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Using a recognized and widely used hydrochemical model, MAGIC, long-term changes in acidity were simulated at 104 sites in the acid sensitive region of upland Wales. Conditions were modelled in the future (2010) under different reductions in sulphate deposition from 0 to 90% of 1984 values. Chemical output from the model was used to simulate change in the chemical suitability of streams for a species of river bird, the Dipper Cinclus cinclus, known to be affected by acidification According to simulations, only reductions in sulphate deposition by over 50% of 1984 levels prevented decline in the number of streams chemically suitable for Dippers. Greater reductions in deposition in the model permitted some recovery except where conifer forestry occupied acid sensitive catchments. There are several uncertainties with the models in their present form.  相似文献   

Despite widespread information on the incidence and biochemical effects of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in birds, field studies of effects on population processes are still scarce. This is particularly so in passerines. We therefore assessed breeding performance and post-fledging survival in dippers, Cinclus cinclus, breeding along the Afon Mule, a Welsh river where previous work indicated locally elevated PCB concentrations. We hypothesised that marked toxicological effects, including endocrine disruption, would be detectable as altered clutch-size, hatching success, nest success, brood-size, post-fledging survival or recruitment to the breeding population. Congener-specific analysis of PCBs in failed and deserted dipper eggs during 1990-93 revealed that geometric mean concentrations were four to 20 times higher along the Mule than elsewhere in Wales, UK. PCB signatures also varied highly significantly from other locations, with congeners 138, 153 and 180 dominant at the contaminated site, but 118 or 170 more frequent in eggs elsewhere. Subsequent analysis of surface runoff confirmed a small breaker's yard as a point source. Neither laying dates, clutch-sizes, brood-sizes, nest failure nor hatching failure along the contaminated Mule (n=46 breeding attempts and 218 eggs) differed significantly from dippers along adjacent reference rivers (n=82 breeding attempts and 315 eggs) or Welsh rivers as a whole (n=332 breeding attempts and 1534 eggs). Subsequent recaptures of breeding dippers ringed initially as nestlings were nearly identical between the Mule (7.7% of 182 nestlings), the reference set (7.5% of 323 nestlings) and all other Welsh rivers (7.3% of 2821 nestlings). These data illustrate the value of congener-specific analysis of bird's eggs in indicating local PCB sources. The data show also that PCBs can occur in dipper eggs at total concentrations of 0.49 (geometric mean)-1.29 (upper quartile) microg g(-1) wet mass without effects on breeding performance and survival. These values are below those at which biochemical or reproductive effects on other passerines have been detected, but above current concentrations in any other population of European dippers for which PCB data are available. Population effects by PCBs on European dippers are therefore unlikely. Survivors from locally contaminated sites like that in our study might allow field assessments of second-generation effects on breeding performance in wild birds that have developed under PCB exposure.  相似文献   

Increasing emphasis is being placed on the restoration of surface waters which have been affected by acidification. Amongst the possible strategies are management of the causes, by reducing acidic deposition, and management of the symptoms, by treating affected areas with basic material such as limestone. In few cases have there been comparisons of the likely effect of these two strategies on surface water chemistry and ecology, although there is widespread belief that the two are similar in outcome. At present, only a modelling approach permits such a comparison. This paper describes chemical and biological responses of three Welsh streams whose catchments were limed experimentally in 1987-1988 as part of the Llyn Brianne project. Actual changes are compared with simulated changes which occur following reduced acid deposition according to the hydrochemical model, MAGIC (Model of Acidification of Groundwaters in Catchments). The results indicate that liming and 90% reduction in sulphate deposition reduce concentrations of toxic aluminium to similar levels. However, calcium concentrations and pH were increased by liming to values which were high by comparison with conditions simulated at low acid deposition, either in the past or future. Trout density increased in two of the streams following liming to levels similar to those simulated under low acid deposition. By contrast, the aquatic invertebrate fauna changed after liming so that streams acquired species typical of higher calcium concentrations than those simulated under low acid deposition. Species characteristic of 'soft water' communities were apparently lost, although more data are required to separate treatment effects from random change in the longer term. The 'soft water' community also declined in the model as a result of acidification, indicating that both liming and acid deposition resulted in a different faunal community from that prior to acidification. The results support those who conclude that liming is suitable for the restoration or protection of a fishery, but indicate that there may be other ramifications, for example to conservation, which must be considered when liming is implemented. However, the simulation of biological conditions under low acid deposition involves extrapolation from the initial data base. Further data are now required to assess empirically the likely biological character of British streams which have low base cation concentrations unaffected by acid deposition.  相似文献   

Large-scale forestry operations, like clear-cutting, may impair surface water quality if not done with environmental considerations in mind. Catchment and country level estimates of nutrient loads from forestry are generally based on specific export values, i.e., changes in annual exports due to the implemented forestry operations expressed in kg ha−1. We introduce here a specific concentration approach as a method to estimate the impact of clear-cutting on nutrient concentrations and export in headwater streams. This new method is potentially a more dynamic and flexible tool to estimate nutrient loads caused by forestry, because variation in annual runoff can be taken into account in load assessments. We combined water quality data from eight boreal headwater catchment pairs located in Finland and Sweden, where the effect of clear-cutting on stream water quality has been studied experimentally. Statistically significant specific concentration values could be produced for total nitrogen, nitrate, ammonium, and phosphate. The significant increases in the concentrations of these nutrients occurred between 2 and 6 years after clear-cutting. Significant specific concentration values could not be produced for total phosphorus and total organic carbon with the whole dataset, although in some single studies significant increases in their concentrations after clear-cutting were observed. The presented method enables taking into account variation in runoff, temporal dynamics of effects, and the proportional size of the treated area in load calculations. The number of existing studies considering large site-specific variation in responses to clear-cutting is small, and therefore further empirical studies are needed to improve predictive capabilities of the specific concentration values.  相似文献   

Although stack downwash is not a widespread problem at modern fossil-fuel power plants and larger industrial stacks, it is a very important problem in simulating buoyant plumes in wind tunnels and towing tanks. Scaling criteria for avoiding downwash in ten subcritical model experiments have been reviewed. A comparison was made between data on the occurrence of downwash from 10 modeling studies to the theory proposed by Tatom (1986). In general, there was good agreement of Tatom's theory with the occurrence of downwash.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Plastic usage increases year by year, and the growing trend is projected to continue. However as of 2017, only 9% of the 9 billion tons of plastic...  相似文献   

A simple method to estimate the density of biodiesel blend as simultaneous function of temperature and volume percent of biodiesel is proposed. Employing the Kay’s mixing rule, we developed a model and investigated theoretically the density of different vegetable oil biodiesel blends as a simultaneous function of temperature and volume percent of biodiesel. Key advantage of the proposed model is that it requires only a single set of density values of components of biodiesel blends at any two different temperatures. We notice that the density of blend linearly decreases with increase in temperature and increases with increase in volume percent of the biodiesel. The lower values of standard estimate of error (SEE?=?0.0003–0.0022) and absolute average deviation (AAD?=?0.03–0.15 %) obtained using the proposed model indicate the predictive capability. The predicted values found good agreement with the recent available experimental data.  相似文献   

Raw hide/skins come to the tanners as a by-product of meat industry which is converted into value-added leather as product for fashion market. Leather manufacturing is a chemical process of natural biological matrix. It employs a huge quantity of water and inorganic and organic chemicals for processing and thereby discharges solid and liquid wastes into the environment. One of the potential solid wastes generated from leather industry is chrome-tanned leather shavings (CTLSs), and its disposal is increasingly becoming a huge challenge on disposal to tanners due to presence of heavy metal chromium. Hence, finding a sustainable solution to the CTLS disposal problem is a prime challenge for global tanners and researchers. This paper aims to the deeper review of various disposal methods on CTLS such as protein, chromium, and energy recovery processes and its utilization methodologies. Sustainable technologies have been developed to overcome CTLS solid wastes emanating from leather processing operations. Further, this review paper brings a broader classification of developed methodologies for treatment of CTLSs.  相似文献   

This article provides a critical review of the environmental chemistry of inorganic antimony (Sb) in soils, comparing and contrasting findings with those of arsenic (As). Characteristics of the Sb soil system are reviewed, with an emphasis on speciation, sorption and phase associations, identifying differences between Sb and As behaviour. Knowledge gaps in environmentally relevant Sb data for soils are identified and discussed in terms of the limitations this imposes on understanding the fate, behaviour and risks associated with Sb in environmental soil systems, with particular reference to mobility and bioavailability.  相似文献   

Close to the Sellafield Reprocessing Plant activity concentrations of many radionuclides including the long-lived 137Cs and actinides on tide-washed pastures bordering the Irish Sea are high compared with other terrestrial ecosystems in the United Kingdom. Despite the comparatively high deposition of radionuclides, contamination of agricultural products from tide-washed pastures is lower than would be predicted from studies in terrestrial ecosystems. This is because the main source of contamination in tide-washed pasture, radionuclides associated with sedimentary particles, has low availability for uptake by plant roots and in the gut of ruminants. Generalised Derived Limits (GDLs), published by the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) are estimates of environmental radioactivity concentrations which would potentially be radiologically significant. These provide a benchmark against which environmental measurements can be assessed. In the past, several comparisons of radioactivity concentrations in tide-washed pastures with GDLs have been made, but only some of these comparisons are valid since current approaches used to assess doses are not always strictly appropriate to these ecosystems. Directly applicable GDLs are needed, and are currently being developed by the NRPB.  相似文献   

Global economic change and policy interventions are driving transitions from long-fallow swidden (LFS) systems to alternative land uses in Southeast Asia’s uplands. This study presents a systematic review of how these transitions impact upon livelihoods and ecosystem services in the region. Over 17 000 studies published between 1950 and 2015 were narrowed, based on relevance and quality, to 93 studies for further analysis. Our analysis of land-use transitions from swidden to intensified cropping systems showed several outcomes: more households had increased overall income, but these benefits came at significant cost such as reductions of customary practice, socio-economic wellbeing, livelihood options, and staple yields. Examining the effects of transitions on soil properties revealed negative impacts on soil organic carbon, cation-exchange capacity, and aboveground carbon. Taken together, the proximate and underlying drivers of the transitions from LFS to alternative land uses, especially intensified perennial and annual cash cropping, led to significant declines in pre-existing livelihood security and the ecosystem services supporting this security. Our results suggest that policies imposing land-use transitions on upland farmers so as to improve livelihoods and environments have been misguided; in the context of varied land uses, swidden agriculture can support livelihoods and ecosystem services that will help buffer the impacts of climate change in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Solar photovoltaic panels are increasingly being used throughout the world, particularly in Egypt, where a station has been constructed in the city of...  相似文献   

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