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To review and classify the interval cancers found in the Principality of Asturias's Breast Cancer Screening Program (PDPCM). A secondary objective was to determine the histological characteristics, size, and stage of the interval cancers at the time of diagnosis.

Material and methods

We included the interval cancers in the PDPCM in the period 2003-2007. Interval cancers were classified according to the breast cancer screening program protocol, with double reading without consensus, without blinding, with arbitration. Mammograms were interpreted by 10 radiologists in the PDPCM.


A total of 33.7% of the interval cancers could not be classified; of the interval cancers that could be classified, 40.67% were labeled true interval cancers, 31.4% were labeled false negatives on screening, 23.7% had minimal signs, and 4.23% were considered occult. A total of 70% of the interval cancers were diagnosed in the year of the period between screening examinations and 71.7% were diagnosed after subsequent screening. A total of 76.9% were invasive ductal carcinomas, 61.1% were stage II when detected, and 78.7% were larger than 10 mm when detected.


The rate of interval cancers and the rate of false negatives in the PDPCM are higher than those recommended in the European guidelines. Interval cancers are diagnosed later than the tumors detected at screening. Studying interval cancers provides significant training for the radiologists in the PDPCM.  相似文献   

The granular cell tumour is a very rare tumour which originates in the Schwann cells, and is generally benign. It is usually located in the head and neck, and its appearance in the breast is uncommon. Although it is rare tumour, granular cell tumours of the breast have a higher prevalence than previously recognised.  相似文献   



To identify factors that might explain why a prostate with a Gleason score (GS) <7 in the biopsy specimen can turn out to have a GS ≥7 in the surgical specimen.

Material and methods

We compared the GS of biopsy specimens with the GS of surgical specimens in 185 patients who underwent surgery for prostate cancer. We calculated the sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values for the GS of the biopsy specimens. We used Cohen's kappa to determine the degree of concordance between a GS of <7 and ≥7 for the biopsy specimen and the surgical specimen. Age, a family history of prostate cancer, total prostate-specific antigen (tPSA), digital rectal examination, prostate structure and volume, and the number of biopsy cores (biopsy scheme) were analyzed using multivariable logistic regression.


Histological study of biopsy specimens yielded high sensitivity (98%) but low specificity (49%) for GS ≤6 and low sensitivity (35, 26%) and high specificity (93, 99%) for GS=7 and GS ≥7, respectively. Cohen's kappa for the GS from the biopsy and surgical specimens was 0.43 (95% CI=30-56%). The biopsy scheme was the only predictor of discordance in the GS between the two techniques. Among the other variables included in the model, only tPSA showed a slightly significant association. Taking a scheme with less than 7 cores as a reference, we found no difference with 8 to 9 cores but we did find a difference with 10 to 11 cores and with 12 or more cores, with a prevalence ratio of 0.138 (95% CI=0.030-0.513) and 0.277 (95% CI=0.091-0.806), respectively.


The GS of the biopsy depends on the scheme. This factor must be taken into account when choosing a treatment option in patients with low tumor grade in biopsy specimens.  相似文献   



To compare the image quality and radiation dose in a group of patients undergoing coronary CT angiography using a 128-slice dual source helical CT scanner with high pitch alto and prospective acquisition with those in a group of patients with similar clinical characteristics undergoing coronary CT angiography using a 128-slice single-source CT scanner with prospective sequential acquisition.

Material and methods

We included 80 patients with heart rates ≤65 beats/min: 40 underwent sequential 128-slice single source CT with prospective synchronization and the other 40 underwent 128-slice dual source helical CT with high pitch and prospective synchronization. Two radiologists independently assessed the quality of the images of the coronary arteries on the 80 coronary CT angiograms: image quality was classified on a four-point scale in which 1 represented excellent and 4 deficient. The effective dose of radiation was also calculated.


The clinical characteristics of the patients in the two groups were similar. The image quality obtained with dual source CT was significantly better than that obtained with single source CT (P=0.006). The mean effective dose of radiation in the group undergoing dual source CT was 36% lower than in the group undergoing single source CT (1.4±0.6 mSv vs. 2.2±0.9 mSv; P<0.01).


Although both sequential 128-slice single source CT with prospective acquisition and 128-slice dual source helical CT with high pitch and prospective acquisition provide good image quality and low effective doses of radiation, 128-slice dual source helical CT with prospective acquisition provides better image quality and results in a lower effective dose of radiation.  相似文献   



To study the differences in vascular image quality, bone subtraction, and dose of radiation of dual energy CT angiography of the supraaortic trunks using different tube voltages.

Material and methods

We reviewed the CT angiograms of the supraaortic trunks in 46 patients acquired with a 128-slice dual source CT scanner using two voltage protocols (80/140 kV and 100/140 kV). The “head bone removal” tool was used for postprocessing. We divided the arteries into 15 segments. In each segment, we evaluated the image quality of the vessels and the effectiveness of bone removal in multiplanar reconstructions (MPR) and in maximum intensity projections (MIP) with each protocol, analyzing the trabecular and cortical bones separately. We also evaluated the dose of radiation received.


Of the 46 patients, 13 were studied using 80/140 kV and 33 with 100/140 kV. There were no significant differences between the two groups in age or sex. Image quality in four segments was better in the group examined with 100/140 kV. Cortical bone removal in MPR and MIP and trabecular bone removal in MIP were also better in the group examined with 100/140 kV. The dose of radiation received was significantly higher in the group examined with 100/140 kV (1.16 mSv with 80/140 kV vs. 1.59 mSv with 100/140 kV).


Using 100/140 kV increases the dose of radiation but improves the quality of the study of arterial segments and bone subtraction.  相似文献   

Plain chest films are a fundamental tool in the practice of medicine. The apparent simplicity of plain chest films sometimes leads us to forget that interpreting them correctly can provide very valuable information, especially if the interpretation is grounded in key clinical information.  相似文献   

Renal cell carcinoma is the eighth most common malignancy in adults and the most common malignancy in the kidney. It is thus a very common disease for radiologists. This review aims to provide a general overview of the imaging techniques used to diagnose, characterize, and help plan the treatment of renal cell carcinoma as well as to review basic aspects related to staging, imaging-guided percutaneous treatment, and follow-up in the most common clinical scenarios.  相似文献   

Population-based breast cancer screening programs based on mammography must maintain a high level of quality, so the results must be constantly monitored. Although most authors consider that these programs have decreased the mortality due to breast cancer by about 30%, others claim that the mortality has decreased by only about 12% due to errors in the randomization of patients, because the rate of advanced tumors has hardly decreased and because adjuvant treatment also improves survival. Other criticisms focus on overdiagnosis and overtreatment. We believe that despite the unquestionable value of mammographic screening, we should be open to certain changes such as the stratification of patients by their level of risk and the introduction of complementary techniques like tomosynthesis, ultrasonography, and magnetic resonance imaging in selected cases.  相似文献   

Heart valve disease is a clinical problem that has been studied with classical imaging techniques like echocardiography and MRI. Technological advances in CT make it possible to obtain static and dynamic images that enable not only a morphological but also a functional analysis in many cases. Although it is currently indicated only in patients with inconclusive findings at echocardiography and MRI or those in whom these techniques are contraindicated, multidetector CT makes it possible to diagnose stenosis or regurgitation through planimetry, to evaluate and quantify valvular calcium, and to show the functional repercussions of these phenomena on the rest of the structures of the heart. Given that multidetector CT is being increasingly used in the diagnosis of ischemic heart disease, we think it is interesting for radiologists to know its potential for the study of valvular disease.  相似文献   

Continual improvements in diagnostic modalities used for shoulder imaging have led to better resolution, sensitivity, and specificity. There is no consensus about whether conventional MRI, direct MR arthrography, indirect MR arthrography, or CT arthrography is the best method. Many publications from very diverse origins propose different criteria for selecting the technique to apply in different patients. However, the application of rigid protocols that do not include all the imaging options does not help patients. Moreover, this approach also restricts radiologists’ creativity, especially in countries in which resources are more limited. It is important to ensure the rational use of the techniques depending on the patient and the place, considering the patient's age, associated diseases, surgical possibilities, complications, and available equipment. This article reviews the state of the art in imaging rotator cuff and superior labral anterior and posterior lesions, considering the indications, advantages, and advantages of the different techniques in different cases.  相似文献   

Visceral artery pseudoaneurysms secondary to acute and/or chronic pancreatitis are a relatively common and potentially serious complication. Endovascular techniques are the most currently accepted techniques, given the higher morbidity-mortality of surgery. The thrombosis of the pseudoaneurysm using an ultrasound-guided percutaneous thrombin injection is emerging as a useful option in those cases in which endovascular embolisation is not possible. We present the case of a patient with a pseudoaneurysm of the transverse pancreatic artery secondary to chronic pancreatitis, and successfully treated by administering percutaneous thrombin.  相似文献   

We present the case of a patient with a pacemaker and a sarcoma lung metastasis treated with microwave ablation. Although the treatment of tumours with microwave ablation is a successful and minimally invasive approach, there are concerns about the safety of this procedure for patients with implanted cardiac devices, such as a pacemaker. After careful planning between radiology and cardiology, microwave ablation was indicated in the patient since it is safer and shorter than the radiofrequency technique. The lesion was treated without complications. It is important to communicate the procedures performed, as well as any complications in order to formulate guidelines for the use of microwave ablation in patients with pacemakers.  相似文献   



To implement in-phase and out-of-phase (IP/OP) techniques with Magnetization-Prepared Gradient Recalled Echo (MP-GRE) and to evaluate the feasibility and diagnostic image quality among pre and post-optimized MP-GRE sequences, including patients unable to cooperate with breath-hold requirements.

Materials and methods

Institutional review board approval with waiver of informed consent was obtained for this HIPAA-compliant retrospective study. Two groups of patients were included in the study, before and after optimization of MP-GRE parameters, with seventy-three (24 noncooperative/49 cooperative) and sixty-four (22 noncooperative/42 cooperative) consecutive patients, respectively. The motion-insensitive sequence used in this study was a single-shot 2D MP-GRE. Two radiologists qualitatively evaluated the sequences to identify the presence of phase cancellation artifact in OP images and to determine image quality, extent of artifacts (respiratory ghosting, bounce-point artifact, spatial misregistration and pixel graininess) and lesion conspicuity on the various sequences. The ability to visually detect liver steatosis and fatty adrenal adenomas was evaluated. Qualitative analyses were compared using the Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests.


There were statistically significant differences between all MP-GRE sequences concerning phase cancellation artifact (P<.0001) which was present in MP-GRE OP sequences and negligible to absent in the pre (IP1) and post-optimized (IP2) MP-GRE IP sequences, respectively, in all patients.Bounce point artifacts were significantly more pronounced in MP-GRE IP1 (P<.0001). Spatial misregistration was slightly more prominent in noncooperative patients with MP-GRE IP2 (P=.0027). MP-GRE OP and MP-GRE IP2 showed significantly higher overall image quality (P<.0001).MP-GRE sequences subjectively identified hepatic steatosis (n=20) and adrenal adenomas (n=5) based on signal loss from IP to OP sequence.


Single shot IP/OP MP-GRE is feasible and allows motion resistant imaging with adequate diagnostic image quality. This technique is able to provide IP and OP information in patients unable to suspend respiration.  相似文献   

Atelectasis is an important indicator of potentially severe underlying disease that must be diagnosed as early as possible. One of the most common mechanisms is the reabsorption of air distal to respiratory tract obstruction. The chest X-ray is an excellent tool to diagnose atelectasis, and it is especially useful for ruling out central bronchial obstructions (e.g., from endobronchial tumors). If the signs of volume loss are not recognized correctly, the diagnosis and treatment can be delayed. This article describes the main findings of lobar atelectasis on chest X-rays and their correlations with CT findings, including the classic signs described in the literature and other, less known and sometimes subtle signs.  相似文献   

The incidence of contrast medium extravasation at the venipuncture site has increased with the generalized use of automatic injectors. Most extravasations only cause slight edema and erythema. Nevertheless, in some cases extravasation can result in severe skin lesions or even in compartment syndrome. Lesions caused by extravasation usually resolve spontaneously with conservative treatment. Although the complications of extravasation are well known, institutional protocols are normally lacking and the criteria for taking action and the type of treatment, whether based on the literature or personal preferences, tend to vary. In this article, we review the incidence, risk factors, clinical manifestations, and options for preventing and treating contrast medium extravasation in soft tissues. Finally, we present the protocol we use to manage extravasation at our hospital.  相似文献   

We present the case of a nine-year-old boy with Tourette syndrome and reading disorder with a history of a severe infectious process in the late neonatal period. Brain MRI showed a left parietal malacotic cavity and diffusion tensor imaging and tractography showed a striking disruption of the white matter bundle that joins the left parietal region with the ipsilateral frontal region with involvement of the left superior longitudinal fasciculus and of the left arcuate fasciculus. Although Tourette syndrome and reading disorder are fundamentally hereditary neuropsychiatric disorders, they can also occur secondary to cerebral alterations like those existing in this boy. The introduction of modern neuroimaging techniques in patients with neuropsychiatric disorders (or the risk of developing them) can be very useful in the diagnosis and prognosis in the future.  相似文献   

The increase in the frequency of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) and the widely accepted use of endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) as a first-line treatment or as an alternative to conventional surgery make it necessary for radiologists to have thorough knowledge of the pre- and post-treatment findings. The high image quality provided by multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) enables CT angiography to play a fundamental role in the study of AAA and in planning treatment.  相似文献   

Last March, in a single issue New England Journal of Medicine published 3 studies that evaluated the efficacy of endovascular treatment for ischemic stroke, leading to a heated controversy between neurologists and interventional neuroradiologists. The negative results have resulted in numerous reviews pointing out serious methodological defects. In this article, we analyze the outcomes of thrombolytic treatment for stroke and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the three above-mentioned studies. Despite the negative results, these studies can point the way for new trials that will justify this treatment modality that is backed up by scientific evidence.  相似文献   



To describe cases of obstetric hemorrhage that have called for selective intra-arterial embolization and the different embolization techniques used. To assess the clinical outcomes and postprocedural fertility.

Material and methods

We studied 27 women with obstetric hemorrhage. In 24 patients, embolization was performed by catheterizing both uterine arteries and in 2 patients only one uterine artery was catheterized (pseudoaneurysm). The materials used for embolization consisted of Spongostan in 17/27, particles in 9/27, and coils in 1/27. Clinical follow-up included an analysis of early and late complications and of postprocedural fertility.


Hemorrhage was classified as primary (25/27) or secondary (2/27).The cause of bleeding was vaginal delivery (20), cesarean sections (5), abortion (1), and cervical ectopic pregnancy (1).The initial technical success rate was 100% and the clinical success rate was 92.6% (25 of the 27 patients).Bleeding ceased and the outcome was satisfactory in 25 patients. During clinical follow-up ranging from one to seven years, 23 patients had normal menstruation and 6 patients completed 7 full-term pregnancies.


Intra-arterial embolization for obstetric hemorrhage leads to good outcomes and few complications and it preserves fertility.  相似文献   

The middle aortic syndrome (MAS) is caused by stenosis of the abdominal aorta, often accompanied by concomitant stenosis of the renal or visceral arteries. Although MAS is uncommon (0.5-2%), it is an important cause of hypertension in children and adolescents. It is thought to originate in a failure of the two dorsal aortas to fuse during embryological development, and a high percentage of cases are idiopathic. MAS affects the segment of the aorta between the renal arteries in 54% of cases. Clinically, it courses with symptomatic or asymptomatic arterial hypertension. On physical examination, findings include an abdominal bruit, diminished or absent femoral pulses, and a difference between the arterial pressure of the upper and lower limbs.  相似文献   

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