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陆基保障工作是依托“蛟龙”号载人潜水器(以下简称“蛟龙”号)试验性应用航次开展的一项兼具日常公务办理和应急事件处置的综合事务性工作,主要工作内容包括:跟踪航次动向、保障海陆联通、协调船舶靠港、落实航次宣传以及为“蛟龙”号试验性应用工作领导小组和海上现场指挥部提供技术支撑等。文章回顾了“蛟龙”号试验性应用航次陆基保障工作开展情况,分析了工作特点和存在问题,针对下一步多机构联合和多潜水器协同作业模式下的深远海科考航次特点,提出了陆基保障工作的数字化建设和保密机制建设初步设想。  相似文献   

当前关于使用蚁群算法解决载人潜水器路径规划问题的研究,往往只注重路径的长度和算法收敛速度,容易忽略路径点与障碍物之间的距离和路径的平滑度等要素。载人潜水器过于靠近障碍物航行时容易产生碰撞;按照不平滑路径行驶时,频繁地转向会降低航行效率。为解决这些问题,受人工势场法启发,文中在蚁群算法的概率选择环节引入障碍物惩罚因子φ和转向惩罚因子ψ,对路径点的选择加以限制。仿真测试表明,相比于传统蚁群算法和Dijkstra算法,该算法规划的路径与障碍物之间保持安全距离且转向次数更少,因此载人潜水器按照此路径航行时,安全性和航行效率更高。  相似文献   

为了加快建立深海载人潜水器潜航员体系,实现深海载人潜水器业务化运行,提高我国载人深潜科考作业水平,文章结合"深海进入、深海探测、深海开发"战略需要,分析研究了载人潜水器作业环境、作业需求和潜航员岗位要求。提出了能力、知识、技能三位一体化的培养模式和基于专家系统课程设置架构,实践表明该培养模式科学、严谨,极大地推动了"蛟龙"号载人潜水器潜航员队伍的培育,对未来我国深海载人潜水器潜航员培养具有重要的指导意义。结合培训的实际情况,让潜航员培养工作顺利开展,提出构建科学的管理体制、完善潜航员培养保障机制、建立系统的制度保障制度等建议。  相似文献   

介绍了载人潜水器的特点及其在深海海洋测绘中的重要作用,详细论述了美、法、日、俄等国的载人潜水器在深海海洋测绘中的应用现状,并对我国"蛟龙"号载人潜水器在深海海洋测绘中的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

This paper thoroughly studies a control system with control allocation for a manned submersible in deep sea being developed in China.The proposed control system consists of a neural-network-based direct adaptive controller and a dynamic control allocation module.A control energy cost function is used as the optimization criteria of the control allocation module,and weighted pseudo-inverse is used to find the solution of the control allocation problem.In the presence of bounded unknown disturbance and neural networks approximation error,stability of the closed-loop control system of manned submersible is proved with Lyaponov theory.The feasibility and validity of the proposed control system is further verified through experiments conducted on a semi-physical simulation platform for the manned submersible in deep sea.  相似文献   

大深度载人潜水器低速大漂角模糊滑模航向控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马岭  崔维成 《海洋工程》2006,24(3):74-78
通过模型试验测量大深度载人潜水器低速大漂角运动时所受到的非线性水动力。基于一种新的模糊滑模控制策略,为潜水器设计了鲁棒航向控制器。在不同的漂角子区间内分别设计局部镇定的滑模控制器,然后通过Takagi-Sugeno模糊推理系统将它们光滑连接,得到模糊滑模控制。仿真计算结果充分显示了该控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

China''s 7000 m manned submersible JIAOLONG carried out an exploration cruise at the Mariana Trench from June to July 2016. The submersible completed nine manned dives on the north and south area of the Mariana Trench from the depth of 5500 to 6700 m, to investigate the geological, biological and chemical characteristics in the hadal area. During the cruise, JIAOLONG deployed a gas-tight serial sampler to collect the water near the sea bottom regularly. Five days later, the sub located the sampler in another dive and retrieved it successfully from the same location, which is the first time that scientists and engineers finished the high accuracy in-situ deployment and retrieval using a manned submersible with Ultra-Short Base Line (USBL) positioning system at the depth more than 6600 m. In this task, we used not only the USBL system of the manned submersible but also a compound strategy, including five position marks, the sea floor terrain, the depth contour, and the heading of the sub. This paper introduces the compound strategy of the target deployment and retrieval with the practical diving experience of JIAOLONG, and provides a promising technique for other underwater vehicles such as manned submersible or Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) under similar conditions.  相似文献   

深海采矿作业中,由于海底软泥稀软,采矿机器人极易打滑,以及海底地形、海流等干扰,采矿机器人容易偏离预定路径。针对采矿机器人的海底作业过程中路径跟踪问题,设计并分析了深海采矿机器人的路径跟踪控制系统。首先提出了艏向控制实现采矿机器人路径跟踪的控制算法,通过采矿机器人与当前目标点相对位置计算采矿机器人的目标艏向角,后基于运动学模型建立模糊比例积分微分(PID)的控制方法控制采矿机器人两侧转速差值进而控制采矿机器人艏向,从而使机器人按目标路径行走;同时为了防止输入过大引起打滑,基于动力学模型数值分析了采矿机器人主动轮角加速度与打滑率之间的关系,采取限制主动轮角加速度方式防止采矿机器人过度打滑;最后通过Matlab/Simulink建立系统模型对系统进行仿真分析。仿真结果表明,该控制算法能够良好地完成采矿机器人的路径跟踪任务。  相似文献   

针对一类具有配外部扰动的多输入多输出(MIMO)离散时间系统(DTS),提出了改进的状态观测器的设计方案,使得该观测器不受外部扰动的影响。对外部扰动满足匹配条件的MIMO-DTS,提出了基于状态观测器和扰动估计器的滑模控制器设计方案,该设计方案不要求知道系统的状态和外部扰动的上界。提出的仿真例子说明了本文方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

文章在对港口与腹地经济耦合协调发展机理分析的基础上,构建了港口与腹地经济协同发展模型和"港口-腹地经济"复合系统指标体系,并采用PLS通径模型测度了2000-2014年环北部湾地区"港口-腹地经济"复合系统及其各子系统协调发展水平。研究表明:考察期间内环北部湾地区"港口-腹地经济"复合系统及其子系统协调发展水平呈现出逐步递增的态势,其中港口子系统增长较快,是复合系统协调发展水平增长的重要保证;湛江港口子系统及其复合系统发展水平明显高于广西北部湾其他3地区;4地区腹地经济子系统协调发展水平基本持平。  相似文献   

介绍了一个通过移动卫星Inmarsat-Mini C通信手段进行远程遥控和数据传输的无人值守的自动监测系统。具体内容包括Inmarsat-Mini C系统介绍、遥控系统结构和其工作流程介绍、遥控系统对Mini C业务的具体应用及与Mini C终端通信的实现。  相似文献   

A robust optimal output tracking control method for a midwater trawl system is investigated based on T-S fuzzy nonlinear model. A simplified nonlinear mathematical model is first employed to represent a midwater trawl system, and then a T-S fuzzy model is adopted to approximate the nonlinear system. Since the strong nonlinearities and the external disturbance of the trawling system, a mixed H2/H∞ fuzzy output tracking control strategy via T-S fuzzy system is proposed to regulate the trawl depth to follow a desired trajectory. The trawl depth can be regulated by adjusting the winch velocity automatically and the tracking error can be minimized according to the robust optimal criterion. In order to validate the proposed control method, a computer simulation is conducted. The simulation results indicate that the proposed fuzzy robust optimal controller make the trawl net rapidly follow the desired trajectory under the model uncertainties and the external disturbance caused by wave and current.  相似文献   

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