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Turbulence measurements up to 11-m height and longterm profile measurements up to 45-m height performed at the German Neumayer Station in Antarctica are used to investigate different components of turbulence closure schemes of the stable boundary layer. The results confirm the linear relationships for the universal functions of momentum and heat exchange in the stability range z/L < 0.8 ... 1, whereas the local scaling approach should be used above the surface layer. Furthermore, boundary-layer heights below 50 m are frequently observed at this coastal Antarctic site, mainly due to the influence of stability above the boundary layer. It is shown that the inclusion of this stability into parametrization relations is necessary to provide realistic equilibrium heights of the stable boundary layer. Two relations, based on different physical approaches, were successfully applied for the parametrization of the equilibrium height.  相似文献   

Detailed measurements of profiles of mean and turbulent variablesthrough the nocturnal stable boundary layer over a valley arepresented. Two nights of data are analysed in detail, one with only aweakly stable boundary layer and one with a strongly stable boundarylayer. The weakly stratified night shows high levels of turbulence inwhich the flow remains attached to the valley and the boundary layeracts as a single coherent layer. On the strongly stratified night, twoflow regimes are identified: attached flow, as on the weaklystratified night, and decoupled flow in which the air in the valleybecomes so dynamically stable that there is no turbulent interactionwith the mean flow aloft. Because the valley is sloping, the decoupledlower stagnant air then forms a drainage current. We find that theFroude number evaluated at the hill height, FH = U(H)/N(H) H,diagnoses the flow regime: when FH = 2, the flow remainsattached and when FH 2 the flow in the valley becomesdecoupled from the flow aloft. The dynamics of the flow regimes areshown to be understandable in terms of the gradient Richardson number,which indicates the turbulent mixing. We show that the gradientRichardson number is a key parameter in diagnosing each flow regime.  相似文献   

An extensive meteorological dataset obtained from the plumevalidation experiment conducted by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) atKincaid during 1980–1981 is analysed for studying the characteristic differences in thesurface-layer parameters in strong and weak wind stable conditions. The surface-layerparameters are computed using the similarity functions m and h proposed byBeljaars and Holtslag. The weak winds are characterized using the geostrophic wind speedas well as the wind speed at the 10-m level. The surface fluxes are found to be finitein weak wind conditions.Empirical formulations for the eddy diffusivities of momentum(KM) and heat (KH), and drag (CD) and heat exchange (CH) coefficients, as powerlaw functions of the bulk Richardson number (RiB), are proposed under both strong andweak wind conditions. Results are close to those based on observations taken from the IndianInstitute of Technology low wind diffusion experiment, the Land surface processes experiment,the Hanford diffusion experiment, the Cabauw field experiment and the Cooperative Atmospheric SurfaceExchange Study 1999 (CASES-99) experiment. In addition, the fluxes obtained fromthe proposed empirical relations are in good agreement with those based on similarity theory as wellas the turbulence measurements taken from the CASES-99 experiment.  相似文献   

Radiosondes releases during the NOPEX-WINTEX experiment carried out in late winter in Northern Finland were analysed for the determination of the height h of the atmospheric boundary layer. We investigate various possible scaling approaches, based on length scales using micrometeorological turbulence surface measurements and the background atmospheric stratification above h. Under stable conditions, the three previously observed turbulence regimes delineated by values of z/L (L is the Obukhov length) appears as a blueprint for understanding the departures found for the suitability of the Ekman scaling based on LE = u/f (u is the friction velocity and f the Coriolis parameter). The length scale LN = u/N (where N is the Brunt–Väisälä frequency) appears to be a useful scale under most stable conditions, especially in association with L. Under unstable conditions, shear production of turbulence is still significant, so that the three scales L, LN and LE are again relevant and the dimensionless ratios N = LN/L and LN/LE = N/f describe well the WINTEX data. Furthermore, in the classical scaling framework, the unstable domain may also be divided into three regimes as reflected by the dependence ofu/f on instability (z/L).  相似文献   

Results from radiosoundings, performed both over land and over sea, show that the ascent rate of a radiosounding balloon, the vertical velocity of the balloon, can be used to determine the height of the boundary layer. In many cases the balloon has a higher ascent rate in the boundary layer and a lower, less variable, ascent rate above. The decrease in ascending velocity appears as a jump at the top of the boundary layer. Two examples of potential temperature profiles for unstable stratification and one profile for stable conditions are shown with the corresponding ascent rates. A comparison between the boundary-layer height determined from potential temperature profiles and from ascent rates is presented for a larger dataset. The different ascent rates of the balloon in the boundary layer and above can be explained by a decrease in drag on the balloon in combination with a lowering of the critical Reynolds number in the boundary layer caused by turbulence. Hence, by simply logging the time from release of a radiosonde, it is possible to obtain additional information that can be used to estimate the height of both the unstable and stable boundary layers.  相似文献   

The atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) model of Weng and Taylor with E−ℓ turbulence closure is applied to simulate the one-dimensional stably stratified ABL. The model has been run for nine hours from specified initial wind, potential temperature and turbulent kinetic energy profiles, and with a specified cooling rate applied at the surface. Different runs are conducted for different cooling rates, geostrophic winds and surface roughnesses. The results are discussed and compared with other models, large-eddy simulations and published field data.  相似文献   

A long-term record (1964–1995) of radiosonde data observed atthe Bet-Dagan aerological station of the Israel Meteorological Service was analyzed to detect possible temporal trends in moisture content and instability of the atmospheric boundary layer. Bet-Dagan issituated in the central part of the south-east Mediterranean coastal plain. During this period surface characteristics in this region have changed drastically due to changes in land use, i.e., urbanization, development of irrigated agriculture and afforestation. The analysis of the radiosonde data reveals a clearly defined, statistically significant, increasing trend in the moisture content, mainly during summer. The stability of the surface layer, characterized by the bulk Richardson Number, shows adecreasing trend since the early 1960s. Relationships between these trends, land-use modifications and possible influence of large-scale influence are discussed.  相似文献   

Simple analytic approximate solutions arepresented for the set of equations that follows fromthe Monin–Obukhov flux-profile relationships using thestability functions of Dyer (unstable case) andBeljaars–Holtslag (stable case). Several publicationsare devoted to the same subject, however the currentapproach contains some new features, namely: (a) itappears to be more accurate for unstable situationsand (b) it applies also to the general case where windspeed (u) and potential temperature() are given at different levels. In order toillustrate the accuracy of the approach a comparisonwith the actual solutions is presented for someselected combinations of and u levelstypical for various practical applications.  相似文献   

Theoretical arguments are developed to describe the effects of a uniform slope on the development of the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer (SBL). A maximum sustainable surface buoyancy flux exists for the SBL overlying a uniform, non-sloping surface. In this study it is shown that the SBL overlying a uniform shallow slope (with gradient of the order of 1:1000) also supports a maximum sustainable buoyancy flux, B max, but that the value of B max is influenced by the gradient of the slope, γ. It is demonstrated that in the limit γ → 0, results for the SBL over a horizontal surface are recovered.  相似文献   

The heights of the daytime convective boundary layer (CBL), computed by a one-dimensional model for a bare soil surface at a semi-arid station,Anand, during the dry and hot summer month of May 1997, are presented. As input, the model requires surface heat flux, friction velocity and air temperature as functions of time. Temperature data at the one-metre level from a tower and sonic anemometer data at 9.5 m collected during the period 13–17 May 1997 in the Land Surface Processes Experiment (LASPEX-97) are used to compute hourly values of surface heat flux, friction velocity and Obukhov length following the operational method suggested by Holtslag and Van Ulden [J. Climate Appl. Meteorol. 22,517–529 (1983)]. The model has been tested with different values for the potential temperature gradient ( ) above the inversion. The model-estimated CBL heights comparefavourably with observed heights obtained from radiosonde ascents.  相似文献   

Spectral Maxima In A Perturbed Stable Boundary Layer   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Wind velocity data have been collected on Nansen Ice Sheet, Antarctica, close to the base of a steeply sloping glacier along which frequently flow katabatic winds. The aim of this study is to investigate how turbulent energy and momentum flux are perturbed by the flow interaction with topography and by the strong mechanical mixing produced by downslope flows. Spectral and cospectral analyses, performed on the wind velocity components, provide evidence that such a perturbation, at any stability, is restricted to frequencies lower than the inertial subrange. Longitudinal spectra display an energy increment, due to turbulence generated by topography and by mechanical forcing related to the katabatic wind structure. The energy, supplied by the topographic forcing, displaces the turbulent energy maximum toward lower frequencies. In near-neutral stratification the spectral maximum occurs at a reduced frequency, which seems to be consistent with the height of the steepest part of the slope, and seems to shift toward higher frequencies as a linear ,function of the local stability parameter,Ll. The parameterisation of the orographic perturbation by means of a similarity relationship allows us to scale u spectra in the same way as over uniform terrain. The scaled, perturbed spectra collapse onto a unique curve in the mid-frequency as well in the inertial subrange, while maxima are grouped in a cluster. Lateral and vertical velocity spectra exhibit shapes independent of stability, suggesting a topographic perturbation that is predominantly over stability effects.  相似文献   

The roughness length, z 0u , and displacement height, d 0u , characterise the resistance exerted by the roughness elements on turbulent flows and provide a conventional boundary condition for a wide range of turbulent-flow problems. Classical laboratory experiments and theories treat z 0u and d 0u as geometric parameters independent of the characteristics of the flow. In this paper, we demonstrate essential stability dependences—stronger for the roughness length (especially in stable stratification) and weaker but still pronounced for the displacement height. We develop a scaling-analysis model for these dependences and verify it against experimental data.  相似文献   

A numerical mesoscale model is used to make a high-resolutionsimulation of the marine boundary layer in the Persian Gulf, duringconditions of offshore flow from Saudi Arabia. A marine internal boundary layer(MIBL) and a sea-breeze circulation (SBC) are found to co-exist. The sea breeze develops in the mid-afternoon, at which time its frontis displaced several tens of kilometres offshore. Between the coastand the sea-breeze system, the MIBL that occurs is consistent with a picture described in the existing literature. However, the MIBL isperturbed by the SBC, the boundary layer deepening significantly seaward of the sea-breeze front. Our analysis suggests that thisstrong, localized deepening is not a direct consequence offrontal uplift, but rather that the immediate cause is the retardation of theprevailing, low-level offshore windby the SBC. The simulated boundary-layer development can be accounted for by using a simple 1D Lagrangian model of growth driven by the surface heatflux. This model is obtained as a straightforward modification ofan established MIBL analytic growth model.  相似文献   

Two types of neutral planetary boundary layer (PBL) are distinguished:truly neutral – developed against a neutrally stratified free flow, and conventionally neutral – developed against a background stable stratification. Atmospheric PBLs treated asneutral are almost always conventionally neutral. Theoretical reasoning and results from large-eddy simulation (LES) show that A and B coefficients of the Rossby-number similarity theory are not constants. The same is true for thecoefficient Ch in the Rossby–Montgomery formula for the neutral boundary-layer depth h = Chu*/|f|, where u* is the friction velocity. Contrary to classical ideas, A, B and Ch depend on the ratio N N/|f| of the free-flow Brunt–V*auml;isäl ä frequency N to the absolute value of the Coriolis parameter |f|. This new development can explain why atmospheric and LES estimates of A, B and Ch appear inconsistent. It results from neglecting the fact that atmospheric data for N 102 were compared with LES data for N = 0, violating an obvious requirement of similarity with respect to N.  相似文献   

An approximate method for calculating the relationship between z/L(z = reference height, L = Obukhov length) and the bulk Richardsonnumber is presented. If this relationship is known, the momentum andheat fluxes can be computed easily without any iteration. The avoidance of iteration can speed up computationsin large-scale models considerably (up to 10 times) and cases which do not converge or converge very slowly cannot occur. The proposed formulae take into account the difference between momentum (z0M) and heat roughnesslengths (z0H). Because the roughness lengths are not neglected at any step of the derivation, the resulting analytical formulae can be used not only between the surface and the reference height but also between two finite levels z1 andz2 (by replacing z0M and z0H by z1 and z by z2). Theequations remain correct even in the limit z1 z2.The formulae are based upon the (partially modified) Businger–Dyer flux–profile relationships and,consequently, they are restricted to predominantly homogeneous terrain.These new approximations are an improvement over the existing solutions because they are simpler than most of the formulae in the literature and are able to match the numerical exact solution for different parameter sets (Businger, Dyer, Högström) with an maximum error of about 2% for a wide range of z/L, z/z0M and z0M/z0H.Furthermore, in stable conditions, schemes with and without a finitecritical bulk Richardson number can be approximated. The possibleambiguity of the exact solution =f(RIB) in (moderately) stable conditions is discussed briefly. The performance of the new formulae is compared to the exact numerical solution and to different formulae proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

北京地区日最大边界层高度的气候统计特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用北京气象站探空观测数据和地面气温观测数据,以干绝热曲线法估算1984~2013年逐日最大边界层高度,同时计算对应的边界层平均风速和通风量。统计分析这3个边界层参量的平均特征,并利用2001~2012年的空气污染指数(API),探讨大气污染与边界层参量的关系。结果表明:(1)日最大边界层高度的30年月均值以春季和夏初(3~6月)最高,约1600 m;夏季和秋初(7~10月)次之,约1300 m;冬季(11月、12月和1月)最低,约1000~1200 m。(2)夏季,日最大边界层高度不同数值的频率大致为对称分布,峰值处于1000~1600 m范围;秋、冬季,频率分布系统性地向低值一方偏斜,600~800 m的出现频率大大增加;春季边界层高度的变化极大。(3)各季边界层平均风速以夏季为最小。(4)一年中春季通风量最大,秋季次之,冬季较低,夏季最小。(5)秋、冬季,北京中度和重污染个例(API200)集中分布于弱风、低边界层和小通风量条件,反映污染物局地累积的作用;春季污染个例半数以上以高风速、高通风量为特征,反映沙尘类外部输入性污染的作用。  相似文献   

The atmospheric stable boundary layer (SBL) with a low-level jet is simulated experimentally using a thermally stratified wind tunnel. The turbulence structure and flow characteristics are investigated by simultaneous measurements of velocity and temperature fluctuations and by flow visualization. Attention is focused on the effect of strong wind shear due to a low-level jet on stratified boundary layers with strong stability. Occasional bursting of turbulence in the lower portion of the boundary layer can be found in the SBL with strong stability. This bursting originates aloft away from the surface and transports fluid with relatively low velocity and temperature upward and fluid with relatively high velocity and temperature downward. Furthermore, the relationship between the occurrence of turbulence bursting and the local gradient Richardson number (Ri) is investigated. The Ri becomes larger than the critical Ri, Ricr = 0.25, in quiescent periods. On the other hand, the Ri number becomes smaller than Ricr during bursting events.  相似文献   

Co-located high resolution profiles of acoustic backscatter,wind vector and potential temperature are presented, measured within the stable atmosphericboundary layer over an Antarctic ice shelf. Acoustic profiles from a monostaticacoustic radar (Sodar) indicate complex structure within the boundary layer, whilstwind and temperature profiles from a tethersonde show corresponding bands of differingstability. Internal waves and fossil convection are shown to invalidate attemptsto compare backscatter measurements with theoretical estimates based on local wind and temperature gradients, but during ideal conditions, a qualitative agreementis observed.  相似文献   

Large-Eddy Simulation Of The Stably Stratified Planetary Boundary Layer   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
In this work, we study the characteristics of a stably stratifiedatmospheric boundary layer using large-eddy simulation (LES).In order to simulate the stable planetary boundary layer, wedeveloped a modified version of the two-part subgrid-scalemodel of Sullivan et al. This improved version of themodel is used to simulate a highly cooled yet fairly windy stableboundary layer with a surface heat flux of(W)o = -0.05 m K s-1and a geostrophic wind speed of Ug = 15 m s-1.Flow visualization and evaluation of the turbulencestatistics from this case reveal the development ofa continuously turbulent boundary layer with small-scalestructures. The stability of the boundary layercoupled with the presence of a strong capping inversionresults in the development of a dominant gravity wave atthe top of the stable boundary layer that appears to be relatedto the most unstable wave predicted by the Taylor–Goldsteinequation. As a result of the decay of turbulence aloft,a strong-low level jet forms above the boundary layer.The time dependent behaviour of the jet is compared with Blackadar'sinertial oscillation analysis.  相似文献   

在统计广西各站历年霜日总数、初霜、终霜日的基础上 ,分析了广西霜日的气候概况、气候变化特征及与 5 0 0 h Pa位势高度的关系。  相似文献   

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