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《Urban geography》2013,34(4):484-487
Revisiting work such as Edward Soja's Postmetropolis reminds us of the importance of a geographical perspective, as well as a thoroughly process oriented and dynamic consideration of the urban. Soja's work emphasizes multi-scalar processes that work to produce urbanization, and the complex, fragmented, and unequal spaces that result. Attention to spatial process and justice is essential, but is incomplete without consideration and real attention to the material and geographically embedded experiences of place that manifest urbanization in everyday life.  相似文献   

Resource Struggles and the Politics of Place in North Lampung, Indonesia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper considers the difficulties inherent in countering the negative effects of globalisation in Indonesia through an enhanced recognition of place-based cultural communities, which are seen to offer an alternative and more progressive path towards development. Focusing on the local history of resource struggles involving Javanese migrants and local people in North Lampung, the paper examines the ways that different groups of migrants and local Lampung people have dealt with changing resource control mechanisms in the context of the local transmigration ( Translok ) programme and large-scale agro-industrial development in the region. Whilst elites have been able to develop their personal wealth by capitalising on political and economic uncertainty, poor people from both groups have had to contend with conflict and increasing livelihood vulnerability that, if anything, has been intensified through the reassertion of place-based cultures of resource control. In challenging populist narratives of resistance to transmigration that pit migrants against "indigenous" local people, the paper identifies the class-related ambivalences towards development and structures of authority that cut across community and locality in the Translok zone  相似文献   

中国城市区域治理的尺度重构与尺度政治   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
系统回顾西方尺度理论,尤其是尺度生产(尺度重构与尺度政治)理论,借此阐释中国城市区域治理形成的尺度逻辑.研究发现,中国城市区域包括城市群与都市区2个地理尺度;治理尺度是以行政权力为核心,形成自上而下的行政权力金字塔;治理尺度的动态重配并与地理尺度相耦合的过程是中国城市区域治理的尺度建构的本质;改革开放后,中国宏观政治经...  相似文献   

三鹿奶粉事件的尺度政治分析   总被引:24,自引:7,他引:17  
刘云刚  王丰龙 《地理学报》2011,66(10):1368-1378
本文在详细剖析西方已有研究成果的基础上,提出尺度政治分析的一般框架,并运用该框架分析了2008 年发生在中国的三鹿奶粉事件的尺度变换过程。在此基础上,通过案例比较总结了中西方尺度政治的差异,并揭示了在中国尺度政治研究的有效性及其应用领域。对三鹿奶粉事件的分析表明,中国的社会事件含有多种利益主体和复杂的尺度政治过程,尤其是中央和地方两级政府在其中发挥着极其重要的作用。尺度政治分析清晰地再现了中央和地方政府在社会事件中由第三方向强势方转化的取向及其尺度下推行为,同时也凸显了在中国独立的第三方尺度政治相对缺失的问题。通过三鹿案例的剖析,本文进一步完善了尺度政治的理论框架,也证实了在中国进行尺度政治分析的可行性。分析表明,尺度政治源于地理思维,但它同样也可对社会学、政治学等其他学科产生影响;它不仅是对尺度概念的一种深化,更可成为解构社会现实的一个有效工具。  相似文献   

杨勇  邹永广  孙琦 《热带地理》2022,42(1):29-42
运用质性研究方法,以泉州市晋江梧林侨乡为例,从地方意义叠写中的实体维度、社会关系、地方价值观3个层面考察侨乡地方意义叠写的建构特征,揭示了旅游发展背景下侨乡地方意义的叠写过程以及由此带来的包括海外华侨在内不同主体的地方认同问题。研究发现:1)人地错位下的意义叠写主要通过想象和旅游系统等传导机制完成,使侨乡呈现出海外华侨“形式上不在场”,但“内容上处处在场”的特征,并且推动梧林向传统与现代杂糅的地方格局转变。2)地方意义的叠写具有关系属性,多元互动是其形成过程中的显著特征。地方意义本质上是人地关系的一种表现形式,当人地关系不再由传统的地缘关系或亲缘关系决定时,人与地方这一对弱纽带关系也并不能够通过地方意义加以巩固,表现为“侨—眷—乡”关系的异化。3)在地方价值观上,侨乡地方意义经历了从家尺度到国家与民族尺度的意义叠写,凸显了旅游背景下权力对地方意义的选择性表征,动态展演了不同主体的空间价值观取向之争和国家主流文化价值观对地方的引领。4)旅游发展背景下侨乡地方意义叠写引发了海外华侨兼具工具性和选择性的“购物车”式认同以及本地居民的差异化认同,不同主体的认同结构充满张力、分异乃至冲突。  相似文献   

张捷  张宏磊  唐文跃 《地理学报》2012,67(12):1675-1685
书法景观作为文化符号是中国传统文化景观的典型代表,是城镇文化景观的重要组成部分,其空间分布特征及其在全球化城市景观更新背景下的演化特征规律,是文化地理研究的重要问题。通过设计书法景观指数对北京、江苏、安徽、香港、四川等19个案例地典型地段的12种案例类型的书法景观调查统计,揭示了中国城镇书法景观存在多种明显的空间分异现象,即书法景观的空间分异存在于不同属性的城镇之间、城镇内部不同文化和功能属性的街区之间、以及同一街区的核心区与外围区之间。本文分析了影响中国城镇书法景观空间分异的基本因素-现代化和全球化、文化认同、城市更新、商业驱动,并构建了一个相应的机制模型。研究表明,中国人潜意识地将书法作为一种传统景观标志和传统文化象征符号,使得书法景观具备了空间地方界定和定义的功能,并促成了城镇中文化象征空间和地方感的形成以及书法景观的空间分异。书法景观研究对全球化和城市化过程中我国传统文化景观的保护具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(5):473-495
This article examines the practices and process that (re)produce neighborhoods. I argue that the practices producing neighborhoods in the 1970s inform the practices (re)producing neighborhoods today. Drawing upon Lefebvre's concepts of social space and spatial practice, Bourdieu's concepts of practice and habitus, and Pred's concept of place as a historically contingent process, I examine the (re)production of Milwaukee's Riverwest neighborhood as a process. Practices of institution building and protest were central to the production of this relatively socially inclusive and activist neighborhood. Over the past 30 years, through what could be defined as the habitus of place, the process of neighborhood (re)production continued many of the practices first established in the 1970s, as new practices addressed social and cultural changes. A focus on practices and process draws our attention to the (re)production of a relatively stable, consistent, long-term neighborhood identity.  相似文献   

This commentary response reflects on the thoughts offered by Solem, Mohan, Rawling, and Lambert regarding Larsen and Harrington's article titled “Developing a Learning Progression for Place” (2018).  相似文献   


Significantly more women than men are registered voters in the United States, and a higher proportion of women voters actually cast ballots on election day. Yet the 106th Congress (1999-2001) includes only 56 women members, 12% of the total membership of the House and Senate. Likewise, women hold only 22% of the total seats in state legislatures. The purpose of this article is to examine this paradox. It first examines the history of the women's movement in the United States. It then turns to an evaluation of women's progress in gaining elected office. Finally it considers three primary obstacles to women gaining equitable representation: solidarity among women, political culture, and the single-member district system now employed in the United States.  相似文献   

身份认同是文化和社会研究中一个重要的概念,是指个人在特定的社会文化语境中逐步确定自己在这一社会文化秩序中的个体角色,从而形成完整的自我认知与自我定义。而地方认同则是对某个地方作为社会角色自我感知的一部分的认知,通过地方的意义来形成对个人或社会群体文化与身份的认同。以地方与身份认同作为主要的研究维度,将广州独特的“艺术村...  相似文献   

Although the Pacific Northwest is often associated with abundant water and images of wide, salmon-filled rivers, water-related conflicts throughout the region are not uncommon as adequate supplies fall short of increasing demand. This article investigates water stakeholders’ perceptions of local waters and their water-related behaviors within the Willamette watershed of western Oregon. I conducted 25 interviews with key users of the Willamette watershed's water supply. My analyses of these data suggest that stakeholders perceive water as a scarce resource. In addition, the participants indicated strong attachments to local water bodies but demonstrated little incentive in making personal sacrifices to safeguard these “scarce” water supplies. Given that equitable water distribution is a present and growing concern, this case study contributes to a body of knowledge that legitimizes direct experience in shaping resource management, as well as illuminates the complicated relationship between place attachment and environmental behaviors.  相似文献   

九寨沟自然观光地旅游者地方感特征分析   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
地方感是人文主义地理学“人-地”关系研究中的重要内容。旅游是人们感知和认识环境的重要途径和方式, 旅游者地方感是旅游者与旅游地环境相互作用的结果。通过构建旅游者地方感模型, 以九寨沟为案例研究发现, ① 九寨沟旅游者的地方感在自然风景维度、社会人文维度、旅游功能维度和情感依恋维度等四个维度上存在一定差异; ② 九寨沟的自然风景与环境得到了旅游者较高的感知评价和普遍认同, 是旅游者对九寨沟产生情感依恋的主要因素; ③ 旅游者对九寨沟的社会人文环境的感知评价相对较低, 并影响到对九寨沟旅游环境与功能的感知评价; ④ 旅游者赋予九寨沟更多的是自然观光的意义和审美价值, 九寨沟蕴涵 的民俗文化体验的意义和历史价值并未能被旅游者所充分感知和认识, “藏族村寨”的地方特质没有得到旅游者的足够认同; ⑤ 不同类型旅游者之间的感知评价差异集中在九寨沟的藏 族风情、地方文化、旅游服务、游览秩序和旅游氛围等方面。旅游者地方感研究为自然资源和旅游地规划与管理提供了依据, 具有一定的现实指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

1990 年以来广州市摊贩空间政治的规训机制   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
黄耿志  薛德升 《地理学报》2011,66(8):1063-1075
近年来,针对某些群体的复仇型或后公正空间政治成为西方城市地理学理解20 世纪80 年代以来城市转型的重要理论。现有的研究注意到了这种空间政治嵌入地方的多样形态,但对其内含的对立性缺乏研究。中国社会转型过程中发生的现实空间矛盾为开展我国背景下的公共空间政治研究提供了源泉。本文基于列菲弗尔的基本空间理论,采用结构-能动的分析路径,运用宏观的政策和制度分析与对典型案例的观察、半结构式访谈、深度访谈相结合的综合方法,以摊贩现象为切入点对90 年代以来广州城市空间政治进行了研究。研究表明,一种排斥性公共空间政治内在地包含了由结构性的规训与能动性的反规训构成的对立性,这一特性在广州表现为:① 对摊贩的排斥性空间政治是作为解决发展的潜在危机而实施综合环境改善战略的组成部分而产生,并导致一种更为明显的“全景敞视主义”式规训机制的形成。② 对立的空间通过摊贩日常式的伺机而动和温顺的不遵守与插曲式的个体暴力和集体行动而形成,结果战略空间被重构为以维持个体生存、摆脱贫困和追求自由为目的的工具空间。这种对立性在根源上是一种社会产物,而产生的实际冲突状况则将取决于空间发展观念及规训策略与反规训力量两者之间的对抗或协调程度。  相似文献   


Creating resiliency, accomplished in part by individuals preparing for disaster, is the primary strategy outside of law enforcement for responding to the threat of urban terrorism. Individuals prepare when they perceive a need to do so, yet little is known about what shapes a person's awareness of vulnerability to terrorism. Because evidence indicates that social contacts act as conduits of information and affect perception of risk to natural hazards, it is possible that such contacts also affect terrorism vulnerability awareness. Because social contacts are also known to be systematically segmented by gender and location, we hypothesized that conversations about terrorism vary by gender and place, specifically the home and work place. Drawing on data from 93 interviews with householders in Boston, the study demonstrates that: (1) family networks generated discussions of home preparedness, whereas workplace networks engaged a wider variety of topics; (2) women discussed terrorism more frequently and in greater depth than did men; and (3) women heard more preparedness messages for the home than did men, whereas men undertook preparedness activities external to the home. The findings bridge geography and terrorism studies by theorizing emplaced and subjective human experiences that prompt conversations about terrorism. These conversations, in turn, help urban emergency managers and risk-hazards geographers promote rational dialogue and action vis-à-vis terrorism. Hazards researchers have shown that the more people discuss terrorism, the less they seek extreme and unwarranted responses.  相似文献   

Participation of local people is often neglected in natural resource management, which leads to failure to understand the social aspects and historical construction of environmental problems. Participatory mapping can enhance the communication of local spatial knowledge for management processes and challenge the official maps and other spatial representations produced by state authorities and scientists. In this study, we analyze what kind of social meanings can be revealed through a multimethod participatory mapping process focusing on water resources in Taita Hills, Kenya. The participatory mapping clearly complicates the simplified image of the physical science mappings, typically depicting natural water supply, by addressing the impacts of contamination, inadequate infrastructure, poverty, distance to the sources, and restrictions in their uses on people's access to water. Moreover, this shared exercise is able to trigger discussion on issues that cannot always be localized but still contribute to place making. Local historical accounts reveal the social and political drivers of the current water-related problems, making explicit the political ecology dynamics in the area.  相似文献   

吴丽敏  黄震方  王坤  张郴 《热带地理》2015,35(2):275-283
通过对国内外旅游地地方依恋文献资料的梳理,发现研究主要集中在对旅游地地方依恋的概念界定、影响因素、形成机制及影响效应等方面;在方法上,定量研究明显多于定性研究;其理论体系、影响机理及应用领域仍有待深入探讨。国外对旅游地地方依恋研究比国内起步早,主题更为丰富,且在时间与空间尺度均有涉及;今后国内相关研究应注重对旅游地地方依恋的理论体系构建、影响机理剖析及深入挖掘应用领域等方面的探讨,同时还应考虑旅游地的独特性和典型性,兼顾时空尺度对研究可能产生的影响,综合运用定性和定量方法,结合具有中国不同地域文化特质的各类对象,以体现旅游地地方依恋研究的时代性、历史性及动态性。  相似文献   

Researchers often measure human–place bonds via place attachment scales across a variety of settings. However, scale use does not always include an evaluation of the scales’ psychometric properties, especially in multisite studies. Failure to consider a place attachment scale’s measurement properties makes both validity and reliability assumptions and may lead to improper data interpretation. Hence, this investigation assessed a place attachment scale across three sites via data collected on site in natural resource protected areas in Colorado, Minnesota, and Germany. A series of confirmatory factor analyses assessed the hypothesized two-dimensional (i.e., place identity and place dependence) model, Cronbach’s alphas calculated a measure of internal consistency, and a multigroup procedure cross-validated the scale. Some items did not load on the hypothesized dimension and the pattern of factor loadings was not equivalent across settings, suggesting assessment of place attachment scales may be necessary when used in new contexts.  相似文献   

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