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Phosphofructokinase purified from mantle tissue of the sea mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, was phosphorylated "in vitro" by the catalytic subunit of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. The incorporation of phosphate gave rise to an activation of the enzyme by increasing its affinity for fructose-6-phosphate, by decreasing its sensitivity to the inhibition by ATP and by enhancing the effect of allosteric activators (5'-AMP and fructose-2,6-bisphosphate). In addition, the effects of phosphorylation on the catalytic activity are pH-dependent.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We compared two groups of risk patients to try to identify different radiologic patterns in pulmonary tuberculosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 74 subjects, divided into two groups (HIV+:27; HIV-:47) were included since 1993. The patients were examined with chest X-ray (CXR) and CT. RESULTS: In the HIV+ group we observed 40 radiologic alterations, with 6 cases of bilateral lung involvement and 9 of atypical localizations; particularly: 11 consolidations, 8 cavitations, 5 miliary diseases, 9 hilar or mediastinal adenopathies, 3 extrapulmonary localizations and 4 negative CXRs. In the HIV- group we found 53 radiologic alterations, with 6 cases of bilateral lung involvement and 3 of atypical localizations; particularly: 12 consolidations, 25 cavitations, 5 nodular patterns, 1 miliary disease, 5 nodal disease, 4 pleural diseases and 1 negative CRX. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: In HIV- patients lung consolidations and tysiogen patterns are significantly prevalent, while miliary diseases, mediastinal diseases and atypical localizations and negative CRXs are more frequent in HIV+ patients. We found miliary diseases, mediastinal diseases and extrapulmonary localizations also in HIV- patients with heavily impaired social, economic and sanitary conditions. This alterations indicate compromised host resistance, independent of the causes and modalities of immunodeficiency. The distinction between primary and secondary tuberculosis is currently not mandatory.  相似文献   

The activity of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) in the distal nephron is regulated by an antidiuretic hormone, aldosterone, and insulin, but the molecular mechanisms that mediate these hormonal effects are mostly unknown. We have investigated whether aldosterone, insulin, or activation of protein kinases has an effect on the phosphorylation of the channel. Experiments were performed in an epithelial cell line generated by stable cotransfection of the three subunits (alpha, beta, and gamma) of ENaC. We found that beta and gamma, but not the alpha subunit, are phosphorylated in the basal state. Aldosterone, insulin, and protein kinases A and C increased phosphorylation of the beta and gamma subunits in their carboxyl termini, but none of these agents induced de novo phosphorylation of alpha subunits. Serines and threonines but not tyrosines were found to be phosphorylated. The results suggest that aldosterone, insulin, and protein kinases A and C modulate the activity of ENaC by phosphorylation of the carboxyl termini of the beta and gamma subunits.  相似文献   

Radiation therapy has been for years the treatment of choice of locally advanced non small cell lung cancer. Improvement due to the combination of radiation and chemotherapy has been shown recently through several randomized trials and a recent meta-analysis. These results may be explained by biological mechanisms, yet uncompletely explored, which are detailed in this review and applied to lung cancer. The optimal combination scheme is not yet defined, even though the concurrent approach is promising, at the expense of an increased toxicity which is the limiting factor of treatment escalation doses. Biological findings and future results of randomized trials will hopefully open new avenues in the therapeutic strategy of this poor prognosis disease.  相似文献   

We have investigated sex ratio and mitochondrial DNA inheritance in pair-matings involving five female and five male individuals of the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. The percentage of male progeny varied widely among families and was found to be a characteristic of the female parent and independent of the male to which it was mated. Thus sex-ratio in Mytilus appears to be independent of the nuclear genotype of the sperm. With a few exceptions, doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI) of mtDNA was observed in all families fathered by four of the five males: female and male progeny contained the mother's mtDNA (the F genome), but males contained also the father's paternal mtDNA (the M genome). Two hermaphrodite individuals found among the progeny of these crosses contained the F mitochondrial genome in the female gonad and both the F and M genomes in the male gonad. All four families fathered by the fifth male showed the standard maternal inheritance (SMI) of animal mtDNA: both female and male progeny contained only the maternal mtDNA. These observations illustrate the intimate linkage between sex and mtDNA inheritance in species with DUI and suggest different major roles for each gender. We propose a model according to which development of a male gonad requires the presence in the early germ cells of an agent associated with sperm-derived mitochondria, these mitochondria are endowed with a paternally encoded replicative advantage through which they overcome their original minority in the fertilized egg and this advantage (and, therefore, the chance of an early entrance into the germ line) is countered by a maternally encoded egg factor.  相似文献   

In vivo phosphorylation sites in fetal and adult rat tau   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fetal tau and tau in paired helical filaments show similar immunoreactivities with several phosphorylation-dependent paired helical filament-polyclonals and monoclonals, suggesting that the two molecules share several distinct phosphorylated epitopes. To make clear the similarities and differences between the two, we have undertaken work to identify the in vivo phosphorylation sites in fetal rat tau. We have approached this problem by identifying phosphopeptides by means of mass spectrometry and sequencing of those phosphopeptides after modification with ethanethiol. Although remarkable heterogeneity was present, fetal tau was found to bear at most 10 phosphates at Ser-189, Ser-190, Ser-193, Ser-226, Ser-387, Ser-395, Thr-172, Thr-222, and, presumably, Ser-391 and Thr-208 (numbering is according to the longest form of rat tau; Kosik, K. S., Orecchio, L. D., Bakalis, S., and Neve, R. L. (1989) Neuron 2, 1389-1397). In contrast, adult rat tau was much less phosphorylated; only Thr-172, Ser-190, Ser-193, Thr-222, and Ser-395 were phosphorylated to a slight-to-moderate extent. All these sites except for Ser-189 and Ser-391 were followed by Pro residues. Thus, tau is an in vivo substrate for proline-directed protein kinase(s), and its phosphorylation state is developmentally regulated.  相似文献   

FMRFamide immunoreactivity is widespread in the tissues of bivalve molluscs, but some of this immunoreactivity may represent distinct related peptides (FaRPs) rather than the exact tetrapeptide FMRFamide. We have cloned the first full-length cDNA encoding the precursor protein for FMRFamide from this class of molluscs to investigate the possibility that additional peptides may be produced. The precursor contains one copy each of NFLRFamide, FLRFamide, ALAGDHFFRFamide and 16 copies of FMRFamide. This precursor is expressed in all three ganglia of the central nervous system. Since the gene encoding the FMRFamide precursor in pulmonate molluscs is alternatively spliced to give two distinct messages, we searched for evidence that the FMRFamide gene of Mytilus is also alternatively spliced. No evidence of alternative splicing was found.  相似文献   

1. Dopaminergic transmission was investigated in the central nervous system (CNS) of the freshwater snail, Lymnaea stagnalis. 2. The giant pedal neuron, designated as right pedal dorsal one (RPeD1), makes chemical, monosynaptic connections with a number of identified follower cells in the CNS. Previous work has shown that RPeD1 is an interneuron and a important component of the Lymnaea respiratory central pattern generator. In this study, the hypothesis that RPeD1 uses dopamine as its neurotransmitter was tested by chromatographic, pharmacological, and electrophysiological methods. Characterization of RPeD1's transmitter pharmacology is essential to clearly understand its role in Lymnaea. 3. Earlier studies demonstrated that the soma of RPeD1 contains dopamine. This was quantitated in the present study by high-performance liquid chromatography (with electrochemical detection) of isolated RPeD1 somata and growth cones, which yielded 0.8 +/- 0.3 and 0.10 +/- 0.08 pmol of dopamine per soma and growth cone, respectively. 4. Bath or pressure application of dopamine to follower cells of RPeD1, in situ, mimicked the effects of RPeD1 stimulation. Dose-response curves were constructed for the excitatory effect of dopamine on follower cells, visceral dorsal two and three (VD2/3) (ED50 = 39 microM; Hill coefficient = 1.03), and the inhibitory effect of dopamine on follower cell, visceral dorsal four (ED50 = 33 microM; Hill coefficient = 0.92). 5. The following dopamine agonists (100 microM) were tested by bath application: 2-amino-6,7-dihydroxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene (ADTN), apopmorphine, 2-bromo-alpha-ergocryptine, deoxyepinephrine (DE), mesulergine, (-) quinpirole, SKF 38393, and tyramine. Only the general dopamine agonists, ADTN and DE, mimicked RPeD1's effects on its follower cells. 6. When VD2/3 was isolated and plated in vitro, it maintained a depolarizing response to dopamine. This response was reduced by intracellular injection of the G-protein blocker, GDP-beta-S (2 mM in electrode). Similarly, incubation of VD2/3, in vitro for approximately 18 h, with pertussis toxin (PTX; 5 micrograms/ml), the G-protein inactivating exotoxin, also reduced the dopamine response. Injecting GDP or incubating in heat-inactivated PTX did not effect the response. 7. Several dopamine antagonists were used in an attempt to block RPeD1's synapses: chlorpromazine, ergonovine, fluphenazine, haloperidol, 6-hydroxydopamine, SCH 23390, (+/-) sulpiride, and tubocurarine. Only the D-2 dopamine receptor antagonist, (+/-) sulpiride, reversibly blocked synaptic transmission from RPeD1 to its follower cells. Both the (+) and the (-) enantiomer of sulpiride also antagonized synaptic transmission. A dose-inhibition curve for (+/-) sulpiride was constructed (IC50 = 47 microM).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The actions of halothane on serotonin-sensitive potassium channels (S K+ channels) were studied in sensory neurons of Aplysia. The normalized open probability of S K+ channels was increased by clinical concentrations of halothane in cell-attached and excised patches from neurons of the pleural ventrocaudal cluster. No voltage-dependence of channel activation by halothane was observed. Pre-treatment of neurons with 8-bromo-cAMP (8-Br-cAMP) or nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) had no effect on the relative level of channel activation by halothane. S K+ channels that were activated by arachidonic acid could also be activated by halothane and exhibited closely similar amplitude distributions of open channel current. Results from these experiments showed that S K+ channel activation by halothane did not depend on second messenger modulation of channel activity. We conclude that it is likely that halothane directly activates S K+ channels.  相似文献   

Recent procedures for autologous repair of cartilage defects may be difficult in elderly patients because of the loss of stem cells and chondrocytes that occurs with age and the slow in vitro proliferation of chondrocytes from aged cartilage. In this study secondary chondroprogenitor cells were obtained by modulating the phenotype of articular chondrocytes with growth factors and stimulating the proliferation of these cells in culture. Chondrocytes isolated from the articular cartilage of mature New Zealand White rabbits were exposed to a combination of transforming growth factor beta and basic fibroblast growth factor treatment. These cells ceased the production of Collagen II (a marker for the chondrocyte phenotype) and underwent a 136-fold increase in cell number. Next, the cells were placed in high density culture and reexpressed the chondrocyte phenotype in vitro and formed hyaline cartilage in an in vivo assay. Primary chondrocytes obtained from articular cartilage of elderly humans could be manipulated in a similar fashion in vitro. These human secondary chondroprogenitor cells formed only cartilage tissue when assayed in vivo and in tissue bioreactors. This approach may be essential for autologous repair of degenerated articular cartilage in elderly patients with osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

Phage display libraries are widely used for selection and optimization of polypeptide ligands or protease substrates. Because they are expressed and amplified in bacterial hosts, phage are not ideal for displaying eukaryotic polypeptides or for probing mammalian cells. As retroviruses do not suffer from these limitations we constructed plasmids encoding replication-competent murine leukemia viruses displaying a virally encoded epidermal growth factor (EGF) domain at the N-terminus of the envelope glycoprotein. The EGF-displaying viruses replicated freely on EGF receptor-poor cells without deleting the displayed EGF domain but did not propagate on EGF receptor-rich cells because they were sequestered by the EGF receptors. A retrovirus display library was then generated by diversifying the seven-residue linker between the envelope glycoprotein and the displayed EGF domain. Selective pressure for loss of EGF receptor-binding activity was applied to the library by serial passage on EGF receptor-rich HT1080 cells. The selected viruses propagated on these cells with wild-type efficiencies, a phenotype that was conferred by intracellular cleavage of their displayed linker sequences. The selected linker sequences invariably presented arginine-rich motifs matching the consensus cleavage signal for furin-like proteases. Retrovirus display libraries can be used for the selection of polypeptides interacting with components of living mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli tRNA(Val) with pyrimidine substitutions for the universally conserved 3'-terminal adenine can be readily aminoacylated. It cannot, however, transfer valine into polypeptides. Conversely, despite being a poor substrate for valyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA(Val) with a 3'-terminal guanine is active in in vitro polypeptide synthesis. To better understand the function of the 3'-CCA sequence of tRNA in protein synthesis, the effects of systematically varying all three bases on formation of the Val-tRNA(Val):EF-Tu:GTP ternary complex were investigated. Substitutions at C74 and C75 have no significant effect, but replacing A76 with pyrimidines decreases the affinity of valyl-tRNA(Val) for EF-Tu:GTP, thus explaining the inability of these tRNA(Val) variants to function in polypeptide synthesis. Valyl-tRNA(Val) terminating in 3'-guanine is readily recognized by EF-TU:GTP. Dissociation constants of the EF-Tu:GTP ternary complexes with valine tRNAs having nucleotide substitutions at the 3' end increase in the order adenine < guanine < uracil; EF-Tu has very little affinity for tRNA terminating in 3' cytosine. Similar observations were made in studies of the interaction of 3' end mutants of E. coli tRNA(Ala) and tRNA(Phe) with EF-Tu:GTP. These results indicate that EF-Tu:GTP preferentially recognizes purines and discriminates against pyrimidines, especially cytosine, at the 3' end of aminoacyl-tRNAs.  相似文献   

In the present investigation, we studied whether neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) contributes to the rescue of axotomized Clarke's nucleus (CN) neurons in adult rats. A significant (24%) loss of CN neurons occurred at L-1 ipsilateral to T-8 hemisection by 14 days, which reached 31% at 2 months and then stabilized. Axotomized CN neurons had also atrophied by 14 days, but mean cell size did not decrease further. Animals that received gelfoam soaked in nerve growth factor, brain derived neurotrophic factor, or ciliary neurotrophic factor at the lesion site also showed a 30% neuron loss at 2 months, and a 40% reduction in average cell area. Rats receiving NT-3 showed a 15% neuron loss, which was not improved by additional neurotrophins in combination with NT-3. None of the treatments prevented neuron atrophy. Bioassay of the gelfoam showed that NT-3 bioactivity remained at 5 days after surgery but not at 14 days. Additional rats with hemisections that received NT-3 continuously via mini-pump for 2 months showed a 15% neuron loss, the same as with NT-3 given via gelfoam. These results indicate that even limited exposure of axotomized CN neurons to NT-3 produces permanent rescue of 50% of the neurons. The virtually complete rescue that we had previously observed with transplants of fetal central nervous system (CNS) tissues may, therefore, be due at least in part to NT-3, but the exogenous administration of a single neurotrophic factor or a combination of neurotrophic factors is less effective than transplants in producing long-term survival of axotomized CNS neurons.  相似文献   

Fragments encompassing the apical domain of GroEL, called minichaperones, facilitate the refolding of several proteins in vitro without requiring GroES, ATP, or the cage-like structure of multimeric GroEL. We have identified the smallest minichaperone that is active in vitro in chaperoning the refolding of rhodanese and cyclophilin A: GroEL(193-335). This finding raises the question of whether the minichaperones are active under more stringent conditions in vivo. The smallest minichaperones complement two temperature-sensitive Escherichia coli groEL alleles, EL44 and EL673, at 43 degreesC. Although they cannot replace GroEL in cells in which the chromosomal groEL gene has been deleted by P1 transduction, GroEL(193-335) enhances the colony-forming ability of such cells when limiting amounts of GroEL are expressed from a tightly regulated plasmid. Surprisingly, we found that overexpression of GroEL prevents plaque formation by bacteriophage lambda and inhibits replication of the lambda origin-dependent plasmid, Lorist6. The minichaperones also inhibit Lorist6 replication, but less markedly. The complex quaternary structure of GroEL, its central cavity, and the structural allosteric changes that take place on the binding of nucleotides and GroES are not essential for all of its functions in vivo.  相似文献   

An increase of oxygen concentration in a gaseous mixture passed through cell suspensions of Chlorella pyrenoidosa (from 21 to 100%) stimulates the production of extra-cellular organic substances and changes their composition. The cells accumulate in the medium glycolic acid rather than a variety of other substances. The accumulation of glycolic acid depends on the growth stage of the cells. The relation of production of extracellular organic substances by the algal cells to the ratio between the carboxylase and oxgenase activities of ribulose diphosphate carboxylase is discussed.  相似文献   

Human thrombomodulin (hTM) is a newly described endothelial cell associated protein that functions as a potent natural anticoagulant by converting thrombin from a procoagulant protease to an anticoagulant. Focusing on the establishment of the practical evaluation of hTM immobilized materials, the activity of immobilized hTM was evaluated by in vivo and ex vivo blood contacting tests. As the basis for immobilization, regenerated cellulose films and hollow fibers were used. For the in vivo test, hTM immobilized cellular hollow fibers were implanted into dog blood vessels. Using hTM immobilized cellulose hollow fibers, a small scale dialyzer was assembled and its antithrombogenic activity was studied using human blood. As a result, it was revealed that the immobilized hTM still has co-enzymatic activity for activation of Protein C and anticoagulant activity. The coagulation time of the human blood passed through the hTM immobilized small dialyzer was effectively prolonged. It is expected that hTM immobilized cellulose should be a useful antithrombogenic biomaterial.  相似文献   

Pregnant rats at 12 and 21 days of gestation and their virgin controls were injected intravenously with U-14C-glycerol and decapitated 1, 3, or 10 min later. The conversion of labelled glycerol to 14C-glucose was augmented in the 21-day pregnant rats. The disappearance of the newly formed 14C-glucuse from blood was faster in both 12- and 21-day pregnant rats than in their controls, being partially retained as liver 14C-glycogen. The greatest amount of radioactivity in all tissues appeared in the carcass hydrosoluble fraction. This amount was smaller in the pregnant rats. The reduced utilization of glycerol by extrahepatic tissues allowed the 21-day pregnant rats to dispose a greater amount of this substrate for gluconeogenesis.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) is the primary cellular defense against damaging superoxide radicals generated by aerobic metabolism and as a consequence of inflammatory disease. Elevated expression of Mn-SOD therefore provides a potent cytoprotective advantage during acute inflammation. Mn-SOD contains a GC-rich and TATA/CAAT-less promoter characteristic of a housekeeping gene. In contrast, however, Mn-SOD expression is dramatically regulated in a variety of cells by numerous proinflammatory mediators, including lipopolysaccharide, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and interleukin-1. To understand the underlying regulatory mechanisms controlling Mn-SOD expression, we utilized DNase I-hypersensitive (HS) site analysis, which revealed seven hypersensitive sites throughout the gene. Following high resolution DNase I HS site analysis, the promoter was found to contain five HS subsites, including a subsite that only appears following stimulus treatment. Dimethyl sulfate in vivo footprinting identified 10 putative constitutive protein-DNA binding sites in the proximal Mn-SOD promoter as well as two stimulus-specific enhanced guanine residues possibly due to alterations in chromatin structure. In vitro footprinting data implied that five of the binding sites may be occupied by a combination of Sp1 and gut-enriched Kr uppel-like factor. These studies have revealed the complex promoter architecture of a highly regulated cytoprotective gene.  相似文献   

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