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大鼠的初级体感皮层(primary somatosensory cortex,SⅠ)虽然只接受来自对侧胡须的上行输入,但仍可以被同侧胡须刺激所激活.解剖学研究发现,在两侧SⅠ皮层之间有两条传递胡须信息胼胝体通路:一条是类颗粒区(perigranular zone,PGZ)通路;另一条是异颗粒区(dysgranular zone,DZ)通路.然而,哪一条通路在传递胡须刺激信息的过程中起主要作用还不清楚.本研究使用电压敏感染料(voltage-sensitive dye,VSD)成像技术来观察胡须刺激时整个SⅠ的神经元群体活动的空间分布和时间特性.实验发现,对侧胡须刺激首先激活barrel(颗粒区,granular zone,GZ),然后以兴奋波的形式传播到胡须感觉区(sub-barrel field cortex,BFC)外侧的DZ.而与首先激活BFC的对侧胡须刺激不同,同侧胡须刺激首先激活SⅠ的DZ.所激发的皮层兴奋以波的形式传播并扩散至BFC.失活另一侧皮层可以抑制这种同侧反应.电刺激另一侧半球皮层与刺激同侧胡须类似,也首先激活成像侧DZ.我们的实验结果显示,胡须刺激激活对侧SⅠ,在经过胼胝体传导后,另一侧半球的DZ(同侧于被刺激的胡须)被激活.连接双侧皮层DZ区的胼胝体连接在SⅠ对同侧胡须刺激的反应中起了主导作用.  相似文献   

目的:探讨声音强度对大鼠听皮层神经元特征频率可塑性的影响。方法:采用常规电生理学细胞外记录技术,测定不同声刺激强度下,听皮层神经元的特征频率和调谐曲线,比较条件刺激前后的变化。结果:在条件刺激声频率和神经元的特征频率相差±1.0kHz范围内,条件刺激诱导的神经元特征频率可塑性与条件刺激强度有关,较高的刺激强度比较低刺激强度诱导的特征频率可塑性概率高;特征频率可塑性的概率与神经元的频率调谐曲线类型相关,但这种相关几乎不受条件刺激声强度影响。结论:条件声刺激强度可明显影响大鼠听皮层神经元特征频率的可塑性。  相似文献   

为了了解外周神经损伤对体感皮层分域组构的影响,在成年大鼠上观察了切断坐骨神经(SC)前、即刻和切断后数周内后爪皮层代表区的改变。在盐酸氯胺酮麻醉下,用微电极记录后爪皮肤轻触刺激在对侧体感皮层工区诱发的多单位反应,得出后爪的皮层代表区图。在16例中,8例大鼠观察了切断SC的即时效应。结果表明,不但SC代表区丧失皮肤反应性,原隐神经(SA)代表区的皮肤反应性也明显下降或消失,同时神经元自发活动也明显减弱。另8例大鼠在切断后数周内做了1~3次重复测定。在最初几天,原SA代表区范围内多数记录点的皮肤反应性仍未恢复,但在原SC代表区内,一些记录点转而对SA皮肤轻触刺激起反应。在随后数周内SA代表区进行性地扩张,占领了大部分原SC代表区。这一结果说明成年大鼠外周神经损伤可导致体感皮层发生显著的重组改变。  相似文献   

经验改变大鼠听皮层神经元的特征频率   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
应用常规电生理学技术,以神经元的特征频率和频率调谐曲线为指标,研究大鼠听皮层神经元特征频率的可塑性. 结果表明,在给予的条件刺激频率和神经元特征频率相差1.0 kHz范围内,条件刺激可诱导50%以上神经元特征频率发生完全偏移,并可分为向频率调谐曲线的低频端偏移、高频端偏移,或两侧均可偏移三种类型. 其中,神经元的特征频率高、Q10-dB值大和频率调谐曲线对称指数大于零的神经元,其特征频率偏向频率调谐曲线高频端的概率更高. 结果提示,经验可改变大鼠听皮层神经元的特征频率,为深入研究中枢神经元功能活动可塑性的机制提供了重要实验资料.  相似文献   

目的:观察皮层抑制对正常及帕金森病(PD)大鼠丘脑底核(STN)神经元自发放电的影响。方法:采用玻璃微电极细胞外记录法,观察正常和PD大鼠STN神经元的放电活动及脑内微量注射KCl后,两组大鼠STN神经元放电频率的变化。结果:对照组和PD组大鼠STN神经元放电频率分别为(9.78±0.71)Hz和(23.81±1.08)Hz,PD组大鼠放电频率显著高于对照组(P<0.01),且呈爆发式放电的神经元比例明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。皮层注射KCl后,经过较长的潜伏期,两组大鼠STN神经元放电频率均明显降低,后缓慢恢复。结论:PD大鼠STN神经元放电频率增高,爆发式放电增多,而抑制皮层可使这种异常放电得到改善,提示皮层兴奋性的改变可能是PD中STN活动增强的另一个诱因。  相似文献   

Li ZF  Gao EQ 《生理科学进展》2005,36(2):175-178
听觉离皮层纤维系统是指由听皮层直接投射到皮层下听觉核团和耳蜗的下行纤维,这些纤维较严格的遵守频率分布的原则,与上行传入纤维构成多重反馈环路。听皮层通过离皮层纤维系统高度聚焦的正反馈作用,易化与其生理特性相匹配的皮层下听觉神经元的电活动,同时通过广泛的侧枝抑制作用来抑制与其生理特性不相匹配的皮层下听觉神经元的电活动,从而调节和改善皮层下听觉信息的处理,参与中枢听觉系统的可塑性变化。离皮层纤维的下行调节作用还广泛存在于视觉和躯体感觉系统,它们可能具有类似的神经机制。  相似文献   

应用常规电生理学技术,以神经元的特征频率和频率调谐曲线为指标,分别在生后2、3、4、5、6和8周龄SD大鼠上,研究生后发育过程中,听皮层神经元特征频率的可塑性.结果表明,在给予条件刺激频率和神经元特征频率相差1.0kHz范围内,条件刺激都可诱导各年龄组神经元特征频率向频率调谐曲线的低频端、高频端或调谐曲线的两端相应的偏移.特征频率偏移的概率与年龄相关.随着年龄的增长,特征频率偏移的比例下降,而不偏移的比例则上升.随着年龄增长,那些Q10-dB值大和频率调谐曲线对称指数大于零的神经元,特征频率偏移到频率调谐曲线高频端的比例增加更为明显(P<0.01).诱导特征频率完全偏移的时程和特征频率恢复的时程也与动物的年龄相关,随着年龄增长,诱导和恢复时程都明显延长(P<0.05).结果提示,大鼠听皮层神经元特征频率的可塑性与生后年龄相关,为深入研究中枢神经元功能活动可塑性的机制提供了重要实验资料.  相似文献   

Yang WW  Zhou XM  Zhang JP  Sun XD 《生理学报》2007,59(6):784-790
本文应用常规电生理学技术,研究电刺激大鼠内侧额叶前皮质(medial prefrontal cortex,mPFC)对初级听皮层神经元频率感受野(receptive field,RF)可塑性的调制。电刺激mPFC,137个听皮层神经元(72.8%)RF可塑性受到影响,其中抑制性调制71个神经元(37.7%),易化性调制66个神经元(35.1%),其余51个神经元(27.2%)不受影响。mPFC的抑制性调制效应表现为,RF的偏移时间延长,恢复时间缩短。相反,mPFC的易化性调制效应表现为,RF的偏移时间缩短,恢复时间延长。电刺激mPFC对RF可塑性的调制与声、电刺激之间的时间间隔有关,最佳时间间隔介于5-30ms之间。结果提示,大鼠mPFC可以调制听皮层神经元的功能活动,可能参与听觉学习记忆过程。  相似文献   

目的探究p53基因在小鼠神经行为活动中的作用及对桶状皮层神经元数目的影响。方法 45只8~12周龄C57BL/6背景的p53基因敲除(KO)小鼠为实验组,38只同年龄同背景的野生型(WT)小鼠为对照组。通过旷场实验、Y迷宫实验和纹理辨别实验测试小鼠焦虑样行为、自发运动、工作记忆能力及触须敏感性。用尼氏染色法观察桶状皮层II/III层神经元数目变化。结果与WT小鼠相比,p53基因敲除小鼠在旷场中心活动的时间(P 0.05)、旷场中总运动路程(P 0.05)和Y迷宫中自发交替率(P 0.05)、进入臂的总次数(P 0.05)均无显著差异,但对新纹理目标物的探索百分比显著减少(P0.01); p53基因敲除小鼠桶状皮层II/III层的神经元数目较野生型小鼠显著减少(P0.01)。结论 p53基因缺失不会导致小鼠出现焦虑样行为、也不影响其自发运动及工作记忆能力,但损伤了小鼠对新纹理的辨别能力,即触须敏感性,可能与桶状皮层II/III层神经元数目减少有关。  相似文献   

在自然环境中,人和动物常在一定的背景噪声下感知信号声刺激,然而,关于低强度的弱背景噪声如何影响听皮层神经元对声刺激频率的编码尚不清楚.本研究以大鼠听皮层神经元的频率反应域为研究对象,测定了阈下背景噪声对79个神经元频率反应域的影响.结果表明,弱背景噪声对大鼠初级听皮层神经元的听反应既有抑制性影响、又有易化性影响.一般来说,抑制性影响使神经元的频率调谐范围和最佳频率反应域缩小,易化性影响使神经元的频率调谐范围和最佳频率反应域增大.对于少数神经元,弱背景噪声并未显著改变其频率调谐范围,但却改变了其最佳频率反应域范围.弱背景噪声对63.64%神经元的特征频率和55.84%神经元的最低阈值无显著影响.神经元频率调谐曲线的尖部比中部更容易受到弱背景噪声的影响.该研究结果有助于我们进一步理解复杂声环境下大脑听皮层对听觉信息的编码机制.  相似文献   

Increased synaptophysin expression through whisker stimulation in rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Synaptophysin is responsible for the cycling of the synaptic vesicles containing the neurotransmitter, and it can be phosphorylated.2. This study examined whether repeated whisker stimulation alters the expression of synaptophysin mRNA in the rat barrel cortex, and found induced expression of synaptophysin mRNA in the contralateral barrel cortex compared to that in the ipsilateral hemisphere.3. This result suggests that synaptophysin is involved in the modulation of the synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

We used optical imaging of intrinsic cortical signals, elicited by whisker stimulation, to define areas of activation in primary sensory cortex of normal hamsters and hamsters subjected to neonatal follicle ablation at postnatal day seven (P7). Follicle ablations were unilateral, and spared either C-row whiskers or the second whisker arc. This study was done to determine if the intrinsic cortical connectivity pattern of the barrel cortex, established during the critical period, affects the process of representational plasticity that follows whisker follicle ablation. Additionally, we tested the ability to monitor such changes in individual cortical whisker representations using intrinsic signal imaging. Stimulation of a single whisker yielded peak activation of a barrel-sized patch in the somatotopically appropriate location in normal cortex. In both row and arc-spared animals, functional representations corresponding to spared follicles were significantly stronger and more oblong than normal. The pattern of activation differed in the row-sparing and arc-sparing groups, in that the expansion was preferentially into deprived, not spared areas. Single whisker stimulation in row-spared cases preferentially activated the corresponding barrel arc, while stimulation of one whisker in arc-spared cases produced elongated activation down the barrel row. Since whisker deflection normally has a net inhibitory effect on neighboring barrels, our data suggest that intracortical inhibition fails to develop normally in deprived cortical columns. Because thalamocortical projections are not affected by follicle ablation after P7, we suggest that the effects we observed are largely cortical, not thalamocortical.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(1):111936
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Functional rehabilitation of the cortex following peripheral or central nervous system damage is likely to be improved by a combination of behavioural training and natural or therapeutically enhanced synaptic plasticity mechanisms. Experience-dependent plasticity studies in the somatosensory cortex have begun to reveal those synaptic plasticity mechanisms that are driven by sensory experience and might therefore be active during behavioural training. In this review the anatomical pathways, synaptic plasticity mechanisms and structural plasticity substrates involved in cortical plasticity are explored, focusing on work in the somatosensory cortex and the barrel cortex in particular.  相似文献   

In rodents, the barrel cortex is a specialized area within the somatosensory cortex that processes signals from the mystacial whiskers. We investigated the normal development of myelination in the barrel cortex of mice, as well as the effects of sensory deprivation on this pattern. Deprivation was achieved by trimming the whiskers on one side of the face every other day from birth. In control mice, myelin was not present until postnatal day 14 and did not show prominence until postnatal day 30; adult levels of myelination were reached by the end of the second postnatal month. Unbiased stereology was used to estimate axon density in the interbarrel septal region and barrel walls as well as the barrel centers. Myelin was significantly more concentrated in the interbarrel septa/barrel walls than in the barrel centers in both control and sensory‐deprived conditions. Sensory deprivation did not impact the onset of myelination but resulted in a significant decrease in myelinated axons in the barrel region and decreased the amount of myelin ensheathing each axon. Visualization of the oligodendrocyte nuclear marker Olig2 revealed a similar pattern of myelin as seen using histochemistry, but with no significant changes in Olig2+ nuclei following sensory deprivation. Consistent with the anatomical results showing less myelination, local field potentials revealed slower rise times following trimming. Our results suggest that myelination develops relatively late and can be influenced by sensory experience. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2013  相似文献   

GABAC receptors are ligand-gated chloride channels and have important roles in some neurological functions like vision. Recent investigations demonstrated that these receptors are also expressed in the somatosensory cortex. In this study, we investigated the effect of (1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridin-4-yl)methylphosphinic acid (TPMPA) (GABAC receptor antagonist) on the properties of the neuronal response to natural stimuli (whisker deflection) in deep layers of rat barrel cortex. Twenty-eight male Wistar rats, weighing 230–260?g, were used in this study. TPMPA (100?μmol/rat) was administered intracerebroventricularly (ICV). Neuronal responses to deflection of principal (PW) and adjacent (AW) whiskers were recorded in barrel cortex using tungsten microelectrodes. A computer-controlled mechanical displacement was used to deflect whiskers individually or in combination at 30?ms inter-stimulus intervals. ON and OFF responses for PW and AW deflections were measured. A condition-test ratio (CTR) was computed to quantify neuronal responses to whisker interactions. Our data suggest that ICV administration of TPMPA increased neuronal spontaneous activity, ON and OFF responses to PW, and/or AW deflections. However, CTR for neither ON nor OFF responses changed following TPMPA administration. The results of this study demonstrated that inhibition of GABAC receptors by TPMPA can modulate neuronal response properties in rat barrel cortex.  相似文献   


Cholecystokinin (CCK) is one of the most studied neuropeptides in the brain. In this study, we investigated the effects of CCK-8s and LY225910 (CCK2 receptor antagonist) on properties of neuronal response to natural stimuli (whisker deflection) in deep layers of rat barrel cortex. This study was done on 20 male Wistar rats, weighing 230–260?g. CCK-8s (300?nmol/rat) and LY225910 (1?µmol/rat) were administered intracerebroventricularly (ICV). Neuronal responses to deflection of principal (PW) and adjacent (AW) whiskers were recorded in the barrel cortex using tungsten microelectrodes. Computer controlled mechanical displacement was used to deflect whiskers individually or in combination at 30?ms inter-stimulus intervals. ON and OFF responses for PW and AW deflections were measured. A condition-test ratio (CTR) was computed to quantify neuronal responses to whisker interaction. ICV administration of CCK-8s and LY225910 had heterogeneous effects on neuronal spontaneous activity, ON and OFF responses to PW and/or AW deflections, and CTR for both ON and OFF responses. The results of this study demonstrated that CCK-8s can modulate neuronal response properties in deep layers of rat barrel cortex probably via CCK2 receptors.  相似文献   

The 22nd Annual Barrels Meeting blew into Evanston, near the Windy City, in November 2009 as the meeting was hosted on the Evanston, IL campus of Northwestern University. The longest running satellite meeting to the Society for Neuroscience Meeting annually brings together researchers from around the world focused on the development, function, behavior, and physiology of the rodent whisker-to-barrel system and other associated cortical and subcortical areas. The 2009 edition of the meeting was focused on three central themes: the molecular development and developmental plasticity in barrel cortex, optical analysis of barrel cortex function, and the coding of touch. The main symposia were complemented by short talks, data blitz sessions, and a poster session.  相似文献   

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