performed. The first analysis examined the nozzle flow under the influence of a prescribed level of driver gas contamination. In the second analysis, the transient development of the driver gas leakage in the reflected-shock region in the shock tube is studied. The unique flow features brought about by the detonation-driver gas and the method for detecting the contamination are discussed.Received: 6 August 2002, Revised: 22 September 2003, Published online: 10 February 2004Correspondence to: R.S.M. ChueAn abridged version of this paper was presented at the 23rd International Symposium on Shock Waves at Fort Worth, Texas, July 23 to 27, 2001  相似文献   

爆轰波对碰驱动下金属圆管膨胀变形特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用高速分幅摄影和激光速度干涉仪(velocity interferometer system for any reflector, VISAR)联合测试技术,对HR-2钢管在爆轰波对碰驱动下的膨胀变形特性进行了研究。实验得到了圆管膨胀变形的过程图像以及圆管特定部位径向膨胀的位移-时间曲线和速度-时间曲线。采用LSDYNA-3D程序对HR-2钢管的膨胀变形过程进行了数值模拟,计算结果与实验结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

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