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Summary A simple method is developed which allows for estimating the deviations of the relative optical air mass for a given vertical air density profile from the relative optical air mass for the ARDC Model Atmosphere, 1959 which serves as standard. In case of the mean profiles given byQuiroz [3] for middle latitudes, summer; middle latitudes, winter; arctic summer; and arctic winter the air mass deviations turn out to be small.
Zusammenfassung Es wird eine einfache Methode entwickelt, um aus den Abweichungen eines gegebenen vertikalen Luftdichteprofils von der als Standard dienenden ARDC-Modell-Atmosph?re 1959 die entsprechenden Abweichungen in der relativen optischen Luftmasse abzusch?tzen. Im Fall der vonQuiroz [3] angegebenen mittleren Luftdichteprofile für mittlere Breiten, Sommer; mittlere Breiten, Winter; arktischen Sommer und arktischen Winter erweisen sich die Luftmassen-Abweichungen als gering.

Résumé On développe ici une méthode simple permettant d'estimer les déviations de la masse optique relative d'air pour un profil donné de la densité verticale de l'air en partant du modèle d'atmosphère ARDC 1959 pris pour référence. Dans le cas des profils moyens indiqués parQuiroz [3] pour les latitudes moyennes en été ou en hiver ainsi que pour l'arctique en été ou en hiver, les déviations dues aux différentes masses d'air sont faibles.

Summary A model that uses two parameters to describe the state of the sky is presented. The parameters are the total cloud amount and a new two-value parameter – the sunshine number – stating whether the sun is covered or uncovered by clouds. Regression formulae to compute instantaneous cloudy sky global and diffuse irradiance on a horizontal surface are proposed. Fitting these relationships to Romanian data shows low bias errors for global radiation but larger errors for diffuse radiation. The model’s accuracy is significantly higher than one based on total cloud amount alone. The model is used to generate time-series of solar radiation data. A first approximate relationship, neglecting auto-correlation of the sunshine number, is used in the computations. Received July 17, 2001 Revised November 7, 2001  相似文献   

秦健  刘磊  高太长  孙学金 《气象科学》2011,31(5):604-612
本文从图像处理的角度,基于统计方法对地基全天空类型识别进行了研究。通过对2007年1月的397组观测数据进行统计分析,确定了5种天空类型识别的判别阈值,实现了地基全天空类型的有效识别。结果表明,样本试验的分类结果为81.36%,普适性检验的结果为79.51%。  相似文献   

Three simple methods to estimate global solar radiation are proposed in addition to (Solar Energy 63 (1998) 147). All were tested seasonally and at different sky conditions at seven locations in Egypt. The methods use ground-based measurements of maximum and minimum temperature, daily mean of cloud cover and extraterrestrial global radiation. Average of root mean square differences (RMSD) for a comparison between observed and estimated global radiation for all locations tested was around 10% for the new methods and 13% for Supit–Van Kappel method. The coefficient of determination R2 is higher for the new methods for all tested locations. Better results were obtained when applying the new methods to different seasons. The differences in root mean square error (RMSE) between the new methods and Ångstrom–Prescott method that is based on sunshine duration data were less than 1.0 MJ m−2 day−1 at all sites. On the whole, the performance statistics demonstrate that the new methods are better when compared by Ångstrom–Prescott method.  相似文献   

利用干旱条件下的吐鲁番盆地1981-2010年的逐月降水、气温资料,通过Thornthwaite方法计算潜在蒸散量确定气候相对湿润指数,并分析其时空变化特征;同时应用小波分析及Mann-Kendall法,对相对湿润指数进行突变和周期分析,结果表明:近30 a来,降水量呈非显著性的减少趋势,气温增暖趋势明显,倾向率为0.53益·(10 a)-1;在气候变暖的背景下,潜在蒸散量呈波动增加趋势,空间分布差异显著(P〈0.05);相对湿润指数呈较弱的减小态势,气候总体趋于干旱化,表现为:鄯善最强,吐鲁番次之,托克逊相对较弱;相对湿润指数未出现显著的转折年份和突变时间区域;周期变化表现为较强的对称性,4~5a的变化周期一致性较好。研究区域内气温升高,降水减少,是导致气候干旱化趋势得以维持和加剧的重要因素。  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) solar radiation has a significant influence on human health, the environment and climate. A series of measurements, including UV radiation (290 400 nm) and global solar radiation (Rs), were continuously recorded from August 2004 at the Lhasa and Haibei sites on the Tibetan Plateau. Both observation sites' altitudes are above 3000 m and have similar meteorological conditions. The data from 2005 2006 was used to identify the varying characteristics of UV radiation. It's relation to the clearness index Ks, the relative optical mass mr, and Rs were established. The annual mean values of total daily UV radiation are 0.92 and 0.67 MJ m^-2 at Lhasa and Haibei, respectively. The UV radiation in Lhasa represented 4.6% of the global solar radiation while in Haibei this percentage was 4.2%. In the case of clear days (Ks 〉 0.8), these percentages ranged between 4.0% and 4.5% in Lhasa and between 5.1% and 5.5% in Haibei. In the case of cloudy days (Ks 〈 0.4), these percentages ranged from 4.4% to 6.8% in Lhasa and from 5.1% to 5.5% in Haibei. The maximum values of UV radiation for each relative optical mass diminished exponentially with mr. Thus, for Lhasa and Haibei, UV=46.25mr-129, and UV=51.76mr-142, respectively. The results of this study can be used to obtain more UV radiation data for the study of UV climate characteristics, the effects of UV on ecological processes and the feedback of the thinning of the stratospheric ozone, from more routine measurements Rs data.  相似文献   

依据东北地区1961-2009年71个气象台站月平均气温、降水资料,运用标准化降水指数(SPI)与相对湿润度指数等干旱指标分析了东北地区5-9月的干旱趋势。结果表明:1961-2009年,东北大部分地区在5-9月呈干旱化趋势,仅在黑龙江大兴安岭北部、黑龙江西南部以及黑龙江与吉林的东部交界处表现为湿润化;东北三省干湿震荡主要周期大约为22-24a,近49a发生了4次干湿交替,突变年为1976及1996年。就干旱发生范围而言,近49a东北地区干旱面积呈上升趋势,以1996年为分界线,农作物干旱受灾比在吉林增幅最大,辽宁次之,黑龙江最小,采用SPI与相对湿润度指数评价东北地区干旱较符合实际。就干旱发生频率而言,高值区主要集中在东北西部,特别是黑龙江的齐齐哈尔与大庆地区、吉林的白城地区及辽宁的朝阳地区。干旱与极端干旱的发生频率在1981-1990年较低,在2001-2009年最高,而极端干旱发生频率增加幅度明显高于一般干旱。  相似文献   

为提高连续域上蚁群算法的寻优性能,降低决策变量之间的相关性,设计一种基于MIMIC算法和RPCA的连续域上蚁群优化算法.本文首先介绍连续域上的蚁群算法;然后根据一些处理多变量相关性的方法,给出有效相关性的定义;接着提出一种基于MIMIC算法和RPCA的混合蚁群算法;最后,通过对标准测试函数进行优化求解实验,将所得结果与连续域上的蚁群优化算法相比较,可知该算法在寻优能力和收敛性方面都有明显的提高,是一种有效的优化算法.  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - The air temperature extremes in the southern Balkans and the synoptic conditions that favor their occurrence are examined for the 40-year period...  相似文献   

基于五点加权平均法的耕地复种指数遥感监测研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴岩  刘寿东  钱眺 《贵州气象》2008,32(5):9-12
应用NASA(美国国家航空和宇宙航行局)提供的MODIS归一化植被指数(NDVI)数据,采用五点加权平均法对NDVI时间序列曲线进行平滑,由于NDVI时间曲线的波动变化能够反映1a内作物群体生物量的变化,曲线波峰所对应的是农作物群体生物量最大时相,因此可以通过提取1a内耕地NDVI时间序列的波峰频数,计算得到耕地的复种指数。监测结果与统计资料的计算结果比较表明,采用五点加权平均法监测耕地复种指数是可行的。  相似文献   

In this study, we present a relationship between total accumulation mode aerosol mass concentrations and cloud droplet number concentrations ( N d). The fundamental aim with the present method is to arrive at a physically‐based conversion algorithm in which each step in the conversion is based on real physical processes that occur and can be observed in the atmosphere, and in which all of the fields involved can be observed or modeled. In the last conversion (the critical part in the algorithm), we use measurements of the size distributions of cloud droplet residual particles for different pollution conditions. This conversion assumes that the size of the residual particles can be described with a lognormal distribution function and uses the Hatch–Choate relationship to convert between residual volume and number. The relatively sparse data set with which we have developed the present algorithm results in a course classification of the aerosol mass field. Consequently, uncertainties need to be recognized when using the algorithm in its present form in model calculations. The algorithm has been used on data from 15 days and the agreement between calculated and observed N d values is, with one exception, within a factor of 2 and for many of these cases also much better than a factor of 2. In addition to the results of the algorithm itself, we also present a least‐squares fit to the predicted N d values. To improve the algorithm in the longer‐term requires more data of scavenging fractions, particle chemical composition and density, and residual particle size distributions as a function of aerosol mass loading and cloud type.  相似文献   

文章通过对DZZ5型自动气象站一次相对湿度异常排查过程,提出故障排除流程。另外还介绍了不正常观测记录的处理方法。对今后DZZ5型自动气象站类似故障排除提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

对FY-4A卫星的气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)产品进行检验,并根据卫星相关观测资料,通过改进后的PMRS方法,反演得到中国近地面PM2.5质量浓度网格化分布。结果表明,FY-4A卫星反演不同站点AOD与地基观测网(AERONET)观测结果吻合较好,但存在一定的低估或高估现象,相关系数区间为0.54—0.87。将细粒子比(FMF)以0.4为界进行划分,FMF>0.4时,拟合结果较FMF≤0.4时更接近于AERONET观测结果;但FMF≤0.4时,卫星反演的AOD稳定性优于FMF>0.4时。通过引入AOD的大小,改进FMF>0.4时对细粒子柱状体积消光比(VEf)的估算算法,并通过改进后的PMRS方法对中国近地面PM2.5浓度进行逐时反演,其反演结果和地面观测结果相关较好,其中,乌鲁木齐、石家庄和徐州观测点的相关系数均高于0.7,但数值上仍存在高估或低估,误差结果由多种因素决定。空间分布中,卫星反演的中国2019年近地面PM2.5浓度月均值与近地面观测的结果有较好的对应关系,二者逐月演变趋势基本一致,基本可以反映出中国近地面大气细粒子的空间分布,特别是秋、冬季京津冀周边区域、汾渭平原等污染高值区均与地面观测对应较好。   相似文献   

云导风反演明显的局限是在晴空区无法获取风场。为克服这种局限,提出利用静止卫星红外图像资料反演晴空区风场的方法—时间序列差值法,利用LOWTRAN7对其进行可行性分析,并应用云导风实验系统CWIS进行晴空区导风实验。结果表明:实验结果与NCEP资料低空风场有很好的一致性。因此,在传统的“云导风”基础上,增加晴空区卫星导风,可为卫星遥感资料在台风、梅雨和强对流等天气系统分析预报中的定量应用提供更多的卫星风矢。  相似文献   

泉州沿海县市区域性空气污染气象条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据天气形势、本地气象要素等分析了易于产生泉州沿海区域性污染的气象条件,重点从干湿条件、相对湿度及无雨日数等与湿度相关的要素方面探讨泉州沿海区域性污染的干湿污染特点。结果表明:泉州沿海区域性空气污染产生的天气系统主要有地面高压(高压底部、后部或高压脊)、地面倒槽、低涡锋面和锋前暖区等形势;地面气象要素多为升温降压、日风向及风速存在海陆风变换、夜晨有雾霾现象;相对湿度在70%-80%时,易造成区域性空气污染。  相似文献   

对CMIP5全球气候模式中年代际回报试验的气温资料及其简单集合平均(Multi-model ensemble mean,EMN)和贝叶斯模式平均的结果(Bayesian Model Averaging,BMA)进行经验正交函数(Empirical Orthogonal Function,EOF)分解和Morlet小波分析,检验评估各个模式及其EMN和BMA对东亚地面气温的方差、气温时空分布特征及周期变化的回报能力。结果表明,10个模式、EMN、BMA都能很好地回报出1981—2010年东亚地面气温的方差分布,其中BMA回报效果最好。EOF分析表明,BMA能较好地回报出东亚地面气温第一模态的时空分布。MIROC5能较好地回报出第二模态的趋势变化,但却不能回报出气温的年际变率。绝大多数模式和EMN、BMA虽然能回报出东亚地面气温的变化趋势,但是对气温年际变率的回报仍然是比较困难的。CMCC-CM对气温变化主模态的3~5 a的周期变化特征回报效果最好,和NCEP资料的结果最为接近。  相似文献   

An analysis is presented which gives the adjustment to a Markov-chain particle dispersion model to account for the effect of drag between heavy particles (e.g., rain splash droplets, spray droplets) and the surrounding air parcels for which turbulence statistics are known.  相似文献   

针对虚拟视图绘制技术中空洞和伪边缘等问题,提出了一种新的立体匹配算法以获得稠密视差图完成虚拟视点合成.此方法只需要两张视图,对其采用Mean shift算法就可以进行视图分割.有效的虚拟视点绘制是基于良好的视差图与好的视图插值法实现的.通过权值多窗口立体匹配法获得初始视差图,再利用交叉检验法对不可信匹配点和闭塞遮挡区域进行滤除,很好地解决了视差图中遮挡区域引起的误匹配问题.最后,对获得的稠密视差图进行视图插值和相应的噪声滤除完成了多点位置的虚拟视图绘制.针对Middlebury dataset提供的"Tsukuba"等测试图像进行相关实验,实验结果表明,该算法具有良好的视图绘制效果.  相似文献   

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