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滞育昆虫小分子含量变化研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
丁惠梅  马罡  武三安  赵飞  马春森 《昆虫知识》2011,48(4):1060-1070
越冬期间昆虫的滞育深度和虫体健康状态从表面难以判断,但通过虫体生化物质的测定,可以有效解决这一难题,为预测预报提供可靠信息.本文从越冬期生化物质的变化规律和主要影响影子两部分综述了国内外越冬期滞育昆虫的生化研究进展.国内外研究表明,糖原是主要的能量物质,可以转化为海藻糖、葡萄糖/果糖、甘油、山梨醇/甘露醇、肌醇、脂肪酸...  相似文献   

霍湘 《生物学通报》2011,46(3):36-38
“检测生物组织中糖类、脂肪和蛋白质”是高中生物学必修1《分子和细胞》的一个重要实验。从实验原理、教学组织方式、检测方法以及学习评价等方面对这一实验的教学进行了分析,为高中生物学教学提供参考材料。  相似文献   

滞育和非滞育棉铃虫血淋巴中蛋白质含量及图谱的比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王方海  龚和 《昆虫学报》1998,41(4):426-430
昆虫在滞育期间和非滞育期间,由于某些器官的生理功能产生差异,致使血淋巴中的化学成份发生了量或质的变化,特别是蛋白质的变化,如在浦育的马铃薯叶甲Leptinotarsadecemlineata[1,2]及西南玉米杆草螟Diatraeagrandiosella[3,4]的血淋巴中,均发现了特殊蛋白质,即滞育蛋白。为了弄清滞育棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera的血淋巴中是否也出现滞育蛋白或与滞有相关联的蛋白,及注定滞育和非滞育棉铃虫在不同发育阶段中蛋白质含量的变化和谱带特征,以进一步探索棉铃虫滞育的生理生化机制,我们通过电泳等手段对不同时期的滞育和非滞育棉铃虫…  相似文献   

为揭示寄生蜂寄生对其寄主的生理调控机制, 室内对中红侧沟茧蜂Microplitis mediator寄生与未被寄生寄主粘虫Mythimna separata幼虫血淋巴中糖类、脂类和蛋白含量变化进行了测定。结果显示: 在滞育与非滞育条件下, 被寄生的粘虫血淋巴中糖原浓度均比未被寄生的粘虫高。滞育条件下寄生后12 d差异显著(P<0.05), 被寄生粘虫糖原含量为7.93 μg/mL, 未被寄生粘虫糖原含量为4.70 μg/mL; 非滞育条件下寄生后6 d差异显著(P<0.05), 被寄生粘虫糖原含量为14.35 μg/mL, 未被寄生粘虫糖原含量为5.47 μg/mL。海藻糖含量测定结果显示, 在滞育条件下寄生蜂对被寄生粘虫无明显影响, 而非滞育条件下影响效果差异显著(P<0.05), 寄生后4 d被寄生粘虫海藻糖含量为46.82 μg/mL, 未被寄生粘虫含量为26.72 μg/mL。在滞育与非滞育两种条件下, 寄生与未被寄生寄主脂类和蛋白含量没有显著性差异。结果说明: 寄生蜂的存在使寄主血淋巴中的糖原含量增高; 非滞育条件是影响被寄生粘虫海藻糖含量变化主要因素; 粘虫对中红侧沟茧蜂的寄生表现相当强的适应性和忍受力。  相似文献   

对教材中“还原性糖、脂肪、蛋白质的鉴定”实验进行了改进,利用自然研磨匀浆、装有组织块的竹子加工装置进行还原性糖的鉴定;利用脂肪含量多的材料通过压油观察法、刮粉观察法、浸泡刮粉观察法进行脂肪的鉴定;利用瘦肉片煮沸汁进行蛋白质鉴定。改进后的实验,拓宽了材料的选择,方法简单,效果更显著。  相似文献   

在以卵滞育的昆虫中昆虫滞育时的生理代谢特点已经得到了大量研究。本文对以末龄幼虫(5龄)滞育的大斑芫菁Mylabris phalerate(Pallas)在不同滞育阶段体内糖类和醇类代谢的特征进行了研究。结果表明: 滞育个体血淋巴中的海藻糖含量高于非滞育个体,且随滞育时间的加大逐渐升高,滞育5个月时达到最大值,为5.61 μmol/mL。糖原的含量随滞育的进程逐渐减少,滞育初期(0.5个月)为0.72 mg/mL,到滞育末期(5个月)时仅为0.1 mg/mL。滞育个体脂肪体中的海藻糖含量都高于非滞育个体,滞育1个月时为非滞育个体的3倍,至滞育末期时达非滞育个体的5倍,为2.5 μmol/g脂肪体。糖原含量总体变化趋势是随滞育时间的加大逐渐减少,滞育早期和中期都高于非滞育个体。在滞育过程中血淋巴积累的小分子多元醇主要为甘油,其次是山梨醇;而在脂肪体中主要为甘油,其次是甘露醇,少量积累山梨醇:表明大斑芫菁滞育幼虫主要积累的是海藻糖和一些小分子多元醇。滞育幼虫在准备滞育时储备了大量糖原,这些糖原可能为滞育期间海藻糖、山梨醇和甘油的代谢提供了原料。  相似文献   

葱蝇非滞育、 冬滞育和夏滞育蛹发育和形态特征比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黎万顺  陈斌  何正波 《昆虫学报》2012,55(7):816-824
昆虫非滞育、 冬滞育和夏滞育蛹具有不同的生理和发育过程。本研究以葱蝇Delia antiqua作为模式种, 以黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster蛹的发育形态特征和命名为参照, 用解剖、 拍照、 长度测量和图像处理等方法系统地比较研究了非滞育、 冬滞育和夏滞育蛹的发育历期和形态变化, 重点在头外翻和滞育相关发育和形态特征, 目的在于弄清非滞育、 冬滞育和夏滞育蛹发育和形态特征差异, 为滞育发育阶段的识别、 滞育分子机理研究奠定形态学基础。冬滞育蛹的滞育前期、 滞育期和滞育后期分别为4, 85和27 d, 夏滞育蛹的滞育前期、 滞育期和滞育后期分别为2, 8和22 d。从化蛹至头外翻完成为滞育前期, 头外翻完成约10 h内复眼中央游离脂肪体可见。头外翻的完成是滞育发生的前提, 非滞育、 夏滞育和冬滞育蛹头外翻发生在化蛹后的48, 36和83 h, 在头外翻过程中发育形态没有差异。头外翻的过程为: 首先, 头囊和胸部附肢从胸腔外翻, 头部形态出现; 然后, 腹部肌肉继续收缩, 将血淋巴和脂肪体推进头部及胸部附肢。葱蝇蛹在完成蛹期有效积温约15%时进入冬滞育或夏滞育。在滞育期, 蛹的形态一直停留在复眼中央游离脂肪体可见这一形态时期, 且冬滞育和夏滞育的蛹在形态上没有区别。在体长、 体宽和体重上, 冬滞育蛹最大, 夏滞育蛹次之, 非滞育蛹最小。在滞育后期, 在黄色体出现期间, 非滞育蛹的马氏管清楚可见, 呈绿色, 而滞育蛹的马氏管几乎不可见。本研究为认知昆虫滞育生理、 从发育历期和形态上推断滞育发育进程提供了依据。  相似文献   

【目的】本文探究了大豆食心虫Leguminirora glycinioorella(Mats.)Obraztsov进入滞育以后体内糖类、脂质和水分含量的变化,以及不同寄主植物和滞育诱导期温度对大豆食心虫体内糖类、脂质和水分含量的影响。【方法】通过蒽酮硫酸法和氯仿甲醇分离法测定了滞育前后、以大豆Glycine max(L.)Merr和野大豆Glycine soja Sieb.et Zucc.两种植物为寄主以及不同滞育诱导温度下的大豆食心虫体内脂质、水分、总糖、糖原和海藻糖的含量,结果利用SPSS17.0数据分析软件进行分析。【结果】进入滞育阶段的大豆食心虫体内脂质、总糖、海藻糖和糖原含量显著增加,含水量显著下降。以大豆为寄主的大豆食心虫在滞育阶段体内水分含量、总糖和糖原含量较野大豆寄主的高,海藻糖含量较野大豆的低,差异均显著。不同滞育诱导温度下的大豆食心虫体内生化物质含量基本一致。【结论】滞育前后大豆食心虫体内各种生化物质变化明显,以栽培大豆为寄主和以野大豆为寄主的大豆食心虫体内生化物质含量不同,而滞育诱导温度对大豆食心虫体内生化物质含量影响不大。  相似文献   

The milk yield and composition was studied during the first three lactations of a group of rats. Milk yield increased steadily throughout the three lactations, but was somewhat lower during the first than subsequent lactations. Protein concentration was similar during all three lactations and varied little with stage of lactation. In contrast the lactose concentration, which was reasonably constant for the first 8 days post partum, increased thereafter two-fold by the end of the period studied in all three lactations. However, the N-acetyl-neuraminyl lactose concentration showed somewhat reciprocal changes. Considerable variations in the triacylglycerol concentration was found during the first lactation but few changes were observed during subsequent lactations. The free fatty acid concentration was at all times low and showed no significant changes during or between lactations. At most stages of lactation in raw milk, the major fatty acids are palmitate, oleate and linoleate. However, as lactation progresses there is an increase in the proportion of medium-chain saturated fatty acids and a corresponding decrease in the proportion of long chain unsaturated fatty acids in milk fat. Clearly the composition of milk is not invariable but changes both during and between lactations. Such changes may be expected to have some influence on the metabolism of the offspring.  相似文献   

Dry weight (D.W.), protein, RNA, and DNA have been determined in the blowfly, Lucilia sericata, throughout all stages of normal development in long and short photoperiod regimes and during larval diapause. During normal development protein/D.W. levels fluctuate markedly during the larval and puparial stages, increased levels being correlated with the synthesis of new cuticle, etc. prior to ecdysis and the histogenesis of adult tissues prior to emergence. Protein levels remain relatively high and constant during adult life to senescence. RNA/D.W. levels are highest in first instar larvae but decline rapidly during larval development until just before puparium formation. Sharp increases are found prior to pupation and then again prior to adult emergence. In the adult stage, the levels decline steadily throughout the life span. DNA/D.W. levels are very low in the egg but rach their highest levels in early first instar larvae. They then decline during larval development, with small increases being found prior to puparium formation and adult emergence. Adult levels remain relatively constant throughout the life span. The ratio has extremely high values in the egg, indicating the high degree of synthetic activity that takes place during embryogenesis. There is a steady decline in values during adult life to senescence in both sexes, suggesting that physiological ageing in L. sericata is accompanied by a decrease in protein synthesis potential.During larval diapause all parameters, with the exception of the ratio, are maintained at low and constant levels, reflecting the fact that diapause is a period when synthetic and mitotic activity are minimal. The great variations in levels, however, indicate that individuals within a group of larvae can terminate diapause spontaneously at 24°C and return to the normal processes of morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary The fresh-water limpetAncylus fluviatilis, living in European brooks, was found to have relatively greater carbohydrate and lipid fractions in winter than in summer. During starvation in the winter stage, lipid reserves are diminished first, followed by the carbohydrate reserves. Protein is degraded at nearly equal rates throughout the experiments. Specimens suffering from starvation are not found in the field during winter. Lipid reserves are mainly deposited in the midgut gland, whereas the carbohydrate reserves are distributed more equally among different tissues.A. fluviatilis must feed continuously during the winter period. The results are discussed in relation to data from other Basommatophora.  相似文献   

Pollen grains of Helleborus foetidus and H. bocconei were exposed to low temperature treatments to simulate the natural events in pollen presentation of these two winter flowering species and to analyze the pollen carbohydrate content (glucose, fructose, sucrose and starch). In both species, cytoplasmic polysaccharides, monosaccharides and sucrose were found, while only Helleborus foetidus contained starch. Polysaccharide, sucrose and monosaccharide content varied as low temperature exposure time varied, a decrease in temperature decreases polysaccharide content and increases sucrose and monosaccharides. The relative quantities of the various types of carbohydrates were not affected by variations in the naturally occurring thermal cycles. Treatments did not greatly affect pollen viability. Although the occurrence of carbohydrates in pollen is known since many years, their function is still unclear. The findings of this research suggest a role of cytoplasmic pollen carbohydrates in resistance to low temperature exposure. The inter-conversion of carbohydrate type may be an adaptation for sustaining viability during pollen presentation that is particularly important for a winter flowering species such as Helleborus foetidus and H. bocconei .  相似文献   

Changes in the carbohydrate content of the KB cell during the growth cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
KB cells were grown in suspension culture and synchronized with a double thymidine block. Cells were removed at various times during the cell cycle and analyzed for sialic acid, fucose, mannose and galactose. The mannose, galactose, and fucose contents of the cells all showed a decrease during the mitotic phase. The content of sialic acid decreased, but later in the cycle. When the cell was not dividing the molar rations of sialic acid to fucose: mannose: galactose were approximately 2:5:3 when sialic acid was expressed as 1; the ratios dropped to approximately 1:3:1.5 throughout division. These results indicate that the glycoprotein and/or glycolipid contents of KB cells probably change throughout the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Leaf structure and function under spaceflight conditions have received little study despite their important implications for biological life support systems using plants. Previous reports described disruption of the membrane apparatus for photosynthesis and a general decrease in carbohydrate content in foliage. During a series of three short-duration experiments (Chromex-03, -04, -05) on the US space shuttle (STS-54, STS-51, STS-68), we examined Arabidopsis thaliana leaves. The plants were at the rosette stage at the time of loading onto the space shuttle, and received the same light, temperature, carbon dioxide and humidity regimes in the orbiter as in ground controls. The experiments differed according to the regime provided in the headspace around the plants: this was either sealed (on mission STS-54); sealed with high levels of carbon dioxide (on mission STS-51) or vented to the cabin air through a filtration system (on mission STS-68). Immediately post-flight, leaf materials were fixed for microscopy or frozen in liquid nitrogen for subsequent analyses of chlorophyll and foliar carbohydrates. At the ultrastructural level, no aberrations in membrane structure were observed in any of the experiments. When air-flow was provided, plastids developed large starch grains in both spaceflight and ground controls. In the experiments with sealed chambers, spaceflight plants differed from ground controls with regard to measured concentrations of carbohydrate and chlorophyll, but the addition of airflow eliminated these differences. The results point to the crucial importance of consideration of the foliage microenvironment when spaceflight effects on leaf structure and metabolism are studied.  相似文献   


A study was made on the changes observed in the protein, starch and soluble sugar content during development of siliquas and seeds of rapeseed grown in central Italy.

Concentration of starch and soluble sugars in the seed increases to 75 per cent dry matter during the first few weeks of pod development and then drops to minimum values. The protein increases steadily until maturity, when a level of 0.85 mg per seed is reached, equivalent to 18 per cent dry matter. The protein and starch in the hull? decrease continuously during development, while in the initial stages the soluble sugars are accumulated until they account for 33 per cent dry matter, after which they decline towards maturity.  相似文献   

Undegraded polysomes could be extracted from eggs of Bombyx mori by cutting egg shells with a blade in a buffer containing high salt. The polysome content as measured by this method increased steeply during post-diapause development, which was commenced by long term chilling followed by hot HCl treatment of diapausing eggs. At the 24th hr of the post-diapause development the polysome content became 2.6-times the level at 0 h. The alteration of the polysome content paralleled that of the incorporation of [14C]leucine into acid-insoluble fractions investigated by modified Takami's embryonic culture system.  相似文献   

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