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Zinc deficiency decreased pollen viability in maize (Zea mays L. cv. G2) grown in sand culture. On restoring normal zinc supply to zinc-deficient plants before the pollen mother cell stage of anther development, the vegetative yield of plants and pollen fertility could be recovered to a large extent, but the recovery treatment was not effective when given after the release of microspores from the tetrads. If zinc deficiency was induced prior to microsporogenesis it did not significantly affect vegetative yield and ovule fertility, but decreased the fertility of pollen grains, even of those which visibly appeared normal. If the deficiency was induced after the release of microspores from the tetrads, not only vegetative yield and ovule fertility but pollen fertility also remained unaffected.  相似文献   

The effect of aluminium (Al) on root elongation was studied in solution culture and sand culture. Compared to solution culture, in sand culture a ten times higher Al supply was necessary to inhibit root elongation to a comparable degree. This was due to a much lower Al uptake into the 5 mm root tips in sand culture. Fe concentrations in root tips were also lower in sand culture. Ca concentrations were higher and less depressed by Al, whereas Mg and K concentrations were not affected by the culture substrate. Regressions of Al concentrations in root tips versus inhibition of root elongation by Al revealed root damage at lower Al concentrations in sand culture. The effect of culture substrate on Al tolerance was independent of N source and could also be shown in flowing solution culture with and without sand. The results indicate that mechanical impedance in sand culture decreased Al uptake. This may be due to enhanced exudation of organic complexors thus reducing activites of monomeric Al species.  相似文献   

A rapidly growing, maintainable, embryogenic suspension culture of Glycine max L. Merrill. has been generated. The culture consisted almost entirely of clumps of proliferating globular embryos with very little nonembryogenic tissues. The number and size of somatic embryo clumps were used to quantify growth of embryogenic tissues under various conditions. Initiation and proliferation of this embryogenic suspension culture were dependent on the inoculum, method of subculture, and composition of the subculture medium. Twenty to 50 mg of highly embryogenic, early-staged soybean tissue were inoculated into 35 ml of liquid culture medium containing 5 mg 1–1 2,4-D and either 15 mM glutamine or preferably 5 mM asparagine. Suspension cultures were subcultured at the same inoculum density every 4 weeks. The embryos matured and germinated following placement on solid media, resulting in consistent plant regeneration.  相似文献   

Summary The photosynthetic cell suspension culture of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Corsoy] (SB-M) was successfully cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen using a preculture and controlled freezing to −40° C (two-step) freezing method. The effective method included a preculture treatment with gradually increasing levels of sorbitol added to the 3% sucrose already present in the medium. The cells were then placed in a cryoprotectant solution [10% DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide) and 9.1% sorbitol, or 10% DMSO and 8% sucrose], incubated for 30 min at 0° C, cooled at a rate of 1° C/min to −40° C, held at −40° C for 1 h, and then immersed directly into liquid nitrogen. The cells were thawed at 40° C and then immediately placed in liquid culture medium. The cell viabilities immediately after thawing were 75% or higher in all cases where cell growth resumed. The original growth rate and chlorophyll level of the cells was recovered within 40 to 47 d. If the sorbitol level was not high enough or the preculture period too short, growing cultures could not be recovered. Likewise, survival was not attained with cryoprotectant mixtures consisting of 15% DMSO, 15% glycerol, and 9.1% sucrose or 15% glycerol and 8% sucrose. The successful method was reproducible, thus allowing long-term storage of this and certain other unique photosynthetic suspension cultures in liquid nitrogen.  相似文献   

We studied cultivated and naturalized Korean maize populations to determine the extent to which the chlorophylldeficient mutation and the phenotypic variations of two morphological characters (i.e., red coleoptiles and epicotyls, and the number of the first root hairs) are maintained. The frequency of the chlorophyll-deficient mutant gene (2.73% on average) was highly variable. Frequencies of red coleoptiles and epicotyls also were higher than expected from a mutation-selection balance. The average number of hairy phenotypes within populations was 1.8, ranging from 0.0 to 4.0. Naturalized populations were closely related to with cultivated communities. Most striking, however, was the more significant difference among populations than within populations with regard to both the frequency of chlorophyll-deficient mutant genes and the phenotypic variations of our two morphological characters. On a per-gene basis, the majority of the phenotypic variation (mean of 73.3%) resided among populations.  相似文献   

Summary The uptake and distribution of iron and manganese were studied in a manganese-sensitive soybean cultivar (‘Bragg’) grown over a range of supply levels of these nutrients in solution culture. At high (90 and 275 μM) manganese levels, increasing the iron concentration in solution from 2 to 100 μM partially overcame the effects of manganese toxicity. Interactions between manganese and iron occurred for dry matter yields, rate of Mn absorption by the roots, and the proportions of manganese and iron transported to the tops. No interaction was observed for the rate of root absorption of iron. The percentage distribution of manganese in the plant top increased with increasing iron, despite a reduced rate of Mn uptake. On the other hand, iron uptake was independent of solution Mn concentration and increased with increasing solution Fe. Also more iron was retained in the roots at high Mn and/or Fe levels in solution. Concentrations of manganese and iron in roots, stems and individual leaves were affected independently by the manganese and iron supplyi.e. without any interaction occurring between the two elements. In general, the concentration in a plant part was related directly to the solution concentration. Symptoms resembling iron deficiency correlated poorly with leaf Fe concentrations whereas high levels of manganese were found in leaves displaying Mn toxicity symptoms.  相似文献   

Immature maize (Zea mays L.) embryos were treated with aflatoxin B1 concentrations, ranging from 0.1 g ml–1 to 25 g ml–1. Below 5 g ml–1 aflatoxin B1, root and shoot elongation was not significantly inhibited. Ultrastructurally, root tip cells showed little deterioration, except a possible diffused clearing in mitochondria and plastids. As the toxin concentration was increased above 5 gml–1, shoot, and particularly root elongation, was progressively inhibited. Associated with this, there was an apparent decrease in the ribosome population. Furthermore, membranes, particularly the vacuolar membrane, became abnormal and vacuolar distension occurred. At 20 and 25 g ml–1, these effects were exacerbated, and mitochondria and plastid structure was disrupted. At these concentrations, there was evidence of a disruption in lipid metabolism. The results are discussed in the context of known aflatoxin effects on cellular control mechanisms and ultrastructure in animal systems.  相似文献   

Transparent plastic minirhizotron tubes have been used to evaluate spatial and temporal growth activities of plant root systems. Root number was estimated from video recordings of roots intersecting minirhizotron tubes and of washed roots extracted from monoliths of the same soil profiles at the physiological maturity stage of a maize (Zea mays L.) crop. Root length was measured by the line intercept (LI) and computer image processing (CIP) methods from the monolith samples.There was a slight significant correlation (r=0.28, p<0.005) between the number of roots measured by minirhizotron and root lengths measured by the LI method, however, no correlation was found with the CIP method. Using a single regression line, root number was underestimated by the minirhizotron method at depths between 0–7.6 cm. A correlation was found between root length estimated by LI and CIP. The slope of estimated RLD was significant with depth for these two methods. Root length density (RLD) measured by CIP showed a more erratic decline with distance from the plant row and soil surface than the LI method.  相似文献   

Phosphoglucomutase (PGM; EC isozyme variants were studied in a large number of inbred lines, crosses, and races of maize (Zea mays L.). Patterns of Mendelian inheritance demonstrated for PGM isozyme variants indicated that they are encoded by nuclear genes. Two unlinked loci, Pgm1 and Pgm2, located on the long arm of chromosome 1 and the short arm of chromosome 5, respectively, specify the observed electrophoretic variation on starch gels. No intra- or interlocus hybrid bands were found, suggesting that each isozyme band consists of a single polypeptide. PGM isozymes were present in all plant parts studied and the activity specified by both loci appears to reside in the cytoplasm. In studies of 520 racial collections of maize from Latin America, a single allele at each locus predominated in most collections. Likewise, the same alleles predominated in a set of 406 inbred lines of maize from the United States and Canada.This work was supported in part by NIH Research Grant GM 11546.Paper No. 8496 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, North Carolina.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L. subsp.mays) has been identified in archaeological contexts by a high proportion of large cross-shaped phytoliths. Given the numerous races of maize, this study was undertaken to determine if differences below the species level could be noted. It was also designed to see if phytoliths differed in various plant parts at various stages of growth. Several races were grown under experimental conditions. No significant differences were found. Furthermore, few phytoliths alleged to be diagnostic of maize were discovered. Systemic studies of maize and analyses of prehistoric cultivation by means of phytoliths seem not to be as promising as some researchers have argued.  相似文献   

The possible ameliorative effects of quercetin on soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] leaves exposed to UV-B radiation were conducted in greenhouse. The symmetrical leaves supplied with quercetin solution (0.2%, 1%) were exposed to UV-B radiation (0, 3.5, 6.5 kJ m−2 d−1). 0.2% quercetin ameliorated leaf photosynthesis, improved leaf water content (LWC), and decreased lipid oxidation. The unfavorable effect on photosynthetic parameter was displayed in 1% quercetin treatment. The effect of quercetin on phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) activity varied with the quercetin concentration, UV-B radiation intensity and leaf development. In the later development polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity was increased significantly by quercetin treatments. We suggested that quercetin with suitable concentration could serve as UV-B protective agent partly due to its antioxidant capacity.  相似文献   

Effect of salinity on phosphate accumulation and injury in soybean   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Many soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] genotypes that are grown in solution cultures are highly sensitive to the combination of both salinity and inorganic phosphate (Pi) in the substrate. This effect has been observed on numerous occasions on plants grown in a saline medium that contained a substantial amount of Ca (i.e., CaCl2/NaCl=0.5 on a molar basis). Because Ca is important in regulating ion transport and membrane permeability, solution culture experiments were designed to examine the effects of various concentrations of Pi and ratios of CaCl2/NaCl (0 to 0.5 on a molar basis) at a constant osmotic potential (−0.34 MPa) on this adverse interaction. Four soybean cultivars (‘Lee’, ‘Lee 74’ ‘Clark’ and ‘Clark 63’) were tested. No adverse salinity x Pi interaction was found on Lee at any ratio and leaf P and Cl were maintained below 300 and 200 mmol kg−1 dry wt, respectively. Clark, Clark 63 and Lee 74 soybean plants, on the other hand, were severely injured by solution salinity (−0.34 MPa osmotic potential) when substrate Pi was ≥0.12 mM. Reduced substrate Ca did not intensify the salinity x Pi interaction. On the contrary, the onset of injury was hastened and more severe with increased CaCl2/NaCl ratios in isotonic solutions. Shoot and root growth rates decreased as injury increased. Leaf P concentrations from these cultivars grown in saline solutions with 0.12 mM Pi were excessive (>600 mmol kg−1 dry wt) compared with concentrations commonly found in soybean leaf tissue yet they were independent of the severity of injury. Since leaf Cl increased wiht increased CaCl2/NaCl ratio, we suspect that the severity of foliar injury was related to the combined effects of excessive P and Cl within the tissue. Lee 74, the only injured cultivar examined that excluded Cl from its leaves, was less sensitive than either Clark cultivar and its injury was characteristically different. Other ion interactions were reported that may have played a role in injury susceptibility.  相似文献   

Transgenic haploid maize (Zea mays L.) plants were obtained from protoplasts isolated from microspore-derived cell suspension cultures. Protoplasts were electroporated in the presence of plasmid DNA containing the gus A and npt II genes encoding ß-glucuronidase (GUS) and neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPT II), respectively. Transformed calli were selected and continuously maintained on kanamycin containing medium. Stable transformation was confirmed by enzyme assays and DNA. analysis. Stably transformed tissue was transferred to regeneration medium and several plants were obtained. Most plants showed NPT II activity, and some also showed GUS activity. Chromosome examinations performed on representative plants showed that they were haploid. As expected, these plants were infertile.  相似文献   

Summary In the present study nitrate uptake by maize (Zea mays L.) roots was investigated in the presence or absence of ferricyanide (hexacyanoferrate III) or dicumarol. Nitrate uptake caused an alkalization of the medium. Nitrate uptake of intact maize seedlings was inhibited by ferricyanide while the effect of dicumarol was not very pronounced. Nitrite was not detected in the incubation medium, neither with dicumarol-treated nor with control plants after application of 100 M nitrate to the incubation solution. In a second set of experiments interactions between nitrate and ferricyanide were investigated in vivo and in vitro. Nitrate (1 or 3 mM) did neither influence ferricyanide reductase activity of intact maize roots nor NADH-ferricyanide oxidoreductase activity of isolated plasma membranes. Nitrate reductase activity of plasma-membrane-enriched fractions was slightly stimulated by 25 M dicumarol but was not altered by 100 M dicumarol, while NADH-ferricyanide oxidoreductase activity was inhibited in the presence of dicumarol. These data suggest that plasma-membrane-bound standard-ferricyanide reductase and nitrate reductase activities of maize roots may be different. A possible regulation of nitrate uptake by plasmalemma redox activity, as proposed by other groups, is discussed.Abbreviations ADH alcohol dehydrogenase - HCF III hexacyanoferrate III (ferricyanide) - ME NADP-dependent malic enzyme - NR nitrate reductase - PM plasma membrane - PM NR nitrate reductase copurifying with plasma membranes  相似文献   

Understanding the variability of plant WUE and its control mechanism can promote the comprehension to the coupling relationship of water and carbon cycle in terrestrial ecosystem, which is the foundation for developing water-carbon coupling cycle model. In this paper, we made clear the differences of net assimilation rate, transpiration rate, and WUE between the two species by comparing the experiment data of soybean (Glycine max Merr.) and maize (Zea mays L.) plants under water and soil nutrient stresses. WUE of maize was about two and a half times more than that of soybean in the same weather conditions. Enhancement of water stresses led to the marked decrease of Am and Em of two species, but water stresses of some degree could improve WUE, and this effect was more obvious for soybean. WUE of the two species changed with psiL in a second-order curve relation, and the WUE at high fertilization was higher than that at low fertilization, this effect was especially obvious for maize. Moreover, according to the synthetic model of photosynthesis-transpiration based on stomatal behavior (SMPTSB) presented by Yu et al. (2001), the WUE model and its applicability were discussed with the data measured in this experiment. The WUE estimated by means of the model accorded well with the measured values. However, this model underestimated the WUE for maize slightly, thus further improvement on the original model was made in this study. Finally, by discussing some physiological factors controlling Am and WUE, we made clear the physiological explanation for differences of the relative contributions of stomata- and mesophyll processes to control of Am and WUE, and the applicability of WUE model between the two species. Because the requirement to stomatal conductance by unit change of net assimilation rate is different, the responses of opening-closing activity of stomata to environmental stresses are different between the two species. To obtain the same level of net assimilation rate, soybean has to open its stomata more widely to keep small stomatal resistance, as compared with maize.  相似文献   

Summary Dehydrogenase and urease activities, bacterial and fungal populations and physicochemical characteristics of maize (Zea mays L.) field soils have been studied for one crop cycle. A comparison has been made among soils of three different agricultural systemsviz permanent agriculture on plain lands in valleys, recently introduced terrace land agriculture and age old ‘slash and burn’ type of shifting agriculture on slopes. Results demonstrate that the enzyme activities, microbial population as well as most of the physico-chemical characteristics of soils followed the trend permanent agriculture on plain lands>terrace land agriculture>‘slash and burn’ type of shifting agriculture. Moisture and nutrient levels and topography of the lands were found to be major factors responsible for the trend.  相似文献   

The effects of liming and inoculation with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus, Glomus intraradices Schenck and Smith on the uptake of phosphate (P) by maize (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) and on depletion of inorganic phosphate fractions in rhizosphere soil (Al-P, Fe-P, and Ca-P) were studied in flat plastic containers using two acid soils, an Oxisol and an Ultisol, from Indonesia. The bulk soil pH was adjusted in both soils to 4.7, 5.6, and 6.4 by liming with different amounts of CaCO3.In both soils, liming increased shoot dry weight, total root length, and mycorrhizal colonization of roots in the two plant species. Mycorrhizal inoculation significantly increased root dry weight in some cases, but much more markedly increased shoot dry weight and P concentration in shoot and roots, and also the calculated P uptake per unit root length. In the rhizosphere soil of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants, the depletion of Al-P, Fe-P, and Ca-P depended in some cases on the soil pH. At all pH levels, the extent of P depletion in the rhizosphere soil was greater in mycorrhizal than in non-mycorrhizal plants. Despite these quantitative differences in exploitation of soil P, mycorrhizal roots used the same inorganic P sources as non-mycorrhizal roots. These results do not suggest that mycorrhizal roots have specific properties for P solubilization. Rather, the efficient P uptake from soil solution by the roots determines the effectiveness of the use of the different soil P sources. The results indicate also that both liming and mycorrhizal colonization are important for enhancing P uptake and plant growth in tropical acid soils.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Formation of root cortical aerenchyma (RCA) can be induced by nutrient deficiency. In species adapted to aerobic soil conditions, this response is adaptive by reducing root maintenance requirements, thereby permitting greater soil exploration. One trade-off of RCA formation may be reduced radial transport of nutrients due to reduction in living cortical tissue. To test this hypothesis, radial nutrient transport in intact roots of maize (Zea mays) was investigated in two radiolabelling experiments employing genotypes with contrasting RCA.


In the first experiment, time-course dynamics of phosphate loading into the xylem were measured from excised nodal roots that varied in RCA formation. In the second experiment, uptake of phosphate, calcium and sulphate was measured in seminal roots of intact young plants in which variation in RCA was induced by treatments altering ethylene action or genetic differences.

Key Results

In each of three paired genotype comparisons, the rate of phosphate exudation of high-RCA genotypes was significantly less than that of low-RCA genotypes. In the second experiment, radial nutrient transport of phosphate and calcium was negatively correlated with the extent of RCA for some genotypes.


The results support the hypothesis that RCA can reduce radial transport of some nutrients in some genotypes, which could be an important trade-off of this trait.  相似文献   

Soybean hypocotyl segments were treated in the dark with 24-epibrassinolide (BR) at a range of concentrations for different durations. The maximum effect on adventitious root induction, both in terms of number and length was obtained at very low concentration (0.0001 ppm) of BR applied for 8 h. Higher concentrations were supraoptimal unless applied for a shorter period (4 h). BR was ineffective when applied at low concentration in continuous light.  相似文献   

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