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The SUMO E2 Ubc9 serves as a lynchpin in the SUMO conjugation pathway, interacting with the SUMO E1 during activation, with thioester linked SUMO after E1 transfer and with the substrate and SUMO E3 ligases during conjugation. Here, we describe the structure determination of a non-covalent complex between human Ubc9 and SUMO-1 at 2.4 A resolution. Non-covalent interactions between Ubc9 and SUMO are conserved in human and yeast insomuch as human Ubc9 interacts with each of the human SUMO isoforms, and yeast Ubc9 interacts with Smt3, the yeast SUMO ortholog. Structural comparisons reveal similarities to several other non-covalent complexes in the ubiquitin pathway, suggesting that the non-covalent Ubc9-SUMO interface may be important for poly-SUMO chain formation, for E2 recruitment to SUMO conjugated substrates, or for mediating E2 interactions with either E1 or E3 ligases. Biochemical analysis suggests that this surface is less important for E1 activation or di-SUMO-2 formation, but more important for E3 interactions and for poly-SUMO chain formation when the chain exceeds more than two SUMO proteins.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin-related modifier SUMO1 and nucleocytoplasmic transport   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
S mall u biquitin related mo difier SUMO-1 and its homologs can be conjugated to a large number of cellular proteins. This involves an enzymatic cascade that resembles ubiquitination, and the modification can be reverted by isopeptidases. SUMOylation does not lead to degradation but instead appears to regulate protein/protein interactions, intracellular localization and protects some modified targets from ubiquitin-dependent degradation. Data collected for more than 30 different target proteins point to two cellular processes, nucleocytoplasmic transport and intranuclear targeting, in which SUMO plays an active role. Here we will focus on links between SUMO and nuclear transport.  相似文献   

An E3-like factor that promotes SUMO conjugation to the yeast septins   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Johnson ES  Gupta AA 《Cell》2001,106(6):735-744

Smt3 belongs to a growing family of ubiquitin-related proteins involved in posttranslational protein modification. Independent studies demonstrate an essential function of Smt3 in the regulation of nucleocytoplasmic transport, and suggest a role in cell-cycle regulation. Here we report the high-resolution NMR structure of yeast Smt3 in the complex free form. Our comparison of the Smt3 NMR structure with the Smt3 crystal structure in complex with the C-Terminal Ulp1 protease domain revealed large structural differences in the binding surface, which is also involved in the Smt3-Ubc-9 interaction detected by NMR. The structural differences in the region indicate the important functions of conserved residues in less structurally defined sequences.  相似文献   

SUMO conjugation and deconjugation   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Ligation of the ubiquitin-like protein SUMO (Smt3p) to other proteins is essential for viability of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Like ubiquitin (Ub), SUMO undergoes ATP-dependent activation by a specific activating enzyme. SUMO-activating enzyme is a heterodimer composed of Uba2p and Aos1p, polypeptides with sequence similarities, respectively, to the C- and N-terminal parts of Ub-activating enzyme. To study the function of SUMO conjugation, we isolated uba2 mutants that were temperature-sensitive for growth. In these mutants conjugation of SUMO to other proteins was drastically reduced, even at the temperature permissive for growth. In a screen for spontaneous suppressors of the temperature-sensitive growth phenotype of the mutant uba2-ts9, we isolated a strain with a null mutation (sut9) in a gene of hitherto unknown function (SUT9/YIL031W/SMT4). This gene encodes a protein with similarities to Ulp1p, a dual-function protease that processes the SUMO precursor and deconjugates SUMO from its substrates. The novel protein was therefore termed Ulp2p. Inactivation of ULP2 in a strain expressing wild-type SUMO-activating enzyme resulted in slow and temperature-sensitive growth, and accumulation of SUMO conjugates. Thus, mutations in SUMO-activating enzyme and mutations in Ulp2p suppress each other, indicating that SUMO conjugation and deconjugation must be in balance for cells to grow normally. Other phenotypes of ulp2 mutants include a defect in cell cycle progression, hypersensitivity to DNA damage, and chromosome mis-segregation. Ulp2p is predominantly located within the nucleus, whereas Ulp1p colocalizes with nuclear pore complex proteins, indicating that the apparently distinct functions of the two SUMO deconjugating enzymes are spatially separated. Received: 1 March 2000 / Accepted: 22 March 2000  相似文献   

Sumoylation represents a conserved mechanism of post-translational protein modification. We report that Pli1p, the unique fission yeast member of the SP-RING family, is a SUMO E3 ligase in vivo and in vitro. pli1Delta cells display no obvious mitotic growth defects, but are sensitive to the microtubule-destabilizing drug TBZ and exhibit enhanced minichromosome loss. The weakened centromeric function of pli1Delta cells may be related to the defective heterochromatin structure at the central core, as shown by the reduced silencing of an ura4 variegation reporter gene inserted at cnt and imr. Interestingly, pli1Delta cells also exhibit enhanced loss of the ura4 reporter at these loci, likely by gene conversion using homologous sequences as information donors. Moreover, pli1Delta cells exhibit consistent telomere length increase, possibly achieved by a similar process. Point mutations within the RING finger of Pli1p totally or partially reproduce the pli1 deletion phenotypes, thus correlating with their sumoylation activity. Altogether, these results strongly suggest that Pli1p, and by extension sumoylation, is involved in mechanisms that regulate recombination in particular heterochromatic repeated sequences.  相似文献   

Despite the availability of numerous gene fusion systems, recombinant protein expression in Escherichia coli remains difficult. Establishing the best fusion partner for difficult-to-express proteins remains empirical. To determine which fusion tags are best suited for difficult-to-express proteins, a comparative analysis of the newly described SUMO fusion system with a variety of commonly used fusion systems was completed. For this study, three model proteins, enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP), matrix metalloprotease-13 (MMP13), and myostatin (growth differentiating factor-8, GDF8), were fused to the C termini of maltose-binding protein (MBP), glutathione S-transferase (GST), thioredoxin (TRX), NUS A, ubiquitin (Ub), and SUMO tags. These constructs were expressed in E. coli and evaluated for expression and solubility. As expected, the fusion tags varied in their ability to produce tractable quantities of soluble eGFP, MMP13, and GDF8. SUMO and NUS A fusions enhanced expression and solubility of recombinant proteins most dramatically. The ease at which SUMO and NUS A fusion tags were removed from their partner proteins was then determined. SUMO fusions are cleaved by the natural SUMO protease, while an AcTEV protease site had to be engineered between NUS A and its partner protein. A kinetic analysis showed that the SUMO and AcTEV proteases had similar KM values, but SUMO protease had a 25-fold higher kcat than AcTEV protease, indicating a more catalytically efficient enzyme. Taken together, these results demonstrate that SUMO is superior to commonly used fusion tags in enhancing expression and solubility with the distinction of generating recombinant protein with native sequences.  相似文献   

Expression of recombinant proteins as fusions with SUMO (small ubiquitin-related modifier) protein has significantly increased the yield of difficult-to-express proteins in Escherichia coli. The benefit of this technique is further enhanced by the availability of naturally occurring SUMO proteases, which remove SUMO from the fusion protein. Here we have improved the exiting SUMO fusion protein approach for effective production of native proteins. First, a sticky-end PCR strategy was applied to design a new SUMO fusion protein vector that allows directional cloning of any target gene using two universal cloning sites (Sfo1 at the 5'-end and XhoI at the 3'-end). No restriction digestion is required for the target gene PCR product, even the insert target gene contains a SfoI or XhoI restriction site. This vector produces a fusion protein (denoted as His(6)-Smt3-X) in which the protein of interest (X) is fused to a hexahistidine (His(6))-tagged Smt3. Smt3 is the yeast SUMO protein. His(6)-Smt3-X was purified by Ni(2+) resin. Removal of His(6)-Smt3 was performed on the Ni(2+) resin by an engineered SUMO protease, His(6)-Ulp1(403-621)-His(6). Because of its dual His(6) tags, His(6)-Ulp1(403-621)-His(6) exhibits a high affinity for Ni(2) resin and associates with Ni(2+) resin after cleavage reaction. One can carry out both fusion protein purification and SUMO protease cleavage using one Ni(2+)-resin column. The eluant contains only the native target protein. Such a one-column protocol is useful in developing a better high-throughput platform. Finally, this new system was shown to be effective for cloning, expression, and rapid purification of several difficult-to-produce authentic proteins.  相似文献   

A novel factor required for the SUMO1/Smt3 conjugation of yeast septins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Takahashi Y  Toh-e A  Kikuchi Y 《Gene》2001,271(2):223-231

Cao P  Yu J  Lu W  Cai X  Wang Z  Gu Z  Zhang J  Ye T  Wang M 《Biotechnology progress》2010,26(5):1240-1244
To prevent protein aggregation, some proteins are usually expressed as fusion proteins from which target proteins can be released by proteolytic or chemical reagents. In this report, small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO) linked with a hexa-histidine tag was used as a fusion partner for the antitumor-analgesic peptide from the venom of Buthus martensii (Karsch) scorpion (AGAP). The optimal expression level of the soluble fusion protein, SUMO-AGAP, was up to 40% of the total cellular protein. The fusion protein was purified by Ni-NTA affinity chromatography and cleaved by a SUMO-specific protease (Ulp1) to obtain the recombinant AGAP (rAGAP), which was further purified by Ni-NTA affinity chromatography. The purified final product was >95% pure by SDS-PAGE stained with Coomassie brilliant blue R-250. Mass spectroscopic analysis indicated the protein to be 7142.63 Dalton, which equaled the theoretically expected mass. N-terminal sequencing of rAGAP showed the sequence corresponded to the native protein. MTT assay indicated the rAGAP could significantly inhibit the proliferation of Jurkat and Hut 78 T lymphoma cell lines. The further writhing experiment showed that the rAGAP had an intensive analgesic effect. The expression strategy presented in this study allows convenient high yield and easy purification of the rAGAP with native sequences.  相似文献   

ARHGAP21 is a 217 kDa RhoGAP protein shown to modulate cell migration through the control of Cdc42 and FAK activities. In the present work a 250 kDa-ARHGAP21 was identified by mass spectrometry. This modified form is differentially expressed among cell lines and human primary cells. Co-immunoprecipitations and in vitro SUMOylation confirmed ARHGAP21 specific modification by SUMO2/3 and mapped the SUMOylation site to ARHGAP21 lysine K1443. Immunofluorescence staining revealed that ARHGAP21 co-localizes with SUMO2/3 in the cytoplasm and membrane compartments. Interestingly, our results suggest that ARHGAP21 SUMOylation may be related to cell proliferation. Therefore, SUMOylation of ARHGAP21 may represent a way of guiding its function.  相似文献   

The RanBP2 nucleoporin contains an internal repeat domain (IR1-M-IR2) that catalyzes E3 ligase activity and forms a stable complex with SUMO-modified RanGAP1 and UBC9 at the nuclear pore complex. RanBP2 exhibits specificity for SUMO1 as RanGAP1-SUMO1/UBC9 forms a more stable complex with RanBP2 compared with RanGAP1-SUMO2 that results in greater protection of RanGAP-SUMO1 from proteases. The IR1-M-IR2 SUMO E3 ligase activity also shows a similar preference for SUMO1. We utilized deletions and domain swap constructs in protease protection assays and automodification assays to define RanBP2 domains responsible for RanGAP1-SUMO1 protection and SUMO1-specific E3 ligase activity. Our data suggest that elements in both IR1 and IR2 exhibit specificity for SUMO1. IR1 protects RanGAP1-SUMO1/UBC9 and functions as the primary E3 ligase of RanBP2, whereas IR2 retains the ability to interact with SUMO1 to promote SUMO1-specific E3 ligase activity. To determine the structural basis for SUMO1 specificity, a hybrid IR1 construct and IR1 were used to determine three new structures for complexes containing UBC9 with RanGAP1-SUMO1/2. These structures show more extensive contacts among SUMO, UBC9, and RanBP2 in complexes containing SUMO1 compared with SUMO2 and suggest that differences in SUMO specificity may be achieved through these subtle conformational differences.  相似文献   

It is known that Fas death domain-associated protein (Daxx) possesses both putative nuclear and cytoplasmic functions. However, the nuclear transport mechanism is largely unknown. This study examined the nuclear location signal (NLS) of Daxx and whether the nuclear transport of Daxx was mediated by small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO). Two NLS motifs of Daxx, leucine (L)-rich nuclear export signal (NES)-like motif (188IXXLXXLLXL197) and C-terminal lysine (K) rich NLS2 (amino acids 627-634) motif, were identified and the K630 and K631 on the NLS2 motif were characterized as the major sumoylation sites of Daxx by in vitro sumoylation analysis. Proteins of inactive SUMO (SUMO-delta), a sumoylation-incompetent mutant, and Daxx NLS mutants (Daxx-NES(mut) and Daxx NLS2(mut)) were dispersed in cytoplasm. The cytoplasmic dispersed Daxx mutants could be relocalized to nucleus by cotransfection with active SUMO, but not with inactive SUMO-delta, demonstrating the role of SUMO on regulating the cytoplasmonuclear transport of Daxx. However, inactive SUMO-delta could also be relocalized to nucleus during cotransfection with wild-type Daxx, suggesting that SUMO regulation of the cytoplasmonuclear transport of its target protein Daxx does not need covalent modification. This study shows that cytoplasmic SUMO has a biological role in enhancing the cytoplasmonuclear transport of its target protein Daxx and it may be done through the non-sumoylation interactions.  相似文献   

SUMO融合系统已成为目前大肠杆菌重组蛋白生产的重要手段,但在载体构建效率和蛋白可溶性等方面仍有待改进。本研究在PCR克隆酿酒酵母SUMO基因Smt3(Sm) 时意外发现Sm具有组成型原核启动子活性;而且经软莓BPROM程序预测发现大多数物种SUMO基因编码区都具有依赖s70的原核启动子。进一步通过整合Sm启动子和Sm 3¢末端StuⅠ位点特性以及引入His标签和超酸增溶标签,构建了基于Sm’-LacZα融合基因的一系列通用克隆表达载体,并通过蓝白斑筛选和SDS-PAGE分析进行了多个靶蛋白基因的克隆和表  相似文献   

The crucial function of the PTEN tumor suppressor in multiple cellular processes suggests that its activity must be tightly controlled. Both, membrane association and a variety of post-translational modifications, such as acetylation, phosphorylation, and mono- and polyubiquitination, have been reported to regulate PTEN activity. Here, we demonstrated that PTEN is also post-translationally modified by the small ubiquitin-like proteins, small ubiquitin-related modifier 1 (SUMO1) and SUMO2. We identified lysine residue 266 and the major monoubiquitination site 289, both located within the C2 domain required for PTEN membrane association, as SUMO acceptors in PTEN. We demonstrated the existence of a crosstalk between PTEN SUMOylation and ubiquitination, with PTEN-SUMO1 showing a reduced capacity to form covalent interactions with monoubiquitin and accumulation of PTEN-SUMO2 conjugates after inhibition of the proteasome. Moreover, we found that virus infection induces PTEN SUMOylation and favors PTEN localization at the cell membrane. Finally, we demonstrated that SUMOylation contributes to the control of virus infection by PTEN.  相似文献   

Septins, a conserved family of GTP/GDP-binding proteins, are present in organisms as diverse as yeast and mammals. We analyzed the distribution of five septins, Sept6, Sept7, Sept8, Sept9 and Sept11, in various rat tissues by western blot analyses and found all septins to be expressed in brain. We also examined the developmental changes of expression of these septins in the rat brain and found that the level of Sept8 increased during post-natal development. Morphological analyses revealed that Sept8 is enriched at pre-synapses. Using yeast two-hybrid screening, we identified vesicle-associated membrane protein 2 (VAMP2), a soluble N -ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE), as an interacting protein for Sept8. Synaptophysin is reported to associate with and recruit VAMP2 to synaptic vesicles and dissociate prior to forming the SNARE complex consisting of VAMP2, syntaxin and synaptosome-associated protein of 25 kDa. We showed that Sept8 suppresses the interaction between VAMP2 and synaptophysin through binding to VAMP2. In addition, we found that Sept8 forms a complex with syntaxin1A, and the Sept8-VAMP2 interaction is disrupted by synaptosome-associated protein of 25 kDa. These results suggest that Sept8 may participate in the process of the SNARE complex formation and subsequent neurotransmitter release.  相似文献   

Ribosomal precursor particles are initially assembled in the nucleolus prior to their transfer to the nucleoplasm and export to the cytoplasm. In a screen to identify thermosensitive (ts) mutants defective in the export of pre-60S ribosomal subunit, we isolated the rix16-1 mutant. In this strain, nucleolar accumulation of the Rpl25-eGFP reporter was complemented by UBA2 (a subunit of the E1 sumoylation enzyme). Mutations in UBC9 (E2 enzyme), ULP1 [small-ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO) isopeptidase] and SMT3 (SUMO-1) caused 60S export defects. A directed analysis of the SUMO proteome revealed that many ribosome biogenesis factors are sumoylated. Importantly, preribosomal particles along both the 60S and the 40S synthesis pathways were decorated with SUMO, showing its direct involvement. Consistent with this, early 60S assembly factors were genetically linked to SUMO conjugation. Notably, the SUMO deconjugating enzyme Ulp1, which localizes to the nuclear pore complex (NPC), was functionally linked to the 60S export factor Mtr2. Together our data suggest that sumoylation of preribosomal particles in the nucleus and subsequent desumoylation at the NPC is necessary for efficient ribosome biogenesis and export in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

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