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中新世的犀类在古北区各地发现很多,但在我国却发现得很少。1937年杨钟健描述过山旺组中发现的无角犀亚科的一个新属 Plesiaceratherium,材料包括许多肢骨和少数破碎的前臼齿。1964年,周明镇等曾报导了在江苏发现的中新世的 Brachypotherium,由于 Plesiaceratherium 的牙齿材料破碎,它与 Brachypotherium 牙齿的区别一直不清楚。  相似文献   

山东临朐中新世同翅目一个新属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文描述了山东山旺组硅藻土层中同翅目一个新属——尖头蝉属(Oxycephala)。并报道了1973年测制的解家河村角岩山至尧山剖面山旺组的分层资料。  相似文献   

张俊峰 《古生物学报》1993,32(2):141-150
记述我国山东山旺中新统山旺组双翅目毛蚊科Plecia属3新种和Bibio属1新种.根据现代毛蚊类的生态学知识推断了中新世山旺地区的古生态特征.同时,讨论了Clothonopsis miocenica的基本特征以及分类描述中存在的问题,认为不能把这个种置于纺足目,应归入双翅目的毛蚊科.  相似文献   

记述我国山东山旺中新统山旺组双翅目毛蚊科Plecia属3新种和Bibio属1新种.根据现代毛蚊类的生态学知识推断了中新世山旺地区的古生态特征.同时,讨论了Clothonopsis miocenica的基本特征以及分类描述中存在的问题,认为不能把这个种置于纺足目,应归入双翅目的毛蚊科.  相似文献   

描述了安徽繁昌和江苏泗洪新发现的晚新生代堆积物中的刺山鼠科化石。化石共有两属3种,即产自安徽、江苏的中华新来鼠(新种)(Neocometes sinensis sp.nov.)和产自安徽的大新来鼠(新种)(N.magna sp.nov.)及猪尾鼠未定种(Typhlomys sp.)。安徽繁昌的材料来自裂隙堆积,采样时未作分层处理,对单个化石属种很难进行准确的时代确定;但根据所采集化石的组分和上下层位保存的颜色与埋葬方式上的差异,推测Neocometes的时代为中新世,而Typhlomys可能较晚。Neocometes属的出现和典型中新世动物成员的存在,表明繁昌这一含古猿的裂隙堆积中含有大致与江苏泗洪动物群和山东山旺动物群相当、甚至可与泰国中新世动物群对比的啮齿动物组合。新种牙齿的形态特征显示,Neocometes属在亚洲经历了个体迅速增大,齿冠增高,齿脊增强,上臼齿外脊和下臼齿内脊逐渐发育的过程,与该属在欧洲的演化趋势有所不同。  相似文献   

在河北省阳原县大黑沟中更新世和岑家湾附近石沟早更新世地层中分别发现了犀牛的下颌骨和股骨化石。其下颌联合部窄长、无下门齿、牙齿釉质层平滑而无褶皱、牙齿表面无垩质充填,股骨较披毛犀的长,故将其归入梅氏犀(Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis)。泥河湾盆地的化石是我国早期梅氏犀化石中材料最可靠,地点层位最明确的记录。山神庙咀和大黑沟出土的板齿犀牙齿及前脚骨化石,是泥河湾盆地发现的最好材料,尤其是大黑沟出土的板齿犀牙齿化石,是迄今在泥河湾盆地首次发现的完整材料;依据冠面结构和测量数据,该批材料可归入裴氏板齿犀(Elasmotherium peii);裴氏板齿犀特征鲜明,是有效名称,我国早更新世的板齿犀均应归入该种。我国第四纪的板齿犀与高加索板齿犀之间存在显著差异,表现在釉质层厚度较大但褶皱不够强烈、下颊齿的下后尖发育、颊齿冠面的前后径多数大于颊舌径、M3比M2小、M3后附尖欠发育,后脊与外脊已完全融合、上颊齿的齿脊更厚。此外,我国的板齿犀与西伯利亚板齿犀也有差异,后者的牙齿齿冠更高、无齿根、釉质层薄且褶皱强烈、上颊齿无后窝。最新地层研究表明,我国含板齿犀属的地层时代不晚于早更新世,且集中出现于下更新统。在晚新生代期间,犀牛在泥河湾盆地十分常见,先后出现过如下属种:大唇犀(Chilotherium sp.)(上新世)、裴氏板齿犀(Elasmotherium peii)(早更新世)、泥河湾披毛犀(Coelodonta nihowanensis)(早更新世)、梅氏犀Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis(早-中更新世)和真披毛犀(Coelodonta antiquitatis)(中-晚更新世)。  相似文献   

第七届国际风筝会于4.1日至4.10日在山东潍坊召开,国际盛会期间,山东省山旺化石博物馆在潍坊市十笏园举办“山旺化石展览”。山旺化石形成于新生代第三纪中新世,距今约1800万年。山旺化石门类齐全,属种繁多,精美完好,清晰完整。截止目前在山旺共发现收集化石10000余件,已研究鉴定的有12个门类,400余属种。这次在潍坊展出的有犀牛,昆虫、鱼、鸟、蛙、龟等  相似文献   

金丝猴的牙齿   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
牙齿对古生物、古人类研究是十分重要的。牙齿也是动物分类学所依据的重要特征之一,它所提供的亲缘证据和来自其他方面的材料多是相吻合的。在讨论和评价现生灵长类时,牙齿同样是不可缺少的材料之一。就目前所知,已发表的金丝猴(Rhinopithecus)牙齿的研究资料较少。Hooiier(1952)和Swindler(1976)对川金丝猴的牙齿只作了一个简单的记录和扼要的形态描述。至于滇金丝猴和黔金丝猴牙齿的研究纯属空白。为此,有必要对这三个类群牙齿的形态结构作一个简要的比较观察,试图找出它们之间和属间的异同点,为今后的综合性探讨提供基本材料。  相似文献   

1973年春,我馆在山东临朐县山旺硅藻土矿采集到两枚珍贵的獏类牙齿化石,其基本构造清晰。这是我国中新世地层中獏类动物的首次发现。山东山旺的硅藻土,一般认为是第三纪中新世的沉积。因为大部分由细腻而薄层的硅藻土组成,所以有人称它为“万卷书”。岩层中含有极丰富的古生物化石。1936年以来,我国古生物学工作者曾对该地区中新世地层进行过大量调查,发现过不少新种属。在山旺中新世地层中曾发现的脊椎动物化石就有罗汉鱼、玄武蛙、中新蛇、蝙蝠、近无角犀、皇冠鹿等。獏类是一种奇蹄类动物,它们的身体比较笨重、肥胖,背弯曲,腿短。它们的鼻子很特殊,较长,能伸缩卷曲,可以用来抓树叶。原始獏类动物出现在五千多万  相似文献   

山东临朐中新世松鼠类一新属   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文描述的Meinia asiatica gen.et sp.nov.代表我国新第三纪首次发现的一类飞松鼠,化石采自山东省临朐县解家河中中新统山旺组,新属的特征表明,它与欧洲新第三纪的Sciu(?)optera类有接近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

Working west of Lake Rudolf in 1965 Professor Bryan Patterson found at Kangatotha, among other human specimens yet to be described, a fragment of the corpus of a human mandible bearing three molar teeth. Its C-14 date is 2835 B.C . The mandible is stout, heavily mineralized, and closely similar to others from Ishango on the west shore of Lake Edward found by de Heinzelin earlier. The three teeth are large and also similar to those from Ishango. Cranial and postcranial bones of the Ishango people show them to have been Negroes, and the jaws and teeth fit the same classification. The individual from Kangatotha was also indubitably a Negro.  相似文献   

Copper introduced into met-myoglobin crystals occupies various sites as indicated by electron paramagnetic resonance parameters. Cu2+ (A) is probably liganded to histidine A10, lysine A14, and asparagine GH4 (Banaszak et al., 1965) and shows superhyperfine interaction with a single (imidazole) nitrogen. Cu2+ (B) and Cu2+ (C) correspond to other anisotropic sites described in less detail. Cu2+ (A) exhibits a transition to an isotropic form with a transition temperature of 40.5 degrees C. This transition indicates a conformational change in myoglobin and could correspond to a motion of A helix away from the GH section. The transition temperature is 7 degrees C higher than the one previously reported (Atanasov, 1971) for myoglobin in solution.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of hemagglutination by type A2 influenza virus and a recently isolated strain of type B influenza virus were separated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation and agarose gel filtration from horse serum. Using selected reagents, it was demonstrated that the active substituent on the horse serum inhibitor of A2 influenza virus was 4-O-acetyl-N-acetylneuraminic acid; however, the active substituent on the inhibitor of the influenza B virus was shown to be N-acetylneuraminic acid (NANA). Sodium metaperiodate treatment of a component of horse serum resulted in a 10 to 15-fold enhancement of inhibitory activity against the type B virus, whereas the A2 inhibitor was completely destroyed. Since this enhancement did not occur with influenza B viruses isolated prior to 1965, it was considered that this sensitivity to an oxidized NANA glycoside may have been a reflection of an antigenic change which occurred at that time. The use of different virus strains and selected chemical reagents to define the important sialic acid prosthetic groups active in inhibition was described.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: Osche, G. (1966): Die Welt der Parasiten. Frisch, Karl v. (1965): Tanzsprache und Orientierung der Bienen. Reichenbach-Klinke, H. H. (1963): Krankheiten der Reptilien. Reichenbach-Klinke, H. , und E. Elkan (1965): The principal diseases of lower vertebrates. Griffin, D. R. (1964): Bird migration, the biology and physics of orientation behavior. Kaestner, A. (1965): Lehrbuch der Speziellen Zoologie. Kühn, A. (1965): Vorlesungen über Entwicklungsphysiologie. Lorenz, K. (1966): Stammes- und kulturgeschichtliche Ritenbildung. Hafez, E. S. (1962): The Behaviour of domestic animals. Hassenstein, B. (1965): Biologische Kybernetik. Bally, G. (1966): Vom Spielraum der Freiheit. Strohmeyer, C. (1959): Schweinekomödie.  相似文献   

E. L. Birse 《Plant Ecology》1982,49(3):141-162
The plant communities on serpentine are named, classified and briefly described. Vegetation specific for serpentine belongs to the Violetea calaminariae, the class of communities on heavy metal soils. Other individual associations occur on serpentine soils but these are part of more general classes. The relationship of the separate vegetation units with the soils and their range in climate are outlined.The nomenclature of the vascular plants is that of Clapham et al. (1962) of the mosses that of Warburg (1963) of the liverworts that of Paton (1965) and of the lichens that of James (1965).The author wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to Mr J. S. Robertson for making the 1980 relevés of Unst and Fetlar available for this paper.  相似文献   

The L-type Ca(2+) channel Ca(v)1.2 forms macromolecular signaling complexes that comprise the β(2) adrenergic receptor, trimeric G(s) protein, adenylyl cyclase, and cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) for efficient signaling in heart and brain. The protein phosphatases PP2A and PP2B are part of this complex. PP2A counteracts increase in Ca(v)1.2 channel activity by PKA and other protein kinases, whereas PP2B can either augment or decrease Ca(v)1.2 currents in cardiomyocytes depending on the precise experimental conditions. We found that PP2A binds to two regions in the C-terminus of the central, pore-forming α(1) subunit of Ca(v)1.2: one region spans residues 1795-1818 and the other residues 1965-1971. PP2B binds immediately downstream of residue 1971. Injection of a peptide that contained residues 1965-1971 and displaced PP2A but not PP2B from endogenous Ca(v)1.2 increased basal and isoproterenol-stimulated L-type Ca(2+) currents in acutely isolated cardiomyocytes. Together with our biochemical data, these physiological results indicate that anchoring of PP2A at this site of Ca(v)1.2 in the heart negatively regulates cardiac L-type currents, likely by counterbalancing basal and stimulated phosphorylation that is mediated by PKA and possibly other kinases.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Beer, C. G. (1966): Incubation and nest-building behaviour of Blackheaded gulls. V: The post-hatching period. Mrosovsky, N., und B. B. Boycott (1966): Intra- and interspecific differences in phototactic behaviour of freshwater turtles. Lill, A. (1966): Some observations on social organisation and non-random mating in captive Burmese red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus spadiceus). Singh, S. D. (1966): The effects of human environment upon the reactions to novel situations in the Rhesus. Schmidt, R. S. (1966): Central mechanisms of frog calling. Salzen, E. A. (1966): The interaction of experience, stimulus characteristics and exogenous androgen in the behaviour of domestic chicks. Åkerman, B. (1966): Behavioural effects of electrical stimulation in the forebrain of the Pigeon. Uyeno, E. T. , und R. A. Graham (1966): The effects of food deprivation of Rats on swimming to exhaustion. Silverman, A. P. (1966): The social behaviour of laboratory rats and the action of Chlorpromazine and other drugs. Cole, D. D. , und J. N. Shafer (1966): A study of social dominance in Cats. Varley, M. , und D. Symmes (1966): The hierarchy of dominance in a group of Macaques. Kahl, M. P. (1966): Comparative ethology of the Ciconiidae I: the Marabou Stork. Hansen, E. W. (1966): The development of maternal and infant behavior in the Rhesus monkey. Franck, D. (1966): Möglichkeiten zur vergleichenden Analyse auslösender und richtender Reize mit Hilfe des Attrappenversuchs, ein Vergleich der Successiv- und Simultanmethode. Dunham, D. P. (1966): Agonistic behavior in captive Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Pheucticus ludovicianus L. Herrnstein, R. J. (1965): In defense of bird brains. (Was Vogelhirne leisten können.) Kolb, A. (1965): Über die Orientierung einheimischer Fledermäuse während des Fressens. Colbert, E. H. (1965): Die Evolution der Wirbeltiere. — G. Heberer übersetzte die zweite amerikanische Auflage von Evolution of the Vertebrates, Verlag Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart. Menzel jun., E. W., R. K. Davenport jun. und Ch. M. Rogers (1963): Effects of environmental restriction upon the Chimpanzee's responsiveness in novel situations. 1) Lorenz, Konrad (1964): Über tierisches und menschliches Verhalten. Aus dem Werdegang der Verhaltenslehre. Gesammelte Abhandlungen. 2) Lorenz, Konrad (1965): Der Vogelflug. Unveränderter Abdruck der 1933 im Journal für Ornithologie. Ziswiler, V. (1965): Bedrohte und ausgerottete Tiere. Eine Biologie des Aus-sterbens und Überlebens. Freedman, D. (1965): An ethological approach to the genetical study of human behavior. Schaller, G. B. (1965): Unsere nächsten Verwandten. — A. P. Zeller übersetzte die amerikanische Urfassung: The Year of the Gorilla. Huxley, Julian, und H. B. D. Kettlewell (1965): Charles Darwin and his world. (Charles Darwin und seine Welt.) Hockett, Ch. F. (1960): Logical considerations in the study of animal communication. Altmann, St. A. (1965): The structure of Primate social communication. (Die Struktur der sozialen Verständigung bei Primaten) — vervielfältigtes Manuskript, das Verf. Harrison, Ruth : Animal machines, übersetzt von Margaret Auer (1964): Tiermaschinen.  相似文献   

1. A modification of the RPC 1 system of A.D. Kelmers, G.D. Novelli & M.P. Stulberg (1965) (J. Biol. Chem. 240, 3979-3983) is described in which the support medium is a Celite of narrow range particle size treated with dichlorodimethylsilane. 2. By using this system an apparently pure preparation of tRNA Cys was isolated from baker's yeast tRNA. 3. This preparation accepted at least 60% of the theoretical quantity of [3-14C]cysteine in a conventional assay and failed to accept isoleucine, phenylalanine, proline, serine or tyrosine. 4. A theoretical countercurrent-distribution curve calculated by assuming a distribution coefficient K of 2.03 was in excellent agreement with the profiles of E260 and cysteine-acceptor ability after 537 transfers in the 1.85 M-phosphate/formamide/propan-2-ol system of C.M. Connelly & B.P. Doctor (1965) (J. Biol. Chem. 241, 715-719). 5. Chromatography of tRNA Cys on Bio-Gel P100 polyacrylamide beads afforded two components one of which was far less efficient than the other in accepting cysteine. The base compositions of the two were similar.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with an approach to disconfounding effects in repeated measure designs with multiple groups. An extension of latent curve analysis (MEREDITH and TISAK, 1990; RAO, 1958, 1965) is described. The method permits estimation and testing of intervention effects separately from temporal effects. It is based on restricted factor analysis of individual change profiles and utilizes basis curves representing group patterns of change. The approach is illustrated on data from a two-group intervention study.  相似文献   

Bagge , P., Lehtovouri , M. & Lindqvist , O. 1963. [Quantitative investigations of the bird fauna of Inari and Enontekiö in northern Lappland.] Bailey , R. S. 1967. An index of bird population changes on farmland. Brenner , F. J. 1966. The influence of drought on reproduction in a breeding population of Redwinged Blackbirds Agelaius phoeniceus. Davis , B. N. K. 1967. Bird feeding preferences among different crops in an area near Huntingdon. Dick , J. A. & Rising , J. D. 1965. A comparison of foods eaten by Eastern Kingbirds and Western Kingbirds in Kansas. Evans , F. C. 1964. The food of Vesper, Field, and Chipping Sparrows nesting in an abandoned field in Southeastern Michigan. Haapanen , A. 1965. Bird fauna of the Finnish forests in relation to forest succession. Hildén , O. 1964. Ecology of duck populations in the island group of Valassaaret, Gulf of Bothnia. Jenkins , D., Watson , A. & Miller , G. R. 1964. Current research on Red Grouse in Scotland. Kear , J. 1962. Feeding habits of the Grey Lag Goose Anser anser on the Island of Bute. Kear , J. 1965. Recent changes in Scottish barley acreages and the possible effect on wild geese. KEAR, J. 1967. Feeding habits of the Greylag Goose Anser unser in Iceland, with reference to its interaction with agriculture. Kikkawa , J. 1966. Population distribution of land birds in temperate rainforest of southern New Zealand. Kulczycki , A. 1966. [The birds of the Lańcut Park.] Murton , R. K. 1965. Natural and artificial population control in the Wood-Pigeon. Murton , R. K. c. 1966. A statistical evaluation of the effect of Wood-Pigeon shooting as evidenced by the recoveries of ringed birds. Nelson , J. B. 1966. Population dynamics of the Gannet (Sula bassana) at the Bass Rock, with comparative information for other Sulidae. Paynter , R. A. 1966. A new attempt to construct life tables for Kent Island Herring Gulls. Pulliainen , E. 1963. On the history, ecology, and ethology of the Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos L.) overwintering in Finland. Ratcliffe , D. A. 1967. The Peregrine situation in Great Britain 1965–66. Schemnitz , S. D. 1964. Comparative ecology of Bobwhite and Scaled Quail in the Oklahoma Panhandle. Skead , C. J. 1967. Ecology of birds if the Eastern Cape Province. Sladen , W. J. L., Wood , R. C. & Emison , W. B. 1966. Antarctic avian population studies, 1965–66. Snow , D. W. & Snow , B. K. 1961. Breeding seasons and annual cycles of Trinidad land-birds. Snow , D. W. 1966. Population dynamics of the Blackbird. Soikkeli , M. 1965. On the structure of the bird fauna of some coastal meadows in western Finland. Watson , A. 1965. Research on Scottish Ptarmigan. Watson , A. 1966. Hill birds of the Cairngorms. Westerskov , K. 1965. Winter ecology of the Partridge Perdix perdix in the Canadian Prairie. Williamson , K. 1964. Bird Census work in Woodland. Williamsonj , K. 1967. The bird community of farmland. Willson , M. F. 1966. Breeding ecology of the Yellow-headed Blackbird.  相似文献   

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