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概况由于高技术对材料的苛求,推动了新材料的发展。复合材料具有能发挥其组成原材料的协同作用,同时又有很大的材料设计自由度,因而具有良好的发展前景。用纤维来补强陶瓷很早就被人们所注意。在早期的工作中,就已经发现纤维加入到陶瓷可以补强和改善陶瓷的抗热震性能,  相似文献   

采用细观力学方法对单向C/SiC陶瓷基复合材料的基体失效机制进行了研究。利用剪滞理论模型和临界基体应变能(CMSE)准则预测了C/SiC陶瓷基复合材料受拉时基体开裂失效过程,获得了单向C/SiC陶瓷基复合材料基体开裂段的应力-应变曲线。并将扩展有限元法(XFEM)用于该开裂过程的模拟,得到了对应的应力-应变曲线。研究结果表明,采用剪滞理论模型、CMSE和采用XFEM得到的计算结果与相关的实验结果三者能较好地吻合,证明了计算方法的有效性。  相似文献   

三维机织陶瓷基复合材料的面内剪切性能及损伤研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用IOSIPESCU纯剪切试件, 考虑纤维的编织结构和失效机理, 研究了三维机织碳/碳化硅(C/SiC)复合材料在面内剪切载荷作用下的力学性能和损伤过程. 材料具有明显的非线性应力-应变行为和残余变形等特性. 材料主要的损伤机制为基体微裂纹开裂, 界面脱粘和纤维断裂, 其中界面裂纹是材料应力-应变等力学行为的主要影响因素. 基于连续介质损伤力学分析方法, 提出了简单的损伤演化模型并对损伤演化过程进行了描述.  相似文献   

三维编织复合材料渐进损伤模拟及强度预测   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
采用考虑纤维束相互挤压的纤维束截面八边形单胞模型, 引入周期性边界条件, 对三维编织复合材料的渐进损伤过程进行数值模拟, 并预测了材料的拉伸强度。通过在应变能密度函数中引入损伤状态变量, 建立了含损伤材料的刚度矩阵, 运用基于不同失效模式下损伤状态变量的刚度渐进折减法表征材料积分点损伤, 通过数值结果与试验结果的对比, 分析了Hashin和Tsai-Wu两种准则作为判定纤维束起始损伤的适用性。分析表明: 基于引入不同失效模式的Tsai-Wu准则的数值模拟和试验结果吻合良好; Hashin准则不适合作为编织纤维束的损伤判据; 不同编织角材料的失效机制不同。   相似文献   

陶瓷基复合材料具有较强的结构特性,是一种多相体材料.其力学性能及损伤破坏规律不仅取决于各组分材料性能,同时也取决于细观结构特征.对于复合材料的强化,通常是通过掺入夹杂物以提升其界面强度.但是由于夹杂掺入的不均匀性,以及制备工艺无法排净的空气和其他杂质,使得基体尤其是界面附近的基体,不可避免的存在孔隙,这些孔隙在受到外部载荷时产生裂纹继而扩展,造成材料失效.因此通过研究材料在遭受外部载荷冲击时,其在细观层面的损伤演化与宏观失效表现的关系,从细观层面分析材料损伤演化的规律和断裂机理,不仅可以为复合材料的制备提供理论上的指导,而且还可以通过对材料细观结构的进一步优化达到设计材料的目的.本文介绍了陶瓷基复合材料在制备过程中产生的缺陷、缺陷致使材料发生损伤失效以及缺陷对复合材料有效强度影响的研究现状,在总结复合材料相关研究成果及不足的基础上,结合仿真建模分析手段对下一步复合材料有效强度问题研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

马青松  陈朝辉 《材料工程》2007,(2):58-61,66
碳纳米管因其独特的结构而具有许多独特的性能,除了在半导体器件、储氢、传感器、吸附材料、电池电极、催化剂载体等领域具有非常广阔和诱人的应用前景外,碳纳米管在制备结构、功能以及结构/功能一体化复合材料方面也将大有作为.本研究对国内外碳纳米管增强陶瓷基复合材料的研究状况进行了综合分析,指出了存在的问题及以后的发展方向.  相似文献   

界面性能对陶瓷基复合材料拉伸强度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于陶瓷基复合材料拉伸试验现象引入了主裂纹损伤带的概念, 并将其宽度定义为界面脱粘长度. 由于界面性能对纤维应力集中有较大影响, 并且控制着材料的断裂模式, 分别给出了脆性断裂和韧性断裂的强度计算公式, 并引入了应力集中系数和界面脱粘能量释放率. 分析结果表明, 拉伸强度随着应力集中系数和界面脱粘能量释放率的增大而减小. 文中公式给出的预测值与试验值吻合较好, 表明断裂时纤维所承担的应力用脱粘段纤维平均应力来衡量是合适的.  相似文献   

梅林 《材料导报》1990,(4):31-32,7
陶瓷基复合材料是近几年发展起来的新兴学科和举世瞩目的特殊开发领域,因此研究开发极为活跃。陶瓷基复合材料由于能够克服陶瓷材料固有的脆性和显著提高性能而倍受重视。因此,不少国家都在投入大量的人力、物力和财力竞相开发研究,并取得了明显进展。就材料特性而言,陶瓷基复合材料可分为机械结构材料和功能材料两大类。就使用的原材料来讲,陶瓷基复合材料又细分为陶瓷纤维增强陶瓷材料、金属纤维增强陶瓷材  相似文献   

纤维补强陶瓷基复合材料的进展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  

A method of construction of the effective strength surface of matrix composites based on the properties of their components taking into consideration the arbitrary anisotropy of the strength, elastic, and geometric parameters of these composites has been developed. The method is based on use of determinations of the first and second moments of the tensors of stresses in the components of composite materials.Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 12, pp. 47–51, December, 1991.  相似文献   

The newly derived relationship between the closure traction and the crack opening displacement by the modified shear-lag model is used to investigate the tensile failure behaviors of unidirectional fiber reinforced ceramics. The critical stress for matrix cracking and the critical stress to fracture the fiber are calculated for various crack configurations. Then, the failure of composite initiates as the applied stress exceeds the smaller of the matrix cracking stress and the fiber fracture stress. The differences of results between the present analysis and Marshall and Cox are discussed. Finally, the possible tensile failure modes and the transition conditions between different failure modes are summarized in this paper.  相似文献   

A model hybrid glass-matrix composite has been studied. The system investigated was Corning Code 1723 glass matrix (an alkaline earth aluminosilicate glass) with silicon carbide whiskers and Nicalon® fibres. It was found that a 10 wt % whisker loading of the matrix gave optimum composite properties. The optimized hybrid composite, when compared to an optimized non-hybrid composite, showed increases in microcrack yield stress from 330 to 650 MPa, interlaminar shear strength from 47 to 130 MPa, and transverse strength from 12 to 50 MPa, while the ultimate strength decreased from 965 to 900 MPa.  相似文献   

《Composites Part A》1999,30(4):569-575
Preceramic polymers offer a unique method to fabricate ceramic matrix composites (CMC). Relatively large and complex shapes were fabricated using a polysilazane polymer and silicon carbide based reinforcements of CG Nicalon™ and HI-nicalon™ fibers. This paper summarizes a raw material system and the fabrication process used to prepare two-dimensional cloth reinforced composites. Typical tensile, shear and compressive properties of CMCs prepared with the two types of reinforcements are presented. Although CG Nicalon reinforced composites exhibit good mechanical stability at moderate stress levels at 1100°C, HI-Nicalon reinforced composites show improved creep behavior at 1200°C.  相似文献   

Abstracts are not published in this journal This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

An indentation test technique for compressively loading the ends of individual fibres to produce debonding has been applied to metal, glass, and glass-ceramic matrix composites; bond strength values at debond initiation are calculated using a finite-element model. Results are correlated with composite longitudinal and interlaminar shear behaviour for carbon and Nicalon fibre-reinforced glasses and glass-ceramics including the effects of matrix modifications, processing conditions, and high-temperature oxidation embrittlement. The data indicate that significant bonding to improve off-axis and shear properties can be tolerated before the longitudinal behaviour becomes brittle. Residual stress and other mechanical bonding effects are important, but improved analyses and multiaxial interfacial failure criteria are needed to adequately interpret bond strength data in terms of composite performance.  相似文献   

Zircon matrix composites, uniaxially reinforced with a variety of SiC fibres were fabricated in order to create composites with different interfacial properties. Interfacial properties were varied by changing the nature of fibre coatings. The effect of changes in interfacial shear strength on important matrix properties, such as hardness and fracture toughness, was studied on a micro-scale using the microindentation technique. In addition, the relative orientation of the indented cracks with respect to the fibres was varied to investigate the existence of anisotropic behaviour of the matrix. The results indicated that the crack growth in the matrix was influenced by the presence of residual radial and axial stresses, such that relatively higher crack lengths were seen in certain directions in the matrix with respect to other directions. This asymmetric nature of the crack formation upon indentation was the reason for the observed anisotropic fracture toughness of the matrix. The residual stresses also led to anisotropic hardness and a critical load for crack initiation in the matrix.  相似文献   

In the previous paper [1], the stress distribution and the expected number of successive fibre breakages around broken fibres were calculated. It showed the following results. The fracture process that the crack originates from one isolated broken fibre and propagates due to the stress redistribution following the fibre breakage is unlikely to occur in the real unidirectional fibre-reinforced composite material. The matrix-failure is considered to play an important role in the fracture process of real composite materials. In the present paper, the stress (or strain) distribution and the expected number of successive fibre breakages around broken fibres are calculated when the matrix-damaged regions exist. The stress (or strain) distribution is obtained based on the three-dimensional hexagonalarray shear-lag model. Uniform shear force is assumed to occur in the matrix-damaged region. The expected number of the successive fibre breakages is calculated on the assumption that the flaws in the fibre follow a Poisson process.  相似文献   

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