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The effects of replacing chopped alfalfa hay with alfalfa silage in a fine barley grain and alfalfa-based total mixed ration (TMR) were evaluated. Diets contained (dry matter basis) 53.0% commercial energy supplement, 10.3% commercial protein supplement, and 9.7% corn silage. Diets varied in inclusion of chopped alfalfa hay and alfalfa silage, and contained either 20.0% chopped alfalfa hay and 7.0% alfalfa silage, 10.0% chopped alfalfa hay and 17.0% alfalfa silage, or 27.0% alfalfa silage. Contents of crude protein, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber, and minerals did not differ among diets. Replacing chopped alfalfa hay with alfalfa silage decreased dietary dry matter, and increased dietary soluble protein and physical effective NDF calculated as the proportion of dietary NDF retained by the 8- and 19-mm screens of the Penn State Particle Separator (peNDF(NDF)) from 13.3 to 15.6% DM. Replacing chopped alfalfa hay with alfalfa silage did not affect dry matter intake, rumen pH, rumen volatile fatty acids, blood lactate, milk fat, and milk protein percentage, but did decrease blood glucose, tended to increase blood urea, and numerically decreased milk yield and milk protein yield. A wider range in peNDF(NDF) and a higher inclusion of corn silage might have resulted in greater differences in rumen fermentation and milk production among diets. The pH of rumen fluid samples collected 4 h after feeding varied from 5.90 to 5.98, and milk fat percentage varied from 2.50 to 2.60% among diets. These values suggest that mild subacute ruminal acidosis was induced by all diets.  相似文献   

Effects of forage particle size and sodium bicarbonate on milk production, ruminal fermentation, ruminal fluid dilution rate, dry matter passage from the rumen, and nutrient digestion were measured in four Holstein cows in a 4 X 4 Latin-square experiment. Cows were fed ad libitum amounts of a diet of approximately 46% concentrate and 54% alfalfa hay. The 2 X 2 factorial arrangement of treatments were: 1) long stem alfalfa hay, 2) long stem alfalfa hay + 1.4% sodium bicarbonate (3.0% of concentrate), 3) chopped alfalfa hay (1.3 cm), and 4) chopped alfalfa hay + 1.4% sodium bicarbonate. Feed intake, milk yield, and milk composition were similar among treatments. Ruminal pH and concentration and molar percentages of volatile fatty acids were not altered. Decreasing feed particle size reduced ruminal fluid outflow as estimated by polyethylene glycol and chromium ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid dilution rates. Digestion of nutrients was decreased with chopped alfalfa hay but was not related to faster rate of passage of smaller size feed particles as determined by rare earth markers. Sodium bicarbonate increased water intake and tended to improve nutrient digestion. Absence of a significant effect of sodium bicarbonate upon rate of passage of chopped hay indicates that feed particles of this size are not significantly affected by small increases of dilution rate of ruminal fluid. Addition of sodium bicarbonate to an alfalfa hay (forage)-based diet did not improve production responses but did increase nutrient digestion.  相似文献   

One hundred and ninety-seven dairy heifers, which included a Holstein line, an Ayrshire line, and a reciprocal cross line, were assigned randomly to two forage treatments at 57 days of age. Forages fed to control heifers consisted of 40% grass-legume hay, 20% wilted grass silage, and 40% corn silage (dry matter). The second, or silage group, was fed a dry matter mixture of 40% corn silage and 60% direct cut alfalfa silage, formic acid treated. Both groups of heifers were fed the same quantity of calf starter and calf grower rations. In general, heifer weight and size were greater with the all-silage forage. At 350 and 574 days of age, heifers on the all-silage ration were heavier than their controls. Heifers fed the all-silage ration had greater heart girths and wither heights. Reproductive performance, as measured by the number of services per conception, was not significantly different in the two treatment group. There were no health problems that could be attributed directly to dietary treatment. Dairy heifers were reared successfully on a forage mixture of corn silage and formic acid treated alfalfa silage when additional concentrate was fed during the 1st yr.  相似文献   

The mixture of kura clover (Trifolium ambiguum M. Bieb.) and reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) has proven to be extremely persistent in the northern United States, but information about dairy cow performance on this mixture is lacking. Twenty lactating Holstein cows were used in a crossover design to compare dry matter (DM) intake and milk production from diets containing kura clover-reed canarygrass silage (KRS) or alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) silage (AS). Forages were cut, wilted, ensiled in horizontal plastic bags, and allowed to ferment for at least 50 d before beginning the feeding experiment. The KRS was approximately 40% kura clover and 60% reed canarygrass. Treatments were total mixed rations formulated with either 57% of total DM from 1) AS or 2) KRS. Experimental periods were 28 d, with the first 14 d for diet adaptation and the last 14 d for measurement of intake and milk production. The neutral detergent fiber (NDF) concentrations of AS and KRS were 37.3 and 47.3%, respectively. The fermentation analyses indicated that both silages underwent a restricted fermentation, producing primarily lactic acid and some acetic acid. Dry matter intake (24.2 vs. 22.8 kg) and 4% fat-corrected milk (32.8 vs. 30.9 kg) were significantly higher for cows fed AS than for cows fed KRS. Cows consumed less NDF (6.7 vs. 8.0 kg) and less digestible NDF (3.0 vs. 4.4 kg) when fed AS diets compared with KRS diets, but the pool of ruminally undegraded NDF was similar (3.7 kg) between diets. Cows produced 1.5 kg of milk/kg of DM consumed regardless of the diet, indicating that digestible NDF of KRS was utilized with similar efficiency as the cell wall constituents of AS, but the intake of cows fed KRS may have been limited by rumen fill. Milk fat concentration tended to be higher for cows fed AS, but the milk true protein concentration and yields of fat and protein did not differ by treatment. Milk urea nitrogen content was higher when cows consumed AS (16.4 mg/ dL) compared with KRS (13.4 mg/dL). The cows fed KRS consumed more NDF but less total DMI, based on the results from this trial with diets formulated to contain approximately 60% of DM as forage, resulting in slightly lower milk yields than cows fed excellent-quality AS. This grass-legume mixture has the potential to be a source of quality forage for dairy cows in regions where alfalfa persistence is a problem.  相似文献   

The effects of replacing chopped alfalfa hay with alfalfa silage in a total mixed ration containing barley grain and corn silage on production and rumen conditions were investigated. Cows received three diets that all contained (dry matter basis) 38.5% barley grain-based energy supplement, 30.5% corn silage, 17.0% protein supplement, and 4.2% sunflower seeds. One diet contained (dry matter basis) 9.8% of chopped alfalfa hay and no alfalfa silage. One diet contained (dry matter basis) 4.9% chopped alfalfa hay and 4.9% alfalfa silage. One diet contained (dry matter basis) 9.8% of alfalfa silage and no chopped alfalfa hay. Contents of crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, and starch, averaged across diets, were 16.7, 41.3, 21.1, and 24.4% DM, respectively, and did not differ significantly among diets. Replacing chopped alfalfa hay with alfalfa silage decreased the proportion of dietary DM passing through the 8-mm screen of the Penn State Particle Separator from 61.9 to 55.2% dry matter and significantly increased dietary physical effective NDF (peNDF) content, calculated as the NDF retained by the two screens of the Penn State Particle Separator, from 20.1 to 23.3% DM. Replacing chopped alfalfa hay with alfalfa silage also reduced dietary DM content, increased rumen pH from 6.27 to 6.47, reduced volatile fatty acid concentrations, numerically increased milk fat concentration and milk fat yield. Milk yield, milk protein concentration, dry matter intake, and rumen ammonia concentration were not affected.  相似文献   

Four Holstein heifers were used in a 4 X 4 Latin square design to measure total tract digestion of cell wall components from diets based on alfalfa haylage and alkaline hydrogen peroxide-treated oat hulls. Diets contained 90% forage and 10% concentrate. Treatments were diets containing 90, 70, 50, or 30% alfalfa haylage with treated oat hulls supplying the remainder of the forage portion. Total tract digestion of cell wall-associated uronic acids, arabinose, galactose, mannose, rhamnose, and lignin were not affected by forage source. Digestibilities of cell wall glucose and xylose increased with increasing level of dietary treated oat hulls, reflecting the positive effect of alkaline hydrogen peroxide treatment on cell wall digestion. Cellulose (ADF minus acid detergent lignin) digestibilities were similar to those for cell wall glucose, whereas hemicellulose (NDF minus ADF) digestibilities were similar to those for cell wall arabinose plus xylose. Low digestibilities of alfalfa cell wall xylose indicate that some cell wall structure inhibits the degradation of alfalfa xylans. Low degradabilities of core lignin, esterified p-coumaric acid, and esterified acetyl groups suggest that these components may be involved primarily in depressing fermentation of cell wall polysaccharides.  相似文献   

Feeding trials were conducted with lactating cows and growing lambs to quantify effects of replacing dietary alfalfa silage (AS) with red clover silage (RCS) on nutrient utilization. The lactation trial had a 2 × 4 arrangement of treatments: AS or RCS fed with no supplement, rumen-protected Met (RPM), rumen-protected Lys (RPL), or RPM plus RPL. Grass silage was fed at 13% of dry matter (DM) with AS to equalize dietary neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and crude protein contents. All diets contained (DM basis) 5% corn silage and 16% crude protein. Thirty-two multiparous (4 ruminally cannulated) plus 16 primiparous Holstein cows were blocked by parity and days in milk and fed diets as total mixed rations in an incomplete 8 × 8 Latin square trial with four 28-d periods. Production data (over the last 14 d of each period) and digestibility and excretion data (at the end of each period) were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). Although DM intake was 1.2 kg/d greater on AS than RCS, milk yield and body weight gain were not different. However, yields of fat and energy-corrected milk as well as milk content of fat, true protein, and solids-not-fat were greater on AS. Relative to AS, feeding RCS increased milk and energy-corrected milk yield per unit of DM intake, milk lactose content, and apparent N efficiency and reduced milk urea. Relative to AS, apparent digestibility of DM, organic matter, NDF, and acid detergent fiber were greater on RCS, whereas apparent and estimated true N digestibility were lower. Urinary N excretion and ruminal concentrations of ammonia, total AA, and branched-chain volatile fatty acids were reduced on RCS, indicating reduced ruminal protein degradation. Supplementation of RPM increased intake, milk true protein, and solids-not-fat content and tended to increase milk fat content. There were no silage × RPM interactions, suggesting that RPM was equally limiting on both AS and RCS. Supplementation of RPL did not influence any production trait; however, a significant silage × RPL interaction was detected for intake: RPL reduced intake of AS diets but increased intake of RCS diets. Duplicated metabolism trials were conducted with lambs confined to metabolism crates and fed only silage. After adaptation, collections of silage refusals and excreta were made during ad libitum feeding followed by feeding DM restricted to 2% of body weight. Intake of DM was not different when silages were fed ad libitum. Apparent digestibility of DM, organic matter, NDF, and hemicellulose was greater in lambs fed RCS on both ad libitum and restricted intake; however, acid detergent fiber digestibility was only greater at restricted intake. Apparent and estimated true N digestibility was substantially lower, and N retention was reduced, on RCS. Results confirmed greater DM and fiber digestibility in ruminants and N efficiency in cows fed RCS. Specific loss of Lys bioavailability on RCS was not observed. Based on milk composition, Met was the first-limiting AA on both silages; however, Met was not limiting based on production and nutrient efficiency. Depressed true N digestibility suggested impaired intestinal digestibility of rumen-undegraded protein from RCS.  相似文献   

Selection for divergence between individuals for efficiency of feed utilization (residual feed intake, RFI) has widespread application in the beef industry and is usually undertaken when animals are fed diets based on silages with grain. The objective of this research was to develop a feeding system (using Gallagher, Hamilton, New Zealand, electronics) to measure RFI for growth in Holstein-Friesian heifers (aged 5-9 mo), and identify divergent individuals to be tested for RFI during lactation. A dry forage diet (alfalfa cubes) was fed because intakes could be measured accurately, and the New Zealand dairy industry (4.4 million milking cows in lactation) relies heavily on forage feeding. The evaluation was undertaken over 3 yr with 1,052 animals fed in a facility for 7 wk, and weighed 3 times weekly. The mean age at the start of measurements was 215 d, body weight (BW) 189 kg, and mean daily dry matter intakes averaged 6.7 kg. Body weight gain (all animals) averaged 0.88 kg/d. The RFI was determined as the residuals from the regression of mean intake on mean BW(0.75) and daily BW gain of individuals. Actual and fitted intakes were strongly related (R(2) = 0.82). In terms of gross efficiency (feed intake/BW gain), RFI+year explained 43% of the variation, BW gain+year explained 66%, and RFI+BW gain+year explained 79% of the variation (all P<0.001). Daily BW gains (kg) of the most and least efficient 10% averaged (± standard deviation) 0.88 ± 0.15 and 0.88 ± 0.12 (P = 0.568), respectively, and the divergence between mean intakes was 1.46 kg of dry matter/d. The most and least efficient animals will be tested for RFI during lactation and genetic markers will be identified for the trait.  相似文献   

The effect of alfalfa maturity on ration utilization and lactation performance by high producing dairy cows was measured in a 13-wk lactation study. Eighteen multiparous Holsteins were fed one of three rations containing first crop alfalfa hay harvested at early vegetative (36.1% NDF), late bud (51.7% NDF), or full bloom (51.7% NDF) maturity. Forage to concentrate ratios were 68:32, 53:47, and 45:55 for early vegetative, late bud, and full bloom rations, respectively. As offered, the late bud ration was higher in fiber (34.6% NDF) than either the early vegetative (31.8% NDF) or full bloom (30.6% NDF) rations. Cows fed the ration with early vegetative hay produced as much 4% FCM (32.5 kg) as cows fed the ration containing more fiber (late bud, 32.9 kg) or the later maturity hay (full bloom, 32.2 kg). Milk fat and protein composition were not affected by ration fiber concentration or forage maturity. Average dry matter intake per day and body weight change were similar across treatments. Time spent ruminating was similar for the three rations (6.8 h/d), but eating time was affected by forage maturity (early vegetative, 4.4 h/d vs. full bloom, 5.7 h/d). Cows receiving the higher fiber diet (late bud, 6.2 h/d) spent more time eating than cows receiving the lower fiber diets. Fiber concentration and forage maturity did not affect milk production, milk composition, or body weight change of high producing dairy cows in early lactation.  相似文献   

Holstein heifers, which weighed an average of 154 kg, were randomly assigned to three dietary treatments in a split plot in time design. Differences in diets were fiber source: solka floc, corn cobs, and corn silage. The major source of added protein was corn gluten meal. Total collection metabolism periods were the final 7 d of each of two 30-d periods. Several heifers had simple digestive disturbances, which appeared to be related to low ruminal pH, while consuming the solka floc diet. Average daily gains were .78, .83, and 1.02 kg/d for treatments solka floc, corn cobs, and corn silage, respectively. Gains were within the range of acceptable growth standards and were higher than reports in the literature for semipurified and purified diets. Protein in corn gluten meal appeared to be utilized efficiently by the heifers for growth. The solka floc and corn cob diets are acceptable for growing dairy heifers where a low mineral content is desired but normal growth rates need to be maintained. The solka floc diet might be improved by including a buffer to help stabilize rumen pH.  相似文献   

Data representing 676 AI of 372 virgin dairy heifers during 1984 to 1987 at the University of Illinois were analyzed by analysis of variance to determine the effect of timing of AI on conception rate. Standing to be mounted, bawling, and attempting to mount were the three criteria used for determining the presence of estrus. More than 90% of the observations were conducted by one herdsperson between 0700 and 1600 h daily. Heifers were artificially inseminated with frozen semen from 58 bulls by one of two technicians. Conception rate on first AI was 56%, determined by return to estrus or 33- to 50-d rectal palpation for pregnancy. Conception rate to second and later AI was near 40%. Eighty-six percent of the heifers conceived during the trial. The average interval between first observation of standing estrus and AI was 10.5 h; the range was 15 min to 33 h. The model discussed contained six variables: time interval between first observation of standing estrus and AI (group), breed, sire within breed, year bred, season bred, and inseminator. The analysis of variance of conception to first AI showed timing of AI and service sire as the two most significant effects. Conception to first AI was worst when AI occurred 13.5 to 33 h after first observation of estrus. No factors considered were significant sources of variation for second or later AI.  相似文献   

Missouri-96 and Kentucky-31 hays were chopped with a tub grinder containing screens with apertures of 31, 63, or 100 mm in diameter and fed to dairy cows or heifers. Particle sizes (geometric mean diameter) were 1218, 1486, and 1933 micron, respectively, for the 31, 63, and 100-mm treatments. In Trial 1, the six treatments were fed ad libitum to 24 lactating cows; concentrate was offered at 1 kg/2 kg of milk. Dry matter intake and NDF digestibility were greater for Kentucky-31, but there were no other effects of variety. Particle size did not affect DM intake, DM or fiber digestibility, nitrogen partition, milk yield, or milk fat percentage. Crude protein digestibility was greatest for the 63-mm particle size treatment. In trial 2, the six treatments were fed ad libitum to 24 dairy heifers. Intake was greater for the 31 than for the 100-mm treatment but was unaffected by variety. Variety and particle size did not affect DM digestibility, nitrogen utilization, or daily gain. In this study fescue hay chopped through screens having apertures ranging from 31 to 100 mm was without effect on milk yield or composition. Reducing particle size increased intake and nitrogen utilization but not DM or fiber digestibility.  相似文献   

Corn crop residues were harvested 1 to 2 d after harvest of high moisture corn. Half the harvested residues were treated with an aqueous solution of ammonia before ensiling to give 34 g of ammonia/kg of residue DM. The untreated half was the control silage. Both silages were ensiled in bunker silos. More residues were harvested 2.5 wk later from the same field and combined with Brassica napus L. before ensiling in a bag, and this constituted the third forage treatment. Three diets containing 48.8, 46.5, and 63.8% residue silage (DM basis), with the latter containing corn crop residue and brassica in a 3:1 ratio, were designated as control, ammoniated, and brassica, respectively. The other ingredients of the diet were alfalfa silage, cracked corn, and urea. The diets were fed to Holstein heifers averaging 186 kg (light BW) and 372 kg (heavy BW). Weight gains were similar at 84 d for heifers fed the control and the ammoniated residue diets. Light and heavy heifers gained 619 and 631 g/d with the control diet and 678 and 631 g/d with the ammoniated residue diets. At 70 d, the heavy heifers fed control, ammoniated, and brassica diets had weight gains of 629, 671, and 786 g/d, respectively. Digestion coefficients were similar between the control and ammoniated residue diets: DM (62.6 and 58.7%), NDF (56.7 and 56.2%), and ADF (56.3 and 55.8%). Ammonia treatment of corn crop residue silage had no effect on animal performance or digestibility. Brassica appeared to improve animal performance when it was mixed with corn crop residue silage.  相似文献   

Mortality in Swedish dairy calves and replacement heifers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mortality of 8,964 heifer calves born in 122 dairy herds in southwest Sweden in 1998 to 2000 was monitored from January 1998 until December 2000. Farmers were requested to send carcasses for necropsy from animals that died from 1 d of age to first calving. Age and seasonal patterns of mortality were investigated using Kaplan-Meier curves. The median herd-level mortality risk was 2.1%. In total, 3.1% of the animals died before 90 d of age, 0.9% between d 91 and 210, and 2.2% between d 211 and first calving or d 810 (27 mo of age). The median age at death was 50 d and the risk of dying was highest during the first week of life. Of the 421 dead animals, 236 (56%) were subjected to either postmortem examination or were diagnosed as having died from trauma based on information from the farmers. In total, pneumonia was the most common cause of death (27%). However, in calves less than 31 d old, enteritis was the most common cause of death; in young stock 211 to 450 d old, trauma dominated; and in young stock more than 450 d old, trauma and calving-related diseases accounted for a majority of the mortality. The largest proportion of deaths was observed from January to March, and in June. Kaplan-Meier curves suggested that housing in small-group pens was associated with the lowest mortality (other housing systems were single pens and large-group pens with automatic milk feeders), but the association was not significant.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(11):12019-12029
Weaned dairy heifers are often housed in environments with few appropriate outlets for grooming or oral manipulation. Our objective was to characterize brush use by naive heifers, including patterns over time. In phase 1, groups of 4 heifers (n = 13 groups, 146.4 ± 9.1 d old, mean ± standard deviation; SD) were introduced to a bedded pack pen with 4 wall-mounted brushes (25.4 × 6.0 cm with 3.8-cm-long bristles). On d 1, 2, and 6 of exposure, continuous video recordings were used to observe 2 focal heifers per group for brush use (oral manipulation, grooming, and the sum of total brush use; all averaged at the group level). Latency to use a brush upon entering the pen was 3.4 ± 4.9 min (mean ± SD; range: 0.1 to 17.8 min among individuals). Heifers used the brushes for oral manipulation (39.7 ± 17.5% of brush use, mean ± SD) and grooming (60.3 ± 17.5%), primarily of their heads (89.9 ± 5.4% of grooming). In phase 2, heifers were moved in pairs (n = 13 pairs/treatment) to freestall pens either with (brush treatment) or without (control) brushes mounted inside the stalls for the first 5 d of phase 2 (d 8–12 of the study); on the last day (d 13 of the study), brushes were provided in both treatments. On d 8 (brush treatment) and 13 (both treatments), one focal heifer/pen was recorded for the same behaviors as in phase 1. Linear mixed models were used to evaluate brush use patterns across days (phase 1: d 1, 2, and 6; phase 2 brush treatment: d 8 vs. 13) and between treatments on d 13. In phase 1, brush use was greatest on d 1 [45.9 min; 95% confidence interval (CI): 33.2–63.3 min, back-transformed from natural-log values], decreased on d 2 (25.0 min, 95% CI: 18.4–34.0 min), but then remained steady until d 6 (21.0 min, 95% CI: 15.4–28.5 min); the initial reduction in total brush use was due to changes in grooming, but oral manipulation remained relatively static. In phase 2, heifers in the brush treatment showed similar usage on d 8 versus d 13 (3.8 vs. 3.7 min, 95% CI: 1.9–6.8 vs. 1.9–6.5 min). Compared with heifers with continuous brush access on d 8–12, those in the control treatment showed more brush use on d 13, both for oral manipulation (6.6 vs. 2.5 min, 95% CI: 3.8–11.1 vs. 1.3–4.5 min) and grooming (3.5 vs. 1.2 min, 95% CI: 1.9–5.7 vs. 0.5–2.3 min). Our study is the first to characterize stationary brush use in weaned dairy heifers. We conclude that, despite lacking previous experience, heifers use brushes for both grooming and oral manipulation.  相似文献   

The objectives of this experiment were to determine the effects of forage type on nutrient digestibility, purine derivative excretion, nitrogen utilization, and milk production in dairy cattle consuming rations containing high levels of wet distillers grains with solubles (WDGS). Primiparous (n = 8) and multiparous (n = 20) Holstein cows were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square. Animals were fed 1 of 4 treatments during each 21-d period: 1) CONT-CS, 0% WDGS and high corn silage; 2) CONT-AS, 0% WDGS and high alfalfa silage; 3) WDGS-CS, 25% WDGS and high corn silage; and 4) WDGS-AS, 25% WDGS and high alfalfa silage (dry matter basis). Intake and milk data were collected daily and averaged for d 15 to 21 of each period. Dry matter intake was lower for CONT-CS than for CONT-AS, WDGS-CS, and WDGS-AS (22.5, 24.6, 24.6, and 24.8 kg/d, respectively). Digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, neutral detergent fiber, and N were not affected by treatment, averaging 59.6, 62.3, 40.1, and 58.6%, respectively. Excretion of urinary purine derivatives was greatest for WDGS-AS, followed by WDGS-CS, and then CONT-CS and CONT-AS. Thus, by calculation, estimated microbial protein flow was highest for WDGS-AS (2,189.9 g/d) followed by WDGS-CS (1,996.2 g/d), CONT-AS (1,640.0 g/d), and CONT-CS (1,627.0 g/d). Mass of fecal N was not different among treatments (averaging 287.1 ± 14.8 g/d), but urinary and manure N were reduced for rations with WDGS compared with those not including WDGS. Observed 4% fat-corrected milk was greatest for WDGS-AS, followed by WDGS-CS, and then CONT-CS and CONT-AS (30.7, 29.7, 28.3, and 27.2 kg/d, respectively). Milk protein yield was greatest for WDGS-AS (1.00 kg/d), followed by WDGS-CS, and then CONT-AS and CONT-CS (0.96, 0.91, 0.86 kg/d, respectively). This research demonstrated that rations can be balanced for dairy cattle to include up to 25% WDGS and result in increased microbial protein synthesis, milk production, and milk protein yield.  相似文献   

Histopathology of staphylococcal mastitis in unbred dairy heifers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Histologic observations of mammary tissue samples from unbred heifers revealed that secretory parenchyma from uninfected quarters was undeveloped, exhibiting small alveoli with a limited luminal area and a large interalveolar stromal area. Tissues from quarters infected with Staphylococcus aureus were less developed, exhibiting less alveolar epithelial and luminal areas and more interalveolar stroma compared with tissues from uninfected quarters. Such quarters also demonstrated minimal secretory activity. Macroscopic and microscopic abscesses were observed in one quarter with S. aureus intramammary infection. Staphylococcus aureus-infected quarters showed greater leukocyte infiltration into mammary parenchymal components and cistern lining compared with uninfected quarters. Quarters infected with non-aureus staphylococci also exhibited greater leukocyte infiltration and greater percentages of interalveolar stroma compared with uninfected controls. Results demonstrated that presence of infection increased leukocytosis into the mammary gland and reduced secretory activity in heifers, suggesting a deleterious effect on future milk production.  相似文献   

Production and reproduction of early and late bred dairy heifers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A total of 253 heifers bred at first estrus after 350 d of age (350-d breeding age group) and 249 contemporary heifers bred at first estrus after 462 d of age (462-d breeding age group) were used to study the effects of age at first breeding on productive and reproductive performances of first lactation heifers. Heifers of both breeding age groups were subject to similar feeding and management practices. The average age at first calving was 698 d for the 350-d breeding group and 796 d for the 462-d breeding group. Although not statistically significant, heifers of the 462-d breeding group tended to have a higher conception rate at first service (47 vs. 38%) and fewer days between first service and conception (39 vs. 44 d) than those of the 350-d breeding age group. Breeding heifers as early as 350 d of age has no adverse effects on calving ease or retained placenta but does result in calves 1.2 kg lighter at birth. Heifers of the 350-d breeding group had lower milk, protein, and fat yields at both 168 and 308 d of first lactation than those of the 462-d breeding group. A 1-d reduction in age at first calving decreased 308-d milk yield by 2.01 kg for the 350-d breeding group as compared with 4.74 kg for the 462-d breeding group.  相似文献   

Data on 3957 heifers from the Holstein H line, Ayrshire-based A line, and C line (crossbreds between H and A lines) were used. Growth, feed consumption, and feed efficiency from 26 to 34 wk were examined. The full model included the fixed effects of herd, year of birth, season of birth, and additive, maternal, and heterotic genetic effects with 26-wk weight as a covariate. Heterotic and maternal effects were not significant. Adjusted for the 26-wk weight covariate, H line heifers gained 3 kg more than A line heifers with C line heifers intermediate. Adjusted for 26 and 34-wk weight covariates, H line heifers ate 2 kg less TDN than A line heifers and, hence, were more efficient. Correlations among traits were estimated using the residual variance-covariance matrix from the full model. Body weight at 34 wk was correlated with 26-wk weight (r = .88) but essentially independent of rate of gain (r = .02). It was correlated with feed consumed (r = .51) and negatively associated with gain/feed consumed (r = -.25). Gain was correlated (r = .84) with gain/feed consumed but mildly so (r = .28) with feed consumed. Feed consumption was negatively correlated (r = -.25) with gain/feed consumed when the 26-wk weight covariate was included but became much larger (r = -.95) when both 26 and 34 wk weight covariates were included. Although genetic differences in feed consumption and feed efficiency of growing heifers exist, these are small and closely associated with weights and weight gains.  相似文献   

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