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为了分析上下游区域水量分布特征,以临沂流域为研究区,结合流域水量平衡分析理论,构建了临沂流域分布式水文模型SWAT,进行了临沂流域产水模拟.在此基础上,给出临沂流域上下游区域水量时空分布图,并结合临沂上下游流域经济发展及用水情况,分析了临沂流域上下游区域的水资源分布及供需状况.研究结果表明:对于半干旱区中尺度流域采用多站点多时段多要素的率定方法,能够提高SWAT模型的模拟效率;临沂流域上下游水资源均较丰富,能够满足工农业生产和人们生活需要;临沂流域水量在时空分布上极不均匀,容易发生旱涝灾害,应加强水利设施建设.  相似文献   

SWAT模型在流域LUCC水文效应研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)的水文效应是GLP研究的热点。分布式水文模型SWAT是目前被广泛应用于LUCC水文效应研究的水文模型之一。论文首先概述了SWAT模型的发展历程和最新版本SWAT 2005的功能,其次就模型在不同土地覆被条件下水文效应应用中的几个方面进行了总结和分析:流域径流模拟,区域水量平衡分析和非点源污染的模拟及其对BMP评价研究的贡献。最后,归纳探讨模型应用中存在的一些问题,通过合理的情境设计以及关键参数的实测等方法,可以实现模型在流域LUCC水文效应研究中的高效应用。  相似文献   

针对复杂水域水质变化机理难以掌握、水质预测建模困难且预测精度低的问题,将时间序列分析方法与机器学习方法引入水质预测领域,提出了基于差分自回归移动平均(ARIMA)与支持向量回归(SVR)组合模型的水质预测方法。数据经过预处理后先由ARIMA模型对其进行线性拟合,然后通过SVR模型预测残差以补偿其中的非线性变化。选择巢湖水域2004—2015年间的pH和溶解氧监测数据作为试验样本,通过Hodrick-Prescott(HP)滤波方法分析,结果表明2组数据具有不同的趋势特性和波动特性。根据精度评价指标对比分析模型的预测效果,结果表明组合模型预测精度显著提高,pH和溶解氧预测值与观测值间的相关系数均达到了0.99,均方根误差分别为0.20和0.61,平均绝对百分比误差分别为2.2%和6.6%。本研究所建立的组合预测方法具有较高的预测精度和较强的泛化能力,适用于复杂水域的水质预测。  相似文献   

基于FLUS模型的流域土地利用变化预测及水文响应评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模拟未来不同发展情景下流域土地利用变化,评估其对流域水文的影响,对流域的土地利用优化和水安全起着重要的指导作用.通过分析2000—2018年汨罗江流域土地利用变化趋势,基于流域土地利用变化特点,运用FLUS模型从不划定发展控制区域的基准情景和划定限制发展区域的限制情景2个方面出发,进行2035年汨罗江流域土地利用预测,...  相似文献   

以郑州市贾鲁河流域为研究区,在地理信息系统技术支持下,使用DEM、土地利用、土壤、气象、人工取用水数据、农业管理措施等资料构建了基于分布式水文模型SWAT的流域水循环模拟模型,应用改进的SWAT模型进行了流域水循环模拟,并利用实测数据对模型进行了参数率定和模型验证,采用相对误差、NASH效率系数、相关系数作为模型适应性评价指标,结果表明模型在研究区有较好的适应性。可以为流域水循环演变规律的系统揭示和区域水资源的综合调控提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

SWAT模型在三川河流域的应用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
利用黄河中游干旱半干旱区三川河流域20世纪80年代的降雨径流资料.构建了三川河流域的分布式水文模型SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment T001),并对三川河流域的月平均流量过程进行了模拟,分析了月径流量的变化特征.模拟结果表明,月平均流量较实测的结果偏大,模型率定期和验证期的Nash-Sutticliffe效率系数分别为0.711和0.725.虽然Nash-Sutticliffe效率系数基本符合精度要求,但是模型中一些参数已经达到模型设置的临界值,进一步分析得出,由于流域上雨量站的数据不够,以及中国与美国土壤、土地利用数据库编码的差异.使得模型模拟结果受到影响,并且三川河流域自70年代以来水土保持措施蓄水效益较为显著,在一定程度上使得径流量减少.使得模拟结果偏大.  相似文献   

棘洪滩水库是胶东调水工程青岛端的大型调蓄水库,也是一座典型的平原水库,研究其水文情势与水质的时空变化规律对保证供水水源安全具有十分重要的实际应用价值。根据2001—2009年棘洪滩水库的水文和水质监测资料,从年际、年内和时段进行了调水、供水和水质变化趋势的综合分析。结果表明,棘洪滩水库年调水量为0.39~1.39亿m3,平均值为0.96亿m3;年供水量为0.55~1.19亿m3,平均值为0.95亿m3;通过水量平衡计算得到棘洪滩水库的年损失水量为146.1~648.8万m3,平均值为373.6万m3。棘洪滩水库水质总体上要好于Ⅱ类水质标准,但是总氮指标最大值达到3 mg/L,严重超标。水库水体自净作用下降,内源污染程度加剧。  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - The North China Plain (NCP) has been affected by severe water scarcity over the past several decades. To address this issue, several water management plans have already...  相似文献   

及时准确采集和传输信息是水雨情监测系统的基本要求.文章分析了当前水文站点对水雨情的监测技术现状,随着无线传感器网络(WSN)的应用和普及,提出了在复杂环境下建立水雨情无线传感器网络的必要性,并对组建的网络节点硬件设计和节点定位问题做了分析和研究.  相似文献   

跨流域调水的大尺度分布式水文模型研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
变化环境下区域分布式水循环模拟研究,是地球系统科学中的重大科学问题,也是区域水安全和水资源风险管理需求的重要应用基础。本文开展了以南水北调中线工程联系的跨汉江、黄河和海河多个流域的区域水循环模拟、环境变化影响与水安全研究。重点论述了跨流域调水的大尺度分布式水文模型(LDTVGM)的研究与展望。目的是探讨变化环境下跨流域调水的分布式水循环模型的建立,发展区域水循环动力学-非线性系统-多源不确定性分析与综合的理论与影响评估方法,为分析应对气候变化和高强度人类活动影响的区域水资源安全及应对措施的风险管理,提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Jordan is an arid country with limited water resources, so there is a chronic need to study and understand its hydrology at the watershed scale which will eventually help in achieving good management for the existing scarce water resources. The studied watershed was the Zarqa River Basin which is considered as the largest watershed in Jordan. The objective of this study was to calibrate the hydrological component of the Hydrological Simulation Program – FORTRAN (HSPF) model for the Zarqa River Basin. The calibrated model could be used in a later stage to examine the impact of different management practices and climate change scenarios on the water resources in the basin. The calibration of the HSPF water quantity parameters was aided by GIS and by the automatic calibration model (PEST). The automatic calibration was done for the years 1988–1991 and the validation was done for the years 1996–1998. The coefficient of determination, R 2 for the calibration and verification years of the monthly flows was 0.81 and 0.76, respectively.  相似文献   

侯新 《水利科技与经济》2010,16(11):1314-1316
基于SWAT模型的流域水环境管理及预报系统是一个以地理信息系统(GIS)和数据库管理系统为开发平台,通过与SWAT分布式水文模型的集成,面向管理和决策层的可视化动态信息系统。本系统利用SWAT分布式水文模型对水资源水环境进行综合评价和预报,并结合GIS技术实现了流域管理的可视化和辅助决策功能,实现流域水环境的信息管理与查询,来为管理部门提供有效、直观的决策信息。  相似文献   

The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), a physically-based watershed-scale model, holds promise as a means to predict tributary sediment and nutrient loads to the Laurentian Great Lakes. In the present study, model performance is compared across six watersheds draining into Lake Erie to determine the applicability of SWAT to watersheds of differing characteristics. After initial model parameterization, the Huron, Raisin, Maumee, Sandusky, Cuyahoga, and Grand SWAT models were calibrated (1998-2001) and confirmed, or validated (2002-2005), individually for stream water discharge, sediment loads, and nutrient loads (total P, soluble reactive P, total N, and nitrate) based on available datasets. SWAT effectively predicted hydrology and sediments across a range of watershed characteristics. SWAT estimation of nutrient loads was weaker although still satisfactory at least two-thirds of the time across all nutrient parameters and watersheds. SWAT model performance was most satisfactory in agricultural and forested watersheds, and was less so in urbanized settings. Model performance was influenced by the availability of observational data with high sampling frequency and long duration for calibration and confirmation evaluation. In some instances, it appeared that parameter adjustments that improved calibration of hydrology negatively affected subsequent sediment and nutrient calibration, suggesting trade-offs in calibrating for hydrologic vs. water quality model performance. Despite these considerations, SWAT accurately predicted average stream discharge, sediment loads, and nutrient loads for the Raisin, Maumee, Sandusky, and Grand watersheds such that future use of these SWAT models for various scenario testing is reasonable and warranted.  相似文献   

赣江下游平原圩区水文过程模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同于山区丘陵地区,平原圩区地形平坦,河网交错,水文过程复杂不确定,且缺乏有效的水文观测数据,因此SWAT模型的构建和应用受到较大的限制。以赣江下游平原圩区蒋巷联圩为例,在充分调查研究区水文过程的基础上,结合人工干预技术,经过电排站出口和河道概化、汇水区划分和子流域边界修正,完成了研究区SWAT模型子流域概化;以2006年-2008年圩区电排站的抽水量数据为基础,进行了圩区水文过程模拟。结果表明,各汇水区率定期的决定系数R2达到0.63以上,Nash-Sutcliffe效率系数NSE达到0.70以上;验证期R2达到0.70以上,NSE达到0.79以上。采用人工干预的方法能使SWAT模型子流域划分更加符合实际,使SWAT模型能够应用于平原圩区,并达到较好的水文过程模拟效果。  相似文献   

基于SWAT模型的延河流域月径流量模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来SWAT模型在我国南方湿润半湿润流域以及众多大尺度流域取得了良好的应用效果,但在水文资料缺乏、气候相对干旱的流域应用不多。以黄土高原典型流域陕西省延河流域为例,结合国内外已有的研究和GIS技术,根据延河流域现有的数据成功构建了基于SWAT的水文模型,其中1980—1985年为模型的率定期,1986—1989年为模型的验证期。通过对模型的参数进行敏感性分析以及一系列率定,最终得到结果为率定期的Nash-Sutcliffe效率系数NS和相关系数R2分别是0.644和0.832;验证期的Nash-Sutcliffe效率系数NS和相关系数R2分别为0.63和0.872,均达到模型模拟的要求,表明SWAT模型基本上能够模拟延河流域月径流量水文过程,为SWAT模型在黄土高原典型流域的进一步应用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

以北京市延庆区妫水河为例,使用SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)模型对妫水河流域进行月尺度水文模拟,使用SUFI-2(Sequential Uncertainty Fitting)算法分析参数的敏感性,依据SWAT-CUP自动率定得到P因子和R因子分析模型的不确定性,从而完成本流域分布式水文模型的构建。率定结果显示,率定期确定系数R 2为0.65,效率系数NSE为0.61;验证期确定系数R 2为0.89,效率系数NSE为0.88;不确定性分析结果中P-factor均大于0.5,R-factor均小于0.3。通过以上分析可得该模型对妫水河流域的水文模拟有良好的效果。  相似文献   

介绍了古北口水质水量监测站水量水质自动测报系统的水量监测情况,水质监测的工作流程、监测参数、监测范围及维护方法,通过实测数据分析了自动与实验室监测的差别及原因,对比水量水质自动监测中的优缺点,提出了自动监测站应注意的几个问题。古北口水质自动监测站的建成在提高站点水质信息采集的时效性,及时发现监测河段水污染事故等方面发挥了作用,为水环境管理、水资源利用等提供了决策依据。  相似文献   


Drought diagnosis and forecasting are fundamental issues regarding hydrological management in Spain, where recurrent water scarcity periods are normal. Land-surface models (LSMs) could provide relevant information for water managers on how drought conditions evolve. Here, we explore the usefulness of LSMs driven by atmospheric analyses with different resolutions and accuracies in simulating drought and its propagation to precipitation, soil moisture and streamflow through the system. We perform simulations for the 1980-2014 period with SASER (5 km resolution) and LEAFHYDRO (2.5 km resolution), which are forced by the Spanish SAFRAN dataset (at 5km and 30km resolutions), and the global eartH2Observe datasets at 0.25 degrees (including the MSWEP precipitation dataset). We produce standardized indices for precipitation (SPI), soil moisture (SSMI) and streamflow (SSI). The results show that the model structure uncertainty remains an important issue in current generation large-scale hydrological simulations based on LSMs. This is true for both the SSMI and SSI. The differences between the simulated SSMI and SSI are large, and the propagation scales for drought regarding both soil moisture and streamflow are overly dependent on the model structure. Forcing datasets have an impact on the uncertainty of the results but, in general, this impact is not as large as the uncertainty due to model formulation. Concerning the global products, the precipitation product that includes satellite observations (MSWEP) represents a large improvement compared with the product that does not.


With the rapid social and economic development of the Taihu region, Taihu Lake now faces an increasingly severe eutrophication problem. Pollution from surrounding catchments contributes greatly to the eutrophication of water bodies in the region. Investigation of surface flow and associated mass transport for the Xitiaoxi catchment is of a significant degree of importance as the Xitiaoxi catchment is one of the major catchments within the Taihu region. A SWAT-based distributed hydrological model was established for the Xitiaoxi catchment. The model was calibrated and verified using hydrometeorological data from 1988 to 2001. The results indicate that the modeled daily and annual stream flow match the observed data both in the calibration period and the verification period, with a linear regression coefficient R2 and a coefficient e for modeled daily stream flow greater than 0.8 at Hengtangcun and Fanjiacun gauge stations. The results show that the runoff process in the Xitiaoxi catchment is affected both by rainfall and human activities (e.g., reservoirs and polder areas). Moreover, the human activities weaken flood peaks more noticeably during rainstorms. The Water balance analysis reveals the percentages of precipitation made up by surface flow, evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge' and the change of soil storage, all of which are considered useful to the further understanding of the hydrological processes in the Xitiaoxi catchment. This study provides a good base for further studies in mass transport modeling and comparison of modeling results from similar hydrological models.  相似文献   

为探究北江流域的水资源状况及其在不同程度干旱下的变化特征,利用SWAT模型模拟北江流域径流过程,并在此基础上评估北江流域的蓝绿水资源时空变化及其对干旱的响应特征.研究表明:北江流域水资源以蓝水为主,多年平均蓝水量为1149.08 mm,绿水量为981.08 mm,绿水系数为0.48;1966-2010年间,北江流域蓝绿...  相似文献   

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