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陆地温度的定量重建一直是古气候研究领域最具挑战性的工作之一。古温度定量记录不仅可以为气候模式的输出结果提供验证,同时也可为全球变化背景下过去温度提供参考。长链不饱和烯酮化合物的发现及有机地球化学分析手段的提高为古温度定量重建提供了可能。新生代以来青藏高原的隆升对东亚环境演变产生显著影响,其在全球气候变化研究中具有重要位置,然而高质量的古气候定量记录在青藏高原仍十分缺乏,极大限制了对高原气候变化机制的深入理解。近年来利用长链不饱和烯酮指标重建水体温度在海洋及陆地湖泊环境得到了广泛应用。青藏高原湖泊具有分布广、数量多等特点,是利用长链烯酮开展古气候定量重建的理想区域。本文通过对已发表的湖泊长链烯酮研究手段及相关成果进行总结,以青藏高原湖泊烯酮研究现状为背景,对高原烯酮研究提出展望。  相似文献   

Variations in speleothem oxygen-isotope values (δ18O) result from a complicated interplay of environmental controls and processes in the ocean, atmosphere, soil zone, epikarst, and cave system. As such, the controls on speleothem δ18O values are extremely complex. An understanding of the processes that control equilibrium and kinetic fractionation of oxygen isotopes in water and carbonate species is essential for the proper interpretation of speleothem δ18O as paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental proxies, and is best complemented by study of site-specific cave processes such as infiltration, flow routing, drip seasonality and saturation state, and cave microclimate, among others. This review is a process-based summary of the multiple controls on δ18O in the atmosphere, soil, epikarst, and speleothem calcite, illustrated with case studies. Primary controls of δ18O in the atmosphere include temperature and relative humidity through their role in the multiple isotope “effects”. Variability and modifications of water δ18O values in the soil and epikarst zones are dominated by evaporation, mixing, and infiltration of source waters. The isotopically effective recharge into a cave system consists of those waters that participate in precipitation of CaCO3, resulting in calcite deposition rates which may be biased to time periods with optimal dripwater saturation state. Recent modeling, experimental, and observational data yield insight into the significance of kinetic fractionation between dissolved carbonate phases and solid CaCO3, and have implications for the ‘Hendy’ test. To assist interpretation of speleothem δ18O time series, quantitative and semi-quantitative δ18O-climate calibrations are discussed with an emphasis on some of the difficulties inherent in using modern spatial and temporal isotope gradients to interpret speleothems as paleoclimate proxy records. Finally, several case studies of globally significant speleothem paleoclimate records are discussed that show the utility of δ18O to reconstruct past climate changes in regions that have been typically poorly represented in paleoclimate records, such as tropical and subtropical terrestrial locations. The new approach to speleothem paleoclimatology emphasizes climate teleconnections between regions and attribution of forcing mechanisms. Such investigations allow paleoclimatologists to infer regional to global-scale climate dynamics.  相似文献   

The Quaternary of the continental interior of the United States is characterized by deposits from glacial ice, with associated outwash and eolian deposits, and by alluvial deposits produced by the same climatic pulses. Erosional incision of valleys occurred early in the glacial pulse, outwash deposition during the waning phase of the pulse, and soil formation during times of relative stability between the glacial pulses. These features of deposition, erosion, and soil formation are presented in a series of curves. One way the marine record could be correlated with that of the continental interior is to compare and match the physical records of both environments.  相似文献   

Four pollen sequences along a transect from north-central Iowa to southeast Wisconsin reveal the distribution of prairie and forest during the Holocene and test the use of pollen isopolls in locating the Holocene prairie-forest border. Prairie was dominant in central Iowa and climate was drier than present from about 8000 to 3000 yr B.P. During the driest part of this period in central Iowa (6500-5500 yr B.P.), mesic forest prevailed in eastern Iowa and Wisconsin, suggesting conditions wetter than at present. Prairie replaced the mesic forest about 5400 yr B.P. in eastern Iowa but did not extend much farther east; mesic forests were replaced in southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois about 5400 yr B.P. by xeric oak forests. This change from mesic to xeric conditions at 5400 yr B.P. was widespread and suggests that the intrusion of drier Pacific air was blocked by maritime tropical air from the Gulf of Mexico until the late Holocene in this area.  相似文献   

Winter storms are a major weather problem in the United States and their losses have been rapidly increasing. A total of 202 catastrophic winter storms involving ice storms, blizzards, and snowstorms, each causing >$5 million in damages, occurred during 1949–2003, and their losses totaled $35.2 billion (2003 dollars). Catastrophic winter storms occurred in most parts of the contiguous United States, but were concentrated in the eastern half of the nation where 88% of all storm losses occurred. They were most frequent in the Northeast climate district (95 storms), and were least frequent in the West district (14 catastrophic storms). The annual average number of storms is 3.7 with a 1-year high of nine storms, and one year had no storms. Temporal distributions of storms and their losses exhibited considerable spatial variability across the nation. For example, when storms were very frequent in the Northeast, they were infrequent elsewhere, a result of spatial differences in storm-producing weather conditions over time. The time distribution of the nation’s 202 storms during 1949–2003 had a sizable downward trend, whereas the nation’s storm losses had a major upward trend for the 55-year period. This increase over time in losses, given the decrease in storm incidences, was a result of significant temporal increases in storm sizes and storm intensities. Increases in storm intensities were small in the northern sections of the nation, but doubled across the southern two-thirds of the nation, reflecting a climatic shift in conditions producing intense winter storms.  相似文献   

Tectono-stratigraphic models of foredeep sedimentation have generally presumed a direct link between changing rates of tectonism and concomitant sedimentological response as manifested by change in thickness, composition or depositional environment of sediment accumulating in adjacent basins. Lacustrine limestone units within the early Cretaceous fluvial/lacustrine Gannett Group of western Wyoming exhibit systematic variation in several geochemical proxies of relative rates of precipitation and evaporation, indicating that lakewater chemistry was controlled by variation in regional climate. Change in proportion of allochthonous terrigenous clastic vs. autochthonous carbonate deposition, as well as carbonate Mg/Ca ratio and stable isotopic composition, occurs at two scales. Metre-scale alternation of micritic limestone and argillaceous marl is accompanied by mineralogical and isotopic variation within individual beds, indicating preferential carbonate accumulation during intervals of decreased regional meteoric precipitation relative to lake-surface evaporation. Limestone deposition began during intervals of maximum aridity, and decreased as increased meteoric precipitation-driven flux of terrigenous clastic sediment overwhelmed sites of carbonate accumulation. Similar upsection variation in limestone mineralogy and isotopic composition at a scale of tens of metres reflects the multiple processes of long-term increase in meteoric precipitation and lakewater freshening prior to influx of terrigenous sediment, across-basin fluvial-deltaic progradation, and renewed accumulation of riverine terrigenous units. Such trends suggest that formation-scale alternation between fluvial clastic and lacustrine carbonate deposition was controlled by climate change.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2006,183(1-2):99-124
The snowball Earth hypothesis suggests that the Neoproterozoic was characterized by several prolonged and severe global glaciations followed by very rapid climate change to ‘hot house’ conditions. The Neoproterozoic Port Askaig Formation of Scotland consists of a thick succession of diamictite, sandstone, conglomerate and mudstone. Sedimentological and stratigraphic analysis of Port Askaig deposits exposed on the Garvellach Islands was carried out to establish the nature of Neoproterozoic palaeoenvironmental change preserved in this thick succession. Particular emphasis was placed on identifying and distinguishing between climatic and tectonic controls on sedimentation.Port Askaig Formation diamictite units are attributed to deposition by sediment gravity flow processes or ‘rainout’ of fine-grained sediment and ice-rafted debris in a glacially influenced marine setting. Associated facies record various depositional processes ranging from sediment gravity flows (conglomerate, massive sandstone and laminated mudstone) to deposition under other unidirectional currents (cross-bedded and horizontally laminated sandstone). The Port Askaig Formation is also characterized by abundant soft sediment deformation features that occur at discrete intervals and are interpreted to record episodic seismic activity.Stratigraphic analysis of the Port Askaig Formation on the Garvellach Islands reveals three phases of deposition. Phase I was dominated by sediment gravity flow processes and sedimentation was primarily tectonically controlled. Phase II was a transitional phase characterized by continued tectonic-instability, an increased supply of sand to the basin and the preservation of current-generated facies. In the third and final phase of deposition, the interbedded units of sandstone and diamictite are interpreted to reflect development of large sandy bedforms and ice margin fluctuations in a tectonically stable marine setting.Sedimentological and stratigraphic analysis of the Port Askaig Formation demonstrates that tectonic activity had a significant influence on development of the lowermost parts of the succession. Climatic influences on sedimentation are difficult to identify during such phases of tectonic activity but are more easily discerned during episodes of tectonic quiescence (e.g.,, Phase III of the Port Askaig Formation). The thick succession of diamictite interbedded with current-deposited sandstone preserved within the Port Askaig Formation is not consistent with deep freeze conditions proposed by the snowball Earth hypothesis.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地地处西北干旱区、青藏高原和东部季风区三大自然区域交汇地带,生态环境极其脆弱,是开展古气候研究的理想场所。本次以青藏高原柴达木盆地湖泊沉积物为研究对象,利用先进的前处理方法和气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC-MS),探讨该区长链烯酮和中位酮的分布特征及指示意义。研究表明,青海湖、尕海湖、托素湖和可鲁克湖的湖泊表层沉积物中均含有长链烯酮系列化合物,并显示出C37优势模式。其中,尕海湖、托素湖和可鲁克湖具有相近的烯酮比值(C37/C38),暗示这3个湖泊可能具有相同的烯酮母源藻。而柴达木盆地湖泊中C37四不饱和烯酮含量(% C37:4指标)与盐度呈正相关关系,这与青海湖和已发表的结论相矛盾,可能是由于湖泊中藻类群落结构的差异性而导致的。在可鲁克湖湖边湿地钻取了520cm的沉积物岩芯,将岩芯的烯酮数据与可鲁克湖和青海湖已发表的烯酮记录进行对比,发现存在一定的差异性,可能与采样的位置、烯酮母源藻物种效应和柴达木盆地湖泊的特殊自然条件有关。特别的是,本次研究在湖泊表层沉积物和沉积物钻孔中均检测出长链中位酮系列化合物(C31-16-one、C33-17-one和C35-18-one),且其表现为随着碳数增加,化合物丰度明显减小的变化趋势,即C31>C33>C35。通过与正构烷烃参数进行对比,发现C31-16-one可能来源于沉水植物,而C33-17-one和C35-18-one可能来源于高等植物贡献。在"8.2ka"和"4.2ka"冷事件中,C31-16-one的含量显著减小,而C33-17-one和C35-18-one增加,暗示中位酮系列化合物可能是指示古气候环境变化的潜在指标。  相似文献   

Climatic and tectonic controls on the relative abundance of solutes in streams draining the New Zealand Southern Alps were investigated by analyzing the elemental and Sr isotope geochemistry of stream waters, bedload sediment, and hydrothermal calcite veins. The average relative molar abundance of major cations and Si in all stream waters follows the order Ca2+ (50%) > Si (22%) > Na+ (17%) > Mg2+ (6%) > K+ (5%). For major anions, the relative molar abundance is HCO3 (89%) > SO42− (7%) > Cl (4%). Weathering reactions involving plagioclase and volumetrically small amounts of hydrothermal calcite define the ionic chemistry of stream waters, but nearly all streams have a carbonate-dominated Ca2+ and HCO3 mass-balance. Stream water Ca/Sr and 87Sr/86Sr ratios vary from 0.173 to 0.439 μmol/nmol and from 0.7078 to 0.7114, respectively. Consistent with the ionic budget, these ratios lie solely within the range of values measured for bedload carbonate (Ca/Sr = 0.178 to 0.886 μmol/nmol; 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7081 to 0.7118) and hydrothermal calcite veins (Ca/Sr = 0.491 to 3.33 μmol/nmol; 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7076 to 0.7097).Streams draining regions in the Southern Alps with high rates of physical erosion induced by rapid tectonic uplift and an extremely wet climate contain ∼10% more Ca2+ and ∼30% more Sr2+ from carbonate weathering compared to streams draining regions in drier, more stable landscapes. Similarly, streams draining glaciated watersheds contain ∼25% more Sr2+ from carbonate weathering compared to streams draining non-glaciated watersheds. The highest abundance of carbonate-derived solutes in the most physically active regions of the Southern Alps is attributed to the tectonic exhumation and mechanical denudation of metamorphic bedrock, which contains trace amounts of calcite estimated to weather ∼350 times faster than plagioclase in this environment. In contrast, regions in the Southern Alps experiencing lower rates of uplift and erosion have a greater abundance of silicate- versus carbonate-derived cations. These findings highlight a strong coupling between physical controls on landscape development and sources of solutes to stream waters. Using the Southern Alps as a model for assessing the role of active tectonics in geochemical cycles, this study suggests that rapid mountain uplift results in an enhanced influence of carbonate weathering on the dissolved ion composition delivered to seawater.  相似文献   

Ryan Holifield 《Geoforum》2004,35(3):285-297
In response to the failings of the aggressive neoliberalism of the Reagan era, the Clinton administration sought new ways to promote and deepen the neoliberal project. One of its strategies was to develop “neocommunitarian” programs to support political empowerment and economic self-sufficiency in marginalized communities. Its environmental justice policy became an important vehicle for delivering these programs. This paper examines ways in which one regional office of the US Environmental Protection Agency translated the Clinton administration's environmental justice policy into practical guidelines for its managers. It investigates how these guidelines affected the work of personnel in the EPA's program to clean up hazardous waste sites. It asks how the Clinton administration's approach to environmental justice--emphasizing data analysis, managed public participation, and economic opportunity--helped both to deepen the neoliberal project and to transform the geography of risk and remediation. Although the EPA was unable to “normalize” the environmental justice community--to make it a standardized target for the Clinton administration's empowerment programs--its environmental justice policy both contributed to subtle changes in the distribution of hazardous waste risk and made the delivery of neocommunitarian programs an important part of the work of remedial personnel.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the impact of biomass energy, financial development, and economic growth on environmental quality using the novel Fourier autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach on annual data for the period 1965–2018 in the United States (USA). The study analyzes the impact of related variables on the load capacity factor (LCF) as well as on indicators of environmental degradation such as carbon dioxide emissions and ecological footprint. The LCF is one of the most comprehensive environmental indicators to date, encompassing both biocapacity and ecological footprint. In this regard, this study contributes to the environmental economics literature by examining, for the first time, the impact of biomass energy on the LCF. The results of the cointegration test show that there is only a long-run relationship between the LCF and the independent variables. According to the Fourier ARDL results, biomass energy improves the environmental quality, while financial development has no effect on the LCF. Moreover, the increase in per capita income reduces the LCF. Furthermore, since the income elasticity is larger in the long run than in the short-run, the environmental Kuznets curve is validated. Therefore, the United States government should encourage the use of biomass and investment in this form of energy.  相似文献   

The ecological importance of Plantago maritima within a salt marsh on the Bay of Fundy is documented through measurements of cover, density, and biomass. During late August 1993, peak standing crops of Plantago were as high as 532 g m?2, and composed as much as 96% of the biomass of a stand of vegetation. Plantago is a dominant component of the marsh vegetation at an elevation just above the Spartina alterniflora-dominated low marsh, and is found as a dominant when growing in association with a number of plant species characteristic of the high marsh. We hypothesize that the existence of this community is dependent upon regular ice-shearing of Spartina patens, which would otherwise competitively exclude Plantago. This hypothesis is supported by the elevational limits of Plantago dominance and the geographical limitation of Plantago communities to portions of the northwestern Atlantic subjected to winter temperatures which average below 0°C.  相似文献   

Water and poverty in the United States   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Contrary to reports of 100% access to safe water and sanitation in international surveys, the United States (US) has a complex landscape of low-income water problems. This paper begins with a critical international perspective on water and poverty in the US. It shows that the US had a declining role in international water programs during the late-20th century, which contributed to limited international awareness of low-income water programs in the US, and limited US awareness of low-income water issues. To address the first problem, we provide an overview of low-income water programs in the US with an emphasis on those that serve small communities. We then examine census data on inadequate water systems in Colorado, which indicate that severe plumbing deficiencies persist despite these public water programs. Inadequate plumbing rates are lower than income poverty rates, however, which indicate partially successful strategies for achieving low-income water services. Analysis of local data in urban, rural, and mountainous areas of the state shows that poverty and water problems are correlated in complex ways, which has implications for all nations striving for universal access to safe water and sanitation.  相似文献   

古盐湖卤水温度对钾盐沉积的控制作用探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
古盐湖卤水的温度对钾盐沉积的控制作用的定量研究是钾盐成矿机理分析的重点和难点。本文分析和测试陕北盐盆奥陶系马家沟组、四川盆地三叠系嘉陵江组、云南兰坪-思茅盆地白垩系及老挝沙空那空盆地白垩系等八个含盐系的石盐岩中的流体包裹体,并利用均一温度计算了古盐湖的蒸发速率。若以老挝白垩纪时盐湖的蒸发速率为标准值100,陕北奥陶纪、四川三叠纪、云南白垩纪的蒸发速率标准值分别为54、68和90,而目前在老挝和云南白垩系都找到了一定规模的钾盐矿,因此高温(气温及水温)是盐湖成钾的有利条件,在卤水演化成钾的过程中可以起到重要的"催化"作用。  相似文献   

Present interest in environmental problems which are international, interstate or interprovincial in scope is drawing attention to the necessity for ecological regionalizations that will serve as a basis for intraregional transfer of experience. The major efforts at ecological regionalization by the national governmental agencies are described and compared. Although similar concepts have evolved in both countries, different systems of units have been developed for defining and mapping ecosystems at the regional scale. Before any regionalization is used it should be thoroughly tested, and modified if necessary.  相似文献   

U-Pb analyses of zircons separated from two Concord-type plutons near Sunapee and Dixville Notch, New Hampshire, reveal differences in the pattern and magnitude of zircon inheritance which are related to differences in melt chemistry. The Sunapee pluton contains only slightly more Zr than required to saturate the melt at the peak temperature of 700 ± 30°C. Traces of inherited zircon in this separate are inferred to be present as small, largely resorbed grains. In contrast, the Long Mountain pluton, near Dixville Notch, contains about 240% more Zr than required to saturate the melt. Thus, more than half of the Zr existed as stable, inherited zircon crystals during the partial fusion event, consistent with the observation of substantial inheritance in all grain size fractions. Ion probe intra-grain analyses of zircon from the Long Mountain pluton indicate a complex pattern of inheritance with contributions from at least two Proterozoic terrenes and caution against simple interpretations of upper and lower intercepts of chords containing an inherited component. Ion probe analyses of zircons from the Sunapee pluton reveal clear evidence of U loss which results in incorrect apparent conventional U-Pb ages. Ages of crystallization for the Long Mountain and Sunapee pluton are ~350 and 354 ± 5 Ma, respectively. A Sm/Nd measurement for the Long Mountain pluton yields a depleted mantle model age of 1.5 Ga, consistent with the observed inheritance pattern. In contrast, a Sm/Nd model age for the Sunapee pluton is improbably old due to minor monazite fractionation.  相似文献   

A sediment core representing the past two millennia was recovered from Stella Lake in the Snake Range of the central Great Basin in Nevada. The core was analyzed for sub-fossil chironomids and sediment organic content. A quantitative reconstruction of mean July air temperature (MJAT) was developed using a regional training set and a chironomid-based WA-PLS inference model (r2jack = 0.55, RMSEP = 0.9°C). The chironomid-based MJAT reconstruction suggests that the interval between AD 900 and AD 1300, corresponding to the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA), was characterized by MJAT elevated 1.0°C above the subsequent Little Ice Age (LIA), but likely not as warm as recent conditions. Comparison of the Stella Lake temperature reconstruction to previously published paleoclimate records from this region indicates that the temperature fluctuations inferred to have occurred at Stella Lake between AD 900 and AD 1300 correspond to regional records documenting hydroclimate variability during the MCA interval. The Stella Lake record provides evidence that elevated summer temperature contributed to the increased aridity that characterized the western United States during the MCA.  相似文献   

Thirty-three ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) that were found dead or moribund in the Eastern United States between 1964 and 1973 were necropsied. The brains and carcasses of 26 of these birds were analyzed for organochlorines. The livers of 18 and the kidneys of 7 were analyzed for selected metals. Most adults were recovered in April and May and most immatures were recovered in August through October. The adult sex ratio was highly unbalanced in favor of females. Major causes of mortality were impact injuries, emaciation, shooting, and respiratory infections. Of special interest were two birds with malignant tumors and one with steatitis. Many birds had undergone marked weight losses resulting in mobilization and redistribution of organochlorine residues. Organochlorines were detected in the birds at the following percentages: DDE 100%, PCB 96%, DDD 92%, dieldrin 88%, chlordanes (including nonachlors) 82%, DDT 65%, and heptachlor expoxide 38%. Organochlorine levels tended to be higher in adults than in immatures. One adult from South Carolina had a potentially dangerous level of dieldrin in its brain, which might have contributed to its death. Immature ospreys from Maryland had extremely elevated levels of copper in their livers compared with immatures from other areas and all adults. One immature from Maryland had an elevated level of arsenic in its liver, which might have contributed to its death. One adult from Florida that had died of impact injuries had potentially dangerous levels of mercury in both liver and kidney and slightly elevated levels of cadmium in these tissues. Additional birds appeared to have been exposed to contamination of the environment by arsenic and mercury. The levels of chromium, zinc, and lead in livers appeared normal.  相似文献   

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