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A method of evaluating VDT screen layout by eye movement analysis.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
S Yamamoto  Y Kuto 《Ergonomics》1992,35(5-6):591-606
The method for evaluating VDT screen layout by eye movements is studied. When the subjects read from the VDT screen, the change in their line of sight was measured by their eye movements. The measured eye movement patterns were divided into the sequential and rereading processes. When related to these characteristics, the performance of subjects was found to be good when the sequential process predominated over the rereading process. The eye movement pattern was shown to change with screen layout. The eye movement pattern proved effective in determining that tabular format is more legible than textual format. This confirmed the usefulness of the method of evaluating VDT screen layout by the eye movement pattern.  相似文献   

VDT tasks are rapidly increasing as the office automation prevails. Despite its numerous benefits, occupational hazards such as visual fatigue, eye strain, radiation and musculoskeletal stresses have emerged as an important issue. This study was designed to investigate the effects of work postures and anthropometric differences upon the musculoskeletal stresses experience by operators involved in conversational VDT tasks. Evaluation of the level of muscoloskeletal discomfort was performed for 297 VDT operators from three divisions of telecommunication company in Korea. The ergonomic variables of the VDT tasks and the operators' anthropometric variables were evaluated for 70 out of the 297 VDT operators. Factor analysis is used for identifying underlying pattern of discomfort and multiple regression analysis were performed to examine the relationship between the measured ergonomic variables and the musculoskeletal discomfort. This study indicates that the ergonomic variables have influences on the musculoskeletal discomfort. It is important to provide the workers with fully adjustable workstations so that they can maintain their work postures most suitable for the sustained VDT work. Furthermore, in order to achieve the best working conditions, VDT operators should be given a proper training for the adjustment of their workstations.  相似文献   

针对当前座舱工效学重要性日益提升,信息量不断增加,机构愈加繁杂等特点,传统的以单个或多个部件为对象进行的人-机布局评价方法,往往造成综合评价的片面性,导致研发周期长,效率低等问题。考虑到工效学评价模糊性,提炼并建构了基于当前座舱特点的人机布局评价体系,提出基于不确定语言加权平均(ULWA)算子的多属性决策组合的研究方法,建立飞机座舱人机布局评价模型,并进行了推理和验证。  相似文献   

研究了一种新颖的客观特征选择方法——蒙特卡罗估计选择(MCES)方法。采用多宇宙并行量子遗传算法对MCES方法进行优化,使其具有更快速的收敛能力和更好的搜索效率,从而能更有效地优化建模。仿真实验中用该方法进行优化布点,优选出的采样点位能够有效地代表和代替原先监测的众多点位,表明该方法用于环境监测优化布点,具有简便、快速、结果合理稳定、易于推广等优点。  相似文献   

Three types of VDT workstations, namely, fixed-height, partially adjustable, and fully adjustable, are ergonomically evaluated by IntelAd (an Intelligent Computer Workstation Adjustment System). The objective is to investigate how the degree of adjustability of workstation components affects selected groups of computer users in reference to their seated posture. Six population groups (combinations of two sex groups and three population percentiles) are hypothetically tested in this study. The results are then summarized to determine how vulnerable to CTS individual user groups are.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, users have been feeling clumsy inputting Chinese on mobile devices, partly because the layout of the keyboard/keypad is originally designed for inputting Latin alphabets. To improve this user experience, we propose Stroke++, a novel Chinese input method for touch screen mobile devices. More specifically, Stroke++ provides efficient keypad layout, a friendly user interface and a intelligent character/phrase candidate set generation algorithms. Stroke++ splits a Chinese character into multiple radicals. By leveraging hieroglyphic properties of Chinese characters, our method requires users to only input a subset of the radicals to identify the target character, making it much faster and easier to input Chinese on mobile phones. Our user study results show that Stroke++ outperforms most major Chinese input methods on mobile devices, including Stroke, Pinyin and Hand Writing Recognition (HWR), in terms of the input efficiency and usability. Moreover, we also demonstrate that Stroke++ offers a low entry barrier for Chinese-input novices.  相似文献   

引导文教学法是德国职业教育和培训广为采用的一种教学方法,强调培养学生独立学习、工作计划制作、实施和评估的能力。作为教学改革的探索,在网页布局与CSS专业课中采用了引导文教学法,按照引导文教学法的6个步骤进行教学设计。实践表明,教学效果良好。  相似文献   

Eye movements are studied in neurophysiology, neurology, ophthalmology, and otology both clinically and in research. In this article, a syntactic method for recognition of horizontal nystagmus and smooth pursuit eye movements is presented. Eye movement signals, which are recorded, for example, electro-oculographically, are transformed into symbol strings of context free grammars. These symbol strings are fed to an LR(k) parser, which detects eye movements as sentences of the formal languages produced by these LR(k) grammars. Since LR(k) grammars have been used, the time required by the whole recognition method is directly proportional to the number of symbols in an input string.  相似文献   

Limited information is available regarding ergonomic foldable display device forms. This two-stage study involving young South Koreans (divided into three hand-length groups) was conducted to determine ergonomic forms for hand-held foldable display devices considering folding/unfolding comfort and preference. Stage I obtained the suitability of three screen sizes for five tasks. Stage II evaluated 14 different bi- and tri-folding methods considering screen size, folding direction, and folding time. The effects of hand length were all non-significant. Screen size preferences were task-dependent; small screens were preferred for making calls, and medium screens for web searching and gaming. Folding methods affected folding/unfolding comfort and preference; outward screen and Z-shape screen folding were the most preferred bi- and tri-fold concepts, respectively. Screen protection and access appeared to be competing factors in the user preference determination process. Foldable screen size and folding method should be determined by considering tasks, folding/unfolding comfort, and user preferences.

Practitioner summary: A 13.5?cm screen was preferred for making calls, whereas a 17.5?cm screen was best for web searching and gaming. An outward bi-fold screen concept with a 17.5?cm screen and Z-shape tri-fold screen concept with a 22.9?cm screen were preferred. Overall, the Z-shape concept was most preferred.

Abbreviations: SD: standard deviation; ANOVA: analysis of variance; H: Height; W: Width; T: Thickness  相似文献   

朱蕾  蒋福临  李琳 《图学学报》2022,43(5):909-917
传统村落的布局优化是室外场景辅助设计建模的重要环节,由此提出了一种预测网络辅助下徽派村落街坊布局生成方法。首先根据CAD测绘图提出徽派村落街坊的结构化数据构建方法;其次对局部布局中房屋的各类别、位置和朝向分别设计预测网络;最后使用预测结果在已有的房屋数据集合中先根据面积和形状分类进行房屋类别预测,再在相应类别中搜索最优生成结果,并满足区域内和房屋不重叠约束条件。通过一系列的定量和定性实验结果表明,该方法能生成符合徽派村落街坊布局特征和规律的房屋布局,从而为设计者提供一个徽派聚落场景的创作手段。  相似文献   

一种大屏幕人机交互系统的实现方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对利用双目立体视觉技术实现大屏幕人机交互系统时摄像头标定复杂的问题, 提出一种大屏幕人机交互系统的实现方法。由两个摄像头负责采集用户手部的图像,获取指尖的二维图像位置坐标,通过透视投影模型,由测量所得的两个摄像头之间的距离、大屏幕左边与摄像头之间的距离、摄像头离地面的高度、大屏幕底边离地面的高度等数据,求出地面上与指尖成像在同一位置的地面坐标,由摄像头的位置及地面坐标求出一条直线,两条直线相交获取指尖空间坐标,由指尖空间坐标选取与屏幕对应的二维平面坐标,经物理坐标到逻辑坐标转换求出手指指向屏幕的实际坐标,实现大屏幕的定位。定位完成后,采用指尖检测方法检测视频图像中指尖是否存在,以此判断食指弯曲和伸开的点击操作。指尖空间坐标的计算方法虽然存在误差,但由于用户在操作过程中能够实时看到鼠标的位置,因此该误差对用户是透明的,而这种方法以简单的、近似的求解避免了复杂的摄像头标定过程,便于系统工程的实施。  相似文献   

针对传统基于兴趣区的可视化方法在分析飞行员眼动数据过程中无法关注细节的问题,提出了一种基于用户自定义兴趣区的眼动数据可视分析方法。首先,根据具体的分析任务,引入对任务背景图像的自我划分和定义;然后,在此基础上,结合多种辅助视图和交互手段,设计并实现了面向飞行员培训的眼动数据可视分析系统,帮助分析人员分析不同的飞行员之间的眼动差异,最后通过案例分析,证明了可视分析方法的有效性和分析系统的实用性。实验结果表明,较传统方法来说,所提方法增加了分析人员在分析过程中的主动性,在整体和局部方面,支持分析人员对任务背景进行细节的探索,增加了分析人员分析数据的多角度性,让分析人员能够结合整体发现飞行学员在训练过程中认知困难的部分,进而制定更有针对性、更有效的训练课程。  相似文献   

SLP和遗传算法结合在车间设备布局中的应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
用经典的系统布置设计结合遗传算法求解车间设备布局,以高效率获得满意的设计结果,弥补传统SLP设计过程中手工操作的繁琐迭代、易受主观影响、结果不稳定等缺点。并且通过对遗传算法的改进,增强了算法的全局和局部搜索能力。最后,通过实例验证了其有效性。  相似文献   

With increases in the complexity and dynamics of multimedia information communicated by current applications, there arises a corresponding need towards a standard technology for intelligent multimedia interfaces. In this article, we address those components of an intelligent multimedia presentation system (IMMPS) which deal with the design and the realization of spatial layout. We treat multimedia layout as a multidimensional constraint problem and propose a reference architecture for a general-purpose intelligent multimedia layout manager (IMMLM) that is based on a dedicated constraint solver kernel.  相似文献   

The component layout or packaging problem requires efficient search of large, discontinuous spaces. This survey paper reviews the state-of-the-art in product layout algorithms. The focus on optimization and geometric interference calculation strategies addresses the common aspects of the layout problem for all applications.  相似文献   

为进一步提高工作效率,提出一种基于人的认知因素和几何位置匹配因素的界面信息布局设计方法。建立任务模型,获取合理的待布局任务信息元素;从人的认知规律中提取3个布局原则,分别将其以定量化的形式构建数学模型,以目标函数变量的形式作用于界面布局过程中;引入带有惯性权重的粒子群算法求解目标函数,对界面中所有待布局元素的几何位置寻求最优布局方案。以隧道应急救援培训系统的决策界面布局为例,提出解决方案并验证该方法的可行性。实验结果表明,该方法具有一定的实用性。  相似文献   

针对触摸显示屏的操作特点,利用简单通用手势——滑动和点击,提出了两种触摸手势输入字符方法。第一种是基于T9键盘的改进输入方法,第二种是基于全键盘的改进输入方法。这两种输入方法节省屏幕使用空间,使用户更易学习的同时降低了误输入机率。  相似文献   

《Pattern recognition》1986,19(5):353-359
A syntactic method is presented which takes advantage of a context free grammar and an LR(k) parser in order to recognize saccadic eye movements from digitalized eye position signals. The method functions in linear time and may be applied in real time systems. Saccades, which are voluntary eye movements, are measured in several areas of medicine for diagnosis and research. After the analog-digital conversion the signal is transformed into a symbol string. A valid saccade beginning is first looked for and the complete saccade is then recognized by applying the parser. An example of the application of the method is demonstrated on photoelectrically recorded data.  相似文献   

大规模矩形件优化排样是一个典型的组合优化问题,属于NP-hard问题.实际工程中对一个排样方案一般有满足“一刀切”的工艺要求,“一刀切”要求增加了对排样的约束.提出的优化算法,将矩形匹配分割算法作为遗传算法染色体的解码器实现一个排样方案,用遗传算法进行排样方案的全局搜索.算例比较表明,该算法可以求得满足“一刀切”约束的最优解.  相似文献   

In today’s competitive environment, manufacturing facilities have to be more responsive to the frequent changes in product mix and demand by realigning their organizational structure for minimizing material handling cost. However, manufacturing firms are reluctant to modify the layout as it leads to operation disruption and excess rearrangement cost. In this paper, we present an alternative approach for designing a multi-period layout (i.e., distributed layout) that maintains a tradeoff between re-layout cost and cost of excess material handling. Obtaining an optimal solution to distributed layout problem is generally a difficult task, owing to larger size of quadratic assignment problem. In order to overcome the aforementioned drawback, a meta-heuristic, named ‘CSO-DLP’ (Clonal Symbiotic Operated-Distributed Layout Planning) is developed for designing a distributed layout that jointly determines the arrangement of department and flow allocation among them. It inherits its trait from Symbiotic algorithm and Clonal algorithm. In addition to these; the concept of ‘forecast window’ is used, which evaluates the layout for varying number of periods at a given time. The proposed meta-heuristic is applied on a benchmark dataset and the effect of system parameters, such as rearrangement cost, department disintegration, and duplication are investigated and benchmarked in this paper.  相似文献   

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