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The impulsive phase of the 23 July 2002 2B/X4.8 proton flare with a classical two-ribbon structure was observed with the Irkutsk Large Solar Vacuum Telescope (LSVT) in spectropolarimetric mode, with high spatial, spectral, and time resolution. On the basis of 49 spectrograms and 1200 spectral cuts across the flare ribbons, evidence for Hα line impact polarization has been obtained. A systematic change of the Stokes Q and U parameters has been detected across the ribbons for different flare regions measured with a scanning step of 0.85″. In the eastern side of the ribbons, the degree of polarization is 4 – 8%; its plane is oriented toward the solar disk center (radial direction). In the western side, the polarization degree runs up to 25%, and its plane is perpendicular to the disk center direction (tangential direction). A comparison of these results with hard X-ray data (RHESSI) allows us to conclude that high-energy electron beams reached the chromosphere during this flare. The observed changes of the direction of polarization and the vanishing polarization within the ribbons mean that, at the chromospheric level, the energy of electrons remaining in the beam is about 200 eV. A shift of the peak position of polarization relative to the intensity maximum in the ribbons may result from the inclination of the electron beam axis with respect to the solar surface.  相似文献   

The Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) instrument includes a “white light” imaging capability with novel characteristics. Many flares with such white-light emission have been detected, and this paper provides an introductory overview of these data. These observations have 0.5″ pixel size and use the full broad-band response of the CCD sensor; the images are not compromised by ground-based seeing and have excellent pointing stability as well as high time resolution. The spectral response of the TRACE white-light passband extends into the UV, so these data capture, for the first time in images, the main radiative energy of a flare. This initial survey is based on a sample of flares observed at high time resolution for which the Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) had complete data coverage, a total of 11 events up to the end of 2004. We characterize these events in terms of source morphology and contrast against the photosphere. We confirm the strong association of the TRACE white-light emissions - which include UV as well as visual wavelengths – with hard X-ray sources observed by RHESSI. The images show fine structure at the TRACE resolution limit, and often show this fine structure to be extended over large areas rather than just in simple footpoint sources. The white-light emission shows strong intermittency both in space and in time and commonly contains features unresolved at the TRACE resolution. We detect white-light continuum emission in flares as weak as GOES C1.6. limited by photon statistics and background solar fluctuations, and support the conclusion of Neidig (1989) that white-light continuum occurs in essentially all flares.  相似文献   

Sylwester  Barbara  Sylwester  Janusz 《Solar physics》2000,194(2):305-325
We consider in detail the evolutionary patterns of few white-light flares observed by Yohkoh. The following data have been used in the analysis: sequences of de-convolved SXT images in X-ray and optical filters, MEM reconstructed HXT images and the other supporting data. The resolution in the de-convolved images is below 1 arc sec. Working with sequences of de-convolved images makes it also possible to investigate the dynamics of these structures with high spatial accuracy. Comparison of the morphology of flare brightenings as observed in hard, soft and optical ranges reveals that these emissions are not co-spatial and are most probably related to different plasma volumes at any instant. These observations cannot be easily accommodated within standard flare scenarios. Traditionally, the hard and optical flare emissions are expected to be co-spatial and the soft X-ray emission is presumed to fill the coronal portion of flaring loop(s) during rise phase. Present observations do not easily fit to such scenario.  相似文献   

本文依据白光耀斑连续发射谱的一般观测事实,通过对一系列模型大气的非局部热动平衡计算,从半经验角度探讨了白光连续发射与模型大气的关系。结果表明:光球深层的温度增加或者过渡区存在平台结构均可解释观测到的白光辐射增强。对如何从理论上来解释这些大气结构本文也提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

Common characteristics of nine active regions with strong proton flares in the 22nd solar activity cycle have been presented. Results show that the typical morphology of these active regions is a -type sunspot with a single multiple structure, in which there are many umbras with different magnetic polarities, packed tightly by a single penumbra. In these active regions, the rotating directions of the sunspot groups are nearly independent of their position on the solar disk. When the angle of rotation approaches the positive or the negative maximum, proton flares may occur in these active regions. After proton flares, sunspot groups rotate in the inverse direction because of the slack in the flux rope.  相似文献   

本文研究结果表明:同一黑子群在日面期间的顺或反时针方向的旋转运动会先后并存.质子耀斑前1~2无,黑子群的旋转角速度达到极大.耀斑后,磁绳的松弛,黑子群可能会反向旋转,强的剪切过程和质子耀斑可能会再度出现.强质子耀斑活动区的共同特征是:(1)形态为单个团状结构δ型黑子,即众多异极性本影核紧锁在同一黑子半影中;(2)黑子面积>1000×10-6半球面积,日面跨度>10°;(3)黑子群都有快速的旋转运动.这类活动区,如果在日面西部活动性明显地增强,那么这个活动区在未来转到日面边缘及其背后、或再次从日面东边缘转出时,定能再次爆发耀斑和伴随较强质子事件。  相似文献   

Thanks to the high-resolution images from the X-ray telescope (XRT) aboard the Hinode satellite, X-ray bright points (XBPs) in the quiet region of the Sun are resolved and can be seen to have complex loop-like structures. We measure the orientation of such loop structures for 488 XBPs picked up in 26 snapshot X-ray images near the disk center. The distribution of the orientation is slightly but clearly biased to the east – west direction: the random distribution is rejected with a significance level of 1% by the χ 2-test. The distribution is similar to the orientation distribution for the bipolar magnetic fields. The XBP orientation is, however, much more random than that of the bipolar magnetic fields with similar size. 24% of the XBPs are due to emerging bipoles, while the remaining 76% are due to chance encounters of opposite polarities.  相似文献   

Fárník  F.  Karlický  M.  Švestka  Z. 《Solar physics》2003,218(1-2):183-195
When analyzing light curves of hard X-ray bursts recorded by the Hard X-Ray Spectrometer on board the MTI satellite, we have found three events (all associated with major solar flares, two of them in the same active region) which show pulsations in the very initial phase of the burst. Periods of the pulsations range from 25 to 48 s. We compare them with other observations of pulsations of radio waves and in X-rays and conclude that pulsations of this kind have not been observed before. We mention several possible causes and prefer interactions between current-carrying loops as the most likely interpretation of the observed variations.  相似文献   

We have used Yohkoh and GOES X-ray observations to investigate flares with a long rising phase. We have found that a characteristic feature of such flares is a long time interval, Δ t ≥ 20 min, between the temperature maximum and the maximum of the emission measure. We have carried out detailed analysis for 10 limb flares of this type. Time variation of the heating function, EH(t), has been determined for their loop-top X-ray kernels. The time variation of EH(t), together with the temperature–density diagnostic diagrams, have been used to explain the large value of the time interval, Δ t. The main point is that for these flares the heating function EH(t) decreases so slowly after the temperature maximum, that for the long time, Δ t, the energy flux reaching flare foot points is sufficient to maintain significant chromospheric evaporation. Investigation of the flare evolution in the temperature–density diagnostic diagrams allowed us to work out a new method of determination of the density for flare kernels. This method can be applied to all the kernels for which their altitudes can be estimated. The advantage of this method is that for the density determination it is not necessary to assume what is the extension of the emitting plasma along the line of sight.  相似文献   

The degree of linear polarization in solar flares has not yet been precisely determined despite multiple attempts to measure it with different missions. The high energy range, in particular, has very rarely been explored, due to its greater instrumental difficulties. We approached the subject using the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) satellite to study six X-class and 1 M-class flares in the energy range between 100 and 350 keV. Using RHESSI as a polarimeter requires the application of strict cuts to the event list in order to extract those photons that are Compton scattered between two detectors. Our measurements show polarization values between 2 and 54%, with errors ranging from 10 to 26% in 1σ level. In view of the large uncertainties in both the magnitude and direction of the polarization vector, the results can only reject source models with extreme properties.  相似文献   

After the positive detection by BeppoSAX of hard X-ray radiation up to approximately 80 keV in the Coma Cluster spectrum, we present evidence for nonthermal emission from A2256 in excess of thermal emission at a 4.6 sigma confidence level. In addition to this power-law component, a second nonthermal component already detected by ASCA could be present in the X-ray spectrum of the cluster, which is not surprising given the complex radio morphology of the cluster central region. The spectral index of the hard tail detected by the Phoswich Detection System on board BeppoSAX is marginally consistent with that expected for the inverse Compton model. A value of approximately 0.05 μG is derived for the intracluster magnetic field of the extended radio emission in the northern regions of the cluster, while a higher value of approximately 0.5 μG could be present in the central radio halo, which is likely related to the hard tail detected by ASCA.  相似文献   

A database combining information about solar proton enhancements (SPEs) near the Earth and soft X-ray flares (GOES measurements) has been used for the study of different correlations through the period from 1975 to May 2006. The emphasis of this work is on the treatment of peak-size distributions of SXR flares and SPEs. The frequency of SXR flares and solar proton events (>10 and >100 MeV, respectively) for the past three solar cycles has been found to follow mainly a power-law distribution over three to five orders of magnitude of fluxes, which is physically correct beyond the “sensitivity” problem with the smallest peak values. The absence of significant spectral steepening in the domain of the highest peak values demonstrates that during the period considered, lasting 30 years, the limit of the highest flare’s energy release has not yet been achieved. The power-law exponents were found to be −2.19±0.04, −1.34±0.02, and −1.46±0.04, for the total SXR flare distribution and the total SPE distributions (for both E P>10 MeV and E P>100 MeV), respectively. For SPEs associated with flares located to the West of 20° W, the exponents are −1.22±0.05 (E P>10 MeV) and −1.26±0.03 (E P>100 MeV). The size distribution for corresponding flares follows a power law with a slope of −1.29±0.12. Thus, X-ray and proton fluxes produced in the same solar events have very similar distribution shapes. Moreover, the derived slopes are not incompatible with a linear dependence between X-ray flare power and proton fluxes near the Earth. A similar statistical relation is obtained independently from the direct comparison of the X-ray and proton fluxes. These all argue for a statistically significant relationship between X-ray and proton emissions.  相似文献   

Ulysses was launched in October 1990, and its Solar X-ray/Cosmic Gamma-Ray Burst Experiment (GRB) has provided more than 13 years of uninterrupted observations of solar X-ray flare activity. Due to the large variation of the relative solar latitude and longitude of the spacecraft orbit with respect to the Earth, the perspective of the GRB instrument often differed significantly from that of X-ray instruments on Earth-orbiting satellites. During extended periods the GRB experiment made direct observations of flares on the hidden face of the Sun, providing a unique record of events not visible to other instruments. The small detector area of GRB and its optimization for very high counting rates minimized the effects of pulse pile-up. We interpret the spectra, time histories, and occurrence distribution patterns of GRB data in terms of “thermal feed-through”, the confusion of thermal soft X-rays and non-thermal hard X-rays. This effect is a systematic problem for scintillation-counter spectrometers observing the solar hard X-ray spectrum. This paper provides a definitive catalog of the Ulysses X-ray flare observations and discusses various features of this unique database. For the equivalent GOES range X2 – X25, we find a power-law fit for the (differential) occurrence frequency at >25 keV with slope −1.61±0.04, with no evidence for a downturn at the highest event magnitudes (for the relatively small sample of such events available in this study). If the nine most intense events are excluded because of concerns about the effects of pulse pile-up, the slope steepens to −1.75±0.08.  相似文献   

太阳硬X射线成像望远镜模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滕藤  伍健  常进 《天文学报》2011,52(4):339-351
调制准直器型太阳硬X射线成像望远镜是目前较为通用的太阳观测设备.空间调制望远镜是基于中心轴不旋转的望远镜,适用于3轴稳定的卫星.针对我国可能的太阳观测计划,给出并比较了两组空间调制望远镜的配置方案,然后利用GEANT4高能物理通用软件模拟实际光子的计数情况,使用MATLAB实现图像重建.比较模拟光子计数得到的重建图与几...  相似文献   

We present observations of the active M-dwarf binary AT Mic(dM4.5e+dM4.5e) obtained with the orbital observatory Astro Sat. During 20 ks of observations, in the far-ultraviolet(130–180 nm) and soft X-ray(0.3–7 keV)spectral ranges, we detected both quiescent emission and at least five flares on different components of the binary.The X-ray flares were typically longer than and delayed(by 5–6 minutes) with respect to their ultraviolet counterparts, in agreement with the Neupert effect. Using X-ray ...  相似文献   

Watari  Shinichi  Watanabe  Takashi 《Solar physics》1998,180(1-2):427-438
A giant post-flare arch observed on 2-3 November 1991 was analyzed using the soft X-ray telescope (SXT) on board Yohkoh and the Mark III (MK3) K-coronameter at the High Altitude Observatory/Mauna Loa Solar Observatory. The rising arch was observed in both soft X-ray and K-corona observations. The estimated rising speed from the MK3 observation was approximately 4 km s-1. A V-shaped depression area was observed on the south side of the giant arch. Change in the K-corona observations was faint while the arch was rising. According to the solar wind observations by the Pioneer Venus Orbiter and the Interplanetary Cometary Explorer, this giant arch event may have been associated with an interplanetary shock.  相似文献   

Time sequences of vector magnetograms and H filtergrams of NOAA 7469 were obtained during 4–12 April 1993 at Huairou Solar Observing Station of Beijing Astronomical Observatory. The region was characterized by the emergence of several new bipoles and the formation of active magnetic interfaces between newly emerging and pre-existing magnetic flux. Based on the 3-D magnetic lines of force, computed with the boundary element method (BEM), it has been found that the topology of magnetic lines of force changes when longitudinal magnetic fields evolve during the observing period. Two active magnetic interfaces were identified from 6 to 8 April in this region. By comparing H filtergrams with vector magnetograms of the photosphere and 3-D magnetic lines of force, it is found that many flares initiated at the active magnetic interfaces.  相似文献   

We explore the implications of the discovery of hard, power-law X-ray sources in the spectra of nearby elliptical galaxies for the origin of the X-ray background (XRB). The spectra of these sources are consistent with models of thermal bremsstrahlung emission from low radiative efficiency accretion flows around central supermassive black holes and are unique in that they approximately match the spectrum of the hard XRB. If such sources, with luminosities consistent with those observed in nearby elliptical galaxies, are present in most early-type galaxies, then their integrated emission may contribute significantly to the XRB. These sources may also contribute to the hard source counts detected in deep X-ray surveys.  相似文献   

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