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湛江市区热带气旋降水的总量较大,年际变化和气候特征显著,随热带气旋影响天数的多少而有较大差异,但热带气旋中心附近最大风速的大小相关性较差。本文对此进行了比较详细的统计分析。1使用资料和统计规定资料:1964~1993年湛江市气象观测站雨量观测资料,国家气象局出版的《热带气旋年鉴》,南海舰队气象区台分析的天气圈和卫星云图。规定:编入《热带气旋年鉴》的热带气旋的降水为热带气旋降水;凡在《热带气旋年鉴》刊列湛江市区有热带气旋降水,即作为该次热带气旋对湛江市区有影响。2统计事实(1)热带气旋降水的总量较大,年际变…  相似文献   

两次西行热带气旋影响云南的诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟爱华  周泓  赵付竹  杨素雨  严直慧 《气象》2015,41(4):409-417
运用中央气象台台风实时业务定位数据、云南省124个国家气象站降水实况和NCEP再分析资料(水平分辨率1°×1°,时间分辨率逐6 h),对比分析了1213号台风启德和1309号强热带风暴飞燕影响云南的路径、环流场、云图、水汽条件、动力条件等特征。结果表明:“启德”影响云南期间青藏高压位置偏西,副热带高压呈带状,热带气旋(TC)位于副热带高压西南侧的东南风到偏东风中,引导气流有利于台风取偏西路径影响云南。而“飞燕”影响时青藏高压位置偏东,副热带高压呈块状,TC位于副热带高压西侧的偏南风中,引导气流有利于热带低压取西北路径影响云南,从而使得“飞燕”影响时云南中部处于气旋性风场中,西南气流和副热带高压外围偏南气流两支气流汇集在此,在云南中部也产生了较强降水。两个TC影响云南时对流层中低层保持了较大的水汽输送。水汽主要来自于其本身、南海洋面和孟加拉湾。水汽辐合中心处于低压倒槽的槽前,随着系统自东向西影响云南的中部及以南地区。强降水区低层辐合、高层辐散,强上升运动为降水提供了有利的动力机制,释放了不稳定能量。因此,做好青藏高压和副热带高压的形态、位置的预报有利于把握登陆后热带低压的移动路径,从而准确预报降水强度和落区。  相似文献   

海南热带气旋降水的气候特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
整理出海南1962-2004年的热带气旋的降水资料,我们分析了海南省热带气旋降在海南省总降水中的地位及其变化特征,结果表明:海南热带气旋降水平均占年总降水量30%,但呈每10 a 3%的显著线性下降趋势;海南热带气旋降水与年总降水相关显著,年总降水显著偏少的年份,热带气旋降水偏少;热带气旋降水显著偏多的年份,年总降水量偏多;海南热带气旋降水变化的空间特征表现为明显的一致型,时间特征表现明显的周期性:高频的年际变化周期70年代前期以前为3 a周期为主,80年代中期以后以2 a的周期为主;低频的年际变化周期80年代以前以8—9 a为主,80年代以后以准6 a为主;年代际变化则以准17 a的周期为主。  相似文献   

登陆广东的热带气旋的统计特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据1949~1993年的热带气旋资料对登陆广东的热带气旋进行了统计分析,得到一些可供预报参考的、登陆广东的热带气旋活动规律及统计关系。1 登陆广东的热带气旋的分布特征1-1 年际变化特征在1949~1993年的45年间,共有177个热带气旋登陆广东,平均每年3-93个。最多为7个,共有4年;最少1个,只有2年。1-2 月际变化特征45年中,除1~4月外,其余各月均有热带气旋登陆广东。最早的是5105号热带气旋(1951年5月13日在台山~斗门间登陆),最迟是7439号热带气旋(1974年1…  相似文献   

影响南宁热带气旋路径统计特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1965~2003年39年资料,对比分析了影响广西与南宁的热带气旋影响频数与路径异同,得到影响南宁市的热带气旋气候统计分布特征,供南宁市热带气旋路径预报时参考。  相似文献   

影响三亚市热带气旋的基本降水特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
统计分析了影响三亚市的热带气旋及其降水特征,结果表明:影响三亚市的热带气旋主要集中在6~10月,其中7月、10月西北太平洋热带气旋占多;6月、8月和9月南海热带气旋略多。  相似文献   

影响丽水的热带气旋降水气候特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用水文雨量站的日雨量以及热带气旋路径等历史资料,对1950~2005年间影响丽水的109个热带气旋的若干特征,以及不同月份、不同路径降水的时空分布进行了统计分析。结果表明:56年中影响丽水的热带气旋发生频数为1.95个/年。8月个数最多、影响最大。登陆福州南到厦门之间的数量最多、影响最严重。5月和登陆椒江南到福鼎之间的降水分布比较均匀,影响面最广。热带气旋降水在空间分布上呈现比较明显的自东向西逐渐减小,东西之间差异明显的特点,降水中心主要位于青田的东南部。  相似文献   

影响北部湾地区热带气旋特征统计和分类   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

利用1965~2003年39年资料,对比分析了影响广西与南宁的热带气旋影响频数与路径异同,得到影响南宁市的热带气旋气候统计分布特征,供南宁市热带气旋路径预报时参考.  相似文献   

热带气旋影响陵水县降水的不同强度特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李君海 《广东气象》2011,33(4):37-40
利用1988~2008年《台风年鉴》和《热带气旋年鉴》资料,统计分析近20年来进入陵水县预报警戒区的编号热带气旋,并对比每日4次的2 5.×2 5°NCEP全球再分析资料,对热带气旋影响过程的物理量特征进行诊断分析,找出在热带气旋影响下,陵水产生强降水的一般特征及预报思路.分析结果显示,陵水县降水强弱与热带气旋生成源地...  相似文献   

Using data available from the Retrieval System Based on Yearbooks of Tropical Cyclones over the Western North Pacific,NCEP/NCAR reanalysis daily data and observed precipitation data for 1959 to 2007 in Yunnan,a province located in a low-latitude plateau,this work analyzes the climatic characteristics and the corresponding large-scale circulation patterns related to the western North Pacific westward moving TCs(WMTCs).Its impacts on the rainfall in the Yunnan Plateau are studied.Results show that WMTCs happen almost every year,mainly from July to September.It shows a downward trend in decadal variation.Nearly the entire Yunnan area is affected by them but the eastern part experiences the most severe influences.Most of the WMTCs migrate from the South China Sea,primarily make landfall in Hainan and Guangdong and enter the Northern Bay.The tracks of these typhoons can be classified into five categories,in which the most significant impact results from those making landfall in Guangdong.All categories of the tropical cyclones can induce province-wide heavy rainfall in Yunnan.Super typhoons bring about the heaviest and most extensive rainfall over the low-latitude plateau while the associated circulation pattern is marked with a dominant 500 hPa meridional circulation at middle latitudes,an active monsoon depression and Intertropical Convection Zone(ITCZ) at low latitudes and a westward-located South Asia High at 100 hPa,which is favorable for tropical cyclones to travel westward.WMTCs tend to go westward into the interior part of China if the subtropical high extends its westernmost ridge point to the northeast of Yunnan,or expands its periphery anti-cyclonic circulation to the Tibetan Plateau,or merges with the Qinghai-Tibetan high.  相似文献   

With the data from the Tropical Cyclone Yearbooks between 1970 and 2001, statistical analyses were performed to study the climatic features of landfall TCs (noted as TCs hereafter) in China with particular attention focused on landfall frequency, locations, sustaining, decaying, transition, intensification and dissipation etc. The results indicate that the sustaining periods of TC over land are quite different for different landfall spots, and increased from Guangxi to Zhejiang. The most obvious decreasing of TC intensity occurs mainly within 12 hours after landfall. The stronger a TC is,the more it decays. The areas over which TCs are dissipated can be in Heilongjiang, the northernmost, and Yunnan, the westernmost. Besides, Guangxi is an area with high dissipating rate and subject to TC dissipation as compared with the other coastal regions.  相似文献   

一次滇中暴雨中尺度对流系统特征分析   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
应用MICAPS常规资料、FY-2卫星观测资料及昆明CINRAD-CC雷达回波资料,将诊断分析与探测资料相结合综合分析了2003年7月21日滇中暴雨过程的中尺度对流系统特征,指出:500、700hPa高低层冷暖平流的配置、500hPa低槽、700hPa切变线及地面冷锋是此次暴雨过程的大尺度环境背景;高能高湿的不稳定能量、低层辐合、强的垂直风切疫的存在,利于强对流形成并诱发中尺度对流系统MCS;多普勒雷达上强风暴的发展,与暴雨区范围及强弱对应;多普勒速度图显示,中尺度涡旋、中尺度辐合线、逆风区等多个中尺度系统,是此次滇中强对流暴雨产生的直接影响系统。  相似文献   

应用53 a(1949-2001年)西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)基本资料,分析登陆我国的TC登陆前强度变化的统计特征,包括TC登陆前48 h内强度变化特征、登陆前强度变化的年际、月际和日变化特征、登陆前强度变化与TC自身强度的关系以及TC登陆前的生命史特征等,还对登陆前迅速增强和减弱的TC分布特征进行了分析.主要结果有:...  相似文献   

Based on the Tropical Cyclone(TC briefly thereafter)Yearbook 1980-2009,this paper first analyzes the number and intensity change of the TCs which passed directly over or by the side of Poyang Lake(the distance of TC center is less than 1°longitude or 1°latitude from the Lake)among all the landfalling TCs in China during the past 30 years.Two cases are examined in detail in this paper.One is severe typhoon Rananim with a speed of 3.26 m/s and a change of 1 hPa in intensity when it was passing the Lake.The other is super typhoon Saomai with a faster moving speed of 6.50 m/s and a larger change in intensity of 6 hPa.Through numerical simulation experiments,this paper analyzes how the change of underlying surface from water to land contributes to the differences in intensity,speed and mesoscale convection of the two TCs when they passed the Lake.Results show that the moisture and dynamic condition above the Lake were favorable for the maintenance of the intensity when Rananim was passing through Poyang Lake,despite the moisture supply from the ocean was cut off.As a result,there was strong convection around the lake which led to a rainfall spinning counter-clockwise as it was affected by the TC movement.However,little impact was seen in the Saomai case.These results indicate that for the TCs coming ashore on Poyang Lake with a slow speed,the large water body is conducive to the sustaining of the intensity and strengthening of the convection around the TC center and the subsequent heavy rainfall.On the contrary,a fast-moving TC is less likely to be influenced by the underlying surface in terms of intensity and speed.  相似文献   

利用1949~2001年热带气旋年鉴资料,对53年登陆我国并经过内陆湖泊的热带气旋特征进行统计分析.结果表明:登陆过湖泊热带气旋在陆上维持时间长,登陆时强度较强;湖泊地带能延缓登陆TC强度的衰减;热带气旋经过内陆湖泊时大多表现为中心气压维持不变或降低,风速增大;长江中游地区是登陆过湖泊热带气旋消失数最多的区域.  相似文献   

By using the data of 1949 – 2001 (53 years) of Tropical Cyclone (TC) Yearbooks, statistical analyses are performed to study the climatic features of TCs making landfall and then passing through lakes (hereafter referred to as “L-TCs”) in China. Results show that L-TCs can sustain a long time over land and the intensity is very strong during the course of landfall. Lakes can noticeably slow down the reduction of TC intensity, with the minimum pressure mostly maintained or decreased and the maximum velocity increased. The middle reach of the Yangtze River has the biggest TC dissipating rate as compared with the other areas where the TC is active.  相似文献   

The intensity, landing time, track trend and intensity variation of tropical cyclones (TCs) after landfall are analyzed using the TCs data (of best track from the China Meteorological Administration) between 1949 and 2006 for the western North Pacific and South China Sea. The trend differences of track and intensity between the TCs that directly land in East China and those making the second landfall in East China after landing in Taiwan Island are categorically discussed. The results show that the first kind of landing TCs are more likely to go northward or turn while the second kind of TCs have a larger tendency to keep going northwest. The intensity of the first kind of TCs is more persistent than the second one. There is a higher percentage for the intensity to be weakened significantly if the TCs keep going west to northwest or southwest after landing.  相似文献   

西北太平洋双热带气旋相互作用统计分类及其特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用中国气象局与上海台风研究所提供的1949-2007年西北太平洋热带气旋最佳路径资料,统计分析了西北太平洋上的双(多)热带气旋相互作用现象.针对统计出的双热带气旋样本,根据相互作用两气旋的单独移动路径和它们相互作用的路径特征,归纳得到7种相互作用类型( A~G),并用聚类分析方法拟合得到每种类型的平均回归路径.分析讨...  相似文献   

利用1949—2006年西北太平洋及南海的热带气旋(TC)资料,分析了登陆我国的TC强度、登陆时间、登陆后路径趋向及强度变化等气候特征,并重点讨论了直接登陆华东和登陆台湾后再次登陆华东的TC路径和强度趋势差异。结果表明,直接登陆华东的TC比登陆台湾后再次登陆华东(以下简称为间接登陆)的TC更易北上或北上转向,而间接登陆的TC更易维持西偏北行;另外直接登陆华东的TC登陆后的强度更易维持,其登陆后路径趋向在西北偏西和西南方位的强度明显减弱的百分比率比其它方位的大。   相似文献   

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