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The phagocytic activity of neuroglial cells in adult feline degenerating optic nerve was investigated by immunocytochemistry at both light and electron microscopy levels. Degeneration was initiated by unilateral eye enucleation and the segment distal to the transection showing true Wallerian degeneration was examined. Following enucleation, twelve adult domestic cats were examined over a period of seven to 215 days. All cases showed slow clearance of myelin debris and absence of proliferating monocytes throughout the post-enucleation period. All phagocytic cells present were neuroglial cells, and many of these cells expressed oligodendroglial antigens. These findings demonstrate the persistence of an active population of oligodendrocytes that might play an additional functional role during Wallerian degeneration of feline optic nerve.  相似文献   

The phagocytic activity of neuroglial cells in adult feline degenerating optic nerve was investigated by immunocytochemistry at both light and electron microscopy levels. Degeneration was initiated by unilateral eye enucleation and the segment distal to the transection showing true Wallerian degeneration was examined. Following enucleation, twelve adult domestic cats were examined over a period of seven to 215 days. All cases showed slow clearance of myelin debris and absence of proliferating monocytes throughout the post-enucleation period. All phagocytic cells present were neuroglial cells, and many of these cells expressed oligodendroglial antigens. These findings demonstrate the persistence of an active population of oligodendrocytes that might play an additional functional role during Wallerian degeneration of feline optic nerve.  相似文献   

A floating fraction that layers on top of 0.25 sucrose has been obtained during the preparation of myelin from intact and 9 day degenerating goldfish optic tracts. The proportion of total tract protein isolated in floating fraction rises from 6.6% to 11.0% during degeneration. This increase is paralleled by a morphologically observed splitting of myelin lamellae. Floating fraction contains all of the major myelin proteins but shows a 40% increase in the proportion of basic protein and a 2–3 fold decrease in the proportion of IP proteins (intermediate molecular weight glycoproteins) and a 36 Kd (X) protein. The lipid to protein ratio is slightly higher in floating fraction than myelin. Lipid composition is characterized by 1/2–1/3 the myelin levels of galactolipids and twofold increased levels of triglycerides and cholesterol esters. Electron microscopy of floating fraction shows a mixture of myelin fragments with few lamellae and single membrane fragments. Taken together the results indicate that floating fraction in the degenerating goldfish optic tract is at least partially derived from the breakdown of myelin.  相似文献   

Summary Adult albino rats were subjected to unilateral surgical removal of the eyeball. After survival times of 7–140 days, the numerical response of the neuroglial cells, and the progressive disintegration of the myelin sheaths in the optic nerves, were studied qualitatively and quantitatively in electron-microscopic montages. The distribution density of microglia and astroglia in degenerating optic nerve increased to peaks after 35 and 56 days respectively, whereas, the oligodendroglia gradually decreased. During the early stage of degeneration, microglial cells appeared and invaded the sheath at the intraperiod line, peeling off the outer lamellae, which were then engulfed by phagocytosis. Within the microglia, myelin sheath fragments were surrounded by a membrane curled to form a myelin ring. In the intermediate stage of degeneration, the paired electrondense lines of the ring, made up of myelin basic protein, decomposed and formed a homogenous or heterogenous osmiophilic layered structure, the myelin body, which, in the final stages, disintegrated and transformed into globoid lipid droplets and needle shaped cholesterol crystals.  相似文献   

In this work we analyzed variations in the expression of MBPs and P0 in ligated sciatic nerves of young and adult rats at 3, 7, and 14 days postligation (PL), by immunohistochemistry and SDS-PAGE of isolated myelin. A protein redistribution was seen in the distal stump of ligated nerves with the appearance of immunoreactive clusters. Using the KS400 image analyzer, immunostained area values were obtained from the different nerves dissected. In adult rats, there was an increase of the immunostained area for MBP from 3 to 7 days PL, coincident with a reorganization of the marker in clusters, followed by a marked decrease at 14 days. P0 immunolabeling gave similar results without, however, a decrease of the immunostained area at the longer survival time tested. Young animals showed an acceleration in the process of protein redistribution and digestion within ligated nerves, which followed a similar pattern as that of adult animals. Analysis by electrophoresis showed a marked decrease in P0 and MBP at 7 days PL in young rats and 14 days PL in adult rats. The functional significance of protein clustering within myelin in injured nerves deserves further analysis.  相似文献   

罗勋  王云 《生物学杂志》2010,27(5):81-83
处于衰老过程中的视神经呈现出年龄相关变化。主要包括视神经纤维髓鞘的老化崩解、纤维显著丢失、纤维直径减小及其对兴奋的传导速度减慢;视神经胶质细胞显著增生。视神经纤维衰老性改变可能导致视觉功能的衰退;胶质细胞的增生可能对维持视神经的形态及延缓视神经进一步衰老起保护作用。  相似文献   

The pathway from the retina to the brain in mammals provides a well-defined model system for investigation of not only surviving axotomy but also axonal regeneration of injured neurons. Here I introduce our recent works on axonal regeneration in the optic nerve (OpN) of adult cats. Fibers of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) extend beyond the crush site of OpN with injections of a macrophage stimulator (oxidized galectin-1) or a Rho kinase (ROCK) inhibitor (Y-39983 or Y-27632) while axonal extension is blocked with injection of saline. Elongation of crushed optic fibers, however, is slowed after 2 weeks. Transplantation of peripheral nerve makes RGCs regenerate their transected axons into a graft but regenerated fibers extend only a few mm in the brain. Effectiveness of combination of the drugs and treatments has to be verified in future.  相似文献   

One sciatic nerve of a White Leghorn hen was severed and the distal portion was allowed to undergo Wallerian degeneration. The change in histamine and DNA concentration and mast cell number was measured at different times following nerve sectioning in the proximal regenerating, distal degenerating, and intact, contralateral nerves. The experimental results revealed a significant accumulation of histamine in the proximal desheathed segment and in the contralateral “functional nerve,” whereas the biogenic amine in the distal desheathed nerve significantly decreased. The pattern of change of histamine in the distal and proximal nerve sheaths was different: it dropped at 2 h and then rose in the later stages of Wallerian degeneration. In the distal desheathed nerves and in both the proximal and distal nerve sheaths DNA increased significantly by 14 days. The number of mast cells appeared to be highest in the 14-day distal nerve and in the 7-day proximal nerve sheaths. These results support a dual localization of histamine in the peripheral nerve, and are consistent with the interpretation that the amine has either some role in neurotransmission or in the process of growth and regeneration.  相似文献   

Retinal ganglion cell axons and axonal electrical activity have been considered essential for migration, proliferation, and survival of oligodendrocyte lineage cells in the optic nerve. To define axonal requirements during oligodendrogenesis, the developmental appearance of oligodendrocyte progenitors and oligodendrocytes were compared between normal and transected optic nerves. In the absence of viable axons, oligodendrocyte precursors migrated along the length of the nerve and subsequently multiplied and differentiated into myelin basic protein-positive oligodendrocytes at similar densities and with similar temporal and spatial patterns as in control nerves. Since transected optic nerves failed to grow radially, the number of oligodendrocyte lineage cells was reduced compared with control nerves. However, the mitotic indices of progenitors and the percentage of oligodendrocytes undergoing programmed cell death were similar in control and transected optic nerves. Oligodendrocytes lacked their normal longitudinal orientation, developed fewer, shorter processes, and failed to form myelin in the transected nerves. These data indicate that normal densities of oligodendrocytes can develop in the absence of viable retinal ganglion axons, and support the possibility that axons assure their own myelination by regulating the number of myelin internodes formed by individual oligodendrocytes.  相似文献   

The use of the visual system played a major role in the elucidation of molecular mechanisms controlling axonal regeneration in the injured CNS after trauma. In this model, CNTF was shown to be the most potent known neurotrophic factor for axonal regeneration in the injured optic nerve. To clarify the role of the downstream growth regulator Stat3, we analyzed axonal regeneration and neuronal survival after an optic nerve crush in adult mice. The infection of retinal ganglion cells with adeno-associated virus serotype 2 (AAV2) containing wild-type (Stat3-wt) or constitutively active (Stat3-ca) Stat3 cDNA promoted axonal regeneration in the injured optic nerve. Axonal growth was analyzed in whole-mounted optic nerves in three dimensions (3D) after tissue clearing. Surprisingly, with AAV2.Stat3-ca stimulation, axons elongating beyond the lesion site displayed very irregular courses, including frequent U-turns, suggesting massive directionality and guidance problems. The pharmacological blockade of ROCK, a key signaling component for myelin-associated growth inhibitors, reduced axonal U-turns and potentiated AAV2.Stat3-ca-induced regeneration. Similar results were obtained after the sustained delivery of CNTF in the axotomized retina. These results show the important role of Stat3 in the activation of the neuronal growth program for regeneration, and they reveal that axonal misguidance is a key limiting factor that can affect long-distance regeneration and target interaction after trauma in the CNS. The correction of axonal misguidance was associated with improved long-distance axon regeneration in the injured adult CNS.  相似文献   

Structural characteristics of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) derived from axonally transported proteoglycans (PGs) were compared in 21 day regenerating and intact goldfish optic tracts. Twenty one days following unilateral optic nerve crushes, fish received intraocular injections of35SO4. Eight hours post injection, tracts were removed and the35SO4-labeled GAGs, chondroitin sulfate (CS) and heparan sulfate (HS), isolated. The HS from regenerating optic tracts had a DEAE elution profile indicative of decreased charge density, while heparitinase treatment of HS followed by Sephadex G50 analysis of the resulting fragments showed a change in the elution pattern, suggesting reduced overall sulfation. HPLC analysis of HS disaccharides revealed a difference in the sulfation pattern of regenerating tract HS, characterized by the reduced presence of tri-sulfated disaccharides. Other structural features, such as the sizes of CS and HS, and the sulfation of CS, showed no changes during regeneration. These results indicate that changes in the structure of axonally transported HS accompany regeneration of goldfish optic axons.  相似文献   

The optic nerve, as a part of the central nervous system (CNS), has been used to study axonal transport for decades. The present study has concentrated on the axonal transport of synaptic vesicle proteins in the optic nerve, using the “stop-flow/nerve crush” method. After blocking fast axonal transport, distinct accumulations of synaptic vesicle proteins developed during the first hour after crush-operation and marked increases were observed up to 8 h postoperative. Semiquantitative analysis, using cytofluorimetric scanning (CFS) of immunoincubated sections, revealed that the ratio between distal accumulations (organelles in retrograde transport) and proximal accumulations (organelles in anterograde transport) was much higher (up to 80–90%) for the transmembrane proteins than that for surface adsorbed proteins (only 10–20%). The pattern of axonal transport in the optic nerve was comparable to that in the sciatic nerve. However, clathrin and Rab3a immunoreactivities were accumulated in much lower amounts than that in the sciatic nerve. Most synaptic vesicle proteins were colocalized in the axons proximal to the crush. A differential distribution of synaptobrevin I and II, however, was observed in the optic nerve axons; synaptobrevin I was present in large-sized axons, while synaptobrevin II immunoreactivity was present in most axons, including the large ones. The two isoforms were, thus, partially colocalized. The results demonstrate that (1) cytofluorimetric scanning techniques could be successfully used to study axonal transport not only in peripheral nerves, but also in the CNS; (2) synaptic vesicles are transported with fast axonal transport in this nerve; and (3) some differences were noted compared with the sciatic nerve, especially for Rab3a and clathrin. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 32: 237–250, 1997.  相似文献   

Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are abundant in the rat retina and at least seven heteromeric subtypes have been detected. Axons of retinal ganglion cells form the optic nerve and innervate areas of the brain important for visual processing, including the lateral geniculate nucleus, the superior colliculus, and the pretectal nucleus. Development of eye-specific layers in these projection areas are dependent upon retinal waves which are initially mediated by nAChRs [ Feller et al. , Science 272 (1996), 1182 ; Penn et al. , Science 279 (1998), 2108 ; Bansal et al. , J. Neurosci. 20 (2000), 7672 ]. Unilateral eye-enucleation studies in the rat indicate that nAChRs are on the terminals of optic nerve axons, where they may mediate influences of acetylcholine on visual pathways. In this study, we use radioligand binding and immunoprecipitation with subunit-selective antibodies to investigate the subunit composition of nAChRs in the rat optic nerve. We found multiple nAChR subtypes in the optic nerve, all of which contain the β2 subunit. Most of these receptors are mixed heteromeric subtypes, composed of at least three different subunits. Included among these subtypes is the highest percentage and density of α6- and β3-containing nAChRs of any area of the rat CNS that has been reported.  相似文献   

Rat sciatic nerve segments were incubated in five different media. Disappearance of neurofilament (NF) triplet proteins (200K, 160K, and 68K MW) occurred in medium containing Ca2+ and was inhibited by the addition of E-64-c or leupeptin. Therefore, the presence in the peripheral nerve of an enzyme whose properties are similar to those of Ca2+-activated neutral protease (CANP) is suggested. The extraction of crude CANP from rat sciatic nerve was performed. CANP activity was completely recovered (0.129 ± 0.008 U/g) in the precipitate salted out by the addition of 0 to 50% saturated ammonium sulfate to the soluble fraction of the peripheral nerve (crude CANP). Properties of the crude CANP were examined using NF as a substrate and were found to be similar to those of the CANP extracted from skeletal muscle. Identification of the crude CANP with the CANP extracted from rat skeletal muscle was performed using the immunoreplica method. Bands corresponding to 73K were detected in both CANPs.  相似文献   

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