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知识获取是文本挖掘中必要且重要的步骤之一,从文本中获取知识已成为了一种常用途径,然而不同文本知识源可能引起知识的不一性问题。为了保证所获取知识的一致性和精确性,分析了文本知识的不一致性类型,并提出了基于框架的不一致性检测和修正算法,为下一步的知识服务奠定了基础。实验结果表明所提出的不一致性处理方法是可行和有效的。  相似文献   

知识获取是知识工程中关键的一环,而从文本知识源中获取专业知识是一种重要而常用的途径。而不同文本知识源对同一对象描述往往有所不同,为了获取完备的高精度和细粒度的知识,给出了一种从多种文本知识源中获取历史知识的方法。其基本思想是:将不同文本知识源的知识自动翻译成框架知识;对描述相同对象的不同框架进行不一致性检测并修正;合并知识框架。实验表明,该方法能获取到高精度和细粒度的历史知识,是可行和有效的,并为下一步的知识服务奠定重要的基础。  相似文献   

本文主要是对历史人物知识的修正与获取进行研究,探讨如何从历史人物简介中获取人物知识。由于自然语言技术目前尚不足支持自动的知识获取,半自动获取方法是一种可行的方案。本文在总结历史人物知识描述的特点基础上,提出了一种知识修正的方法,它是自然语言到目标知识表示语言的过渡桥梁。同时,我们还介绍使用该方法在历史人物知识获取中获得历史人物知识库。  相似文献   

知识获取系统NDKAS的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘金贵  陈彬 《计算机学报》1995,18(3):236-240

基于专利的知识获取系统研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用现有的数据库技术、专利知识以及专家系统技术,研制了一个基于专利的知识获取系统,方便了以数据库为载体的专利知识系统的管理维护一体化。  相似文献   

本文以计算机硬件售后的维修服务为模型,为计算机硬件出现的故障及对应解决方案创建知识库.硬件故障知识采用事例表示法和产生式规则表示法两种方法,并将知识分为事例知识和规则知识两类.在事例知识的获取方面采用了自动获取和人工干预两种形式,在规则知识的获取方面采用的是人工干预形式.  相似文献   

基于数据库的知识获取系统   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
该文结合现有的关系数据库技术和专家系统技术,研制了一个基于关系数据库系统的知识获取系统,以使数据库为载体的知识系统的知识库管理和维护一体化。  相似文献   

在过去的几十年里,数学软件系统变得越来越强大和复杂.各种数学系统的集成变得非常有意义.基于Web的分布式数学平台使得与数学相关的活动(称之为数学服务)都可以在Web上得以实现.所有这些都需要一个底层的、可共享的、面向内容的知识库作为支撑.本文介绍一个大学水平的、可共享的数学分析知识库的获取和分析方法.NKIMath采用基于本体、框架、逻辑和类型的形式表示,采用面向概念的知识获取方法,从一套大学本科数学分析课本(2本)中获取了所有主要概念和定理.本文还总结和分析了知识获取过程中出现的错误.  相似文献   

李奕  施鸿宝 《软件学报》1996,7(7):435-441
本文为解决知识系统构造过程中瓶颈问题--知识获取,提出了一种基于神经网络NN的自动获取多级推理产生规则的N-4方法,该方法采用了特有的NN结构模型和相应的学习算法,使得NN在学习过程中动态确定隐层节点数的同时,也产生了样例集中没有定义的新概念,学习后的NN能用本文提出的转换算法转换成推理网络,最终方便地得到了产生式规则集。  相似文献   

介绍了以Visual C++为工具开发的基于半自动化知识获取的操作票专家系统,实现了图形在线自动开票、手工开票、调典型票等多种开票方式,具有操作票管理、编辑及模拟仿真操作功能.具有一定的学习能力,能够自动更新和完善专家知识库,防误功能强大,且图形界面友好,易维护、易操作,具有较高的智能性和安全性.  相似文献   

This paper gives an outline of knowledge base revision and some recently presented complexity results about propostitional knowledge base revision.Different methods for revising propositional knowledge base have been proposed recently by several researchers,but all methods are intractable in the general case.For practical application,this paper presents a revision method for special case,and gives its corresponding polynomial algorithm.  相似文献   

In this paper,the computational complexity of propositional clause set counter-factuals is discussed.It is shown that the computational complexity of propositional clause set counterfactuals is at the second level of the polynomial hierarchy,and that the computational complexity of propositional Horn clause set counterfactuals is at the first level of the polynomial hierarchy.Furthermore,some polynomial algorithms are presented for some special propositional clauset set ,such as the unique satisfiable clause set and the clause set of which only one subset is minimally inconsistent with the input clause whose inconsistency check can be solved in polynomial time.  相似文献   

One of the important topics in knowledge base revision is to introduce an efficient implementation algorithm. Algebraic approaches have good characteristics and implementation method; they may be a choice to solve the problem. An algebraic approach is presented to revise propositional rule-based knowledge bases in this paper. A way is firstly introduced to transform a propositional rule-based knowledge base into a Petri net. A knowledge base is represented by a Petri net, and facts are represented by the initial marking. Thus, the consistency check of a knowledge base is equivalent to the reachability problem of Petri nets. The reachability of Petri nets can be decided by whether the state equation has a solution; hence the consistency check can also be implemented by algebraic approach. Furthermore, algorithms are introduced to revise a propositional rule-based knowledge base, as well as extended logic programming. Compared with related works, the algorithms presented in the paper are efficient, and the time complexities of these algorithms are polynomial.  相似文献   

Knowledge base revision,which is also called belief revision,is an important topic in artificial intelligence and philosophy,and many approaches have been introduced in re-cent years[1―26].An important topic for knowledge base revision is to introduce a pro-grammable approach[9].This paper focuses on showing a programmable approach to revise a knowledge base consisting of clauses.Knowledge base revision is important from both the theoretical and applied point of view[27].Doyle’s truth mainte…  相似文献   

分析铣削加工参数匹配关系及其知识表示,针对产生式规则难以全面、高效表示加工参数定量匹配知识的问题,提出应用规则推理与人工神经网络(ANN)混合技术构建知识库的方法,给出了参数定量匹配知识表示的神经网络模型和改进的Vogl知识获取方法,运用手册上提供的最复杂样本集数据进行实验验证,结果表明提出的方法具有较好的知识表示性能。最后就如何应用该技术开发面向铣削加工的参数匹配知识库系统展开论述。  相似文献   

对于知识获取问题,常用的手工方法效率较低,已经不能满足人们的需求,因此提出使用机器学习这种自动知识获取方法来解决该问题.以虚拟旅行代理平台为背景,采用遗传算法和机器学习相结合的理论和方法,将目标知识库的目标荻取问题转化为组合优化问题,并提出了一个目标知识库自学习算法.通过该算法优化出新的旅行目标,实现目标库的更新.实验结果表明,该方法是有效的.  相似文献   

This paper presents the STALKER knowledge base refinement system. Like its predecessor KRUST, STALKER proposes many alternative refinements to correct the classification of each wrongly classified example in the training set. However, there are two principal differences between KRUST and STALKER. Firstly, the range of misclassified examples handled by KRUST has been augmented by the introduction of inductive refinement operators. Secondly, STALKER's testing phase has been greatly speeded up by using a Truth Maintenance System (TMS). The resulting system is more effective than other refinement systems because it generates many alternative refinements. At the same time, STALKER is very efficient since KRUST's computationally expensive implementation and testing of refined knowledge bases has been replaced by a TMS-based simulator.  相似文献   

国内垂直领域知识图谱发展现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了充分展现国内在垂直知识图谱领域研究的现状,以垂直领域知识图谱为研究对象对其发展现状和趋势进行综述.对垂直领域知识图谱的定义和分类、架构和关键技术的发展现状进行了详细论述;针对垂直领域知识图谱的具体应用进行了论述,并以学术信息知识图谱和医药卫生知识图谱为例进行了详细介绍.最后对垂直领域知识图谱发展中存在的问题和对策以及未来的趋势进行了探讨.  相似文献   

While theories abound concerning knowledge transfer in organisations, little empirical work has been undertaken to assess any possible relationship between repositories of knowledge and those responsible for the use of knowledge. This paper develops a knowledge transfer framework based on an empirical analysis of part of the UK operation of a Fortune 100 corporation, which extends existing knowledge transfer theory. The proposed framework integrates knowledge storage and knowledge administration within a model of effective knowledge transfer. This integrated framework encompasses five components: the actors engaged in the transfer of knowledge, the typology of organisational knowledge that is transferred between the actors, the mechanisms by which the knowledge transfer is carried out, the repositories where explicit knowledge is retained and the knowledge administrator equivalent whose function is to manage and maintain knowledge. The paper concludes that a ‘hybridisation’ of knowledge transfer approach, revealed by the framework, offers some promise in organisational applications.  相似文献   

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