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GPS/SINS组合导航系统在飞航导弹中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了GPS/SINS组合导航系统在飞航导弹制导中的应用。文中着重研究位置速度组合模式的GPS/SINS组合导航系统的构成和算法,简化误差模型,引入衰减记忆滤波。仿真结果表明,组合导航系统较准确地给出导弹的位置、速度和姿态信息,大大提高了制导精度  相似文献   

A new adaptive federal Kalman filter for a strapdown integrated navigation system/global positioning system (SINS/GPS) is given. The developed federal Kalman filter is based on the trace operation of parameters estimation‘s error covariance matrix and the spectral radius of update measurement noise variance-covariance matrix for the proper choice of the filter weight and hence the filter gain factors. Theoretical analysis and results from simulation in which the SINS/GPS was compared to conventional Kalman filter are presented. Results show that the algorithm of this adaptive federal Kalman filter is simpler than that of the conventional one. Furthermore, it outperforms the conventional Kalman filter when the system is undertaken measurement malfunctions because of its possession of adaptive ability. This filter can be used in the vehicle integrated navigation system.  相似文献   

A tightly-coupled GPS(global positioning system)/SINS(strap-down inertial navigation system)based on a GMDH(group method of data handling)neural network was presented to solve the problem of degraded accuracy for less than four visible GPS satellites with poor signal quality.Positions and velocities of the satellites were predicted by a GMDH neural network,and the pseudo-ranges and pseudo-range rates received by the GPS receiver were simulated to ensure the regular operation of the GPS/SINS Kalman filter during outages.In the mathematical simulation a tightly-coupled navigation system with a proposed approach has better navigation accuracy during GPS outages,and the anti-jamming ability is strengthened for the tightly-coupled navigation system.  相似文献   

根据SINS/GPS组合导航的基本原理,重点研究联合卡尔曼滤波方法在组合导航中的应用,基于最优化理论的数据融合技术,通过分析纯惯性导航系统的误差,建立了组合导航系统的误差模型,设计了高可靠性、易于工程实现的简化联合卡尔曼滤波器和对应的数据融合算法。并对该导航系统进行了动态实验,结果表明组合导航能有效抑制导航参数误差,提高导航精度。  相似文献   

The transfer alignment of SINS/GPS navigation system of a high-speed marine missile was investiga, ted. With the help of the big acceleration of a high-speed missile, the transfer alignment was changed into a three-time alignment. The azimuth alignment was coarsely finished in 10s in the first time alignment, the hori- zontal alignment was accurately and rapidly finished in the second time alignment, and the azimuth alignment was accurately finished in the third time alignment. Because the second time alignment and the third time alignment were finished by GPS after the missile was launched, the horizontal alignment and the second azimuth alignment got rid of the influence of the warship body flexibility deforming. The precision and rapidity of the horizontal alignment were prominently increased due to the vertical launch of the marine missile with the big acceleration. Simulation verifies the effectiveness of the proposed alignment method.  相似文献   

To solve the problem of information fusion in the strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS)/celestial navigation system (CNS)/global positioning system (GPS) integrated navigation system described by the nonlinear/non-Gaussian error models, a new algorithm called the federated unscented particle filtering (FUPF) algorithm was introduced. In this algorithm, the unscented particle filter (UPF) served as the local filter, the federated filter was used to fuse outputs of all local filters, and the global filter result was obtained. Because the algorithm was not confined to the assumption of Gaussian noise, it was of great significance to integrated navigation systems described by the non-Gaussian noise. The proposed algorithm was tested in a vehicle’s maneuvering trajectory, which included six flight phases: climbing, level flight, left turning, level flight, right turning and level flight. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the improved performance of the FUPF over conventional federated unscented Kalman filter (FUKF). For instance, the mean of position-error decreases from (0.640×10−6 rad, 0.667×10−6 rad, 4.25 m) of FUKF to (0.403×10−6 rad, 0.251×10−6 rad, 1.36 m) of FUPF. In comparison of the FUKF, the FUPF performs more accurate in the SINS/CNS/GPS system described by the nonlinear/non-Gaussian error models.  相似文献   

为提高光纤陀螺捷联惯导系统的精度,以光纤陀螺捷联惯导系统与全球定位系统(GPS Globle Position System)为研究对象,采用联邦卡尔曼滤波算法,构成了SINS/GPS(Strap-down Inertial Navigation Systerm/Globle Position System)组合导航系统。仿真结果表明,该算法能及时修正子滤波器的偏差,大大降低子滤波器的模型误差,进而提高整个滤波器的精度,并有效克服了滤波发散现象。  相似文献   

为了检测动态导航观测异常和动力学模型异常,采用预测残差构造观测误差和动力学模型误差整体检验 法,对观测异常可分别采用以模型为准的观测异常检验、以当前历元可靠观测为基准的异常检验或以Kalman 滤波估值为基础的异常检验的方法;对于动力学模型异常检验,可以分别采用状态不符值检验法、以状态参数 Kalman滤波估值为基础的动力学模型异常检验或以可靠观测为基础的动力学模型误差整体检验的方法。分析 了以上几种检验方法的特点,并用实测数据进行了检验。结果表明:在观测异常或动力学模型异常处,异常检验 对导航数据精度有一定程度地提高。  相似文献   

提出一种低成本、简单实用的GPS组合定位系统,即采用电子计步器与电子罗盘辅助GPS.该系统可以工作在自主导航、纯GPS导航、组合导航3种模式.文中给出了组合原理、方法和基本算法,探讨了几种应用模式和可能的应用领域.  相似文献   

GPS/DR组合导航系统是非线性的,扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)可以利用线性化技巧将其转化为线性滤波问题,但这一过程会使得滤波结果出现很大误差。针对这一问题,将改进的粒子滤波方法(UPF),即将无迹卡尔曼滤波(UKF)与粒子滤波(PF)相结合,应用到GPS/DR组合导航系统中,避免了EKF的线性化近似过程,同时优化了PF算法,提高了定位精度。实验结果表明,与EKF和PF算法相比,UPF算法具有更高的鲁棒性和更好的定位效果。  相似文献   

针对传统反馈校正滤波结构中,由于不可观测状态的反馈导致系统滤波精度下降,以及由于全球定位系统/捷联惯性导航系统(GPS/SINS,global positioning system/strapdown inertial navigation system)超紧组合导航系统量测方程的非线性导致滤波难度的增加等问题,本文重新推导了线性的量测方程,并将基于状态可观测性的混合校正滤波算法应用于该模型.通过对比三种主流可观测性分析方法,选用误差协方差阵的特征值和特征向量可观测性分析方法分析系统状态的可观测性.最后根据可观测性分析的结果制定自适应的反馈因子,从而对SINS和GPS接收机误差进行校正.仿真结果显示,该方法可以有效提高不完全可观测系统的估计精度.  相似文献   

研究了车载GPS/DR/DM组合导航系统.通过分析GPS(GlobalPositioningSystem)和DR(Dead-Reckoning)各自导航、定位的原理及特点,以及DM(DigitalMap)的特点,设计了一种新型的低成本车辆兵器GPS/DR/DM组合导航系统,并且用自适应的扩展卡尔曼滤波对组合系统进行了仿真实验,证明了本系统的可行性.车辆GPS/DR/DM组合导航系统无论从精度还是可靠性来说较常规的导航系统都有明显的改善和提高,GPS/DR/DM组合导航系统是一种较为理想的车辆导航系统.  相似文献   

为提高组合导航系统的可靠性,针对以伪距、伪距率残差为量测信息的紧组合算法会带来线性化误差的缺点,推导了基于伪距、伪距率的非线性紧组合模型.针对紧组合系统状态维数高导致粒子滤波实时性差的问题,提出基于线性非线性结构分解的高斯粒子滤波算法,对状态方程中的非线性和线性部分利用高斯粒子滤波和经典卡尔曼滤波分别进行递推,有效降低了系统的运算量.仿真结果表明,使用改进的紧组合滤波算法系统定位精度相比线性化紧组合算法提高一倍.  相似文献   

提出了绕地轨道飞船的GPS/SINS组合制导的工程应用研究,根据工程的要求,给出了自适应估计的应用方法,具有运用的方便性和可算性,而不是只给出形式解。在进行迭代仿真时,得到了满足工程需要的最优滤波曲线  相似文献   

RDSS/Doppler/GPS/SINS组合导航系统研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对双星定位系统(RDSS)存在的定位位置滞后的先天缺陷,根据组合导航定位系统输出速度误差小的特点,给出了一套消除RDSS位置滞后的方案,并对RDSS/SINS组合系统进行了建模,依据联邦滤波器理论,考虑到GPS的实际情况,提出了RDSS/Doppler/GPS/SINS多传感器组合导航系统的设想,仿真结果表明,该组合导航系统具有准确度高、自主性强的特点。  相似文献   

卡尔曼滤波(KF)在SINS+ GPS组合制导方法中应用广泛,但是运载体的传感器数学模型一般为非线性,其模型复杂度和运算量较大.文章提出了SINS+ GPS组合制导中基于误差状态量的卡尔曼滤波算法,为了回避非线性所带来的复杂性,将GPS数据与惯性导航数据的误差作为状态量,由于误差的数学模型为线性,明显降低了设计难度.文中给出了设计过程和导航系统的数学模型,对该模型的状态参数进行了设置,最后用仿真试验证明了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

为提高Kalman滤波组合导航的估计精度,在考虑系统估计误差相关的情况下,提出了采用环境背景下不同传感器的有效性概率加权GPS/IMU组合导航自适应衰减记忆滤波的融合算法。通过对各种算法进行仿真分析发现,新算法的融合估计精度高于相应的未考虑环境信息的GPS/IMU融合估计精度 新算法具有几乎和有效概率加权Kalman滤波融合算法相同的融合估计精度,但其误差变化较后者平稳。表明新算法可有效地提高系统融合估计的精度和可靠性。  相似文献   

In inertial navigation system(INS) and global positioning system(GPS) integrated system, GPS antennas are usually not located at the same location as the inertial measurement unit(IMU) of the INS, so the lever arm effect exists, which makes the observation equation highly nonlinear. The INS/GPS integration with constant lever arm effect is studied. The position relation of IMU and GPS’s antenna is represented in the earth centered earth fixed frame, while the velocity relation of these two systems is represented in local horizontal frame. Due to the small integration time interval of INS, i.e. 0.1 s in this work, the nonlinearity in the INS error equation is trivial, so the linear INS error model is constructed and addressed by Kalman filter’s prediction step. On the other hand, the high nonlinearity in the observation equation due to lever arm effect is addressed by unscented Kalman filter’s update step to attain higher accuracy and better applicability. Simulation is designed and the performance of the hybrid filter is validated.  相似文献   

SINS/GPS/DVL组合导航系统的容错研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合SINS/GPS/DVL组合导航系统各子系统的特点,提出了一种新的容错设计方案,此方案采用并列运行的滤波器族结构,该结构可以提供不受污染的最优解,且具有容错性好和系统输出数据热备份等优点.仿真结果表明,此方案既可有效地监测和隔离系统故障,同时又保证了系统的精度.  相似文献   

王司  邓正隆 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》2005,37(9):1168-1170,1173
从理论上给出了提高卡尔曼滤波器收敛速度和精度的一种方法.利用卡尔曼滤波递推公式证明了有用观测信息的增加,即观测增强有助于抑制量测噪声,从而提高卡尔曼滤波器的收敛速度和精度,为在捷联惯导(SINS)动基座快速传递对准技术中经常使用的抑制量测噪声的方法提供了理论依据.通过积分匹配、双积分匹配以及机动运动强度变化的仿真例子验证了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

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