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Sixty-five natural gas samples were collected from 19 oil-gasfields in the Qaidam basin, China. The chemical composition and carbon isotope values of the samples were measured, and the geochemical characteristics and origin of the natural gases were studied. The gases can be divided into biogenic gases, sapropelic oil-type gases, mixed type oil-type gases, coal-type gases and mixed gas. The δ13Ci values of the biogenic gases are very small and the C2+ contents of them are very low, ranging from -68.2‰ to -61.8‰ and 0.06% to 0.20% respectively. They have heavy δD and δ13Cco2> showing a CC>2 reduction pathway. They are distributed in the East depression region and derived from the Quaternary source rocks. The sapropelic oil-type gases have small δ13C2 values and high C2+ ranging from -36.6‰ to -28.6‰ and from 33.01% to 47.15% respectively. The mixed type oil-type gases have <5I3C2 values and C2+ contents varying from -28.6‰ to -24.8‰ and from 4.81% to 26.06% respectively. Both sapropelic oil-typ  相似文献   

The number of sinkholes (locally known as obruks) has increased rapidly in recent years near Karap?nar, located in the semi-arid Konya Closed Basin in Central Anatolia. Nineteen sinkholes have formed in the last 33 years (1977–2009) as a result of the collapse of cavity roofs in the Neogene lacustrine limestone in the Obruk Plateau and beneath Quaternary lake sediments in the Karap?nar-Hotam?? Plain. Of these, 13 have formed within the past 4 years (2006–2009). The Obruk Plateau takes its name from the presence of several hundred paleo-sinkholes which formed as a result of natural processes during the Quaternary period. More recently, human activity has induced the formation of new sinkholes, which presents a hazard to life and property. Changing agricultural patterns have led to the opening of thousands of deep wells in recent years, and increased water pumping currently exceeds the sustainable yield of the aquifer. Thus the formation of sinkholes has been triggered by a combination of natural and human causes. The groundwater level has dropped almost 24 m in the vicinity of Karap?nar during the last 26 years (1983–2008). Approximately 8 m of this drop occurred within the 4 years prior to the study (2005–2008). Legally-binding precautions must be taken to prevent further water table decline, in order to decrease sinkhole formation within the basin in the years to come.  相似文献   

The Devonian Old Red Sandstone Ridgeway Conglomerate Formation crops out in Pembrokeshire, SW Wales. It was deposited as part of a dryland alluvial fan, axial fluvial valley deposystem. It conformably overlies the mid Lochkovian Freshwater West Formation and probably predates deposition of the Lower Cosheston Group Mill Bay Formation indicating an Early Devonian (latest Lochkovian to earliest Pragian) age, rather than a Middle Devonian age as suggested by previous workers. It therefore represents the youngest preserved formation of the Milford Haven Group south of the Ritec Fault. The Formation thickens drastically into the Ritec Fault, indicating its control on sedimentation. The half‐graben topography initiated deposition of a hangingwall alluvial fan that was sourced from a southerly Lower Palaeozoic/Precambrian provenance within the present‐day Bristol Channel. The Formation is heterolithic in nature, with deposits on the fan reflecting a mixture of processes. Conglomerates were deposited primarily by laterally extensive sheetfloods, and as bars in low‐relief, laterally accreted channels. Sandstones were also predominantly deposited by sheetfloods. Gritty mudrocks in comparison demonstrate deposition by cohesive debris flows. The fan prograded northward and interfingered with a low‐gradient, high‐sinuosity fluvial channel system dominated by inclined and non‐inclined heterolithic stratification. Thinly laminated mudstone and sandstone interbeds were deposited in ephemeral fan‐toe and axial valley lakes that may have developed during sub‐humid climatic episodes. The lacustrine heterolithic association has associated matgrounds and possible ‘algal roll‐up’ structures. Calcretized peetee structures and root traces comprise a lake margin calcrete association. Fan gravels prograded into the axial fluvial valley during periods of increased sediment flux that may represent semi‐arid conditions and/or episodes of tectonic activity. Calcretes of varying development were established in both the fan and axial valley zones. Calcretes with lower stages of development are more proximal to the Ritec Fault reflecting decreased soil residence times and high deposition rates within the axial valley. More strongly developed soil profiles on the fan may indicate sequence boundaries associated with low sediment flux, or increased soil residence time due to active fan‐channel migration (the pedofacies concept). Groundwater calcretes have sharp‐based and layer‐bound calcrete profiles. Gully‐bed cements are locally developed within the fan gravels. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Ediacaran–Cambrian transition signals a drastic change in both diversity and ecosystem construction. The Ediacara biota (consisting of various metazoan stem lineages in addition to extinct eukaryotic clades) disappears, and is replaced by more familiar Cambrian and Paleozoic metazoan groups. Although metazoans are present in the Ediacaran, their ecological contribution is dwarfed by Ediacaran-type clades of uncertain phylogenetic affinities, while Ediacaran-type morphologies are virtually non-existent in younger assemblages. Three alternative hypotheses have been advanced to explain this dramatic change at, or near, the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary: 1) mass extinction of most Ediacaran forms; 2) biotic replacement, with early Cambrian organisms eliminating Ediacaran forms; and 3) a Cheshire Cat model, with Ediacaran forms gradually disappearing from the fossil record (but not necessarily going extinct) as a result of the elimination of unique preservational settings, primarily microbial matgrounds, that dominated the Ediacaran. To evaluate these proposed explanations for the biotic changes observed at the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition, environmental drivers leading to global mass extinction are compared to biological factors such as predation and ecosystem engineering. We explore temporal and biogeographic distributions of Ediacaran taxa combined with evaluations of functional guild ranges throughout the Ediacaran. The paucity of temporally-resolved localities with diverse Ediacaran assemblages, combined with difficulties associated with differences in taphonomic regimes before, during, and after the transition hinders this evaluation. Nonetheless, the demonstration of geographic and niche range changes offers a novel means of assessing the downfall of Ediacara-type taxa at the hands of emerging metazoans, which we hypothesize to be most likely due to the indirect ecological impact metazoans had upon the Ediacarans. Ultimately, the combination of studies on ecosystem construction, biostratigraphy, and biogeography showcases the magnitude of the transition at the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary.  相似文献   

Disaster associated with natural hazards can lead to important changes—positive or negative—in socio-ecological systems. When disasters occur, much attention is given to the direct disaster impacts as well as relief and recovery operations. Although this focus is important, it is noteworthy that there has been little research on the characteristics and progress of change induced by disasters. Change, as distinct from impacts, encompasses formal and informal responses to disaster events and their direct and indirect impacts. While smaller disasters do not often lead to significant changes in societies and organizational structures, major disasters have the potential to change dominant ways of thinking and acting. Against this background, the article presents an analytical framework for distinguishing change from disaster impacts. Drawing from research in Sri Lanka and Indonesia, formal and informal changes after the Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004 are examined and discussed against the background of the conceptual framework. The changes examined range from the commencement of the peace process in Aceh, Indonesia, to organizational and legal reforms in Sri Lanka. The article concludes that change-making processes after disasters need to be understood more in depth in order to derive important strategic policy and methodological lessons learned for the future, particularly in view of the increasing complexity and uncertainty in decision making due to climate change.  相似文献   

Cordula Gdaniec 《GeoJournal》1997,42(4):377-384
Reconstruction of the historic centre of Moscow and the construction of apartment blocks on the citys outskirts are the citys two main programmes within what must be regarded as its urban policy. With these priorities, the strategy of relying on a mixture of city and private investments, the city governments policies contribute to an increasing exclusiveness of the city centre. This process, which includes a process of gentrification, reflects the impact of the transition to a free-market economy. City planning and reconstruction projects are subject to the new, still chaotic, market opportunities and constraints while the soviet planning principles and organizations have not yet been replaced by efficient new ones. There is a lack of control and regulation, as well as a concentration of power in the mayoral cabinet on the one hand, but on the other hand, the finance strategies make large-scale regeneration possible. With entering the global economy, post-soviet Moscow is acquiring more traits of western, capitalist cities. These include marketing the centres historic character, subsidising private investment, and a new residential segregation based on capital.  相似文献   

Economic and urban development in the province of Tucumán is closely associated with its hydrological network. In spite of the regulatory efforts to preserve the quality of the water resources, the lower basins of the majority of the rivers are contaminated with organic effluents derived from sugar-mill and citrus industry. In this paper, the conditions of the Colorado River basin are described. At its headwater, the lithology and geology determine the chemical composition. Calcite and gypsum dissolution and silicate influence water composition, which is slightly perturbed a few kilometers downstream by geothermal waters discharged by a tributary. Close to the discharge into the Salí River, the Colorado River receives a high organic matter load from the highly polluted Calimayo stream, which produces an increase in the organic matter and depletion of dissolved oxygen with redox conditions that promote the reduction of sulfate to sulfide.  相似文献   

GeoJournal - Slum development has become a major urban planning and management problem due to the challenges they&nbsp;pose to the larger urban environment. Activities of slum dwellers are...  相似文献   

In this study, natural and artificial radionuclide activity concentrations in surface soils of Kücük Menderes Basin have been measured using gamma spectroscopy. The soil samples were collected from agricultural lands in the Kücük Menderes Basin in Turkey. The activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs in the soils were found to be range of 12.63 ± 2.28–72.51 ± 11.23, 11.45 ± 2.4–58.12 ± 4.76, 234.8 ± 14.85–1058.52 ± 24 Bq kg?1 dw and 2.31 ± 0.18–7.75 ± 1.14 Bq kg?1, respectively. The natural gamma radioactivity of the terrestrial radionuclides in soil samples and the gamma absorbed dose rate, the annual effective dose equivalent, the radium equivalent activity, the external hazard index, were calculated and compared with the international recommended values.  相似文献   

Political memories—which are crucial for establishing and maintaining ‘political capital’, based on individual and group positioning during past conflict and wars, but also in relation to presentday politics—are important when considering varied outcomes from negotiations and other interactions that occur in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic in relation to large-scale economic land concessions. This paper continues to expand on the idea of political memories of past conflicts and wars by considering the concept in relation to the theoretical framework proposed by Hall et al. (2011) in their book Powers of Exclusion, which stresses the importance of interactions between regulation, force, the market and legitimation for understanding different types of exclusionary processes, especially those linked to land access. I argue that political memories are particularly relevant when it comes to legitimation, but that expanding the concept so as to include political memories is important. In relation to large-scale plantation, mining and hydropower dam concessions, I also stress the importance of political memories in (re)shaping understandings of landscapes, thus creating particular varieties of memory laden political landscapes, which too are constituted by the past but are also politically mobilized in the present.  相似文献   

The end of the Triassic and the Early Jurassic are intervals characterised by profound biotic and environmental changes, accompanied by dramatic decreases in marine fauna diversity. Corals were strongly affected and assemblages underwent a severe reduction; compared with those of the Upper Triassic, the Early Jurassic is traditionally defined as holding a “reef gap”. A Sinemurian coral-microbialites patch reef, located in southern France in the Hérault department (Le Perthus locality), is here described. This bioconstruction developed in a shallow mixed siliciclastic-carbonate inner ramp setting. The reef volume is composed of up to 70% of an intercoral facies mostly microbialites, with subordinated sediments (approximately 20–30% of the intercoral facies). Therefore, the patch reef can be defined as a coral-microbialite bioconstruction, in which microbialites were the main framebuilders. The coral assemblage has low diversity and is dominated by massive to branching colonies of Chondrocoenia clavellata. This highlights the reef diversity after the T/J boundary crisis. The Le Perthus patch reef could have acted as an edge for the dominant currents and probably induced reductions in hydrodynamic energy and sedimentation on one of its sides. Consequently, it could have triggered the growth of small lateral bioconstructions, composed of oysters and microbialites, uniquely on one of its sides. The evolution of the facies shows that the Le Perthus patch reef grew in a shallowing-upward setting accompanied by an increase in siliciclastic inputs. The rate of bioerosion and the faunal assemblage suggest that the bioconstructions could have been developed in a mesotrophic environment.  相似文献   

The static flux chamber method was applied to study natural emissions of methane to the atmosphere in the Luntai fault region of Yakela Condensed Oil/Gas Field in the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang Municipality, northwestern China. Using an online method, which couples together a gas chromatography/high-temperature conversion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC/C/MS), 13^C/12^C ratios of methane in flux chambers were measured and showed that methane gases are liable to migrate from deep oil/gas reservoirs to the surface through fault regions and that a part of the migrated methane, which remains unoxidized can be emitted into the atmosphere. Methane emission rates were found to be highest in the mornings, lowest in the afternoons and then increase gradually in the evenings. Methane emission rates varied dramatically in different locations in the fault region. The highest methane emission rate was 10.96 mg/m^2·d, the lowest 4.38 mg/m^2, and the average 7.55 mg/ m^2·d. The 13^C/12^C ratios of the methane in the flux chambers became heavier as the enclosed methane concentrations increased gradually, which reveals that methane released from the fault region might come from thermogenic methane of the deep condensed oil/gas reservoir.  相似文献   

The pollution of aquatic ecosystem by heavy metals has assumed serious proportions due to their toxicity and accumulative behaviour. The toxicity and fate of the water borne metal is dependent on its chemical form and therefore quantification of the different forms of metal is more meaningful than the estimation of its total metal concentrations. A five-step sequential extraction procedure was applied for the determination of the distribution of seven elements (Pb, Cr, Cu, Mn, Zn, Ni, Fe) in sediment samples collected from Bakır?ay and Gediz Rivers. According to this study, the results of metals are mostly retained in the residual, oxidizable and reducible fractions. Based on the chemical distribution of metals, we found that Cr, Zn, Cu and Ni are the most non-mobile metals. Pb is the metal that showed the highest percentages in the residual and reducible fractions. Mn is present in the higher percentages in the reducible and carbonate fractions. However, Fe is present in the greatest percentages in the residual fraction, which implies that these metals are strongly linked to the sediments. The risk assessment code as applied to the present study shows that about 12.3–26.9 and 15.7–33.5% of manganese at most of the sites exist in carbonate fraction in the Bakır?ay and Gediz Rivers, respectively. Therefore, Mn comes under the medium risk category in the Bakır?ay and high-risk category in the Gediz River. Speciation pattern of Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr, Ni, Fe shows low to medium risk to aquatic environment health in both rivers.  相似文献   

Lake Erie is a large lake that has a well documented history of changes in organic matter (OM) production. We have evaluated the hydrocarbon (HC), fatty acid (FA) and fatty alcohol (OL) contents of a century-long sediment core from the lake as recorders of the changes in biogeochemical processes that accompanied its eutrophication. Although variations in the concentrations of the three groups of biomarkers are closely linked to changes in primary productivity within the lake, their molecular distributions reflect different aspects of the biogeochemical processes affecting OM preservation and accumulation. Even numbered n-alkenes from C16–C22 constitute an important fraction of the HC composition. Even numbered dominance is observed in the n-alkanes < C22, and an odd dominance occurs in higher homologs. The source of this unusual HC distribution is uncertain, but may be microorganism populations sustained by anthropogenic oil contaminants. Changes in the relative inputs from terrigenous and aquatic sources are reflected in variations in the distributions of the OLs, whereas the FAs only reflect aquatic input and a dominance of aquatic organisms. Post-burial diagenetic alteration of OM is especially evident from decreases in the unsaturated and branched FAs with depth.  相似文献   

A scientific exploration well(CK1) was drilled to expand the oil/gas production in the western Sichuan depression, SW, China. Seventy-three core samples and four natural gas samples from the Middle–Late Triassic strata were analyzed to determine the paleo-depositional setting and the abundance of organic matter(OM) and to evaluate the hydrocarbon-generation process and potential. This information was then used to identify the origin of the natural gas. The OM is characterized by medium n-alkanes(n C_(15)–n C_(19)), low pristane/phytane and terrigenous aquatic ratios(TAR), a carbon preference index(CPI) of ~1, regular steranes with C_(29) C_(27) C_(28), gammacerane/C_(30) hopane ratios of 0.15–0.32, and δD_(org) of-132‰ to-58‰, suggesting a marine algal/phytoplankton source with terrestrial input deposited in a reducing–transitional saline/marine sedimentary environment. Based on the TOC, HI index, and chloroform bitumen "A" the algalrich dolomites of the Leikoupo Formation are fair–good source rocks; the grey limestones of the Maantang Formation are fair source rocks; and the shales of the Xiaotangzi Formation are moderately good source rocks. In addition, maceral and carbon isotopes indicate that the kerogen of the Leikoupo and Maantang formations is type Ⅱ and that of the Xiaotangzi Formation is type Ⅱ–Ⅲ. The maturity parameters and the hopane and sterane isomerization suggest that the OM was advanced mature and produced wet–dry gases. One-dimensional modeling of the thermal-burial history suggests that hydrocarbon-generation occurred at 220–60 Ma. The gas components and C–H–He–Ar–Ne isotopes indicate that the oilassociated gases were generated in the Leikoupo and Maantang formations, and then, they mixed with gases from the Xiaotangzi Formation, which were probably contributed by the underlying Permian marine source rocks. Therefore, the deeply-buried Middle–Late Triassic marine source rocks in the western Sichuan depression and in similar basins have a great significant hydrocarbon potential.  相似文献   

Zhu  Liangfeng  Zhu  Xueyi 《Natural Hazards》2019,95(1-2):113-127
Natural Hazards - This paper studies the external impact of China’s energy policy and market environment changes and the internal impact of internal control and management on the economic...  相似文献   

This article discusses the ways in which community protocols might challenge the dominant discourses that guide environmental law and policy at the local, national and international levels and makes suggestions about the conditions that need to be fulfilled if such a challenge is to be effective. Community protocols have attracted the attention of many scholars as they are recognised in the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Nagoya Protocol. They are argued to hold the potential to achieve fair and equitable benefit-sharing by allowing local community voices to express their customary law, worldviews, and ideas of benefit and development among other things. While much of the existing literature discusses community protocols as legal tools, they are also tools that may challenge the dominant discourses argued to guide environmental law and policy. The article takes up this question on the basis of findings from five original case studies. It is argued that community protocols may challenge dominant discourses by: facilitating and articulating the recognition of local communities and indigenous peoples; providing a source for understanding their worldviews; and by empowering them in the long term. In order to achieve these outcomes, community protocol must be understood as processes and pay attention to legal and political contexts, how communities organise, the role of supporting actors, and the articulation of benefits.  相似文献   

This study investigates the major and trace element geochemistry of Bigadi borate deposits, the largest colemanite and ulexite deposits in the world. The known borate deposits of Turkiye were deposited in the lacustrine environment during Miocene when the volcanic activity occurred from Tertiary to Quaternary. All of the Turkish borate deposits are classified as volcanic related deposits. Boron ore deposits intercalated with claystone, mudstone, tufa and fine layered limestone show lens shape. Borate minerals formed in two zones. Tiilu and Acep-Simav open mines represented the lower and upper borate zones, respectively. Colemanite and ulexite are dominant minerals at all ore zones. The major elements of Bigadi borates contain Ca, Si, Mg, Al, Fe, S, Na, P and Mn at Tiilu, Ca, Na, Si, Mg, S, Al, P and Mn at Simav, and Ca, Na, Si, Mg, S, AI and Mn at Acep samples respectively. Except for Li, Mo, Sb, As, Sr and Se, concentrations of other trace elements are significantly lower than averages of earth crust and andesite at the three mines. With respect to averages of earth crust and andesite, Mo, Sr, As, Li and particularly Se are enriched significantly in the Bigadi. In examining depth-dependent variations of major and trace elements, four element groups at the Tiilu site and six element groups at the Simav and Acep sites were determined. Element abudances or element geochemical trends show differences at the Tülü, Simav and Acep mines. These differences can be explained by the diversity of physicochemical conditions in the deposition environment by the effect of differences at the recharge regime and source.  相似文献   

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