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The Warchha Sandstone of the Salt Range of Pakistan is a continental succession that accumulated as part of a meandering, fluvial system during Early Permian times. Several fining-upward depositional cycles are developed, each of which is composed of conglomerate, cross-bedded sandstone and, in their upper parts, bioturbated siltstone and claystone units with distinctive desiccation cracks and carbonate concretions. Clast lithologies are mainly of plutonic and low-grade metamorphic origin, with an additional minor sedimentary component. Textural properties of the sandstone are fine- to coarse-grained, poorly to moderately sorted, sub-angular to sub-rounded, and with generally loose packing. Based on modal analyses, the sandstone is dominantly a feldspathoquartzose (arkose to sub-arkose). Detrital constituents are mainly composed of monocrystalline quartz, feldspars (more K-feldspar than plagioclase) and various types of lithic clasts. XRD and SEM studies indicate that kaolinite is the dominant clay mineral and that it occurs as both allogenic and authigenic forms. However, illite, illite-smectite mixed layer, smectite and chlorite are also recognised in both pores and fractures. Much of the kaolinite was likely derived by the severe chemical weathering of previously deposited basement rocks under the influence of a hot and humid climate. Transported residual clays deposited as part of the matrix of the Warchha Sandstone show coherent links with the sandstone petrofacies, thereby indicating the same likely origin. Illite, smectite and chlorite mainly occur as detrital minerals and as alteration products of weathered acidic igneous and metamorphic rocks. Based primarily on fabric relationship, the sequence of cement formation in the Warchha Sandstone is clay (generally kaolinite), iron oxide, calcareous and siliceous material, before iron-rich illite and occasional mixed layer smectite–illite and rare chlorite. Both petrographic analysis and field characteristics of the sandstone indicate that the source areas were characterised by uplift of a moderate to high relief continental block that was weathered under the influence of hot and humid climatic conditions. The rocks weathered from the source areas included primary granites and gneisses, together with metamorphic basement rocks and minor amounts of sedimentary rocks. Regional palaeogeographic reconstructions indicate that much of the Warchha Sandstone detritus was derived from the Aravalli and Malani ranges and surrounding areas of the Indian Craton to the south and southeast, before being transported to and deposited within the Salt Range region under the influence of a semi-arid to arid climatic regime.  相似文献   

The 30 to 155 m thick Early Permian (Artinskian) Warchha Sandstone of the Salt Range, Pakistan is a conglomerate, sandstone and claystone succession within which seven lithofacies types (Gt, St, Sp, Sr, Sh, Fl and Fm) occur in a predictable order as repeated fining-upward cycles. Common sedimentary structures in the conglomerates and sandstones include planar and trough cross-bedding, planar lamination, soft sediment-deformed bedding, compound cosets of strata with low-angle inclined bounding surfaces and lags of imbricated pebbles. Structures in the finer-grained facies include desiccation cracks, raindrop imprints, caliche nodules and bioturbation. Groups of associated facies are arranged into nine distinct architectural elements (channels, gravel bars, sandy bedforms, downstream and laterally accreting barforms, sand sheets, crevasse splays, levees, floodplain units and shallow lakes), which is consistent with a fluvial origin for the succession. The types of architectural elements present and their relationship to each other demonstrate that the Warchha Sandstone preserves a record of a meandering river system that drained the northern margin of Gondwanaland. The dominance of fine-grained (floodplain) facies over gravel-grade (channel-base) facies and the widespread occurrence of large-scale lateral accretion elements supports the interpretation of a high-sinuosity, meandering fluvial system in which channel bodies accumulated via the lateral accretion of point bars but in which the active channels covered only a small part of a broad floodplain at any time instant. Although the regional and temporal distribution of these deposits is complex, in broad terms the lower part is dominated by stacked, multistorey channel bodies, whereas single-storey channel elements isolated in abundant fine-grained floodplain deposits dominate the middle and upper parts of the formation.  相似文献   

The Upper Devonian to Carboniferous Mt Eclipse Sandstone is a basin-wide host to uranium mineralisation in the Ngalia Basin, NT. The fluvial depositional architecture and diagenesis of the Mt Eclipse Sandstone at the Bigrlyi uranium deposit on the northern margin of the basin are deduced from hyperspectral mineral results captured from 200 drill holes, combined with core and outcrop observations across a ~10 km strike length. The succession hosting the uranium mineralisation is interpreted to be deposited in the lower parts of a mature alluvial fan system with low slope angle and dominated by immature, kaolinised, medium-grained subarkosic sandstones and patchy calcite cement. This study reveals the fluvial channel sequence is estimated to be 3 km wide, 100–200 m thick and sourced from the north. This multidisciplinary study also uncovers the complex interaction and codependencies between fluvial/groundwater activity, evaporation, oxidation, fluctuating pH and detrital mineralogy controlling early diagenetic processes in the alluvial fan sediments. Carbon isotope data identify calcite cements as groundwater calcrete, while strontium isotope data suggest limited prolonged water–rock interaction prior and during calcite cementation. The petrographic data reveal the importance of early calcite cement occluding all pore space and preserving detrital minerals from later diagenetic processes. The hyperspectral results highlight the intermittent distribution of the calcite cement and the commonly repetitive mineralogical zonation throughout the 200 drill holes, including the inverse spatial correlation between kaolinite ± goethite ± gypsum vs white mica ± hematite dominated zones. X-ray diffraction and the hyperspectral data reveal the scarcity of early diagenetic clay minerals such as montmorillonite. This paper is the first to report on a systematic mineralogical and sedimentological study for the Mt Eclipse Sandstone. By focusing on the diagenesis and fluvial architecture of this stratigraphic unit, a framework to support exploration for sediment-hosted uranium deposits is established.  相似文献   

<正>Objective It has long been controversial that whether authigenic chlorite coatings in sandstone reservoirs can prevent precipitation of siliceous cements.It is commonly believed that chlorite coatings(also called chlorite films,chlorite linings,or chlorite rims)may prevent quartz overgrowth,and thus help the preservation of original pores in sandstone reservoirs.Recently,however,this assumption has been challenged by reservoir geologists.This dispute cannot be solved by mere analysis of thin sections,nor by chemical equations and diagenesis analysis.The main objective of the present contribution is to shed light on this  相似文献   

The Miocene-Pliocene Siwalik Group records changing fluvial environments in the Himalayan foreland basin. The Nagri and Dhok Pathan Formations of this Group in the eastern Potwar Plateau, northern Pakistan, comprise relatively thick (tens of metres) sandstone bodies and mudstones that contain thinner sandstone bodies (metres thick) and palaeosols. Thick sandstone bodies extend for kilometres normal to palaeoflow, and are composed of large-scale stratasets (storeys) stacked laterally and vertically adjacent to each other. Sandstone bodies represent single or superimposed braided-channel belts, and large-scale stratasets represent channel bars and fills. Channel belts had widths of km, bankfull discharges on the order of 103 cumecs and braiding parameter up to about 3. Individual channel segments had bankfull widths, maximum depths, and slopes on the order of 102 m, 101 m and 10?4 respectively, and sinuosities around 1-1. These rivers are comparable to many of those flowing over the megafans of the modern Indo-Gangetic basin, and a similar depositional setting is likely. Thin sandstone bodies within mudstone sequences extend laterally for on the order of 102 m and have lobe, wedge, sheet and channel-form geometries: they represent crevasse splays, levees and floodplain channels. Mudstones are relatively bioturbated/disrupted and represent mainly floodbasin and lacustrine deposition. Mudstones and sandstones are extremely disrupted in places, showing evidence of prolonged pedogenesis. These ‘mature’ palaeosols are m thick and extend laterally for km. Lateral and vertical variations in the nature of their horizons apparently depend mainly on deposition rate. The 500 m-thick Nagri Formation has a greater proportion and thicker sandstone bodies than the overlying 700 m-thick Dhok Pathan Formation. The thick sandstone bodies and their large-scale stratasets thicken and coarsen through the Nagri Formation, then thin and fine at the base of the Dhok Pathan Formation. Compacted deposition rates increase with sandstone proportion (0-53 mm/year for Nagri, 0-24 mm/year for Dhok Pathan), and palaeosols are not as well developed where deposition rates are high. Within both formations there are 100 m-scale variations (representing on the order of 105 years) in the proportion and thickness of thick sandstone bodies, and tens-of-m-scale alternations of thick sandstone bodies and mudstone-sandstone strata that represent on the order of 104 years. Formation-scale stratal variations extend across the Potwar Plateau for at least 100 km, although they may be diachronous: however, 100-m and smaller scale variations can only be traced laterally for up to tens of km. Alluvial architecture models indicate that increases in the proportion and thickness of thick sandstone bodies can be explained by increasing channel-belt sizes (mainly), average deposition rate and avulsion frequency on a megafan comparable in size to modern examples. 100-m-scale variations in thick sandstone-body proportion and thickness could result from ‘regional’ shifts in the position of major channels, possibly associated with ‘fan lobes’on a single megafan or with separate megafans. However, such variations could also be related to local changes in subsidence rate or changes in sediment supply to the megafan system. Formation-scale and 100-m-scale stratal variations are probably associated with interelated changes in tectonic uplift, sediment supply and basin subsidence. Increased rates of hinterland uplift, sediment supply and basin subsidence, recorded by the Nagri Formation, may have resulted in diversion of a relatively large river to the area. Alternatively, changing river sizes and sediment supply rates may be related to climate changes affecting the hinterland (possibly linked to tectonic uplift). Climate during deposition of the Siwalik Group was monsoonal. Although the deposits contain no direct evidence for climate change, independent evidence indicates global cooling throughout the Miocene, and the possibility of glacial periods (e.g. around 10-8 Ma, corresponding to base of Nagri Formation). If the higher Himalayas were periodically glaciated, a mechanism would exist for varying sediment supply to megafans on time scales of 104-105 years. Although eustatic sea-level changes are related to global climatic change, they are not directly related to Siwalik stratigraphic changes, because the shoreline was many 100 km away during the Miocene.  相似文献   

山西二叠系河流沉积特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
山西西部二叠系沉积环境以河流为主,除曲流河外,还有为数不多的辫状河与交织河。曲流河以发育曲流沙坝、洪泛平原和决口扇为其特征。辫状河发育河道沙坝沉积,洪泛平原沉积不太发育。交织河以河道稳定为特征,伴有沼泽沉积,是理想的成煤环境。  相似文献   

The Early Permian Gondwana regime succession of the Nilawahan Group is exposed only in the Salt Range of Pakistan. After a prolonged episode of non-deposition that spanned much of the Palaeozoic, the 350?m thick predominantly clastic sequence of the Nilawahan Group records a late glacial and post-glacial episode in which a range of glacio-fluvial, marine and fluvial environments evolved and accumulated. The Early Permian succession of the Salt Range has been classified into four formations, which together indicates a changing climatic regime during the Early Permian in the Salt Range region. The lower-most, Tobra Formation unconformably overlies a Cambrian sequence and is composed of tillite, diamictite and fresh water facies, which contain a floral assemblage (Gangamopteris and Glossopteris) that confirms an Asselian age. The Tobra Formation is overlain by marginal marine deposits of the Dandot Formation (Sakmarian), which contain an abundant brachiopods assemblage (Eurydesma and Conularia). Accumulation of the Dandot Formation was terminated by a regional sea-level fall and a change to the deposition of the fluvial deposits of the Warchha Sandstone (Artinskian). The Warchha Sandstone was deposited by high sinuosity meandering, avulsion prone river with well developed floodplains. This episode of fluvial sedimentation was terminated by a widespread marine transgression, as represented by the abrupt upward transition to the overlying shallow marine Sardhai Formation (Kungurian). The Early Permian Gondwana sequence represented by the Nilawahan Group is capped by predominantly shallow shelf carbonate deposits of the Tethyan realm. The sedimentologic and stratigraphic relationship of these four lithostratigraphic units in the Salt Range reveals a complex stratigraphic history for the Early Permian, which is mainly controlled by eustatic sea-level change due to climatic variation associated with climatic amelioration at the end of the major Gondwana glacial episode, and the gradual regional northward drift to a lower latitude of the Indian plate.  相似文献   


Lithofacies in the mid‐Permian Nowra Sandstone indicate a middle/upper shoreface to foreshore environment of deposition under the influence of storm‐generated waves and north‐northeasterly directed longshore currents. Palaeogeographic reconstruction for the Nowra Sandstone portrays a sand‐dominated high energy shelf and offshore shoal forming a sequence thickening seaward away from the western shore of the Sydney Basin. The shoal‐crest at the outer edge of the shelf trends north‐northeast. It is characterized by fine‐ to medium‐grained sandstone with upper flow regime structures and a high proportion of conglomerate, whereas coarser sandstone with lower energy bedforms occurs along the seaward side of the shoal. In the deeper water to the east, the lower Nowra Sandstone becomes rapidly thinner as it passes seaward, via bioturbated storm redeposited sandstone beds, into the shelf deposits of the Wandrawandian Siltstone. This sequence accumulated during a regressive event and the base of the formation becomes progressively younger eastward. The sand may have been supplied by rivers along the western coast but the major source was south of the study area. The lower Nowra Sandstone is separated from the upper part of the formation by an extensive ravinement surface overlain by the Purnoo Conglomerate Member. In contrast to the lower unit, the upper Nowra Sandstone forms a westward thickening wedge that represents a backstepping nearshore sand facies that accumulated during a transgression. The upper Nowra Sandstone passes vertically and laterally eastward into the Berry Siltstone. Thus both boundaries of the Nowra Sandstone are diachronous, first younging eastward and then westward as a response to a regressive‐transgressive episode.  相似文献   

The precise seismic substructural interpretation of the Turkwal oil field in the Central Potwar region of district Chakwal of Pakistan has been carried out. The research work was confined to the large fore-thrust that serves as an anticlinal structural trap through ten 2D seismic lines. A precise seismic substructural model of the Eocene Chorgali Limestone with precise orientation of thrust and oblique slip faults shows the presence of a huge fracture, which made this deposit a good reservoir. The abrupt surface changes in dip azimuth for the Eocene Chorgali Limestone verifies the structural trends and also the presence of structural traps in the Turkwal field. The logs of three wells (Turkwal deep X-2, Turkwal-01 and Fimkassar-01) were analyzed for petrophysical studies, well synthetic results and generation of an Amplitude Versus Offset (AVO) model for the area. The AVO model of Turkwal deep X-2 shows abrupt changes in amplitude, which depicts the presence of hydrocarbon content. Well correlation technique was used to define the overall stratigraphic setting and the thickness of the reservoir formation in two wells, Turkwal-01 and Turkwal deep X-2. The Eocene Chorgali Limestone in Turkwal-01 is an upward thrusted anticlinal structure and because of the close position of both wells to the faulted anticlinal structure, its lesser thickness differs compared to Turkwal deep X-2. The overall results confirm that the Turkwal field is comparable to several similar thrust-bound oil-bearing structures in the Potwar basin.  相似文献   

The Salt Range/Potwar Plateau (SRPP) is part of the Himalayan foreland and an important petroleum province in north Pakistan. The hydrocarbons are commonly produced from stacked Cambrian to Eocene clastic and carbonate reservoirs which have an average thickness of 1 km. These strata are overlain by at least 5 km of Miocene and younger continental molasse sedimentation in the deepest part of the foreland basin. Surface and subsurface (seismic interpretations and borehole data) geology combined with the timing and the patterns of sedimentation has allowed to interpret the deformation as thin skinned, with a detachment in weak Eocambrian evaporates and the development of ramp-and-flat structures, since about 8 Ma. We have reviewed the structural interpretations with new borehole logs, field geology, and reserve estimates in this paper to precisely define oil-field structures with a view on future exploration. As a result of this work, 12 oil fields are classified as three detachment folds, four fault-propagation folds, four pop-ups, and one triangle zone structure. The latter two are identified as better prospects with the last one as the best with estimated reserves of 51 million barrels of oil (MMBO). Hence, the triangle zones along with other ramp-and-flat structures from the North Potwar Deformed Zone (NPDZ) are recognized to provide potential future prospects. Finally, a 40-km-long structural cross section from NPDZ is used to discuss complex deformation of the triangle zone and duplex structures as future potential prospects. About 55 km of shortening across the NPDZ during Plio-Pleistocene time is calculated, which has important bearing on the geometry of prospects, reserve calculations, and the future exploration.  相似文献   

二叠纪古板块再造与岩相古地理特征分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
依据古地磁方法,对二叠纪全球古板块进行再造,并在此基础上,结合区域地质资料,编制了二叠系全球古板块再造图、全球岩相及烃源岩分布图和全球古地理图。二叠纪板块格局以泛大陆和泛大洋为主,大陆内部裂谷系(如劳亚板块内部北海—北大西洋裂谷系和非洲大陆内部裂谷系)持续发育,最终导致了泛大陆的裂解。二叠纪冰期持续发育,又由于干旱带广泛发育的古气候条件,造成全球海平面在晚二叠世达到整个显生宙的最低值。浅海广泛发育的古地理环境造成古、新特提斯洋周缘和劳亚大陆整体以浅海碳酸盐岩和海相碎屑岩沉积为主。冈瓦纳大陆内部以河湖相碎屑岩沉积为主。二叠系烃源岩不发育,主要层系是下二叠统泥页岩,分布集中在劳亚大陆北缘、特提斯洋周缘以及冈瓦纳大陆内部和澳大利亚东部,以海陆过渡相沉积环境为主。泛大陆形成过程中,洋壳消减与不同陆块之间的拼合,最终造成了二叠纪末气候的剧变,形成了晚古生代末超大规模的冰期。板块运动所产生的壳幔物质循环造成二叠纪全球二氧化碳含量剧烈升高,最终导致了二叠纪生物灭绝程度最大。  相似文献   

The successful exploration and production of shale-gas resources in the United States and Canada sets a new possible solution towards the energy crisis presently affecting most countries of Asia. This study focuses on the use of well log and 2D seismic data for the characterization of the shale oil/gas potential of a Paleocene–Eocene succession — the Meyal area in the Potwar Basin of Pakistan. Two shaly plays are identified in Paleocene–Eocene strata in well logs using ΔLogR and modified ΔLogR cross-plot techniques. The results indicate that Paleocene shale(the Patala Formation) and the lower shaly part of Eocene limestone(Sakesar Formation) can be potentially mature source rocks. However, the thermal maturity modelling proves that only the Paleocene shale is mature. Our results also suggest that the maturity responses on ΔLogR models for the lower shaly part of the Eocene limestone are due to trapped hydrocarbons in the intra-formational fractures. Petroelastic/petrophysical analysis of the Patala Formation reveals two potential shale oil/gas zones on the basis of Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, Brittleness index and Total Organic Content at an exploitation depth of 3980–3988 m. This work can provide valuable insight for estimating shale oil/gas potential in highly deformed basins not only in Asia but in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

The stratigraphy of a sedimentary basin is mainly the result of the long-term response of a depositional surface to prolonged subsidence. However, the real nature of interrelations between fluvial architecture and subsidence is still unknown. Herein, we present new data on these relationships by combining the results of detailed sedimentological field work with data acquired through automated forward modelling and backstripping for the alluvial Permian and Triassic sediments of the SE Iberian Ranges. Using this methodology, we determined tectonic subsidence of the basin by means of backstripping analysis and crust and lithospheric mantle stretching factors (δ and β, respectively) using forward modelling technique. Results indicated that a configuration of two individual and independent layers during lithospheric subsidence for each tectonic phase fit better for this time of the studied basin evolution than the assumption of subsidence due to a single layer spanning the whole lithosphere.For this study, we simplified fluvial geometries as two main types: isolated (I) and amalgamated (A), with subtypes in each case. Different order bounding surfaces (b.s.) were distinguished in the field, although we only selected those affecting the whole basin under study. These included those b.s. of clear tectonic origin, ranging from individual basin boundary-fault pulses produced over periods of approximately 1 My to those arising from major tectonic events, such as the beginning of extension in the basin, causing major changes in basin geometry over periods of 3–5 My.The comparison of δ and β values and fluvial geometries for each identified tectonic phase in the basin evolution, revealed some possible relationship between subsidence and fluvial geometry: Sections showing the most varied fluvial architectural geometries, including ribbon and nested forms, were related to higher β and δ stretching factors values indicating tectonic phases of greater stretching and subsidence. When both stretching factors were similar and close to 1, fluvial geometry was basically reduced to amalgamated geometry type. Wider ranging of fluvial geometries was associated with stages of basin development in which crust and upper mantle activities differed, that is, showing larger differences of β and δ stretching factors values. The related slope changes are proposed as the main surface control of fluvial styles.Combination of subsidence with other possible controlling factors such as avulsion rate, climate or budget of sediments, gives rise to the definitive alluvial architecture of a basin.  相似文献   

在新疆和田县西南峡谷一带的加勒万河谷地区早二叠世地层中首次发现Prostacheoceras cf.Kongaraquense、Artinskia sp.和Agathiceras sp.菊石化石。这3种菊石化石的时代为乌拉尔期,代表了特提斯型菊石组合,与华南的栖霞组相当。其中,Prostacheoceras为特提斯类型的主要属,Artinskia为空谷阶的特征属,Agathiceras则为中石炭世—早二叠世的世界性分布属。此三者同时出现在加勒万河一带加温达坂组中,丰富了加温达坂组的化石资料,对恢复西昆仑地区的古地理和与其他区域生物地层对比提供了重要的化石依据。  相似文献   

The Balkassar oil field is situated in the eastern Potwar sub-basin, lies on the southern flank of Soan syncline in Himalayan collisional regime. The area represents Indo-Pak and Eurasian blocks of Precambrian to recent time. Thrusting and folding of Himalayan, Indo-Pak plate movement and Salt Range uplift form the structural trap in Balkassar sub-surface (Balkassar anticline). On the basis of information from eleven seismic 2D lines and wells data six reflectors well data, four faults were identified and marked. The structural trend is northeast southwest. Interpretation of seismic 2D data reveals that the study area has undergone intense deformation as a consequence of development of thrusts and backthrusts.The Balkassar anticline is bounded by two thrust faults one from southeast and the other from northwest. Time and depth contour models shows that anticline limbs at north-western side are steep as compared to south-eastern limbs. Seismic interpretation indicates the presence of well-developed anticline bounded by three faults in the cover sequence and one fault in basement and thus the structure may act as a trap for hydrocarbons. The petrophysical analysis of Balkassar-OXY-1 well shows about 83.1% hydrocarbons saturation in the reservoir rocks, hence this study suggest that Balkassar Oilfield has potential to produce hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

The Permian White Rim Sandstone of the Canyonlands National Park, Utah, contains a wide variety of sedimentary structures and features that largely result from stages in erg migration and marine influence on an erg margin. Three spatially distinct lithological and depositional facies are recognized and can be distinguished as informal units within the formation. The aeolian dune facies is composed predominantly of fine-grained cross-stratified sandstone of the White Rim erg. This facies is the most widespread and comprises the bulk of the formation. Within the aeolian dune facies are small subfacies that represent interdune deposits. A sheet sand facies, composed of parallel-bedded sandstone, makes up a significant part of the lowest part of the White Rim Formation. This facies appears to have been the precursor or leading (progradational) edge to the main erg system. The final facies is a reworked or veneer facies of rippled to disturbed sandstone that is localized in its extent. It is restricted to the upper few metres of the formation and is transitional in some places to the Triassic Moenkopi Formation. This veneer facies contains many structures which indicate marine reworking as well as periods of desiccation or subaerial exposure. Some previous interpretations of the White Rim Sandstone have tended to classify the whole formation as one depositional setting. It is clear that at the margin of a sand sea, as shown in the White Rim Sandstone, there are transitional facies due to the interactions with other environments. Additionally, variation in the stratigraphic relationships of facies can be related to stages of erg migration. Erg margin deposits preceded central erg development. Erg initiation occurred during a probable relative sea level low. Sea level influence is recorded at the top of the formation because erg termination accompanied a relative sea level high with cut-off of sand supply. Transgression of the Permian Kaibab Sea over the White Rim erg was probably the main process in preservation of original dune topographic relief. Sea level fluctuations also may have affected distribution of facies and the complexities of structures at the erg margin. Subsequent fluvial reworking of the veneer facies may have obliterated Late Permian features during lowest Triassic Moenkopi deposition.  相似文献   

王易农  程淑薇 《地质论评》1999,45(5):498-503
本文记了塔里木盆地东北地区早二叠世介形类化石,化石采自柯坪县丘达依萨依剖面萨热哲依组,共计9属15种,其中10新种,并建立了Roundyella-Healdia-Sulcella-Bair-dia介形类组合,此组合明显不同于以Bairdia为主的中国南方早二叠世介形类动物群。  相似文献   

榆林气田下二叠统山西组2段为一套辫状河三角洲沉积,储集岩主要为石英砂岩、岩屑石英砂岩,平均孔隙度5.36%,平均渗透率4.58×10-3μm2,是典型的低孔低渗储层。以岩心观察为基础,结合薄片鉴定、扫描电镜、阴极发光及物性分析等资料进行研究,认为山2段砂岩经历了压实作用、胶结作用、交代作用、溶解作用、粘土杂基的充填作用等多种成岩作用,目前已达到晚成岩阶段A期。成岩作用是控制该区储层物性的关键因素,孔隙演化经历了原生孔隙的破坏、次生孔隙的形成和次生孔隙的破坏三个阶段。各类次生孔隙占总孔隙度的55.3%,其中岩屑溶孔18.4%,粒间溶孔10.8%,晶间孔26.1%。  相似文献   

The Miocene Siwalik Group (upsection, the Chinji, Nagri, and Dhok Pathan Formations) in northern Pakistan records fluvial and lacustrine environments within the Himalayan foreland basin. Thick (5 m to tens of metres) sandstones are composed of channel bar and fill deposits of low-sinuousity (1·08–1·19), single-channel meandering and braided rivers which formed large, low-gradient sediment fans (or ‘megafans’). River flow was dominantly toward the south-east and likely perennial. Palaeohydraulic reconstructions indicate that Chinji and Dhok Pathan rivers were small relative to Nagri rivers. Bankfull channel depths of Chinji and Dhok Pathan rivers were generally ≤ 15 m, and up to 33 m for Nagri rivers. Widths of channel segments (including single channels of meandering rivers and individual channels around braid bars) were 320–710 m for Chinji rivers, 320–1050 m for Nagri rivers, and 270–340 m for Dhok Pathan rivers. Mean channel bed slopes were on the order of 0·000056–0·00011. Bankfull discharges of channel segments for Chinji and Dhok Pathan rivers were generally 700–800 m3s?1, with full river discharges possibly up to 2400 m3s?1. Bankfull discharges of channel segments for Nagri rivers were generally 1800–3500 m3s?1, with discharges of some larger channel segments possibly on the order of 9000–32 000 m3s?1. Full river discharges of some of the largest Nagri braided rivers may have been twice these values. Thin (decimetres to a few metres) sandstones represent deposits of levees, crevasse channels and splays, floodplain channels, and large sheet floods. Laminated mudstones represent floodplain and lacustrine deposits. Lakes were both perennial and short-lived, and likely less than 10 m deep with maximum fetches on the order of a few tens of kilometres. Trace fossils and body fossils within all facies indicate the former existence of terrestrial vertebrates, molluscs (bivalves and gastropods), arthropods (including insects), worms, aquatic fauna (e.g. fish, turtles, crocodiles), trees, bushes, grasses, and aquatic flora. Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions are consistent with previous palaeoclimatic interpretations of monsoonal conditions.  相似文献   

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