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A rapid method is described for the determination of hypophosphite by oxidation with permanganate in acid medium in the presence of fluoride to prevent formation of insoluble oxides of manganese. The optimum conditions for visual and potentiometric end-point detection are given. Hypophosphite is oxidized to H(2)PO(-)(3). Under optimum conditions the titrations are fast and exhibit a reasonable potential change at the end-point. The method demonstrates the feasibility of determining amounts of H(2)PO(-)(2) corresponding to 0.08-7 mg of phosphorus.  相似文献   

Issa IM  Idriss KA  Ghoneim MM 《Talanta》1976,23(3):249-251
The factors affecting the success of both visual and potentiometric end-point detection in titration of bisulphite with permanganate in the presence of fluoride are examined. The optimum conditions are 0.02M H(2)SO(4) and 0.24-0.38M NaF. The oxidation product comprises dithionate and sulphate according to the overall reaction MnO(4)(-) + H(+) + 2HF(2)(-) + 3HSO(3)(-) right harpoon over left harpoon MnF(4)(-) + S(2)O(6)(2-) + SO(4)(2-) + 3H(2)O. The reverse titration is also satisfactory, but proceeds quantitatively according to MnO(4)(2-) + 2HF(2)(-) + 2HSO(3)(-) right harpoon over left harpoon MnF(4)(-) + 2SO(4)(2-) + 2H(2)O.  相似文献   

Summary The titration of ferrous iron in presence of fluoride ions in acid medium gives fleeting end points and erroneous results. A method is deviced to overcome this difficulty by oxidising the ferrous with an excess of KMnO4 in alkaline medium. After mixing the reactants the excess of KMnO4 is reduced by an excess of Hg2 2+ ions in presence of H2SO4 and fluoride. The remaining mercurous is then titrated with standard KMnO4 solution.Part III: Issa, I. M., and M. Hamdy: Z. analyt. Chem. 174, 418 (1960).  相似文献   

Summary Quadrivalent selenium can be determined with fair accuracy by mixing with an excess of KMnO4 in the presence of 25–75 ml of 2% NaF solution and 4–7 ml of 9 N sulfuric acid. After leaving the reaction mixture for 10–30 minutes the excess KMnO4 is estimated by one of the following procedures: A) Titration of the excess KMnO4 with monovalent mercury, B) Adding an excess of Hg2 2+ solution to react with the excess KMnO4 followed by titrating the excess mercurous with KMnO4 solution.Part I: Issa, I. M., and M. Hamdy, Z. analyt. Chem. 172, 94 (1980).  相似文献   

Summary Trivalent chromium and quadrivalent vanadium can be determined with fair accuracy by a method consisting in mixing either with an excess of KMnO4 in the presence of 0.3 to 1.8 M alkali hydroxide. After leaving the mixture for 5 min, the solution is acidified with sulphuric acid and mixed with 50 to 75 ml of 2% NaF solution. An excess of monovalent mercury Hg2 2+ solution is then added, the solution heated to 40° C and then titrated with KMnO4 solution in the presence of Cu2+ ions to conceal the pink manganic fluoride colour.Part II: Issa, I. M., and M. Hamdy: Z. analyt. Chem. 172, 162 (1960).  相似文献   

Summary Reagents other than the Zimmerman-Reinhardt reagent have been used to minimize the errors incurred when Fe(II)/HCl systems are titrated with MnO4 . Potentiometric studies made of the effect of these additives on the initial and equivalence point potentials show that salts whose anions stabilize the Mn(III) state affect the equivalence point potential more than those containing Mn(II). The cation also affects the result, e.g., H2SO4 and Na2SO4-containing solutions show a greater equivalence potential change than do those containing (NH4)2SO4 and K2SO4. Ce2(SO4)3, reportedly an effective inhibitor, does not affect the equivalence point potential. Less titrant is required for 6 M HCl-containing Fe(II) solutions than for 1 M HCl-containing solutions-a result opposite to that expected and only partially explained by a more rapid air-oxidation of Fe(II) in 6 M HCl. The Pt electrode is not inert in this system.
Zusammenfassung Bei einer Untersuchung der potentiometrischen Titration salzsaurer Eisen(II)-lösungen mit Permanganat wurde die Wirkung der verschiedenen für diese Bestimmung zur Verhinderung von Störungen empfohlenen ZusÄtze geprüft. Dabei ergab sich, da\ Salze, deren Anionen das dreiwertige Mangan stabilisieren, das Potential im Äquivalenzpunkt stÄrker beinflussen als solche, die zweiwertiges Mangan enthalten. Da\ auch das Kation das Ergebnis beeinflu\t ergab sich daraus, da\ bei H2SO4 und Na2SO4 eine grö\ere PotentialÄnderung im Äquivalenzpunkt beobachtet wurde als bei (NH4)2SO4 und K2SO4. Bei Ce2(SO4)3 wurde keine Wirkung auf die PotentialÄnderung festgestellt. Für 6 M salzsaure Fe(II)-Lösungen wurde weniger Titrationsmittel verbraucht als für 1 M salzsaure, was nur zum Teil mit der schnelleren Luftoxydation des zweiwertigen Eisens im 6 M HCl-Lösung erklÄrt werden kann. Die Platinelektrode erwies sich in diesem System nicht als inert.

Summary A new spectrophotometric method for manganese has been established, with gluconic acid as reagent. Manganese(II) solutions treated with gluconic acid at pH>11.50 produce an intensely coloured complex, with absorption maximum at 440 nm. Beer's law is obeyed over the manganese concentration range 9.44–47.2g/ml. The method has been used with good results for determination of manganese in a garnet.
Zusammenfassung Eine neue spektrophotometrische Methode für Mangan mit Glukonsäure als Reagens wurde ausgearbeitet. Mangan(II)-lösungen geben mit Glukonsäure bei pH 11,50 einen intensiv gefärbten Komplex mit einem Absorptionsmaximum bei 440 nm. Das Beersche Gesetz ist zwischen 9,44 und 47,2g Mn/ml erfüllt. Bei der Bestimmung des Mangans in einem Granat wurden gute Ergebnisse erzielt.

桑色素褪色光度法测定茶叶中的锰   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
锰是人体必需的微量元素,具有重要的生理功能和营养作用.茶树对锰有富集现象,茶叶是人们常用的饮料[1].因此,建立一种灵敏而又简便的测定痕量锰的分析方法,具有重要的实用价值.  相似文献   

A new method for the estimation of lead, based on its oxidation from the bivalent to the quadrivalent state by alkaline permanganate has been devised. The reaction takes place so rapidly in the presence of a mixture of ZnO and HgO that it can be followed potentiometrically. Oxidation of sodium plumbite with KMn04 leads to the formation of PbO and MnO. Reduction of KMnO4 with Pb+2 ions or with sodium plumbite proceeds almost quantitatively in 2.5N NaOH in the absence of Ba+2 ions and in 1–1.5N NaOH in the presence of these ions. Under these conditions Pb+2 Pb+1 and Mn04 MnO4-2, provided that the lead solution is not added too rapidly.  相似文献   

Manganese(II) (0.04–2 μmol) is extracted into chloroform from an aqueous phase at pH 6.5–9.0, containing a large excess of (n-butyl) xanthate and measured spectrophotometrically at 457 nm. The apparent molar absorptivity is 5.5 × 103 dm3 mol-1 cm-1. The extractability of the manganese complexes decreases in the order n-butyl = benzyl- ? n-propyl- ? ethyl- ? methyl-xanthate. Interfering ions can be removed by a preliminary extraction with ethylxanthate. Ni, Co, Zn, Cd, Pb, Hg(II), Fe(III), As(III), Ce(III), Se(IV), V(V), Mo(VI), and the alkali and alkaline earth metals do not interfere.  相似文献   

Yoshimori T  Tanaka T 《Talanta》1975,22(1):33-39
Iron in Mohr's salt, electrolytic iron and iron ores has been determined by precision coulometric titration with electrolytically generated manganese (III) fluoride, with biamperometric end-point detection. The titration curve indicated the irreversibility of the electrode reaction of manganese(III) fluoride. Total iron in several standard samples of iron ores was determined with standard deviations of about 0.012%.  相似文献   

The present method describes the determination of hydrazine by making use of potentiometric titration technique. The underlying principle is back titration of uncreacted excess cerium remaining after the complete oxidation of hydrazine. Standardized ferrous ammonium sulfate was used for titration. This method was applied to real samples generated from a nuclear reprocessing plant wherein control of hydrazine is of paramount importance. The interference of U(IV), Cr(III), U(VI), nitrite, and chloride was studied and of all these ions the way to eliminate the interference of U(IV) was only attempted. The relative standard deviations (RSD) for synthetic as well as real samples were determined. The method gives RSD of less than 1% in the range of 1 mg to 20 mg of hydrazine. The error in the range 3 mg to 17 mg was found to be less than 1%.Plant operation section, Reprocessing Group.  相似文献   

Mashhadizadeh MH  Shoaei IS  Monadi N 《Talanta》2004,64(4):1048-1052
A new PVC membrane potentiometric sensor that is highly selective to Fe(III) ions was prepared by using 2-[(2-hydroxy-1-propenyl-buta-1,3-dienylimino)-methyl]-4-p-tolylazo-phenol [HPDTP] as a suitable carrier. The electrode exhibits a linear response for iron(III) ions over a wide concentration range (3.5 × 10−6 to 4.0 × 10−2) with a super Nernstian slope of 28.5 (±0.5) per decade. The electrode can be used in the pH range from 4.5 to 6.5. The proposed sensor shows fairly a good discriminating ability towards Fe3+ ion in comparison to some hard and soft metals such as Fe2+, Cd2+, Cu2+, Al3+ and Ca2+. It has a response time of <15 s and can be used for at least 2 months without any measurable divergence in response characteristics. The electrode was used in the direct determination of Fe3+ in aqueous samples and as an indicator electrode in potentiometric titration of Fe(III) ions.  相似文献   

Summary A new permanganametric procedure has now been developed for the direct volumetric titration of mercury(I) to an iodine monochloride end point.One of the authors, K.Bhaskara Rao, wishes to express his grateful thanks to the Ministry of Education, Government of India, for the award of a Research Scholarship and the authorities of Andhra University for kind permission to work in the Chemical Laboratories.  相似文献   

Madison AS  Tebo BM  Luther GW 《Talanta》2011,84(2):374-381
A new spectrophotometric protocol was developed for the simultaneous determination of soluble Mn(III), Mn(II) and total Mn [sum of soluble Mn(III) and Mn(II)] in sediment porewaters using a water soluble meso-substituted porphyrin [α,β,γ,δ-tetrakis(4-carboxyphenyl)porphine (T(4-CP)P)]. A simple kinetic rate model is used to quantify soluble Mn(II), Mn(III) and total Mn concentrations during a metal substitution reaction. Under optimized conditions, the method accurately determines soluble Mn(II) and Mn(III) within a concentration range of 100 nM-10 μM. The detection limit of total soluble Mn is 50 nM. Using this method, soluble Mn(II) and Mn(III) concentrations were determined in standard solutions within 0.4-2% of the known values and agreed closely with results of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric and voltammetric analyses. The procedure was successfully applied to determine soluble Mn(II), Mn(III) and total Mn in sediment porewaters of the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary. Mn(III) represented up to 85% of the total soluble Mn pool in surface sediments.  相似文献   

Summary A method for the microdetermination of fluoride in the presence of phosphate is described. Up to a 10-fold excess of phosphorus (as phosphate) can be tolerated. Phosphate is adsorbed on zinc oxide which is added in excess and need not be removed prior to titration of fluoride. Fluoride is determined potentiometrically with 0.02M lanthanum(III) at pH 5 to 7. A fluoride ion specific electrode is used with an expanded-scale pH meter to monitor the emf.
Zusammenfassung Eine Mikrobestimmung von Fluorid in Gegenwart von Phosphat wurde beschrieben. Phosphat stört bis zu einer zehnfachen Phosphormenge nicht. Es wird an Zinkoxid adsorbiert, das man im Überschuß zusetzt und das vor der Fluoridtitration nicht entfernt werden muß. Fluorid wird potentiometrisch mit 0,02-m Lanthan(III) bei pH 5 bis 7 bestimmt. Eine für Fluorid spezifische Elektrode mit einem pH-Meter mit gedehnter Skala wird zur Messung verwendet.

Work performed under the auspices of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission.  相似文献   

A kinetic method is presented to determine micro-molar amounts of Pb(II) from various river and wastewater samples, in the presence of trace copper. The procedure is based on the catalytic effect of both species on the oxidation of mercaptosuccinic acid by chromate in acidic media. The extent of the reaction is followed spectrophotometrically at 420 nm and pseudo-first-order rate coefficients of the rate-determining step are determined as a function of catalyst concentrations. The optimum operating conditions (ionic strength, temperature, and concentration of reagents) regarding sensitivity towards lead were established. Interference by several ionic species has been studied. The effect of Fe(III), the only severe interferent, is suppressed by complexation with 1,10-phenantroline. The bi-component calibration model employs an artificial neural network to compute the Pb(II) concentration from a k(obsd) value and the a priori-known Cu(II) concentration of the sample. Working concentration ranges are 20-2160 micro g L(-1) for Pb(II) and 80-650 micro g L(-1) for Cu(II), respectively. Detection limits are 20 micro g L(-1) Pb(II) and 80 micro g L(-1) Cu(II), respectively. The relative standard deviations (3 measurements) for four different testing points are lower than 2.5%. The method was applied to samples of river and wastewater of the mining region of Baia-Mare, Northern Romania. The results were compared to those obtained by an officially standardized AAS method. Good agreement was achieved. The method is inexpensive, fairly rapid, and sensitive. Its working range covers the exact range of concentrations usually encountered in the mentioned geographic area.  相似文献   

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