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ContextIn software development and maintenance, a software system may frequently be updated to meet rapidly changing user requirements. New test cases will be designed to ensure the correctness of new or modified functions, thus gradually increasing the test suite’s size. Test suite reduction techniques aim to decrease the cost of regression testing by removing the redundant test cases from the test suite and then obtaining a representative set of test cases that still yield a high level of code coverage.ObjectiveMost of the existing reduction algorithms focus on decreasing the test suite’s size. Yet, the differences in execution costs among test cases are usually significant and it may take a lot of execution time to run a test suite consisting of a few long-running test cases. This paper presents and empirically evaluates cost-aware algorithms that can produce the representative sets with lower execution costs.MethodWe first use a cost-aware test case metric, called Irreplaceability, and its enhanced version, called EIrreplaceability, to evaluate the possibility that each test case can be replaced by others during test suite reduction. Furthermore, we construct a cost-aware framework that incorporates the concept of test irreplaceability into some well-known test suite reduction algorithms.ResultsThe effectiveness of the cost-aware framework is evaluated via the subject programs and test suites collected from the Software-artifact Infrastructure Repository — frequently chosen benchmarks for experimentally evaluating test suite reduction methods. The empirical results reveal that the presented algorithms produce representative sets that normally incur a low cost to yield a high level of test coverage.ConclusionThe presented techniques indeed enhance the capability of the traditional reduction algorithms to reduce the execution cost of a test suite. Especially for the additional Greedy algorithm, the presented techniques decrease the costs of the representative sets by 8.10–46.57%.  相似文献   

ContextThis paper presents an approach for selecting regression test cases in the context of large-scale database applications. We focus on a black-box (specification-based) approach, relying on classification tree models to model the input domain of the system under test (SUT), in order to obtain a more practical and scalable solution. We perform an experiment in an industrial setting where the SUT is a large database application in Norway’s tax department.ObjectiveWe investigate the use of similarity-based test case selection for supporting black box regression testing of database applications. We have developed a practical approach and tool (DART) for functional black-box regression testing of database applications. In order to make the regression test approach scalable for large database applications, we needed a test case selection strategy that reduces the test execution costs and analysis effort. We used classification tree models to partition the input domain of the SUT in order to then select test cases. Rather than selecting test cases at random from each partition, we incorporated a similarity-based test case selection, hypothesizing that it would yield a higher fault detection rate.MethodAn experiment was conducted to determine which similarity-based selection algorithm was the most suitable in selecting test cases in large regression test suites, and whether similarity-based selection was a worthwhile and practical alternative to simpler solutions.ResultsThe results show that combining similarity measurement with partition-based test case selection, by using similarity-based test case selection within each partition, can provide improved fault detection rates over simpler solutions when specific conditions are met regarding the partitions.ConclusionsUnder the conditions present in the experiment the improvements were marginal. However, a detailed analysis concludes that the similarity-based selection strategy should be applied when a large number of test cases are contained in each partition and there is significant variability within partitions. If these conditions are not present, incorporating similarity measures is not worthwhile, since the gain is negligible over a random selection within each partition.  相似文献   

Test suite minimisation techniques seek to reduce the effort required for regression testing by selecting a subset of test suites. In previous work, the problem has been considered as a single-objective optimisation problem. However, real world regression testing can be a complex process in which multiple testing criteria and constraints are involved. This paper presents the concept of Pareto efficiency for the test suite minimisation problem. The Pareto-efficient approach is inherently capable of dealing with multiple objectives, providing the decision maker with a group of solutions that are not dominated by each other. The paper illustrates the benefits of Pareto efficient multi-objective test suite minimisation with empirical studies of two and three objective formulations, in which multiple objectives such as coverage and past fault-detection history are considered. The paper utilises a hybrid, multi-objective genetic algorithm that combines the efficient approximation of the greedy approach with the capability of population based genetic algorithm to produce higher-quality Pareto fronts.  相似文献   

回归测试是软件演化过程中频繁进行的且开销巨大的一项任务,测试用例集的优化程度直接影响着测试的成本和效率。针对回归测试过程的特点,提出一种对测试用例集优化的新方法,即通过对测试用例集进行必要的消除冗余和调整排序,完成了对初始测试用例集的精简以及执行顺序的确定过程,使得有限的测试资源得到科学合理的分配。实验结果表明,相对于以往的测试用例集优化方法,新方法的效率和资源分配的合理性均有了显著的提高。  相似文献   

Z is a formal notation for writing system specifications that has been growing in popularity over recent years. This paper examines some of the issues involved in applying a ‘partition based’ testing method to a system specified in Z. Details of an extensive case study are given, from specification and implementation of the system to the development and execution of test cases. The strategy is found to have benefits compared to those based on less formal specifications, but there are limitations to the approach, and difficulties that need addressing.  相似文献   

通过利用覆盖数据技术和回归测试集选择技术,提出一种用于回归测试数据验算的筛选方法,该方法通过深度优先遍历程序的相关记录来筛选测试用例,能有效地提高回归测试的准确性,减少回归测试的测试时间和省略无需测试的测试用例,以达到降低回归测试的成本的目的.对顺序、循环和分支3类程序设计了相关的实验,比较了该算法在这3类程序上的使用效果.  相似文献   

游亮  卢炎生 《计算机科学》2011,38(12):147-150
在软件开发和维护过程中,为了提高对源程序变更部分的信心并且保证源程序变更部分没有对未变更部分造成负面影响,需要对软件系统进行回归测试。回归测试是一个昂贵的测试过程。测试用例集约简算法是在仍然满足测试准则的前提下,通过删除所有冗余测试用例得到测试用例集的最小约简测试用例集,用以优化回归测试过程。综述了文献中主要的测试用例集启发式约简算法,通过统一的框架和术语定义了这些算法,分析和比较了这些算法的效率和优劣,指出了未来进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

Regression testing is a testing activity that is performed to provide confidence that changes do not harm the existing behaviour of the software. Test suites tend to grow in size as software evolves, often making it too costly to execute entire test suites. A number of different approaches have been studied to maximize the value of the accrued test suite: minimization, selection and prioritization. Test suite minimization seeks to eliminate redundant test cases in order to reduce the number of tests to run. Test case selection seeks to identify the test cases that are relevant to some set of recent changes. Test case prioritization seeks to order test cases in such a way that early fault detection is maximized. This paper surveys each area of minimization, selection and prioritization technique and discusses open problems and potential directions for future research. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Intelligent robots are autonomous and are used in environments where human interaction is hazardous or impossible. Verification of software for intelligent robots is mandatory because in situations where intelligent robots are employed online, error recovery is almost impossible. In this paper, we provide a formal framework for offline verification of software used in robotic applications. The specification enables one to design a robotic agent which represents a class of real-life robots. Forward and inverse kinematic operations of the robotic agent are specified using the specification for rigid solids and their primitive operations. An object-oriented design of the robotic agent derived from the specifications is given. We use the specification technique VDM for our purpose.This work was partially supported by FCAR, Quebec and NSERC, Canada.  相似文献   

测试用例集扩充问题(Test Suite Augmentation)是回归测试研究的一个最新研究热点.在完成代码修改影响分析后,对已有测试用例集的充分性进行评估,若不充分则设计新的测试用例,以确保对代码修改的充分测试.但到目前为止,国内外学者并未对该研究问题的已有研究成果进行系统总结和展望.首先介绍了测试用例集扩充问题的研究背景和问题描述,然后总结出研究框架并对已有研究工作进行分类和系统比较,接着对常用评测数据集和评测指标进行了分析,最后对该问题值得关注的未来研究方向进行展望.  相似文献   

Fault-based test suite prioritization for specification-based testing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Existing test suite prioritization techniques usually rely on code coverage information or historical execution data that serve as indicators for estimating the fault-detecting ability of test cases. Such indicators are primarily empirical in nature and not theoretically driven; hence, they do not necessarily provide sound estimates. Also, these techniques are not applicable when the source code is not available or when the software is tested for the first time.


We propose and develop the novel notion of fault-based prioritization of test cases which directly utilizes the theoretical knowledge of their fault-detecting ability and the relationships among the test cases and the faults in the prescribed fault model, based on which the test cases are generated.


We demonstrate our approach of fault-based prioritization by applying it to the testing of the implementation of logical expressions against their specifications. We then validate our proposal by an empirical study that evaluates the effectiveness of prioritization techniques using two different metrics.


A theoretically guided fault-based prioritization technique generally outperforms other techniques under study, as assessed by two different metrics. Our empirical results also show that the technique helps to reveal all target faults by executing only about 72% of the prioritized test suite, thereby reducing the effort required in testing.


The fault-based prioritization approach is not only applicable to the instance empirically validated in this paper, but should also be adaptable to other fault-based testing strategies. We also envisage new research directions to be opened up by our work.  相似文献   

Increasingly, modern‐day software systems are being built by combining externally‐developed software components with application‐specific code. For such systems, existing program‐analysis‐based software engineering techniques may not directly apply, due to lack of information about components. To address this problem, the use of component metadata has been proposed. Component metadata are metadata and metamethods provided with components, that retrieve or calculate information about those components. In particular, two component‐metadata‐based approaches for regression test selection are described: one using code‐based component metadata and the other using specification‐based component metadata. The results of empirical studies that illustrate the potential of these techniques to provide savings in re‐testing effort are provided. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the current practices involved in the storage of explosive articles and substances. In the spirit of Defence standard 00-55, we formalize the safety requirements of the ACS software which is used to manage certain MOD holdings in the United Kingdom using the specification language VDM. We also prove some properties of these safety requirements and comment on a similar OBJ3 specification.  相似文献   

A regression graph to enumerate and evaluate all possible subset regression models is introduced. The graph is a generalization of a regression tree. All the spanning trees of the graph are minimum spanning trees and provide an optimal computational procedure for generating all possible submodels. Each minimum spanning tree has a different structure and characteristics. An adaptation of a branch-and-bound algorithm which computes the best-subset models using the regression graph framework is proposed. Experimental results and comparison with an existing method based on a regression tree are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Oracles used for testing graphical user interface (GUI) programmes are required to take into consideration complicating factors such as variations in screen resolution or colour scheme when comparing observed GUI elements with expected GUI elements. Researchers proposed fuzzy comparison rules and computationally expensive image processing techniques to tame the comparison process because otherwise the naïve matching comparison would be too constraining and consequently impractical. Alternatively, this paper proposes GUICop, a novel approach with a supporting toolset that takes (1) a GUI programme and (2) user‐defined GUI specifications characterizing the rendering behaviour of the GUI elements and checks whether the execution traces of the programme satisfy the specifications. GUICop comprises the following: (1) a GUI Specification Language; (2) a Driver; (3) Instrumented GUI Libraries; 4) a Solver; and (5) a Code Weaver. The user defines the specifications of the subject GUI programme using the GUI Specification Language. The Driver traverses the GUI structure of the programme and generates events that drive its execution. The Instrumented GUI Libraries capture the GUI execution trace, ie, information about the positions and visibility of the GUI elements. And the Solver, enabled by code injected by the Code Weaver, checks whether the traces satisfy the specifications. GUICop was successfully evaluated using 4 open source GUI applications that included 8 defects, namely, Jajuk, Gason, JEdit, and TerpPaint.  相似文献   

Integration of reused, well-designed components and subsystems is a common practice in software development. Hence, testing integration interfaces is a key activity, and a whole range of technical challenges arise from the complexity and versatility of such components.  相似文献   

Despite the existence of a number of animation tools for a variety of languages, methods for employing these tools for specification testing have not been adequately explored. Similarly, despite the close correspondence between specification testing and implementation testing, the two processes are often treated independently, and relatively little investigation has been performed to explore their relationship. This paper presents the results of applying a framework and method for the systematic testing of specifications and their implementations. This framework exploits the close correspondence between specification testing and implementation testing. The framework is evaluated on a sizable case study of the Global System for Mobile Communications 11.11 Standard, which has been developed towards use in a commercial application. The evaluation demonstrates that the framework is of similar cost‐effectiveness to the BZ‐Testing‐Tools framework and more cost‐effective than manual testing. A mutation analysis detected more than 95% of non‐equivalent specification and implementation mutants. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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