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This paper proposed a high-speed railway control system based on the fuzzy control method. The fuzzy control system of the high-speed railway is designed in the Matlab software according to the expert experience and knowledge. At first the input and output variables have been fuzzified in the fuzzification process. Then the membership function is designed and the control rules are discussed in detail bring into correspondence with expert knowledge. The parameters discussion about the maximum speed and traction effort are studied in detail. Finally, the defuzzify process can output the results directly to control the high speed railway train. The results indicated that the fuzzy control system is effective and accurate in the high speed railway control process.  相似文献   

脑-机接口系统普遍存在控制命令单一、控制效率低和控制负担重等问题.通过改进控制目标的功能或加入智能化模块可以从一定程度上改善这个问题;但这方面的研究工作相对较少.如何针对残疾人的实际情况,研究智能控制与脑-机接口系统的有效切合点,是脑-机接口系统智能化的关键所在.本文针对视觉缺陷残疾人,提出一种结合机器视觉功能的听觉脑-机接口系统,将机器人自动视觉搜索,目标智能识别与听觉脑-机接口系统相结合,利用听觉脑-机接口系统向机器人发出简单人名指令,机器人将根据指令自动搜索识别,实现目标的自动跟踪.在一定程度上弥补视觉损伤病人在日常生活中的缺陷,也为脑-机接口的智能化提供了一个依据.  相似文献   

工业机器人对于自身与障碍物之间的距离测量不准确,无法根据二者距离判断行驶路径,导致避障效果较差。为此基于超声测距技术设计了一种新的工业机器人避障控制系统,从硬件和软件两方面对避障效果进行优化设计。将具有脉冲信号的超声换能器安装在单片机的操作模块中,增加MOS功率器件作为超声换能器的驱动元件,应用EA1、EA2和EA3三种型号的误差放大器,将回波信号稳定放大到电路中,利用运算放大器和RC网络电路实现滤波放大,利用信号检测电路实现检测。利用超声波传感器精准测量出自己与障碍物之间的距离,通过建立模糊数据库、定位漫反射信息、提取不同方向的测距信息实现工业机器人避障控制。实验结果表明,设计的基于超声测距的工业机器人避障控制系统能够准确测量出与障碍物之间的距离,避障控制准确率平均值达97.4%,能够实现工业机器人避障防碰撞操作。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于模糊控制和信息融合的自主式移动机器人导航系统的实现方法。采用表格查询的模糊控制方法,对导航系统中的多传感器信息进行融合,实现了机器人的路径跟踪和自动纠偏的功能。该系统具有实现简单、响应快、鲁棒性好等特点,仿真实验和实际运行结果表明了该系统在具有引导线的环境中能有效实现自主式移动机器人的导航。  相似文献   

焊接机器人运动控制系统的控制功能直接决定了焊接工作质量,利用PLC技术优化设计焊接机器人主从协调运动控制系统。在系统硬件设计方面,装设位置、速度、旋转电弧等传感器设备,利用传感数据检测焊接机器人实时位姿。在考虑焊接机器人组成结构、工作原理以及动力驱动方式的情况下,构建焊接机器人的数学模型。结合当前位姿和控制目标之间的位置关系,规划焊接机器人主从协调运动轨迹,在约束条件的作用下,利用PLC控制器生成控制指令,作用在改装的焊接机器人驱动器上,实现系统的焊接机器人主从协调运动控制功能。通过系统测试实验得出结论:与传统控制系统相比,优化设计系统的速度控制误差、姿态角控制误差分别降低了0.075mm/s和0.38°,在优化系统控制下,主从焊接机器人的运动轨迹与规划轨迹之间无明显差异。  相似文献   

为提升农业采摘机器人运动协作控制性能,降低机器人碰撞概率,利用D-H法优化设计机器人运动协作控制系统。改装位置、力矩以及碰撞传感器设备,优化运动协作控制器与驱动器,调整系统通信模块结构,完成硬件系统的优化。利用D-H法构建农业采摘机器人数学模型,在该模型下,利用传感器设备实现机器人实时位姿的量化描述,通过机器人采摘流程的模拟,分配机器人运动协作任务,从位置和姿态等多个方面,确定运动协作控制目标,经过受力分析求解机器人实际作用力,最终通过控制量的计算,实现农业采摘机器人的运动协作控制功能。通过系统测试实验得出结论:与传统控制系统相比,机器人位置、姿态角和作用力的控制误差分别降低了约40mm、0.2°和1.2N,在优化设计系统控制下,机器人的碰撞次数得到明显降低。  相似文献   

This study proposes an optimal control scheme for the coordinated control system (CCS) of an ultra-supercritical unit. This scheme utilizes a stair-like predictive control algorithm as the core to solve fundamentally the control problem of large delay and inertia in boiler combustion and integrates the feedforward and decoupling control concepts to preserve the traditional control experience. This study aims to provide technical support for the clean and efficient use of coal and the large-scale consumption of renewable energy sources in China. Non-real-time and real-time simulation results show that the scheme can achieve optimal control for each controlled variable, especially in the decoupling control mode; moreover, the fluctuation of each controlled variable is considerably reduced, and the adjustment of each control variable is stable, thereby improving the stability and anti-interference capability of the CCS. From the perspective of practical application of engineering, the research results have been directly productized and applied to practical engineering, the engineering application shows that the control performance is basically consistent with the simulation, the response rate of the unit is considerably increased, and the fluctuation of main steam pressure and mid-point temperature is considerably reduced. In this case, the proposed scheme can guarantee the safety, stability, economy, and flexibility of the unit operation.  相似文献   

为了解决机械臂开环控制精度低的问题,设计了一套基于STM32微控制器的机械臂反馈控制系统。通过QT图形界面将控制数据输入上位机,控制数据经串口传输到微控制器后驱动机械臂运动;由加速度传感器和磁通传感器组成的惯性传感器节点采集机械臂运动数据传回微控制器,采用由多个相关的参数可变PID控制器构成的控制器组对机械臂各个部位进行反馈控制。测试结果表明,利用惯性传感器实现的改进型PID的反馈控制系统比无反馈控制系统精度有较大提高,可用于实现更高精度的机械臂控制。  相似文献   

针对传统搬运机器人控制系统搬运路径准确性较差,控制耗时较长的问题,基于AT89C52单片机设计了一种新的搬运机器人控制系统;系统硬件主要由驱动模块、控制模块、显示模块和地面勘测模块组成,驱动模块具有很强的信息驱动能力,能确保机器人在运动过程得到充足的电量支持,显示模块及时进行信息显示,同时配合控制模块实现实时控制,地面勘测模块确保机器人在工作过程中对地面状况进行分析处理,从而得到更优的搬运路径;软件部分设计了搬运机器人最佳的分组搬运策略,基于AT89C52单片机将搬运指令传输至搬运机器人控制算法,快速纠正机器人的错误行为,使机器人成功完成搬运任务;实验结果表明,该搬运机器人控制系统能够有效缩短控制时间,提高控制精度,具有良好的系统规划、优化能力及智能化高.  相似文献   

To weaken the nonlinear coupling influences among the variables in the speed and tension system of reversible cold strip rolling mill, a novel dynamic decoupling control strategy is proposed based on nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode (NFTSM) and wavelet neural network (WNN). First, nonlinear disturbance observers are developed to counteract the mismatched uncertainties, and then input/output dynamic decoupling and linearisation for the speed and tension nonlinear coupling system are realised by utilising the inverse system theory. Second, nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode controller (NFTSMC) for each pseudo linear subsystem is presented based on backstepping and two-power reaching law, so as to improve the global convergence speed and robust stability of the system. Third, adaptive WNNs are used to approximate the uncertain items of the system, so as to improve the control precision of the speed and tension of reversible cold strip rolling mill. Theoretical analyses show that the NFTSMs satisfy reachability condition, the system error variables can converge to equilibrium point in finite time, and the resulting closed-loop system is globally asymptotically stable. Finally, simulation research is carried out on the speed and tension system of a 1422 mm reversible cold strip rolling mill by using the actual data, and results show the superiority of the proposed control strategy in comparison with the strategies of cascade PI, linear sliding mode control and internal model control.  相似文献   

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