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Passive smoking is a major health risk in young children. We investigated the percentage of children with mothers and/or fathers who reported regular smoking. Data are the national and regional health surveys of the German Cardiovascular Prevention Study (GCP) conducted from 1984 to 1992 in West Germany. 2538 mothers aged 25-40 years were included. The prevalence of passive smoking in children due to smoking mothers was 33.6% 55.4% of the children up to 5 years lived in households with at least one smoking parent member. In 23.4% of these households both parents were smokers. If only one member of the parents smoked this was in two out of three cases the father. 28.2% of mothers with a child younger than one year were current smokers. This prevalence rate increased with the age of the youngest child up to 35.6% for mothers, whose youngest child was 5 years old. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to investigate the association between smoking behaviour and the following variables: mother's age, social class, family status, community size and year of the survey. It was found that lower social class members, unmarried or divorced mothers and inhabitants of large cities reported significantly more often regular current smoking. These results underscore the importance of special intervention programs to reduce smoking in parents with young children.  相似文献   

Accurate characterization of peritoneal solute transport capacity in children has been hampered by a lack of standardized test mechanics and small patient numbers. A standardized peritoneal equilibration test was used to study 95 pediatric patients (mean age, 9.9 +/- 5.6 yr) receiving chronic peritoneal dialysis at 14 centers. Patients were divided into four age groups (< 1, 1 to 3, 4 to 11, 12 to 19 yr) for analysis. Each patient received a 4-h peritoneal equilibration test with an exchange volume of 1100 mL/m2 per body surface area. Dialysate to plasma (D/P) ratios for creatinine (C) and urea (U) and the ratio of dialysate glucose (G) to initial dialysate glucose concentration (D/D0) were determined. Mass transfer area coefficients (MTAC) were calculated for the three solutes and potassium (P). The mean (+/- SD) 4-h D/P ratios for C and U were 0.64 +/- 0.13 and 0.82 +/- 0.09, respectively. The mean 4-h D/D0 for G was 0.33 +/- 0.10. D/P and D/D0 ratio results were similar across age groups. Normalized (for body surface area) mean MTAC (+/- SD) values were as follows: C, 10.66 +/- 3.74; G, 12.93 +/- 5.02; U, 18.43 +/- 4.02; and P, 14.02 +/- 3.94. Whereas a comparison of the normalized MTAC values across age groups with an analysis of variance showed significant age group differences only for glucose (P = 0.001) and potassium (P = 0.036), analysis by quadratic regression demonstrated a nonlinear decrease with age for C (P = 0.016), G (P < 0.001), and P (P = 0.034). In summary, evaluation of D/P and D/D0 ratios obtained from a large group of children in a standardized manner reveals values that are similar across the pediatric age range and not unlike the results obtained in adults. In contrast, normalized MTAC values of young children are greater than the values of older children, possibly as a result of maturational changes in the peritoneal membrane or differences in the effective peritoneal membrane surface area.  相似文献   

AIMS: Abdominal aortic aneurysms are characterised by changes in the extracellular matrix of the arterial media, in particular a reduction in elastin concentration. These changes are mediated by increased levels of endogenous matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Recently, calcium channel blockers have been shown to increase the proteolytic activity of MMP-2 secreted by vascular smooth muscle cells. It may therefore by hypothesised that calcium antagonists may potentiate the activity of MMPs in aneurysmal disease and thus accelerate AAA expansion. In this study, the ability of amlodipine--a calcium antagonist--to influence elastin degradation, was assessed in a previously described model of aneurysmal disease. METHODS: Porcine aortic segments (n = 8) were pre-incubated in exogenous pancreatic elastase for 24 h prior to culture in standard conditions for 6 days with 10 and 100 micrograms/l amlodipine. Control segments were cultured both with and without amlodipine and without elastase. At the termination of culture MMPs were extracted from the tissue and quantified by a combination of substrate gel enzymography and immunoblotting. The volume fractions of elastin and collagen were determined by stereological analysis of EVG stained sections. RESULTS: Gel enzymography demonstrated significantly increased MMP-9 activity in the amlodipine treated segments, median 4.218 vs. 2.809 arbitrary units (p < 0.01) and this elevated activity was reflected in a significant destruction of medial elastin 27.0 vs. 40.5% (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Therapeutic ranges of amlodipine significantly enhanced elastin degradation and potentiated MMP-9 activity within the aortic organ cultures.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The passage of proteins across the glomerular filtration barrier is mainly determined by the size of the protein. In nephrotic syndrome (NS) the glomerular permselectivity is affected, causing proteinuria. Some authors suggest the existence of a generalized basement membrane defect. The permeability characteristics of the peritoneal basement membrane in children with NS are not known. METHODS: The transperitoneal transport of proteins with a different molecular weight (beta2-microglobulin MW 11800 D, albumin MW 69000 D, IgG MW 160000 D, and alpha2-macroglobulin MW 820000 D) was studied in a study group (group A) consisting of six stable nephrotic children (three with glomerulosclerosis and three with congenital nephrotic syndrome, one of them with mesangial sclerosis) and compared to a control group (group B) consisting of eight stable children on peritoneal dialysis. After a dwell of 6 h with Dianeal 1.36% dialysate and serum samples were collected. For each patient the dialysate to plasma (D/P) ratios of the four proteins were calculated. The D/P ratios of the nephrotic patients in group A were compared to the D/P ratios of the patients in the control group B. Data were expressed as mean +/- SD. RESULTS: The values for the D/P ratios (in percentage) of beta2-microglobulin, albumin, IgG and alpha2-macroglobulin in group A were 19.6+/-9.9, 2.7+/-1.7, 1.6+/-0.9, and 0.5+/-0.4, compared to 24.9+/-10.2, 4.0+/-2.3, 2.2 +/- 1.2, and 0.7 +/- 0.3 in the control group B. The ratios were plotted against MW on a double logarithmic scale. In all patients a linear relationship between molecular weight and D/P ratio of the proteins was obtained. The D/P ratios of the study group did not differ significantly from the control group. CONCLUSION: We conclude that the size selectivity of the capillary permeability is not affected in the peritoneal membrane in children with NS due to glomerulosclerosis and congenital nephrotic syndrome.  相似文献   

Each year there are over 400 papers published in the field of peritoneal dialysis. In this review I have touched on only a few highlights of some of the more active areas of investigation and development. The advances in controlling peritonitis rates with the Y-set have been dramatic and have resulted in peritonitis rates in many centers less than one episode per 24 patient months. Technique survivals have also improved with lower peritonitis rates. The enormous literature on new approaches to treatment and new understandings of host defenses are beyond the scope of this review. There are also many advances in peritoneal access. We now have many new types of catheters under investigation such as the Swan-Neck Missouri catheter and the Moncrief-Popovich catheter, with complete burial of the catheter until eventual externalization for CAPD training. There have been major advances in understanding the normal healing of exit sites and the early diagnosis and treatment of exit-site infections. All the extensive literature on catheter development in the management of exit sites will be reviewed elsewhere. I have focused primarily on an update of worldwide demographics, some of the new findings in peritoneal transport, the use of low-calcium solutions, experiences with EPO, new thinking about adequacy and nutrition, and finally, on recent comparisons of CAPD and hemodialysis.  相似文献   

We analysed the consultations of children under the age of 5 attending our pedopsychiatric outpatients department over a period of 1 year. Although paediatricians and pedopsychiatrists agree on the necessity to start therapy as early as possible, we found that many children were seen to late, at a time when they had difficulties, and that the principle of early intervention in pedopsychiatric needs to be better applied during infancy in an effort to prevent psychological disturbances.  相似文献   

Healthy rats and guinea-pigs were treated with a simple method of continuous peritoneal dialysis for 12, 24 and 48 h. Increasing with time, both animal species developed severe hypoproteinemia and hemoconcentration due to protein loss into the dialyzate fluid. These changes were associated with a high mortality rate, when Sterofundin was used for dialysis. Therefore, protein loss should be substituted and the type of dialyzate must be considered in experimental long-term dialysis using these small laboratory animals.  相似文献   

Peritoneal dialysis has a definite role in the treatment of acute or chronic renal failure and certain fluid and electrolyte disturbances. Its major advantages are simplicity and availability. On the other hand, it is less effective and causes more patient discomfort than hemodialysis. Many factors enter into the decision to use one method of dialysis or the other, and the two should be considered complementary. The numerous complications that may occur during peritoneal dialysis can be avoided by careful attention to technical details. With the recent development of indwelling catheters and automatic cycling devices, long-term peritoneal dialysis is being used increasingly and successfully in the home, particularly in patients for whom home hemodialysis is difficult or inappropriate.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to re-evaluate the clinical features of stroke in children, their outcome and the place of the different mechanisms, in the light of CT-scan and magnetic resonance imaging. METHODS: A 10-year review of the Dijon Childhood Neurology Clinic experience (1985-1995) identified 54 patients with arterial stroke. Diagnosis was established by CT-scan and angiography and by magnetic resonance imaging from 1987. When an hemorrhagic stroke was identified, a cerebral arteriogram and an investigation of the coagulation factors were performed. When an ischemic stroke was identified, the following tests were performed: an ultrasound examination of the cervical arteries, a cerebral arteriogram, a lumbar puncture, an investigation of the coagulation factors and lipid status, a measurement of homocystine in the plasma and the urine, an electrocardiogram, a Holter procedure and a cardiac echography. RESULTS: During the 11 full calendar years of this study, we observed 54 stroke patients. There were 31 cases of ischemic stroke, representing some 57% of the total, as well as 23 cases of hemorrhagic stroke, representing 43% of the total. Of the 31 cases with ischemic stroke, 4 had no known predisposing condition, 6 occurred in children with pre-existing heart disease, 2 had moya-moya disease, 2 had leukemia, 2 had a carotid dissection, 1 had an hemolytic-uremic syndrome, and 14 were observed in patients with other associated conditions, such as infections (7 cases) or slight cranial trauma (7 cases). On CT-scan, a basal ganglia infarction was identified in 14 cases. Among the 23 hemorrhagic strokes, 9 were due to arteriovenous malformations, 2 to arterial aneurysm and 5 to cavernomas. Two cases occurred in hemophilia, 2 in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, and 2 after throat infections. One case had no etiologic factor. Clinical course was marked by a low mortality rate even in hemorrhagic stroke, long-lasting seizures, and hemidystonia. CONCLUSION: This neuro-imaging survey focused on the real place of hemorrhage and basal ganglia infarctions in children under 16 years of age, compared to adulthood. Follow-up demonstrated good or complete resolution of neurological deficits despite the frequent late hemidystonia and late epilepsy.  相似文献   

The article deals with the results of studies analyzing the fibrogenic activity and toxicity of asbestos-containing heat insulators exemplified by asbestos board, vulcanite and asbestos vermiculite. Physical and chemical parameters of the studied dust are presented. All studied dust types have the distinct fibrogenic activity, the highest one was seen in asbestos board. The studied dust types could be classified according to the acute toxicity: asbestos board (DL50-3.2 +/- 0.09 g/kg), chrysotile asbestos (DL50-2.0 +/- 0.08 g/kg), vulcanite (DL50-1.9 +/- 0.08 g/kg) and asbestos vermiculite (DL50-0.7 +/- 0.04 g/kg). The article touches upon the probable acting mechanism of acute toxicity of asbestos and asbestos-containing dust.  相似文献   

Lung injury is a well-documented adverse effect of cardiopulmonary bypass. The mechanism of injury is not fully understood, but pulmonary hypoxia may be a factor. Post-operative pulmonary epithelial permeability (PEP) in ventilated versus non-ventilated lungs was measured within 2 h of return to the intensive care unit using a 99Tcm-diethylenetriamine pentaacetate aerosol technique. A portable scintillation detector system was required. Sodium iodide detectors have been used previously with this technique but are cumbersome. This study used mini caesium iodide detectors (Oakfield Instruments, Oxon, UK), which can be attached directly to the patient and are more suited to the intensive care setting. The clearance half-time from lung to blood (T1/2LB) was measured in 31 patients (62 lungs). The mean (+/- S.E.M.) clearance half-times were 42.3 +/- 2.7 and 45.7 +/- 3.8 min for non-ventilated and ventilated lungs respectively, with a mean difference of 3.4 +/- 3.1 min (P > 0.05). We conclude that, using this technique, no significant difference in PEP is observed between ventilated and non-ventilated lungs in patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass.  相似文献   

X-linked mental retardation (XLMR) includes distinct entities in which mental deficiency is either associated with specific abnormalities (syndromal) or not (nonsyndromal). We report on the clinical, neuropsychological, and laboratory findings and linkage analysis in one family with XLMR and isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD). Mental retardation was associated in 3 males and 5 females with short stature, microcephaly, and particular facial traits, i.e., high curved forehead, midface hypoplasia, and concave nasal bridge with nasal end of normal size and broad traits. Significant lod scores (Zmax >2) at a recombination fraction of theta = 0 were detected for 6 marker loci between DXS178 (Xq22.1) and DXS292 (Xq27.2). This mapping region overlaps that of XLMR with IGHD, recently reported by Hamel et al. [1996: Am J Med Genet 64:35-41] (Xq24-q27.3), and that of agammaglobulinemia with IGHD (Xq21.33-q22.2). This observation may confirm the suspicion of a gene involved in growth hormone regulation being localized in Xq.  相似文献   

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