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Most of petroliferous sedimentary basins in China have experienced multiple phases of tectonic evolution and deposition, and are characterized by tectonic and depositional superimposition. The term "superimposed basin" is suggested to describe those basins which consist of two or more simple prototype basins superimposing vertically and/or coalescing laterally. The characteristics of petroliferous superimposed basins are "multiple stages of basin forming and reworking, multiple layers of source rocks, multiple periods of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion, multiple periods of petroleum migration-accumulation-escape". Therefore,applying the wave process analysis method to studying the process of basin formation, hydrocarbon generation, and reservoir formation, and then establishing theory of "petroleum accumulation system" is helpful to enhancing petroleum exploration efficiency in superimposed basins.This paper will, based on case study in the Tarim basin, report the major developments in studying basin formation, hydrocarbon generation and petroleum accumulation. In study of basin formation, (1) geophysical comprehensive profiles reveal that the Tarim plate has been subducted beneath the Tianshan orogenic belt with an interfinger structure and that the deep structure in the eastern section of the Tianshan orogenic belt is different from that in the western section. (2) The vertical variation in debris and geochemical composition reveals the nature and Mesozoic-Cenozoic evolution history of the Kuqa Depression. (3) Field investigation and paleostress reconstruction show that the Kuqa Depression has undergone gravity-driven extension in sedimentary cover when the Tianshan uplifted vertically. In hydrocarbon generation study, new developments include (1) setting environmental index to judge high grade source rocks in marine carbonates, and (2) establishing the lower limit of the organic carbon content for effective carbonate source rocks. In petroleum accumulation study, (1) methods of determining paleopressure and paleotemperature of forming fluid inclusions have been established. (2) The petroleum source analysis has indicated that the crude oil in the Lunnan and Tahe oilfields are derived from the source rocks of the Middle and Upper Ordovician. (3) Three generations of oil inclusions from the Lunnan oilfield have been recognized and dated.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地现今地热特征   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
地温梯度和大地热流是揭示盆地现今热状态的重要参数,它们对理解盆地的构造-热演化过程及油气资源评价等方面均具有重要意义.利用塔里木盆地约470口井的地层测试温度资料和941块岩石热导率数据,本文计算了塔里木盆地38个新的大地热流数据,进而揭示了该盆地现今地热分布特征.研究表明,塔里木盆地现今地温梯度变化范围为17~32 ℃/km,平均为22.6±3.0 ℃/km;大地热流变化范围为26.2~65.4 mW/m2,平均为43.0±8.5 mW/m2.与我国其他大中型沉积盆地相比,它表现为低地温、低大地热流的冷盆的热状态,但仍具有与世界上典型克拉通盆地相似的地热背景.整体而言,盆地隆起区地温梯度和热流相对较高,坳陷区地温梯度和热流则偏低.此外,我们还发现塔里木盆地现有的油气田区一般位于高地温梯度区域,这可能与下部热流体的向上运移和聚集有关.影响塔里木盆地现今地热特征的因素包括盆地深部结构、构造演化、岩石热物理性质、盆地基底构造形态和烃类聚集等.  相似文献   

Through rock acoustic emission experiments and structural deformation analysis, the tectonic stages in Meso-Cenozoic in the Kuqa depression of the Tarim basin are firstly divided. Then, combining with rock magnetic fabric analysis and memory information, the distribution characteristics of tectonic stress field of every tectonic stage are quantificationally resumed. At the same time, according to the distribution relation of tectonic stress field of hydrocarbon formation stage by the finite element numerical simulation method and the known hydrocarbon reservoirs, the effects of tectonic stress field on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation are further analyzed. The Kuqa depression has mainly experienced six tectonic movements since Mesozoic. Except that the tectonic stress field of the Early Yanshan stage (208-135 Ma) showed northeast-southwest extensional stress field where the orientation of the maximum principal compressive stress (σ1) was northwest-southeast, the others were compressive stress field where the orientations of the maximum principal compressive stress (σ1) were near north-south. Along with the closure of the paleo-Tethys ocean, the Kuqa depression in the Indosinian stage (250-208 Ma) was in strong compressive circumstance with apparently big maximum principal stress (σ1) magnitude. Due to the equilibrium adjustment of interior Eurasia, the Kuqa depression in the Early Yanshan stage (208-135 Ma) was in weak extensional circumstance with apparently small maximum principal stress (σ1) magnitude. From the Late Yanshan stage (135-65 Ma) on, with a series of collision events occurring at the south edge of Eurasia, the Kuqa depression was in compressive circumstance again in which the maximum principal stress (σ1) magnitude was from small to big in turn. The Late Himalayan stage (2.6-0.7 Ma) was the main tectonic deformation stage with the biggest principal compressive stress (σ1) magnitude. Tectonic stress field plays a dominant role in hydrocarbon formation, it not only forms migration channels and trap structures for hydrocarbon accumulation, but also is the main drive power for hydrocarbon migration vertically along faults.  相似文献   

Wave analysis of basins is not only important to the crustal undation theory but also significant to petro-leum exploration by providing information such as the unconformity formation, migration and interchanges between uplifts and depressions, the migrations of sedimentary facies, and basin evolutionary stages. Early in the last century, Haarmann (1930, cited in Jacobs[1] and Scheidegger[2]) and Bemmelen (1933, cited in Jacobs[1] and Scheidegger[2]) put forward the theory of crustal undatio…  相似文献   

Carbonates are the main exploratory layers in Tarim Paleozoic cratonic basin. With abundant oil and gas sources, the lower Paleozoic carbonate in which traps develop over a large area and at a high amplitude, has the basic condition to form large oil and (or) gas fields. Three types of petroleum accumulation models, which consist of buried-hill petroleum accumulation in the high part of the uplift, inner structure petroleum accumulation in the pitching part of the uplift and fault horst petroleum accumulation on the border of the uplift, are found in the lower Paleozoic carbonates. Petroleum occurrence is mainly controlled by paleo-uplift, fault, unconformity and fracture system. The pitching part of the paleo-uplift and the fault belts on the paleo-uplift are the favorable exploratory areas.  相似文献   

The concept of hydrocarbon accumulation in network was presented on basis of the overall analysis of the formation and evolution characteristics of the continental faulted basin and of the systemic re-search on the major controlling factors on the hydrocarbon accumulation. The hydrocarbon accumu-lation in network can be defined as hydrocarbon accumulation in a three-dimensional network system which is constituted by the hydrocarbon migration passages under multiple dynamics,following the hydrocarbon generation from source rocks. The research shows that the hydrocarbon accumulation in network is composed of four elements,i.e.,hydrocarbon source (source rock kitchen),hydrocarbon accumulation terminal (trap),network pathway connecting source and terminal (transporting system),and network potential driving hydrocarbon migration in the network pathway (migration dynamics). Compared with other networks,hydrocarbon accumulation in network has three basic characteristics: the irreversible geological process of material and information flow in the network; the loss of material and information in the flow process in the network; the multiple dynamics in the flow process. Interac-tion of all the elements in the geological process can be called hydrocarbon accumulation in network. There are three basic models for hydrocarbon accumulation in network,that is,hydrocarbon accumu-lation in the network source area,hydrocarbon accumulation in the network pathway,and hydrocarbon accumulation in the network terminal. The key in the application of the hydrocarbon accumulation models in network in practice is to confirm the major accumulation stage and the function range of the four elements controlling the hydrocarbon firstly,to predict the profitable accumulation region by su-perposition of the favorable areas confirmed by four elements consequently,and to evaluate the oil-bearing property of the trap as well as confirm drilling targets. This paper takes the Dongying De-pression in the Bohai Bay Basin as an application example.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地下古生界烃源岩二次生烃范围研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
塔里木盆地是一个多旋回叠合盆地,下古生界烃源岩具有典型的二次生烃特征.当前关于二次生烃的研究集中在通过热模拟方法认识生烃机理和模式等方面,关于典型盆地二次生烃发生范围、分布规律、影响因素研究相对较少.本文在认识塔里木盆地构造背景和热演化规律的基础上,选取不同构造单元具有代表性的50余口井,利用Basin Mod 1D盆地模拟软件对多口井进行烃源岩成熟史模拟,结合现有的镜质体反射率数据,研究奥陶系和寒武系烃源岩是否存在二次生烃以及二次生烃发生时期和规律.综合分析单井模拟结果发现,奥陶系烃源岩二次生烃发生范围分布在沙雅隆起、卡塔克隆起中部和古城墟隆起西端,寒武系烃源岩二次生烃发生范围分布在沙雅隆起、巴楚隆起和卡塔克隆起中部.不同构造单元二次生烃开始的时间不同.二次生烃生烃史受盆地构造-热演化史控制,且对油气藏形成和分布有一定影响.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地是我国最大的内陆盆地,作为稳定地块,被周围许多深大断裂所围限.王琪等(2000)基于天山及塔里木地区多年的GPS观测结果,认为塔里木盆地整体上作为刚性块体,相对于稳定的西伯利亚地块作顺时针旋转,其内部变形较小或基本不变形.赵俊猛等(2008)应用人工地震和天然地震等综合地球物理探测方法,获得青藏高原壳幔组成、...  相似文献   

Hetianhe gasfield in Bachu region of the Tarim Basin is mainly composed of three reservoir-caprock assembly,namely regional caprock of upper mudstone,middle mudstone and lower mudstone of the Carboniferous and reservoir of Bachu bioclastic limestone,glutenite and the Ordovician carbonate buried hill.Natural gas in Hetianhe gasfield sourced from the Cambrian source rock.It is thought that gases in Ma4 well block in the east of Hetianhe gasfield are mainly crude-oil cracked gases,while those in Ma3 and Ma8 well blocks in the west are the mixture gases of kerogen cracked gases and crude-oil cracked gases.Natural gas is rich in H2S and accumulated in multiply stages as the result of TSR.The accumulation history is divided into three stages,namely accumulation and breakage in the late Caledonian-early Hercynian,migration and dissipation in the late Hercynian and accumulation in Himalayan. The main accumulation of reformed gas reservoir is in Himalayan.  相似文献   

自中新世晚期(大约5.2 Ma B.P.)以来,渤海海域盆地进入裂后构造活动最活跃的新构造运动时期,致使渤海海域沉降沉积中心迁移、玄武岩喷发、地震频繁活动、深大断裂继承性活动和大量晚期断裂的生成.该期构造运动海域强度明显高于相邻陆域,呈现出幕式活动的特征.在新构造运动的影响和控制作用下,渤海海域含油气盆地形成了一批大型浅层背斜圈闭,油气输导体系得到优化,烃源岩晚期快速生烃,油气幕式充注成藏.本文以PL19-3油气藏为例,初步总结了渤海新构造运动控制油气晚期快速动态成藏的模式.  相似文献   

大型克拉通内部沉积盆地基底组构与盆地起源和油气聚集有密切关系.除了钻井岩心及周缘露头研究可提供盆地结晶基底类型证据外,反射地震信号记录了沉积盆地起源时期的有关大地构造作用信息,盆地基底组构可通过记录长度大的反射地震剖面研究.2007年中石化在塔里木盆地将1400 km的地震剖面接收记录从6 s加长到12 s,为研究克拉通盆地结晶基底的组构和类型提供了难得的第一手资料.这篇文章主要介绍这次调查的反射地震剖面,讨论深反射地震数据处理的关键技术,展示塔里木盆地巴楚—塔中地区的四条12 s反射地震剖面,并对反射剖面的散射模式作初步分析.本次调查表明,将地震剖面接收记录从6 s加长到12 s,采集处理的成本只增加了3%左右,但是可为研究克拉通盆地结晶基底和上地壳不均匀性提供很有价值的第一手资料.  相似文献   

大型克拉通内部沉积盆地基底组构与盆地起源和油气聚集有密切关系.除了钻井岩心及周缘露头研究可提供盆地结晶基底类型证据外,反射地震信号记录了沉积盆地起源时期的有关大地构造作用信息,盆地基底组构可通过记录长度大的反射地震剖面研究.2007年中石化在塔里木盆地将1400 km的地震剖面接收记录从6 s加长到12 s,为研究克拉通盆地结晶基底的组构和类型提供了难得的第一手资料.这篇文章主要介绍这次调查的反射地震剖面,讨论深反射地震数据处理的关键技术,展示塔里木盆地巴楚—塔中地区的四条12 s反射地震剖面,并对反射剖面的散射模式作初步分析.本次调查表明,将地震剖面接收记录从6 s加长到12 s,采集处理的成本只增加了3%左右,但是可为研究克拉通盆地结晶基底和上地壳不均匀性提供很有价值的第一手资料.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地是我国最大的沉积盆地,对我国油气战略选区具有较大的意义.自震旦系成盆以来,塔里木盆地表现为一个低温的冷盆.在覆盖全盆的20条地震长剖面上,识别出83处特殊的地震反射结构,其特征为同相轴向上凸起呈尖角状,形态为直立或近直立,故名地震反射尖角直立结构.共识别出四种基本类型的地震反射尖角直立结构,平缓型、正常型、巨幅型、刺穿型,两个形态基本一致的基本型紧邻而组合为双相位型,两个或多个不同类型、不同形态的集中于某处则构成复合型.平缓型、正常型、巨幅型、刺穿型依次反映了变形增强的序列,理想状态下该反射结构由深至浅存在从刺穿型至平缓型的渐变序列,故基本类型的划分只是反映某处地震反射尖角直立结构的整体形态特点.地震反射尖角直立结构部位可能发育火成岩,与盆内钻遇火成岩钻井平面分布具有较高的相关度.地幔物质上涌至岩石圈,巨大的上拱能量造成了地层的变形,叠加构造因素的改造,地震反射尖角直立结构正是这一系列作用于地震反射上的响应.地震反射尖角直立结构是"热上涌"作用的产物.有机质的成熟、油气藏的形成和破坏与盆地热作用关系密切,对照塔里木盆地已有的油气田与"尖角直立"地震反射结构的平面分布,发现二者具有较高的相关性.地震反射尖角直立结构所反映的"热上涌"现象,促进了塔里木盆地"冷盆"背景下丰富油气资源的形成.  相似文献   

The Tuoku region in northern Tarim Basin of China is a key area for studying oil/gas reservoir rocks. The magnetic and mineralogical parameters of well cuttings from two wells, well S7, situated on oil/gas field, and well S6, at an oil/water interface, were measured. The two wells are located in the same structure with similar strata and types of lithology, but well S6 is a showing well of oil and gas 5 km northwest of well S7. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the possibility and distribution of secondary magnetic alteration that may have occurred due to hydrocarbon migration above an oil/gas accumulation. It is concluded that the magnetism of well cuttings from major strata in well S7, including source rocks, oil reservoir rocks and cap rocks, and in Quaternary (Q) soil is higher than that from well S6. The Cambrian oil-bearing strata and cap rocks have even higher magnetism in well S7. The shape and parameters of magnetic hysteresis loops indicate that soft (H c<20 mT,H s<0.3 T) ferrimagnetic components dominate the magnetic carriers within the strongly magnetic strata of well S7, whereas a mixed paramagnetic and ferrimagnetic distribution occurs in well S6 (for example, low coecivityH c and nonsaturating magnetized character). Analysis of heavy minerals shows that the contents of iron oxide (magnetite, maghemite and hematite) in well S7 are often higher than those in well S6. The magnetite content in samples of cuttings from Cambrian rocks can reach 9.7% in oil-bearing strata in well S7, and in strata Ekm and N1j are 1.215% and1.498%, respectively. Typical spherical magnetite grains are found within the main source rocks and the soils in well S7. By analysis of surface microtexture and of trace element contents, we infer that the spherical magnetite is composed of aggregates of ultrafine particles that are probably authigenic magnetite formed in a hydrocarbon halo background. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Geological Industry Foundation of China (Grant No. 49374216) and Foundation of the State Key Laboratory of Oil/Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation of China (Grant No. 9608).  相似文献   

There exists a petroleum system rich of oil and gas around Halahatang depression,where the oil and gas possess obvious local distinctions of properties in different parts.The research proved that the discovered crude oil and natural gas in the region derived mainly from O2 3 source rock,and the differences of its properties were controlled by the oil and gas filling intensity.The comprehensive study result shows the oil and gas reservoirs of the region mainly underwent three important accumulation phases:late Caledonian-Early Hercynian epoch,late Hercynian epoch,and Yanshan-Himalayan epoch. In the first phase,the oil and gas derived mostly from Cambrian source rock,which formed the primary ancient oil reservoirs,then suffered strong degradation and remained a great quantity of pyrobitumen in the high position of Tabei uplift in the present.In the second phase,the O2 3 source rock of Manjia'er depression started its generation of hydrocarbon,which accumulated in the high position of Tabei uplift afterwards,and then biodegradated to heavy oil in the late Hercynian epoch.In the last phase,the O2 3 source rock of southern Halahatang depression and margin of Manjia'er depression started its peak of generating liquid hydrocarbon,which mostly accumulated in the trap formed before the Indo-China and Yanshan epoch,and in somewhere the heavy oil suffered dilutions in various degrees or serious gas invading,to lead to obvious crude oil divergence.  相似文献   

The Ejina basin, which is located in arid and semi‐arid areas of northwest China, has experienced severe environmental deterioration in the past several decades, and an exploratory project was launched by the Chinese Government in 2001 to restore this degraded ecosystem. In this study, multi‐scale remotely sensed data and field investigations were used to quantify the responses of vegetation to the implementation of integrated water management under this project. In terms of the seasonal accumulated Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (SAN) variation, (1) the vegetation in 80·4% of the oasis regions showed an increasing or recovering trend, and increasing SAN trends with a magnitude greater than 0·14 a?1 mainly resulted from cultivated land reclamation; (2) the vegetation in 91·5% of the desert regions presented an increasing trend, and the statistically significant trends mainly appeared in the middle and lower Ejina basin; (3) the vegetation in 19·6% of oasis and 5·1% of desert regions showed a decreasing or degrading trend, mainly where rivers diminished and along artificial concrete canals; and (4) opposite signs of vegetation trends occurred simultaneously along some natural rivers experiencing water reduction, with a decreasing trend generally appearing in the high SAN regions, whereas an increasing trend was seen in the low SAN regions. The broad vegetation recovery observed was due to the comprehensive improvement of the water environment, which was attributed to both the increase in runoff entering the Ejina basin and the adoption of engineering measures. Vegetation degradation in the area mainly resulted from deterioration of the local water environment, which was closely related to the problems of water management. The results of this study can be used as a reference for adjusting the current water resource management strategy to effectively restore this ecosystem. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Combined evidence from the outcrop and the fluid inclusion assemblage (FIA) analysis indicates that there exist two episodes of fluid flow controlled by the tectonic activity. The first episode was recorded mainly in the reservoir rock of the Honghuayuan Formation,representing the fluid flow of hydrocarbon charging. The second episode occurred mainly along the fault systems,representing the fluid move-ment when the ancient oil reservoir was destroyed. The host mineral morphology,homogeneous tem-perature,and salinity of the FIAs record an episodic fluid movement. Characters of high homogenous temperature,low salinity and a quick temperature variation of the first episode fluid flow may indicate an early-stage fluid eruption,and correspondingly,fine-grained calcite was formed. Temperature of the erupted fluid tended to decrease during its mixing with the upper formation fluid and finally had the same temperature as the upper formation. From then on,the temperature was rather steady and fa-vored the growth of the coarse calcite. Due to this character of the temperature variation of the episodic fluid flow,we can use the homogenous temperature of the FIA of the coarse calcite to date the forma-tion and the destruction time of the Majiang ancient oil reservoir. Episodic fluid flow was known for its inhomogeneous trapping,which resulted in the failure of dating according to the burial history. But taking a close look at its temperature variation,we think that the latest stage of fluid flow,characterized by steady state temperature and grow of the coarser crystals,can be used for dating. It will be of great value if this method is proved to be effective. The formation and the destruction time of the Majiang ancient oil reservoir were dated to be in the Indosinian Period and the late Yanshan-early Hymalayan Period respectively. This conclusion is in great discrepancy with the common accepted idea that the Majiang ancient oil reservoir was formed and destroyed during the Caledonian tectonic movement. Even so,this paper further discussed its reliability from the view of the source rock evolution and also the local tectonic evolution.  相似文献   

在塔里木盆地前寒武结晶基底研究过程中,为了准确建立地层地磁模型,对库鲁克塔格地区岩浆岩、柯坪地区沉积岩、塔什库尔干地区变质岩地层进行系统取样及岩石薄片鉴定和准确命名,并测量岩石密度、磁化率.研究发现:①库鲁克塔格地区:基性、超基性岩蛇纹石化析出磁铁矿,磁化率剧烈变化,而中、酸性侵入岩磁化率随黑云母含量增加而增大;②柯坪...  相似文献   

塔里木盆地巴楚隆起区构造-热演化历史研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
于靖波  张健  史保平 《地球物理学报》2010,53(10):2396-2404
巴楚隆起是塔里木盆地重要勘探地区之一,其构造-热演化史制约着该区烃的生成、运移及聚集.本文在恢复巴楚地区4条地震解释剖面沉积埋藏史的基础上,通过求解热传导方程,计算了它们的构造-热演化历史.计算过程中首先利用"回剥"法,确定莫霍面处的热流值,再利用地壳重力均衡原理,求得各时期的莫霍面埋深,最终确定盆地基底热流和地表热流.结果表明,该地区构造-热演化可以划分为7个阶段,其中三叠纪热演化阶段地温梯度及地表热流达到最高值,分别为32 ℃/km和73.6 mW/m2,而现今地温梯度及地表热流值最低,分别为20 ℃/km和46.4 mW/m2.计算得出的现今地表热流密度值略大于实测值,分析认为主要由于中新世以来,巴楚隆起区侧向热扩散加快了地表热流的衰减所致.最后在模拟基础上,探讨了生热率、热导率对盆地热演化的影响.  相似文献   

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