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利用滨州714SDN雷达体积扫描资料、济南探空和机载PMS微物理探测资料,按降水冷云云层分布特点,选择不同Z-M关系计算降水条件下各特定层垂直积分含水量;结合天气资料及雷达速度场分布特征,分析降水云层演变特征及人工增雨播云条件,确定增雨作业时间和区域.  相似文献   

风场反演中距离圈上速度退模糊方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在深入分析速度模糊的特点后,根据在距离圈上不模糊点到模糊点的不连续性,以及对模糊跳变处风速差和最大不模糊速度间关系的判定,从零方位开始在距离圈上逐点进行速度模糊的判定,并引入模糊标记的形式以确定退模糊处理的区间.然后通过实例分析,证明了方法的可用性和正确性.最后利用经过该方法处理的低仰角基本速度资料成功反演了雷达风场.  相似文献   

详细介绍了信号定时器的特点和工作原理,并给出一种基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的风廓线雷达信号定时器的设计方法.该信号定时器在某风廓线雷达中成功应用,且运行可靠,效果良好.  相似文献   

风廓线雷达信号信息提取实现   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
讨论了从风廓线雷达回波信号中获取风场数据的方法,重点介绍如何在满足时空要求的条件下进行信息提取。  相似文献   

根据超级单体在反射率因子图中的强度信息、水平尺度、典型的钩状回波等特征,利用图像处理技术对多普勒天气雷达回波图中超级单体进行识别,从而更好地为天气预报服务.首先通过图像分割获取灰度图中超级单体的结构,然后结合轮廓跟踪法和贴标签的方法对目标进行区域分割,获取目标存在区域,最后基于不变矩具有对位移、尺度和旋转变换的不变性对目标进行识别.仿真结果表明该方案可行且具有良好的识别性能.  相似文献   

利用多普勒天气雷达资料结合其它实测资料,分析研究了2003年8月28~31日发生在大成都地区的区域性暴雨过程.从回波的强度、结构、风场以及影响系统等方面得知:由冷锋激发的絮状回波有利于区域性降水的产生;回波强度、VIL和RZ值与降水有很好的相关性;当近地层具有低空急流和强烈垂直风切变以及低层径向速度辐合时对暴雨的发展十分有利.  相似文献   

A method for sea surface wind field retrieval from SAR image mode data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To retrieve wind field from SAR images, the development for surface wind field retrieval from SAR images based on the improvement of new inversion model is present. Geophysical Model Functions(GMFs) have been widely applied for wind field retrieval from SAR images. Among them CMOD4 has a good performance under low and moderate wind conditions. Although CMOD5 is developed recently with a more fundamental basis, it has ambiguity of wind speed and a shape gradient of normalized radar cross section under low wind speed condition. This study proposes a method of wind field retrieval from SAR image by combining CMOD5 and CMOD4 Five VV-polarisation RADARSAT2 SAR images are implemented for validation and the retrieval results by a combination method(CMOD5 and CMOD4) together with CMOD4 GMF are compared with QuikSCAT wind data. The root-mean-square error(RMSE) of wind speed is 0.75 m s-1 with correlation coefficient 0.84 using the combination method and the RMSE of wind speed is 1.01 m s-1 with correlation coefficient 0.72 using CMOD4 GMF alone for those cases. The proposed method can be applied to SAR image for avoiding the internal defect in CMOD5 under low wind speed condition.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Thestormsurgeisoneofthemostimportantphe nomenathatendangerthecoastalengineeringfacili ties .Everyyearthereareabout 1 2tropicalcyclonesmakinglandfallatthemainlandofChinafromMaytoOctober (MuandTu ,2 0 0 0 ) .Whentheastronomictideishigh ,the…  相似文献   

在简要介绍上海LAP-3000边界层风廓线雷达探测原理和产品生成的基础上,利用近两年来搜集的资料,分析风廓线雷达资料短时强降水、龙卷风等局地强对流天气预报中的应用。结果表明,LAP-3000边界层风廓线雷达资料时间和空间分辨率较高,能有效揭示常规天气资料难以分析的一些大气动力和热力特征,在短时强对流天气预报中有较好的业务应用前景。  相似文献   

WindSat/Coriolis is the first satellite-borne polarimetric microwave radiometer, which aims to improve the potential of polarimetric microwave radiometry for measuring sea surface wind vectors from space. In this paper, a wind vector retrieval algorithm based on a novel and simple forward model was developed for WindSat. The retrieval algorithm of sea surface wind speed was developed using multiple linear regression based on the simulation dataset of the novel forward model. Sea surface wind directions that minimize the difference between simulated and measured values of the third and fourth Stokes parameters were found using maximum likelihood estimation, by which a group of ambiguous wind directions was obtained. A median filter was then used to remove ambiguity of wind direction. Evaluated with sea surface wind speed and direction data from the U.S. National Data Buoy Center (NDBC), root mean square errors are 1.2 m/s and 30° for retrieved wind speed and wind direction, respectively. The evaluation results suggest that the simple forward model and the retrieval algorithm are practicable for near-real time applications, without reducing accuracy.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Ocean wave and sea wind, are important oce-anic dynamic phenomena having great influence on the development of marine economy, exploitation of marine resources, and location selection, planning and designing, construction and operation of marine projects; so study on measuring methods of ocean wave and sea wind is important. High frequency ground wave radar (HF radar) was a technique developed in the last decades for the detection of oceanic environment. Long radio wave (mu…  相似文献   

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