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The Transition Movement, originating in Ireland and the United Kingdom, gathers and supports community-led actions to meet the global challenges of climate change, peak oil and energy descent. In our study we analysed a Transition Network project, a Danish village built from scratch by its inhabitants and named the Self Sufficient Village (SSV). Employing the theories of constructed landscapes and place attachment, we studied how the Transition Movement ideology shaped the constructed landscape of the village and influenced the inhabitants’ attachment. The research team, following the grounded theory approach, conducted a field study staying in SSV. We collected data with focus groups, individual interviews and participatory observations, taking part in daily life of the community. The analysis revealed three, intertwined themes which altogether create the constructed landscape of SSV. They were named Community, Ideology, and Individual impact, respectively. Our findings showed that the community and strong social ties were predominant factors in shaping place attachment. Transition ideology and environmental awareness, although less pronounced, still turned out to be vital for the feelings of belongingness and empowerment, resulting in a positive impact of the village on the local scale. Using our case study as an example we discuss the importance of environmental concern and place attachment for similar grass-root initiatives.  相似文献   

Gavin Bridge  Andrew Wood 《Geoforum》2010,41(4):565-576
Our objective in this paper is to understand the significance of the peak oil claim for the large, publicly-traded oil companies to whom the tasks of finding oil, extracting it and delivering it to market have been allocated. On the face of it, peak oil would appear to offer the ultimate solution to a problem that has plagued the international oil industry for the last one hundred years: how to organise scarcity in the face of prodigious abundance. We examine how publicly-traded oil firms (‘Big Oil’) are engaging with the discourse and science of peak oil, and find that peak oil positions firms like Exxon, BP and Shell in a number of different and quite complex ways: as a beneficiary (of a higher price regime), but also as a victim (of shrinking reserves) and a suspect (for under-investing in exploration or exploiting reserves too rapidly). We find a surprising lack of consensus among Big Oil about the significance of peak oil’s core claim for an imminent, permanent decline in the production of conventional grades of crude, and we conclude that peak oil is not regarded as strategic priority for oil producers (the contrast here with climate change is instructive). To understand why this is the case we turn from the physical science-based account of peak oil to political economy, and examine the contradictory character of Big Oil’s current position. We show how the strong financial returns to Big Oil in the last few years mask a precarious structural position when it comes to reserves access and reserves replacement. Critically the origins of this squeeze originate primarily above-ground: in the ownership of reserves, the politics of resource access and the changing structure of the international oil industry, and not below-ground in geological limits. Accordingly, we reject the simple assumption that increasing geological scarcity explains/justifies high returns, and argue that the relative marginalisation of peak oil within Big Oil’s strategic concerns reflects the way it misdiagnoses the cause of oil companies’ woes when it comes to finding and replacing reserves. We conclude that peak oil’s claim of physically-induced scarcity obfuscates rather than illuminates when it comes to understanding the opportunities for - and constraints on - accumulation in the upstream oil sector.  相似文献   

Emilia Palonen 《GeoJournal》2008,73(3):219-230
As in most parts of Central and Eastern Europe, there is a tradition in Hungary of changing street names and memorials in the wake of major political transitions. This article focuses on the change of street names and memorials, i.e. the city-text, in Hungary’s political capital, Budapest, between 1985 and 2001. The city-text in Budapest became a locus of dispute between different political authorities, including the nation state, the metropolitan municipality, and the district, each bearing different political ideals during and after the fall of communism. Discursive changes in the post-communist city-text emerged expressing specific conceptions of national sovereignty, but the direction of the changes were debated. Different levels of administration in Budapest and Hungary had divergent visions of what the new discourse on national sovereignty should be. The changes, therefore, did not express a simple transition to an agreed-upon post-communist value system, but were the result of a symbolic struggle between different levels of administration over what should be commemorated in the city-text.  相似文献   

This paper examines the rescaling of flood risk management (FRM) in Britain over the past 70+ years. Drawing on recent research in geography and elsewhere – which has engaged the politics of scale literature with the rescaling of water and environmental governance – we seek to illustrate the mis-match between the rescaling of the geographical unit of management and the nexus of power and control of those engaged in FRM. For those seeking positive examples of multi-level decentralised governance in water resource management, where power is shared across the spatial scales, our historical analysis struggles to find evidence. Rather, despite attempts to ‘hollow-out’ the state through the scaling ‘out’ and ‘down’ of FRM responsibilities, our evidence suggests that the control over key decision-making tools, resources and other modalities of power remains in the hands of a few key national-level decision-makers; it is the responsibility that has been decentralised, not least to those at risk of flooding. The application of the politics of scale theorising in a FRM context is innovative and, importantly, our case study demonstrates that such politics does not have to involve open conflict but is much more subtle in its deployment of power.  相似文献   

Christoph Görg 《Geoforum》2007,38(5):954-966
Governance has become an iridescent concept in recent years. The term is widely used in almost all social-science disciplines as well as in the political process. The intention of this paper is not so much to clarify these sometimes vague meanings but to highlight some characteristics of environmental governance connected with the restructuring of the spatial dimensions of politics. It starts from the assumption that the quest for multi-level decision making is particularly pressing for environmental governance. However, multi-level governance raises concern about the constitution of various spatial levels and their relationships with each other, as discussed under the term of “politics of scale”. Moreover, it is argued that for environmental governance the spatial reference is strongly connected with another challenge, which concerns the question of how to deal with the biophysical conditions of particular places. The term landscape governance is introduced to tackle this question without referring to an ontologically given space. Thus, landscape governance deals with the interconnections between socially constructed spaces (the politics of scale) and “natural” conditions of places. For this task, the concept of societal relationships with nature is introduced and applied to the term “landscape” as a bridging concept between social and natural sciences. The paper illustrates the approach of landscape governance with examples of problem-oriented interdisciplinary research at the UFZ-Centre for Environmental research in Leipzig, Germany.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to research on the reporting of hate crime/incidents from a critical socio-spatial perspective. It outlines an analysis of third party reporting of hate crimes/incidents in the North East of England, based upon the work of Arch (a third party hate crime/incident reporting system). The data set is one of the largest of its kind in the UK and therefore presents a unique opportunity to explore patterns of reporting across different types of hate crimes/incidents through a system designed to go beyond criminal justice responses. Whilst not downplaying the significance of the harmful experiences to which this data refers, we are very aware of the limitations of quantitative and de-humanised approaches to understanding forms of discrimination. Therefore the paper adopts a critical position, emphasising that interpretation of the data provides a partial, yet important, insight into everyday exclusions, but also cultures and politics of reporting. While the data records incidents across the main ‘monitored strands’, analysis here particularly focuses on those incidents recorded on the basis of ‘race’ and religion. Our analysis allows us to both cautiously consider the value of such data in understanding and addressing such damaging experiences - but also to appreciate how such an analysis may connect with the changing landscape of reporting and the politics of austerity.  相似文献   

论龙门山中段前缘油气成藏条件   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从各种油气成藏必要条件的配置关系出发,把龙门山中段划分成半裸露带、单斜带和隐蔽带三种勘探领域。提出了“适时隆起”的概念,阐述了蓬莱镇组(J3p)气藏、白垩系气藏主要受燕山晚幕和喜马拉雅期运动的控制,表现为天马山组(K1t)或灌口组(K3g)为厚度减薄带。这些认识在勘探实践中取得了较好的效果,并有助于进一步拓宽在龙门山前缘寻找富集油气藏的找矿思路。  相似文献   

东濮凹陷胡十二块剩余油分布特征及挖潜对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
剩余油分布特征是油田开发地质工作需要解决的主要问题之一,本文应用动态分析法半定量地描述了东濮凹陷西斜坡带主力区块胡十二块小层剩余区油分布状态,对该块剩余油在油藏平面,层间和层内的分布特征进行了详细研究,并针对4种剩余油分布类型提出相应挖潜技术对策,为高含水后期油田挖潜提供了必要依据。  相似文献   

惠州凹陷是中国南海珠江口盆地东部最重要的富生烃凹陷,位于其东南缘的远源凸起带普遍缺失烃源岩地层,距离油源远,是典型的源外远源油气藏,油藏中原油成因及来源尚未明确。通过对惠州凹陷内原油和烃源岩样品进行生物标志化合物、同位素特征的系统对比,结合对断裂-砂体-不整合运移通道和遮挡条件的分析,应用Pathway软件模拟分析三维油气运移路径,跳出静态模式的禁锢,从动态的角度分析油气成藏过程。本文认为,惠州凹陷东南缘远源凸起带原油主要来源于文昌组烃源岩,其生物标志物主要表现为低C19/C23三环萜烷值(<0.7)、低C20/C23三环萜烷值(<0.8)、高C27重排甾烷/C27规则甾烷值(>0.25)、低ETR值(<0.4)、高4-甲基甾烷/ΣC29甾烷值(>0.4)和低双杜松烷T/C30藿烷值(<1)。油气三维运移路径模拟结果显示,油气在惠州凹陷H26洼生成后,在惠-流构造脊控制下沿优势运移路径向东沙隆起方向运移,并在构造脊顶端的远源凸起带L11-1油田聚集成藏。远源凸起带的原油与同一优势运移路径上的其他油田原油样品的生物标志物特征和碳同位素特征具有非常高的相似性。故本文推断,远源凸起带原油主要来自惠州凹陷H26洼陷文昌组中深湖相烃源岩。  相似文献   

张敏  欧光习 《地质论评》2019,65(Z1):201-202
正近年来,流体包裹体已成为常规油气地质领域研究油气成藏期次和时间、成矿流体性质、来源、油气运移充注途径和古地温恢复等方面的关键技术方法(卢焕章等,2004)。目前,流体包裹体并未被广泛应用于的页岩油气藏研究中,主要是因为页岩油气储层中的成岩矿物普遍过于细小,给包裹体的测试带来了极大的困难,困扰了流体包裹体研究在页岩中的发展。但是,以往的研究发现,页岩  相似文献   

丘东洲  谢渊  赵瞻  李嵘  杨平  张娣  刘家洪 《地质通报》2012,31(11):1781-1794
南方是中国海相碳酸盐岩的主要分布地区之一,发育厚8000~10000m的震旦系—下三叠统海相沉积,形成了以震旦系、寒武系、奥陶系、志留系为主体的海相含油气系统下组合和以泥盆系、石炭系、二叠系、中下三叠统为主体的海相含油气系统上组合。上述含油气层系和油气组合在雪峰山西侧地区也有不同程度的发育,并具有复杂的圈闭条件、保存条件和成藏演化过程,蕴藏着丰富的油气资源。笔者着重讨论了改造型含油气盆地的研究思路、方法及研究区油气系统的地质作用过程,并在此基础上对4个重点区的含油气系统进行了分析,以期为深入开展雪峰山西侧地区油气地质调查和勘探目标区优选提供依据。  相似文献   

对Kirchhoff型偏移理论的研究历史、研究现状以及在今后一段时间内的发展趋势进行了简要的回顾和评述,并对加权函数、偏移孔径、子波拉伸、振幅畸变、垂向与横向分辨率等问题进行了相对详尽的讨论。还对若干有待于解决的问题进行了探讨,并对笔者在近几年内所取得的一些与Kirchhoff型偏移理论有关的新认识和新结果进行了介绍。为了充分地顾及反射地震成像和光学成像之间的渊源关系,采用了一种新的讨论方式,即首先对Kirchhoff绕射理论的主要内容进行概略的回顾,然后再通过类比的方式引入Kirchhoff型偏移成像的基本概念和基本方程。在过去的几十年中,在Kirchhoff型偏移理论研究方面已经取得了重大进展,一个完整的理论体系已经形成。尽管如此,仍有一些遗留的或新出现的理论问题有待于解决,例如加权等时面分布叠加偏移的输出场分析和模型空间中的最优偏移孔径等等。由于Kirchhoff型偏移理论的研究对象是加权绕射叠加而不是加权等时面分布,也由于GPU/CPU协同计算技术的出现已经使得加权绕射叠加的计算量问题不再形成瓶颈,所以在今后的发展中Kirchhoff型偏移在理论和实践上将达到统一,即将在实现上从加权等时面分布回归到加权绕射叠加。与此同时,在今后一个时期内的研究重点将会与Green函数的数学表述、局部相关反射信号(locally coherent events)的表示和处理、广义加权绕射叠加以及在模型空间中定义的最优偏移孔径等问题有关。  相似文献   

In the year 1787, while visiting the Isle of Arran in southwestern Scotland, James Hutton made the initial discovery of what is now called an angular unconformity. In his example, Dalradian (Neoproterozoic - Cambrian) metasedimentary rocks are overlain by Early Carboniferous (Dinantian) sedimentary rocks of fluvial origin. The exact position of the plane of unconformity has been uncertain because of the presence of a resistant carbonate-rich zone (cornstone) on the Dalradian paleosurface. Whereas the unconformity was previously placed in an erosional re-entrant beneath the prominent carbonate-rich layer, it should be located at the contact between the Dalradian metasedimentary rocks, including those affected by cornstone formation, and overlying Dinantian pebbly sandstones. A prominent set of joints in the Dalradian rocks is sub-parallel to bedding in the overlying Carboniferous rocks and has contributed to ambiguity concerning placement of the plane of unconformity. A second exposure of Hutton's unconformity, at the SW end of the same small Carboniferous outlier on the Arran coast, displays the contact relationships unambiguously. Geochemical investigation of samples from the new locality shows that the cornstones are enriched in CaO, volatiles (LOI), MgO, and MnO. Formation of the cornstone involved replacement of siliciclastic Dalradian metasediments by dolomite. Relative to the fresh Dalradian rocks, the cornstones are depleted in most trace elements, but display enrichment in Sr, Y, Cu, and REE. The cornstone is enriched in REE in a systematic fashion, with a particularly strong concentration of MREE. A mirror-image pattern in the associated Dalradian rocks suggests that the REE enrichment observed in the cornstone is a result of leaching from the country rocks by groundwater, followed by evaporative concentration.  相似文献   

徐银波 《地质与勘探》2023,59(5):1103-1116
我国陆相油页岩资源丰富,通常沉积于深湖-半深湖、湖沼以及浅湖环境,其中浅湖油页岩主要发育于柴达木盆地、老黑山盆地、黄县盆地等地区。为研究浅湖油页岩的特征和成因,分析其成矿模式,对柴达木盆地团鱼山地区的青柴地2井石门沟组含煤段浅湖油页岩样品分别开展了有机碳、热解、含油率、灰分、挥发分、密度、发热量、主微量元素、X衍射等测试分析。结果显示,研究区油页岩为中灰分、高挥发分、低密度、高发热量、低-中等含油率的油页岩。该油页岩的有机质丰度高,有机质类型为Ⅱ2型,成熟度为未成熟。其矿物组成主要为粘土矿物和石英,组成元素以SiO2、Al2O3和TFe2O3为主,具有P2O5、Co、Cu、Zn、Ga、Mo、Ba、Th、U等元素富集,SiO2、TFe2O3、MgO、Na2O、CaO、K2O、TiO2、...  相似文献   

近年来,低阻油层在鄂尔多斯盆地三叠系延长组不断被发现,逐渐成为主要产油层。针对鄂尔多斯盆地盐池地区长4+5低阻油层,通过岩芯观察、铸体薄片鉴定、扫描电镜观察、黏土矿物X射线衍射及高压压汞等分析测试,研究该地区长4+5低阻油层成因,认为构造圈闭幅度低、束缚水饱和度与地层水矿化均较高等是造成油层电阻率低的主要因素。利用交会图版法、电阻率差异法及计算自然电位差法3种方法,结合试油资料,对低阻油层进行定性识别。  相似文献   

李阳  郭长春 《沉积学报》2007,25(6):942-948
分析了在不同沉积环境下侧积砂坝的沉积模式,研究了侧积体的空间组合特征,并利用模式预测的方法建立侧积砂坝的建筑结构模型。研究表明,孤东油田七区西Ng52+3侧积砂坝是小型河流形成的,其侧积体的空间组合模式为水平斜列式,侧积体的宽度为80~240 m,倾角为5°~12°。薄片、扫描电镜分析证实,七区西Ng52+3的成岩作用较弱,原始的粒间孔隙保存完好,储层孔隙度平均为32.3%,渗透率为3 500×10-3 μm2。侧积砂坝内含有高岭石、蒙脱石、伊利石等粘土矿物,使其储层物性变差。  相似文献   

针对国内注水开发油田水淹层测井解释中地层混合液电阻率(Rz)难以确定的问题,提出了一套动静结合确定Rz的新技术。该技术以开发井投产初期含水率资料为基础,结合静态研究成果,反演投产层的地层混合液电阻率(Rz),进而标定井筒中泥浆滤液电阻率(Rmf),在此基础上,应用自然电位测井的基本原理,可以计算垂向上各层的地层混合液电阻率(Rz)。对于初期投产层为单层和多层两种情况,提出了一种迭代算法,均能实现Rz的反演和Rmf的准确标定。以该技术为基础,针对已经进入高含水阶段的扶余油田泉四段油层开展水淹层测井资料的二次解释。通过与密闭取心检查井岩心分析数据对比,剩余油饱和度误差平均为6%。  相似文献   

新型杂卤石钾盐矿是近年来发现于四川盆地东北部早—中三叠世的一种可溶性海相固体钾盐,因其可利用性及低成本可开采特征,及其对海相找钾实现突破性进展提供的指示意义,引起了工业界及学术界的广泛关注。但当前以新型杂卤石钾盐矿为载体的海相成钾理论研究尚处于探索阶段,本文聚焦川东北普光地区中下三叠统新型杂卤石钾盐矿,将锶、硫同位素研究方法应用于杂卤石碎屑、石膏及"绿豆岩"等样品,以探讨新型杂卤石钾盐矿中不同组分的物源特征。分析结果显示,杂卤石碎屑和矿层底部硬石膏样品具有相似的δ34S和87Sr/86Sr同位素特征,δ34S分布在27.9‰~28.9‰之间,87Sr/86Sr介于0.70826~0.70829之间。该研究结果与同时期全球海相硫酸盐的δ34S和全球海水的87Sr/86Sr的可对比性表明上述组分的主要物源应为同时期海水。该研究结果为进一步新型杂卤石钾盐矿成矿模型的建立及海相成钾理论的补充和完善提...  相似文献   

黎敦朋  罗坤  肖爱芳  孔令添 《地质学报》2019,93(12):3095-3110
福建李坊重晶石矿床是东南沿海地区发现的一个大型独立重晶石矿床,已有30余年的开采历史,在沉积重晶石矿床中占有重要地位,然而对该矿床的成因和成矿时代仍众说纷纭。本文通过对福建李坊重晶石矿床中矿石组构的野外调查、电子探针分析和重晶石的流体包裹体测温,取得如下发现和认识:①首次在重晶石矿石中发现了管孔状构造、角砾状构造、蜂窝状构造等热水喷流通道相沉积构造;②首次在重晶石矿石中发现具有热水成因指示意义的同生钡冰长石矿物;③140个重晶石的流体包裹体均一温度值为89.3~208.5℃,均值为162.7℃,表明李坊重晶石矿床属于低温热水沉积矿床;综合矿石构造、矿物学和流体包裹体测温等证据,提出李坊重晶石矿床为"白烟囱型"热水沉积矿床的新认识,为华南地区早古生代热水沉积矿床的研究和找矿勘探提供了重要新资料。  相似文献   

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