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目的通过筛查仪征市农村妇女乳腺癌患病情况以提高早期诊断率。方法对25 054例乳腺癌筛查的农村妇女进行乳腺临床检查、乳腺彩超、钼靶摄片检查、病理检查。结果参检中发现乳腺增生性病变是最常见的乳腺疾病,患病率为48.25%,乳腺癌16例,患病率为0.06%。结论乳腺癌筛查可及早发现无症状乳腺癌患者,应加大农村妇女乳腺癌普查力度,保护农村育龄妇女健康。  相似文献   

[目的]了解农村适龄妇女乳腺癌筛查行为。[方法]采用自行设计的《农村适龄妇女乳腺癌筛查行为调查问卷》对1013名河南省农村适龄妇女进行乳腺癌筛查行为调查。[结果]河南省农村妇女乳腺癌筛查率仅为33.6%,年龄、经济水平及医疗保障享有状况等对筛查行为均具有显著影响;筛查意识好者筛查行为发生率33.2%;曾接受乳腺癌筛查服务者相关知识得分高于未曾接受筛查者。[结论]河南省农村妇女乳腺癌预防行为采用率低,应提高适龄妇女乳腺癌筛查意识并加强相关知识宣传,可能会对其乳腺癌筛查行为产生良好的促进作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to develop and validate breast cancer risk factors, which can be used to identify women who are at a high risk of developing breast cancer. Fourteen risk factors for breast cancer were identified from extensive literature reviews and in consultation with a panel of experts. A case-control study was conducted, which aimed to validate these 14 risk factors. Cases were selected from four university hospitals in Korea and controls were selected from health screening centers in Korea. Interviews were used to obtain exposure history of each participant to the 14 risk factors. Group differences between the cases and controls were analyzed using a chi-squared test and a logistic regression method. Among the 14 risk factors, six were identified as significant: meat consumption more than once a week (odds ratio [OR] = 1.56, confidence interval [CI] = 1.32-1.85), breast disease experience (OR = 3.08, CI = 1.49-6.37), less than two children (OR = 1.61, CI = 1.09-2.35), family history of breast cancer (OR = 8.99, CI = 3.89-20.76), and no breast-feeding experience (OR = 3.08, CI = 1.41-3.85). Based on the OR, the risk scores were calculated by the absolute size of the OR having a total of 100 points.  相似文献   

目的探讨农村适龄妇女两癌筛查中的组织管理方法及效果,为更好地开展农村女性群体健康服务提供科学依据。方法坚持政府主导、采取筛查前对适龄妇女人群进行摸底、对筛查对象实施健康教育、培训筛查人员、合理布局和体检现场管理,结合耐心的问卷调查和对调查对象进行心理疏导。结果符合本次筛查年龄段的妇女共64 357人,完成对48 946人调查及两癌筛查,完善各项体检并完整收回问卷调查表46 981份,有效收回率为95.99%,筛查率为73.00%。结论政府主导及科学地组织管理是农村适龄妇女妇科病调查及两癌筛查顺利实施的保障。  相似文献   

年轻女性乳腺癌200例临床及病理特点分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨年轻女性乳腺癌的临床及病理特点。方法回顾性分析四川大学华西医院2003~2008年收治的200例年龄≤35岁的年轻女性乳腺癌患者的临床及病理资料,并与随机抽取同期收治的35岁以上中老年女性乳腺癌230例进行比较,所有病例均经手术治疗及病理证实。结果年轻组乳腺癌病程在1个月以内的患者比例低于中老年组(33.50%、50.00%,P<0.01);年轻组原发肿瘤直径≤2 cm的患者比例低于中老年组(23.19%、33.17%,P<0.05),pTNM分期中0~Ⅰ期患者比例低于中老年组(13.77%、23.62%,P<0.05);年轻组中组织学分级为3级的患者比例高于中老年组(53.00%、41.30%,P<0.05);年轻组雌激素受体(ER)阳性且孕激素受体(PR)阴性的患者比例(7%)低于中老年组(13.04%)(P<0.05);在有保乳指征的前提下,年轻组行保乳手术的比例高于中老年组(13%、2.61%,P<0.05)。两组乳腺癌患者家族史、病理类型、淋巴结转移情况、HER-2及Ki-67表达率相比,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论年轻乳腺癌患者就诊时原发肿瘤直径大,pTNM分期晚,组织学分级高。年轻组ER阳性且PR阴性的患者比例低于中老年组。年轻组患者对自身外在形象及生活质量要求较高,保留乳房的愿望更加强烈,保乳率明显高于中老年患者。年轻组患者就诊时间晚于中老组,需要年轻女性提高对乳腺癌的警惕,亦需要加强宣传教育。  相似文献   

周静  肖西平  公凤霞  王麦换 《护理研究》2007,21(12):1055-1056
[目的]了解乳腺癌病人疾病发现方式及乳房自查知识掌握情况,为护理人员提供正确的健康教育方式。[方法]分别对60例农村和城市乳腺癌病人进行问卷调查。[结果]农村妇女乳腺癌发现途径侧重于自我无意发现肿块占83.33%,10.00%是由于有自觉症状、疼痛、乳头溢液等,肿瘤多为Ⅱa期、Ⅱb期、缺乏掌握乳腺自我检查的知识。城市妇女自我无意发现肿块途径占56.67%,体检和自查发现肿块各占20.00%。肿瘤多为Ⅰ期、Ⅱa期。不能完全掌握乳腺自我检查的知识和技巧。[结论]医护人员应根据不同人群提供乳腺癌早期检测的知识和技能,建立符合我国国情的乳腺癌的早期检测方案。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a comprehensive group rehabilitation program on the range of motion of the shoulder joint, psychosocial adjustment, and the quality of life for early breast cancer patients. Fifty-five women with early breast cancer were assigned to an intervention group or a control group. Intervention was provided three times per week for 10 weeks. The results showed an increased range of motion of the shoulder joint, and psychosocial adjustment and quality of life were shown to be significantly higher in the intervention group than in the control group. The rehabilitation program comprised psychology-based education, exercise, and peer support group activity to promote recovery of the affected shoulder joint range of motion, alleviate physical symptoms, and improve psychosocial adjustment and quality of life for early breast cancer patients in South Korea.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is a significant health problem that can affect many aspects of a woman's life. Although there is growing evidence that women with supportive husbands seem to adjust reasonably well, little is known about the impact of breast cancer among unmarried women. Relationships among primary treatment alternatives, symptom distress, perceived social support, and psychosocial adjustment to breast cancer in 101 unmarried women were investigated using data collected during the late postoperative recovery phase. The women experienced relatively low levels of psychosocial adjustment problems and perceived moderately high levels of social support. Social support and symptom distress each accounted for significant proportions of the variance in psychosocial adjustment, whereas primary treatment alternatives did not. Symptom distress emerged as the variable accounting for the most variance in psychosocial adjustment to breast cancer. Implications for health care providers to facilitate positive adjustment to breast cancer in unmarried women and directions for future studies are suggested. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Res Nurs Health 21: 155–166, 1998  相似文献   

目的:了解农村妇女对宫颈癌相关知识的认知水平,为今后有针对性地对山区镇农村妇女开展宫颈癌普查普治以及健康教育提供方向和重点。方法:在"两癌"筛查活动现场,由调查研究人员随机抽取调查对象资料,使用自编的"宫颈癌知识调查问卷"进行问卷调查并分析。结果:800名研究对象中80.95%认为与吸烟、喝酒等不良生活习惯有关,66.00%认为与多个性伴侣有关,46.30%认为与性生活卫生状况差有关;青年、中年和老年组人群知晓率分别是38.36%,16.47%,6.35%,高中及以上、初中、小学、文盲/半文盲不同文化程度人群的总平均知晓率分别是85.42%,53.78%,9.52%,2.53%;宫颈癌相关知识信息获取的途径高低顺序为听别人说、传单折页宣传画、宣传栏墙报、集会宣传、电视广播、报纸杂志、网络。结论:农村妇女对宫颈癌知识认知不足;不同年龄组和不同文化程度人群对宫颈知识知晓率具有明显差异;农村妇女获取宫颈癌防治信息主要途径是听别人说。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the prevalence and risk factors of metabolic syndrome among Asian immigrant women in Korea based on sociodemographics and health behavior‐related characteristics. The sample included 271 women from the Philippines, China, Vietnam, and other Asian countries through marriage. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire and health examination. Among 67 immigrants who had complete data for determination of metabolic syndrome, 1.5% reported having metabolic syndrome, and 44.4% of the entire sample had reduced high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol, which is four times higher than their Korean‐born counterparts. After controlling for age, there were significant differences in body mass index, depending on the country of origin, and weight change since immigration. Immigrants who had gained weight since immigration also had higher systolic blood pressure and triglycerides. As well as weight change, immigrants who always consumed high‐fat diets were at risk of higher triglycerides. Immigrants living in urban areas had lower high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol. In order to reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome, interventions should be directed toward the prevention of weight gain and lower fat intake after immigrating to Korea.  相似文献   

Breast cancer and cervical cancer are major contributors to morbidity and mortality among Vietnamese Canadian women. Vietnamese women are at risk because of their low participation rate in cancer-preventative screening programmes. Drawing from the results of a larger qualitative study, this paper reports factors that influence Vietnamese women's participation in breast and cervical cancer screening from the healthcare providers' perspectives. The women participants' perspective was reported elsewhere.
Semistructured interviews were conducted with six healthcare providers. Analysis of these interviews reveals several challenges which healthcare providers encountered in their clinical practice. These include the physicians' cultural awareness about the private body, patient's low socioeconomic status, the healthcare provider–patient relationship, and limited institutional support.
This is the first Canadian study to identify the healthcare providers' perspective on giving breast and cervical cancer preventive care to the Vietnamese immigrant women. The insight gained from these healthcare providers' experiences are valuable and might be helpful to healthcare professionals caring for immigrant women of similar ethno-cultural backgrounds. Recommendations for the promotion of breast cancer and cervical cancer screening among Vietnamese women include: (i) effort should be made to recruit Vietnamese-speaking female healthcare professionals for breast and cervical health-promotion programmes; (ii) reduce woman–physicians hierarchical relationship and foster effective doctor–patient communication; (iii) healthcare providers must be aware of their own cultural beliefs, values and attitudes that they bring to their practice; and (iv) more institutional support and resources should be given to both Vietnamese Canadian women and their healthcare providers.  相似文献   

Abstract A research project was undertaken to describe how the support needs of women who have had treatment for breast cancer were being met in New South Wales, Australia. Data were collected from both the women and the nurses who cared for them. The findings from the first part of the study examined the nurses' perceptions of the women's needs and how they as health professionals, fulfilled these needs. Analysis was both qualitative and quantitative. Seventy-eight nurses responded to a questionnaire and 15 were interviewed. The findings indicated that the nurses perceived information on disease process and physical aspects of the disease as essential to supporting the women with breast cancer. While they saw providing emotional support to the women as important the nurses themselves often lacked the time and skills to provide it.  相似文献   

The experiences of a cohort of 60 women receiving chemotherapy in treatment of breast cancer were monitored in an in-depth prospective study. The purpose of the investigation was to identify ways in which nurses could improve the preparation and support of patients undergoing chemotherapy. It was found that patients' knowledge of chemotherapy was limited and that the side-effects they experienced, and their reactions to these, were rather different and more diverse than had been expected. The study illustrates the value of exploring patients' perceptions of their problems and needs for information and support.  相似文献   

AIM: This paper reports a study exploring how Iranian women coped with newly diagnosed breast cancer and provides a foundation for cultural-based care. BACKGROUND: Although research has indicated that coping strategies are associated with adaptation to breast cancer, and despite the number of women with newly diagnosed breast cancer increasing each year, there is no information on how Iranian women cope with breast cancer when compared with women of other cultures. METHOD: In this qualitative study, 19 women with newly diagnosed breast cancer were interviewed during the period May-September 2004 about coping with their disease. Interviews were analysed using a content analysis method. FINDINGS: The main themes emerging from this qualitative study included coping using a religious approach (acceptance of disease as God's will; spiritual fighting), thinking about the disease (positive thinking: positive suggestion, hope, intentional forgetfulness; negative thinking: hopelessness, fear, impaired body image), accepting the fact of the disease (active acceptance; passive acceptance), social and cultural factors and finally finding support from significant others. CONCLUSION: Understanding how Iranian women cope with diagnosis of breast cancer is important to nurses involved in the process of healing. The majority of strategies used by Iranian women were positive, and religious faith played a major role in this. The findings of the study can be used to design a nursing approach to improve successful coping in Iranian women suffering from breast cancer, and can provide nurses and other healthcare professionals with deeper understanding of these women as they face this diagnosis.  相似文献   

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