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通过对柴达木盆地察尔汗古湖贝壳堤剖面沉积物中总有机碳、有机质碳同位素及碳酸盐含量、碳氧同位素的分析, 并结合粒度数据, 将研究剖面所记录的古湖泊环境演化过程划分为5个阶段.其中254 (连续古湖泊沉积开始与第八层底部) ~210cm (距今39.7~35.8ka BP之间) 为湖泊发育期.210~185cm (距今35.8~33.6ka BP之间), 185~112cm (距今33.6~27.2ka BP之间) : TOC、CaCO3含量较高、δ18 O值偏正, δ13 Corg偏负, Mz值较低, 反映了当时温度较高, 湖水水位较高; 而112~55cm (距今27.2~22.3ka BP之间) 和55~0cm (距今22.3~17.5ka BP之间) : TOC、CaCO3含量较低、δ18 O值偏负, δ13 Corg偏正, Mz值较高, 表明了温度相对较低(但气候仍较温暖), 湖水水位较低, 湖泊处于退缩时期.其间分别在距今32.2~32.4ka BP、30.4~29.8ka BP和28.4~27.2ka BP出现了3次较大的退缩过程, 约22ka BP出现了一次气候突变.贝壳堤剖面揭示在39.7~18.5 14C ka BP之间柴达木盆地气候较温暖湿润, 形成高湖面.从18.2ka BP开始, 湖泊进入退缩阶段.到17.5ka BP快速形成盐壳, 高湖面持续历史结束.   相似文献   

察尔汗盐湖作为柴达木盆地第四纪的沉积中心,沉积了巨厚的第四系湖相沉积,其演化历史研究对于揭示柴达木盆地及青藏高原北部第四纪古气候、古环境演变历史具有重要意义。本文在AMS 14C测年的基础上,以察尔汗盐湖晚更新世钻孔(ZK53630-1)岩芯中介形类微体化石为研究对象,通过系统的采样和室内分析,共识别出7属10种。基于分类学研究,识别出2个介形类组合(自下而上):Ilyocypris biplicata-Limnocythere inopinata和Ilyocypris bradyi-Ilyocypris sebeiensis。介形类及其伴生化石均显示察尔汗古湖在距今34~28 ka期间的晚更新世晚期(MIS 3a)主体为淡水—微咸水湖泊,气候温暖湿润,与现今极端干旱的盐湖环境截然不同。  相似文献   

Cenozoic climatic and environmental changes in the arid Asian interior, and their possible relations with global climatic changes and the Tibetan Plateau uplift, have been intensively investigated and debated over past decades. Here we present 40-Myr (million years)-long n-alkane records from a continuous Cenozoic sediment sequence in the Dahonggou Section, Qaidam Basin, northern Tibetan Plateau, to infer environmental changes in the northern basin. A set of n-alkane indexes, including ACL, CPI and Paq, vary substantially and consistently throughout the records, which are interpreted to reflect relative contributions from terrestrial vascular plants vs. aquatic macrophytes, and thus indicate depositional environments. ACL values vary between 21 and 30; CP1 values range from 1.0 to 8.0; and Paq values change from 〈0.1 to 0.8 over the past 40-Myr. We have roughly identified two periods, at 25.8-21.0 Ma (million years ago) and 13.0-17.5 Ma, with higher ACL and CPI and lower Paq values indicating predominant lacustrine environments. Lower ACL and CPI values, together with higher Paq values, occurred at 〉25.8 Ma, 17.5-21.0 Ma, and 〈13.0 Ma, corresponding to alluvial fan/river deltaic deposits and shallow lacustrine settings, consistent with the observed features in sedimentological facies. The inferred Cenozoic environmental changes in the northern Qaidam Basin appear to correspond to global climatic changes.  相似文献   

Shell bar, composed of abundant fossil shells of Corbicula fluminea müller and Corbicula largillierti philippi and located at the southeastern end (36°30′N, 96°12′E) of the paleolake Quarhan, is one of the most prominent features in the Qaidam basin. It is the highest site where such species of fossil shells have been found in the Late Pleistocene age. A 2.6-m-thick fresh profile was manually excavated to determine the formation ages and the scope of the high paleolake levels. Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), conventional radiocarbon dating, and sector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy 230Th methods were used to investigate the reliability and accuracy of dating results in different laboratories. Ages of various components (e.g. acid residual and acid soluble fraction of the organic matter) from the same sample were determined. Age differences of a variety of materials (e.g. organic matter, fossil shells, and salt crystals), and age differences at the same sampling position were evaluated. Dating shows that the AMS ages given by alkali residue and acid soluble fractions vary greatly, e.g., from 124.5 cm upwards. The dates given by the acid soluble fraction were normal. Down the column, the dates show a reverse pattern and those of alkali residues, especially the lower part of the section, show an unstable pattern. These imply that organic matter had been influenced by two separate processes. One possible explanation is that the alkali residual fraction most likely had been contaminated by dead carbon-bearing reworked material because the study section is located near the edge of the paleolake and could have been easily influenced by old eroded deposits. Another is that the acid soluble fraction could have been contaminated by upward-flowing groundwater containing soluble organic matter. The amount of this soluble organic material should be very small because the strongest age reversal is in the lower part, where the TOC content remains low, meaning that the change of soluble organic fraction alters neither TOC content nor the δ 13C dramatically. It is concluded that a uniform mega-paleolake developed in the Qaidam basin in the northeastern Tibetan plateau between 39.7 and 17.5 14C kaB.P. During the period when the high paleolake level of Qarhan was formed, the huge paleolake covered a vast area with dramatic lake level fluctuations. It is found that the ages determined may be influenced by either radioactive 14C variations of repeated deposition or content variations in the atmosphere. The ages given by fossil shells are 15–18 ka older than those given by organic matter. The large differences between the ages of fossil shells and organic matter might have resulted from the large water areas and huge water volume and the special location of the high-elevation Qaidam basin. This study also shows the reliability and accuracy of the 230Th dating method on the salt crystals but further study is needed to determine whether this method could be applied to the study area. __________ Translated from Quaternary Sciences, 2007, 27(4): 511–521 [译自: 第四纪研究]  相似文献   

利用常规14C、加速器(AMS)方法对柴达木盆地察尔汗湖一典型古湖相沉积剖面系统测年,并对测年结果进行不同组分和不同实验室对比,确定该剖面发育于察尔汗古湖高湖面时期(39.7 ka B.P.~17.5 ka B.P.).通过对削面沉积物正构烷烃的系统分析,结果表明正构烷烃携带了重要的湖泊演化的环境和生物信息,其中nC2...  相似文献   

柴达木盆地察尔汗古湖贝壳堤剖面粒度特征及其沉积环境   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
通过对柴达木察尔汗盐湖贝壳堤剖面沉积物粒度、碳酸盐和磁化率的对比,结合沉积物粒度频率曲线与多种粒度参数分析,详细讨论了研究剖面形成过程中物质搬运和沉积作用以及所反映的环境变化。结果表明沉积物粒度特征指示了湖泊水位的相对变化。在距今约38.2 ka BP(14-C年代,未校正。下同)左右,沉积记录指示古湖泊的范围和水位已达到剖面位置,之后湖泊继续扩张、水位波动上升;在距今约35.5 ka BP,粒径有一突然变细又变粗的过程,可能为一次较快速的湖面波动;在距今约35.5 ~ 33.3 ka BP之间,沉积物颗粒较粗,碳酸盐含量和磁化率值低,揭示湖泊水位较低。距今约33.3 ~ 27.1 ka BP之间,沉积物颗粒较细,碳酸盐含量较前一阶段高,表明此阶段湖泊水位相对较深,但粒度、碳酸盐和磁化率等指标也记录了三次较明显的湖泊快速但短暂的退缩过程;在距今约29.7~28.3 ka BP,沉积物颗粒最细,指示了此时期可能为湖泊水位最高期。从距今约27.1 ka BP开始,沉积积物颗粒明显变粗,揭示湖泊进入到退缩期,距今约18.1 ka BP,粒度指标的变化和上层的盐壳指示湖泊进入快速盐化阶段,之后湖泊退出剖面所在的位置,此后研究区湖泊水位再也没有达到这个高度。  相似文献   

柴达木盆了立体地质与油气预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄汉纯  黄庆华 《地球学报》1996,17(Z1):64-71
笔者在柴达木盆地进行3次野外地质调查,收集并参考了大量资料,编绘了柴达木盆地地质图、纵横剖面图、构造等高线图、等厚度图和不同深度地质图,借以研究盆地地下地层、构造、湖盆演化历史,并对古生代海相油源和含油区、中侏罗世油源和中新生代含油气区及油气田进行预测。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西部大浪滩140 ka以来沉积特征与古环境   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章选取柴达木盆地西部大浪滩盐湖沉积中心的钻孔岩芯为研究对象,通过U系年代学研究,建立了该地区140kaBP以来的湖相地层沉积序列。从沉积特征来看,期间共经历了8次成盐期和6次淡化期,成盐期沉积的主要矿物为石盐、石膏、芒硝和白钠镁矾。淡化阶段主要矿物为粘土(伊利石占绝大多数,次为绿泥石和高岭石)、碳酸盐(方解石和白云石为主)和石英长石。对该时段碳氧同位素分析显示,140~113kaBP(92~84m),同末次间冰期的演化阶段(5e)有着很好的对应关系;113~93kaBP(84~78m)(5d),从碳同位素组成特征看,该阶段也有多次气候的颤动发生,在78~80m层段,有近2m厚的中粗粒芒硝,其为冷相矿物,这说明该阶段水体温度变化频繁;此外,93~87kaBP(78~74.6m)、87~79.5kaBP(74.6~67.5m)、79.5~76kaBP(67.5~63.5m)也都分别对应着末次间冰期后的5c、5b、5a三个阶段。76~72kaBP(60~64m)(MIS4),氧同位素组成快速偏重(-4‰~-8‰(PDB)),温度下降,水体明显咸化;72~30kaBP(60~16m)(MIS3),总体碳氧同位素组成偏重,代表干凉的古气候环境,期间有两次成盐期,代表了冷干时段;30~14kaBP(16~0m)(MIS2),氧同位素组成明显偏重,代表了末次盛冰期的到来,进而结束了湖泊水体沉积。  相似文献   

We investigate the growth of the northern Tibetan Plateau and associated climate change by applying oxygen and carbon isotopic compositions in Cenozoic strata in the southwestern Qaidam basin. The X-ray diffraction and isotopic studies reveal that the carbonate minerals are mainly authigenic and they do not preserve any evidence for detrital carbonate and diagenesis. The isotope data show large fluctuations in the δ18O and δ13C values in the middle–late Eocene, indicating relatively warm and seasonal dry climate. The positive correlation of the δ18O and δ13C values in the Oligocene and the positive shift of the δ13C values from the Eocene to Oligocene suggest that the climate changed to arid in the Oligocene. However, the δ18O values show negative shift, which is closely related to the global cooling event. During the Miocene, the δ13C values vary between –2‰ and –4‰, whereas the δ18O values show continuous negative shift. The mean δ18O values decrease from –8.5‰ in the early Miocene to –10.0‰ in the late Miocene. The stable isotope-based paleoaltimetry results suggest that the elevation of the southwestern Qaidam basin was approximately 1500 m in the middle–late Eocene and Oligocene. Subsequently, during Miocene the crustal uplift process started and the elevation reached approximately 2000 m in the early Miocene and 2500 m in the late Miocene, which suggests large-scale growth of the northern Tibet Plateau during the Miocene.  相似文献   

利用气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC-MS)对青藏高原柴达木盆地察尔汗湖区贝壳堤剖面古湖相沉积物样品进行了系统地分析,检测出系列脂肪酸酰胺与脂肪腈类含氮类脂物分子化石.并对其在古湖相沉积物中的分布特征作了详细描述.对它们综合研究认为,早期成岩作用使来源于各种生物体的脂肪酸酰胺类分子化石部分地转化为脂肪腈类化合物.此外,不饱和脂肪酸酰胺与饱和脂肪酸酰胺的含量比值在剖面上并没有呈现明显下降的趋势,说明在降解过程中各种生物、物理及化学作用对它们不存在明显的选择性,指示有机质在沉积过程中可能处于一个偏氧化的环境.本文首次报道这两类物质,为更好地理解含氮类脂物分子化石在湖泊沉积物中的转化过程提供了一定的理论依据.  相似文献   

黑河流域不同生境植物水分来源及环境指示意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
曾巧  马剑英 《冰川冻土》2013,35(1):148-155
选择黑河流域三种典型生境类型(绿洲、 绿洲-荒漠过渡带、 荒漠), 通过分析其不同植物木质部水分与其土壤潜在水源稳定氢(δD)和氧(δ18O)同位素组成, 研究了不同生境中植物的水分来源情况. 结果表明: 荒漠生境中植物倾向于利用深层土壤水(>160 cm); 绿洲-荒漠过渡带中沙蒿和沙拐枣主要利用20~40 cm层位的土壤水, 梭梭可能的利用层位是60~80 cm, 花棒可能利用100 cm左右的水分, 柽柳则利用120 cm以下的土壤水; 绿洲植物吸水层位多集中在0~100 cm, 其中, 假苇拂子茅可能水源是20 cm左右的土壤水, 玉米则为20~40 cm, 柽柳和杨树的吸水层位为60 cm左右, 棉花则是利用80 cm左右的水分. 稳定性同位素估测各生境植物水分来源的结果与其土壤含水量的结果一致, 同一生境中吸水层位相似的植物间存在水分来源竞争. 不同生境中植物水分来源的深浅存在递变, 从深到浅表现为荒漠>过渡带>绿洲, 不同生境同种植物也存在同样变化, 说明植物稳定氢氧同位素组成可以用来指示干旱区绿洲化、 荒漠化过程.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西部中生界原型盆地恢复   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
勘探实践表明,对柴达木盆地西部中生界原型盆地认识不够,是导致该区侏罗系油气勘探难以取得重大突破的主要原因。以古流分析为主要手段,结合地表露头及地震解释资料研究认为,中生界在古阿拉巴斯套山与古昆仑山间发育一个大的近EW向展布的内陆山间坳陷(古泛茫崖坳陷)。坳陷演化可分为早—中侏罗世和晚侏罗世—白垩纪两个阶段,分别对应发育了伸展断陷和挤压坳陷两种原型盆地类型。早、中侏罗世,阿尔金山尚未隆升,为主要沉积区。沉积环境比较动荡,沉积物以暗色含煤建造为主。沉积中心在现今的阿尔金山区,坳陷西北部边界越过阿尔金山区与塔东南地区相通;东北部边界位于阿拉巴斯套山前;南部边界在煤沟—采石岭—黑石山—月牙山一线。晚侏罗世—白垩纪,阿尔金山快速隆升为物源区,开始分割塔东南和柴达木盆地西部沉积。坳陷沉积物以干旱气候下的红色粗碎屑岩建造为主,沉积、沉降中心由阿尔金山区向盆地内部发生迁移,南部边界已迁移至阿拉尔—红柳泉—红沟子—月3井一带。该研究对柴达木盆地资源潜力评价及勘探部署具有重要意义。  相似文献   

藏北安多地区毗邻羌塘盆地南界,属于藏北地层分区。研究区沙木罗组地层为一套稳定的浅海相碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩建造,依次发育风化壳沉积,潮坪相沉积以及混合台地相沉积,有大量生物礁产出。本文通过对沙木罗组地层中采集到的18件样品进行常量、微量元素及碳氧同位素测试,结合沉积相分析,旨在探索本区晚侏罗世古海平面升降、氧化还原条件以及古气候的演化规律。研究发现,Ni、Sr、Cu、V、Cr、Ni/Co及δ~(13)C等变化能反映氧化还原环境的变化,而Mn、Na、Sr/Cu、P、Ti及δ~(18)O和Z值的波动能指示古气候的变化。研究结果表明:研究区的古环境演化共经历了3个阶段:(1)风化壳阶段的强氧化环境;(2)潮坪阶段的半氧化半还原环境;(3)台地区与三期生物礁建造相对应的3次氧化与还原环境转换。古气候演化也经历了3个阶段:(1)风化壳区的干旱气候;(2)潮坪区的半干旱半湿润气候;(3)台地区3次干湿气候的频繁转换,分别与本区的3个造礁期相对应。  相似文献   

近年来,柴西地区始新统致密碳酸盐岩中的油气勘探获得了重要进展,其中白云岩为最优质的储集岩。系统的岩石学、矿物学和地球化学特征研究表明,该套白云岩主要为泥晶结构,白云石晶间孔广泛发育,孔径多小于1μm。泥晶白云岩的δ13CPDB值变化范围为-4.5‰~0.2‰,平均值为-2.4‰,相对于典型湖相碳酸盐岩偏负,反映了周缘辫状三角洲供给富含轻碳的地表水在一定程度上改变了白云岩的碳同位素组成,且湖水中的溶解碳部分来源于有机质氧化解体产生的CO2,通过改变湖水中溶解碳的碳同位素组成从而间接影响了湖相白云岩的碳同位素组成。泥晶白云岩的δ18OPDB值变化范围为-6.1‰~0.4‰,平均值为-2.6‰,相对于典型湖相碳酸盐岩偏正,明显受咸化湖沉积环境影响。碳氧同位素相关关系投点图及其计算出的盐度、温度数据反映了泥晶白云岩是在准同生阶段、半开放-半封闭的咸化环境下、于水/沉积物界面附近由方解石交代而成的低温白云岩,这类准同生交代成因白云岩在区域上分布较广,且孔径极小的白云石晶间孔抗压实能力强,这一重要发现无论是平面展布上还是纵向深度上均开拓了柴达木盆地致密油勘探的新领域。  相似文献   

青藏高原北缘柴达木盆地内部始新世—更新世的碳酸盐中的碳、氧同位素分析结果显示了几次与区域性气候变化和构造运动相关的地质事件,包括青藏高原形成和隆升。新生代厚层的湖相-陆相沉积物记录了在中新世时气候以干旱条件为主。红三旱剖面中出现了两个较短1 Ma到3 Ma的δ13C变化周期。通过稳定同位素的研究可以识别出4个明显的构造事件:(1)上干柴沟组晚期δ13C和δ18O出现明显的增加,反映周边山脉的隆升;(2)上干柴沟组和下油砂山组界限处δ13C和δ18O的剧减,反映了整个柴达木盆地的总体抬升和喜马拉雅山在24 Ma左右的隆起;(3)19~18 Ma同位素数据出现的正异常峰值应该和阿尔金山的强烈隆起有关,同时盆地相对沉降,地貌高差增大,气候变得干旱;(4)12 Ma的明显负异常反映了整个柴达木盆地的海拔又一次增高,而盆地本身相对沉降周边山脉隆升。  相似文献   

本文在野外剖面调查的基础上,结合薄片观察,对川东南地区三汇剖面寒武系洗象池组237块碳酸盐岩样品进行了系统的碳氧同位素组成研究,结果表明,δ~(18)O值主要分布在-8‰~-6‰,平均为-7.63‰;δ~(13)C值介于-5.53‰~3.44‰之间。利用碳氧同位素数值计算古盐度及古温度结果表明,绝大多数Z值高于120‰,且δ~(13)C值大于-2‰,古海水温度主要集中在19~25℃,说明整体为海水-咸化海水沉积环境与温暖或炎热的亚热带气候。认为洗象池组沉积期海平面变化有五个阶段:早期缓慢上升与下降,中期快速海侵,中后期缓慢海退,后期动荡,末期海退。三汇剖面洗象池组储集层岩性主要为颗粒云岩及晶粒云岩,储集空间以溶蚀孔洞、粒间孔与晶间孔为主。多期的海平面的下降,对应碳同位素多旋回负漂,从而发育向上变浅的多旋回韵律性地层,形成纵向上的多套储集层,洗象池组储集层的形成与演化受海平面变化控制,主要发育在古地貌较高处与滩体向上变浅旋回的上部。另外,依据δ~(13)C值显著的正漂移,明确了芙蓉统地层的底界,为四川盆地寒武系地层的划分提供了证据。  相似文献   

With a thick sequence of early Eocene to Pleistocene terrestrial records, the Qaidam Basin on the northern Tibetan Plateau provides an important sedimentary archive for understanding the paleoenvironmental evolution of the northeast Tibetan Plateau. In this study, specimens of fossil fish remains are collected from the late Middle Miocene (Serravallian, ~12Ma) of the middle member of the Shang Youshashan Formation, Dahonggou (DHG) section, in the northern Qaidam Basin. Based on a systematic study of these materials, the remains have assigned to Cyprinidae, with typical pharyngeal teeth and dorsal fin spines with serrations on the posterior edge. Our discovery improves understanding of the cyprinid fish distribution characteristics in the Qaidam Basin during the Cenozoic. Co-occurrences of terrestrial brackish ostracod species Cyprideis and long chain alkenonesin the layer indicate that the studied cyprinid fish lived in a generally large brackish to saline water body during the late middle Miocene (Serravallian), when the climate of Qaidam Basin was still not sufficiently dry to form an extreme saline water lake.  相似文献   

在柴达木盆地西南缘更新统湖相地层中发现了大量具有震积岩特征的软沉积物变形构造,层内发育有液化砂(泥)岩脉、液化角砾岩、负荷构造、火焰构造、球-枕状构造、液化卷曲变形层等一系列软沉积物变形标志,此外剖面内还发育了大型同震断层、震裂缝、同震褶皱等一系列同震构造变形标志.该区震积岩的发现表明,更新世以来昆仑山北缘及柴达木盆地...  相似文献   

柴达木侏罗纪盆地性质及其演化特征   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
根据侏罗纪地层分布、沉积特征和构造演化史的综合分析,柴达木盆地侏罗纪经历了两期不同盆地性质的发育和叠加,中侏罗世末期的中燕山运动是盆地性质的转变期。早中侏罗世盆地为南北向伸展构造环境下的断陷型盆地,主要表现为系列小型断陷盆地群,分布在祁连山南侧和阿尔金南缘断裂带附近;晚侏罗世(至白垩纪)为南北向挤压构造环境下的挤压型坳陷盆地,受南祁连山前冲断构造体系控制,其沉积范围明显变大。  相似文献   

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