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惠州市中职生课外体育活动的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用问卷调查、实地考察、访谈以及统计分析等方法,对惠州市中职生早操情况,参与课外体育活动的兴趣、态度、动机、每周活动的次数与持续时间以及影响因素等进行调查,分析结果认为:大多数中职生参与课外体育活动的态度积极,目的明确;学生喜爱简单易行的小球项目或灵巧类体育项目;大多数中职生每天参加课外体育活动的时间不足一小时;体育锻炼的主动性不高,体育场地器材不足是影响中职生参加课外体育活动的主要原因。针对存在的问题,提出了改革与发展的建议。  相似文献   

校外美术教学活动可以培养学生的审美能力,促进学生创新能力提高,更重要的是在潜移默化中教育、提升学生的综合素质,达到素质教育的目的。  相似文献   

《Quest (Human Kinetics)》2012,64(4):434-446

Emotions experienced in educational settings link to students’ motivation, engagement, learning, and achievement. Despite meaningful interconnections between emotions, motivation, and desired outcomes, a dearth of research on student emotions in physical education (PE) currently exists. The Control-Value Theory of Achievement Emotions (CVTAE) highlights the importance of emotions within students’ achievement motivation and provides a comprehensive framework for investigating their antecedents and outcomes. The purpose of this investigation was to explore CVTAE as a potential framework to understand students’ achievement emotions in PE. We focus on emotional antecedents associated with the PE learning context and the role of emotions in facilitating desired PE outcomes.  相似文献   

从现当代中国基础教育课程嬗变看大学生人文精神的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在占有大量数据的基础上,分析我国近百年中小学课程设置的指导思想和教材嬗变的过程.民国期间的中小学人文类课程时数较多;新中国成立以后人文类课程的课时逐渐递减,自然科学的课时缓慢下降.这在很大程度上影响了中小学生人文素质的养成,而中小学生人文素质的不足又必然制约着大学生人文素质的养成和人文精神的培养.因此,大学生的人文素质和人文精神的培养必须依赖于基础教育,加强大学生人文素质必须首先加强中小学生的人文素质.  相似文献   

经过三十多年的发展,法国在国民教育部和国家电影中心的主导规划下,建立起从幼儿园到高中,从课堂到课外的电影教育体制。法国中小学电影教育的主要特点是课程体系整体统一、循序渐进,关注特殊青少年群体,国家和地方协作管理,多部门、多行业广泛参与;但该体制也存在中央与地方沟通不畅,资源配置和地区发展不平衡、专业人员缺少培训等问题。近年来,我国大力推进中小学美育工作,普及中小学影视教育,可以从教育理念、课程设置和实践推广等方面参考借鉴法国经验。我国中小学电影教育的发展需要开阔的视野、完善的体制和丰富的资源,以培养青少年的文化基础,提升其核心素养。  相似文献   

随着城市地区消费水平的不断提高,是否具有良好的消费理念对于促进理性消费是非常重要的,尤其对于中学生形成正确的价值观也具有一定的影响。通过对兰州市地处郊区、市郊交界、市区三个地域的三所中学高中生消费状况进行抽样调查分析,得出兰州市高中生消费行为的特点、认识以及对理财教育的期望。  相似文献   

中学课外体育活动现状调查与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就东营市、滨州市中学课外体育活动的现状作了调查 ,发现如下问题 :初中有 67 80 %学校不开展早操 ;课外活动开展率为 65 % ,远低于全国学生的 86% ;课程负担重是导致学生不参加课外体育活动的主要原因 ;运动队学生文化课成绩与其他学生文化课相比较差 ,有随年级增高逐渐下降的趋势 .针对调查中发现的问题 ,结合东营市、滨州市的实际 ,提出了加强中学课外体育活动的对策  相似文献   

围棋教育内涵丰富,具有神奇的情商素质教育功能优势,在中小学普及围棋教育非常有利于学生辩证思维和全局现念的形成,自控能力和创新能力的提高,道德品质和心理健康的培养.  相似文献   

A tool for self assessment in secondary art education was developed and tested. The tool includes rubrics for assessing production and reception activities in art education and consists of visual and text rubrics. The criteria in the rubrics are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Visual Literacy which was developed by The European Network of Visual Literacy (ENViL). The way teachers and students use the rubrics, whether they consider them helpful and to what extent students’ self‐assessments are in line with teacher assessments was studied. It was concluded that teachers work with the rubrics intensively and both students and teachers appreciate its visual form. However, it was found that the agreement between teachers and students about the students’ scores was moderate and needed to improve. The results show that it is untrue that students, or boys in particular, overestimate their own performance in art education. The current study contributes to the development of feasible and valid assessment criteria and instruments in secondary art education.  相似文献   

美术从视觉的角度感知艺术,其内容与内涵是十分丰富的。本文从基础教育阶段学生的审美、视觉特质的感知与创新意识的培养着手,学什么,怎么学,如何把握它的度,如何把握感知它的方式,让学生在有限的课堂时间内,得到充分的感知体验与表现,得到老师在人文关怀下的递进知识学习引导,进行探索性研究。  相似文献   

随着职业教育的快速发展,职业学校学生的思想政治教育工作要把握学生的新特点、新变化,掌握思想政治教育的主动权,思想政治教育工作必须在内容、形式、方法、手段方面进行创新。  相似文献   

余谦 《中国德育》2007,2(3):54-59
为提高高中德育工作实效,浙江萧山九中以主题实践活动为载体,以感恩教育为基点培育德性,以“长作业”为抓手改革青年党校、团校教育,以沙地文化为主体开发和利用德育资源。  相似文献   

当前,学前教育专业不再是清一色的女生,也有少数的男生报考了本专业,这给学前教育专业带来了生机与活力。但是这些男生也面临着很大的压力,在生活和学习中遇到许多困扰他们的问题。研究困扰学前教育专业男生的问题及其对策对于我国学前教育专业的建设与发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

A socio-constructivist account of learning and emotions stresses the situatedness of every learning activity and points to the close interactions between cognitive, conative and affective factors in students’ learning and problem solving. Emotions are perceived as being constituted by the dynamic interplay of cognitive, physiological, and motivational processes in a specific context. Understanding the role of emotions in the mathematics classroom then implies understanding the nature of these situated processes and the way they relate to students’ problem-solving behaviour. We will present data from a multiple-case study of 16 students out of 4 different junior high classes that aimed to investigate students’ emotional processes when solving a mathematical problem in their classrooms. After identifying the different emotions and analyzing their relations to motivational and cognitive processes, the relation with students’ mathematics-related beliefs will be examined. We will specifically use Frank’s case to illustrate how the use of a thoughtful combination of a variety of different research instruments enabled us to gather insightful data on the role of emotions in mathematical problem solving.  相似文献   

本文通过对近几年《中国教育统计年鉴》中相关数据进行统计分析后,从学生视角出发对中职涉农专业招生数量、生师比、生源结构、学生流失率、价值取向等方面进行分析,找出现存问题,并针对存在的问题从扩大中职涉农专业培养对象、建立高素质师资队伍、解决学生出口难等方面提出解决性措施,以更好地促进中职涉农专业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

加强传统文化教育特别是中国书法教育是当前中小学教育的一项重要任务。应构建中小学书法教育的认知方式,强化中小学书法教育的传承方式,创新中小学书法教育的教学方式,探求书法和美德的互促关系。  相似文献   

To advance emotion research in education, there is a need to develop practical and context-relevant measures of emotion and to test the applicability of emotion theories using these measures. In two studies, we examined validity evidence of a self-report scale (the Medical Emotion Scale, MES) designed to measure the unique range of emotions activated within medical education. In Study 1, we administered the MES and conducted interviews with medical trainees (N = 15). Content analysis of interviews demonstrated that the MES captured an appropriate range of emotions and that there was alignment between scale responses and interview responses. In Study 2, we measured medical trainees' (N = 60) emotions using the MES for three learning environments. Results from principal components analysis revealed a structure of emotions according to valence (negative, positive) and novelty. The findings have implications for the measurement of emotions within technology-rich learning environments and beyond.  相似文献   

人文关怀对体现少数民族中专生思想政治教育的特殊性、少数民族中专生健康成长的内在需要、构建和谐校园具有现实意义。实现少数民族中专生思想政治教育人文关怀就要求确立少数民族中专生在思想政治教育中的主体地位,坚持尊重民族风俗习惯、以解决实际问题为核心的教育理念,注重少数民族中专生之间的个体差异和重视民族团结教育。  相似文献   

英国高中阶段教育普职融通的有效推进,很大程度上得益于其相对成熟的学校课程体系和教育证书体系:一方面,通过综合高中同时开设普/职两套课程体系、职业高中大力开设普通教育课程、"拼盘式课程",以及校际课程资源共享促进学校课程体系中的普职融通;另一方面,通过"资格与学分框架"将各级各类普/职教育证书纳入同一框架内,促进了证书间的互认与转换。然而,当前的教育证书体系、学校课程体系、教育投入与评估体系,以及升学与就业标准中依然存在着种种"普职割裂",这将是英国高中教育普职融通深度推进面临的主要挑战。  相似文献   

A holistic education linked to creativity, innovation, critical thinking and local/global citizenship is increasingly marginalized in the United States as schools continue to struggle with the impact of high-stakes testing regimes. In particular, urban youths’ access to an education that furthers their ability to choose lives they have reason to value, are circumscribed. Current discussions around the skills and capabilities necessary for youth to graduate and be equipped for meaningful lives beyond high school are aligned with research on the benefits of arts education. This mixed-methods exploratory study uses aspects of Sen and Nussbaum’s capability approach to frame and examine a range of capabilities fostered through student engagement with arts education opportunities, what we refer to as arts pathways, inside of five small arts-focused high schools in New York City, US.  相似文献   

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