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动物考古学(Zooarchaeology)通过对人类各个历史时期考古遗址中发掘出的动物骨骼的鉴定与解释,了解古代居民居址附近的自然条件和生态环境、古人类狩猎的对象、对食物的选择以及家畜蓄养等情况,也采用动物学方法研究考古学相关问题.1976年,在法国举行的第九届史前学与原史学国际会议上,正式成立了国际动物考古学会( International Council for Zooarchaeology).至此,其逐渐成为考古学的一个重要分支.  相似文献   

李宁利 《人类学学报》2005,24(2):166-170
最近,由沈辰和S.G.Keates主编的《中国更新世考古学最新研究》以英国考古学研究国际系列文集第1179辑出版。该文集是根据2000年4月在费城召开的美国考古学会第65届年会以“中国更新世考古的理论和实践”为主题的分会上所提交的论文,并经过作者广泛修改编辑而成,其中还吸收了两篇年会以外的论文。这次会议的目的是研讨目前中国旧石器时代考古学中目前日益增多的、  相似文献   

在悠久的地质时期里,在大自然的历史舞台上,生物是如何在生活着、变化着,以至成为今天这个样子?翻开生物科学的历史就会知道,反映两种宇宙观的两种哲学思想的斗争,自古以来一直延续至今。因此,“揭露反动派和形而上学的错误思想,宣传事物的本来的辩证法”始终是无产阶级科学工作者应尽的责任。  相似文献   

王幼平 《人类学学报》2003,22(2):175-176
20世纪的中国旧石器时代考古学走过了 80年的历程。从 2 0世纪 2 0年代的起步一直到世纪交替之际 ,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所及其前身“新生代研究室”、“古脊椎动物研究室”等 ,一直是中国旧石器时代考古发掘与研究的中心。经过几代学者辛勤工作 ,发掘了大量的旧石器时代遗址 ,发现数量众多重要的远古人类文化遗存 ,撰写了大量的研究报告、论文与专著 ,为追溯我们祖先遥远的过去 ,探索远古人类与旧石器时代文化在中国大陆的演化历程 ,做出了非常重要的贡献。高星博士与侯亚梅博士主编的这部新书 ,就是这个研究机构几代旧石器考…  相似文献   

生物考古学(Bioarchaeology)是一门通过对考古遗址中出土生物遗存的综合研究进而复原古代人类社会的学科。1972年,英国考古学家Grahame Clark在其著作《Starr Carr:A Case Study in Bioarchaeology》中首次提出了"生物考古学"的概念,当时的研究范围仅限于遗址中出土的动物遗存。此后,由于受到新考古学理论的冲击,"生物考古学"的概念产生了重大变化,1976年,美国体质人类学家Jane Buikstra在美国第十一届南方人类学会年会(the 11th annual  相似文献   

《生物矿物学》一书评介《生物矿物学》是一门新兴的生物地质学基础分文学科。生物矿物学的研究对象是生物矿物及其集合体─-生物矿物体。其研究内容包括生物矿物的化学成分、晶体结构、结晶形态、物理和化学性质、生理功能和产状;生物矿物体的物质组成、结构构造、形态...  相似文献   

【摘要】目的:通过回顾性调查,研究代谢性骨病高危新生儿临床骨代谢相关营养素补充及监测现状。方法:回顾性收集2014-2016年上海儿童医学中心重症新生儿监护室(NICU)收治的出生体重小于1500g或者胎龄小于32周,并且肠外营养支持(parenteral nutrition, PN)使用大于4周的患儿共76例。记录患儿住院期间肠内外营养使用时间,总热卡,钙、磷、维生素D补给量,每周血清碱性磷酸酶、血清钙、磷检测频次等。结果:对于代谢性骨病高危新生儿的肠内外钙元素、磷元素的补给总量仅部分达到美国肠内肠外营养指南建议量,每日补钙量平均为19.84mg/(kg·d)[7.36mg/((kg·d)-50.31mg/(kg·d)],其中PN钙补充占钙补给总量的10%-25%;每日补磷量平均为14.38mg/(kg·d)[4.99mg/(kg·d)-37.22mg/(kg·d)]。生后2周均开始每日摄入维生素D900IU。住院期间各种骨代谢监测指标的每周检测频率从第一周到第五周均呈下降趋势:血清碱性磷酸酶分别为94%、73%、57%、52%、26%;血清钙为18.4%、21.2%、19.7%、21.0%、13.1%;血清磷为21.0%、21.0%、14.4%、10.5%、10.5%。血清25-(OH)维生素D3、骨密度均未测定。结论:目前临床上对代谢性骨病高危新生儿钙和磷的补给量(包括肠内和肠外)未能达到国际指南建议量,临床监测不足。建议对代谢性骨病高危新生儿及时有效的补充骨代谢相关营养素,并定期进行血清碱性磷酸酶、血清磷、血清钙、血清25-(OH)维生素D3和骨密度检测,以预防代谢性骨病,促进其正常生长发育。  相似文献   

《隔离分化生物地理学译文集》评介周明镇、张弥曼、陈宜瑜、朱敏编译.1996.中国大百科全书出版社,北京.ii+326页.书号ISBN7500056869/K·195.定价6200元我国的系统生物学工作者一定都还记得,十多年前由周明镇、张弥曼和...  相似文献   

刘武 《人类学学报》2021,40(4):733-736
<正>2007年,李法军教授编著的《生物人类学》(第一版)出版。这是继朱泓教授编著的《体质人类学》之后,国内出版的第二部比较系统全面的体质人类学(或者生物人类学)教学参考书。体质人类学的研究范围含括与人类及灵长类起源与演化相关的生物学特征(外表与内部形态结构、功能、遗传等)、不同类群起源与演化以及影响因素等多方面的内容,本书侧重与人类骨骼及牙齿形态研究相关的内容。近10余年来,  相似文献   

生物进化论是生物科学的一门基本理论,它所研究的主要课题是:地球上的生命是如何发生的?形形色色的生物又是怎样进化而来的?人类能否通过实践和怎样通过实践控制生物的发展和进化?人民教育出版社出版的《生物进化论》(河北师范大学生物系遗传育种教研组编,1975年1月第一版)一书,对上述问题作了比较系统而简要的说明,是学习生  相似文献   

Serum procollagen type I N-propeptide (PINP) is designated the reference marker of bone formation in osteoporosis; the reference marker for resorption is C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (CTX). PINP has very low circadian and biological variation, is not affected by food intake, and is very stable in serum after venepuncture. The two automated commercial assays for PINP provide similar results in subjects with normal renal function, allowing reference intervals to be used interchangeably. Bone turnover markers (BTM) are currently not recommended for fracture risk assessment and therefore not included in fracture risk calculators. In the management of osteoporosis, the main utility of BTM including PINP is for monitoring therapy, both antiresorptive as well as anabolic agents; monitoring is thought to help improve adherence. PINP as well as CTX may also be used in assessing offset of drug action following a pause in bisphosphonate therapy, to help decide when to re-instate therapy, or following cessation of denosumab therapy to assess efficacy of follow-on bisphosphonate therapy. PINP may also be used in the diagnosis of Paget’s disease of bone as well as in monitoring response to therapy and for recurrence. Although BTM other than bone alkaline phosphatase are currently not recommended for use in metabolic bone disease of chronic kidney disease, PINP measured by assays specific to the intact molecule has potential in this condition. Further studies are needed to examine this area, as well as in malignant bone disease.  相似文献   

Metabolic bone disease occurring in renal or intestinal disorders has been reviewed with particular reference to etiological factors.Hyperparathyroidism is seen as a recurring cycle of renal damage—hyperphosphatemia—hypocalcemia—parathyroid stimulation—mobilization of bone calcium and phosphate—renal tubular phosphate rejection. In intestinal cases, the initial stimulus is presumably hypocalcemia.Osteomalacia is seen as resulting from phosphate depletion for the following reasons:1. Experimentally, rickets results from dietary phosphate restriction in rats.2. Such rickets is not prevented by the presence of normally adequate amounts of dietary vitamin D, and may therefore be termed “resistant” in the clinical sense.3. Osteomalacia or rickets in intestinal malabsorption and renal tubular disorders is associated with hypophosphatemia due to excessive fecal or urinary loss.4. Renal tubular rickets has been healed by oral phosphate loading in some studies.5. Acidosis may induce osteomalacic changes, experimentally and clinically (for example, in uretero-sigmoidostomy). Reversal of systemic acidosis with oral bicarbonate has resulted in phosphate retention and a rising serum phosphate in one such case.6. Preliminary data from analysis of full-thickness bone biopsy in two osteomalacic patients shows a significant reduction in calcium and phosphate content.7. Despite the hyperphosphatemia of azotemic renal failure, over-all phosphate depletion may be present in this situation also due to: • Diminished dietary phosphate in low protein diets • Nausea and vomiting • Occasional diarrhea • The use of oral phosphatebinding antacids • Perpetuation of urinary phosphate losses by reduction in proportion of tubular reabsorbed phosphate (secondary hyperparathyroidism) and possibly high filtered load per nephron • Repeated losses of phosphate to bath fluid during dialysis.  相似文献   

The circadian clock is a highly conserved timing system, resonating physiological processes to 24-hour environmental cycles. Circadian misalignment is emerging as a risk factor of metabolic disease. The molecular clock resides in all metabolic tissues, the dysfunction of which is associated with perturbed energy metabolism. In this article, we will review current knowledge about molecular mechanisms of the circadian clock and the role of clocks in the physiology and pathophysiology of metabolic tissues.  相似文献   

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