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“新工科”体现学科交叉,注重培养学生的创新意识与综合能力,对实践教学体系提出了一系列新要求。微电子专业作为典型的“新工科”专业,实践教学的重要性尤为突出。本文针对我校微电子专业实践教学存在的问题,结合“新工科”创新理念要求,从实践教学体系、管理模式、考核评价制度,以及校企合作等方面提出了相应的改革措施,通过建立校企合作协同育人机制,促进产学研深度融合,构建基于学习产出的教学评价体系,推动“新工科”微电子专业人才培养多元化发展,为“新工科”背景下的微电子专业实践教学改革及人才培养提供有益参考。  相似文献   

在新经济背景下,我国的智能安防行业对跨界、融合的人才需求日益明显。就物联网专业群如何开展智能安防产业链产教融合的实践展开研究,分析山东省安防行业产教融合现状,以职业院校学生为实践对象,构建适合安防产业的校企“双主体”育人模式,建立生产性实训基地运行机制,增强校企产教融合的深度,切实服务地方产业发展。  相似文献   

加强校企深度合作是提高学校人才培养与企业要求无缝对接的有效方式。 高职院校视觉传达设计专业培养 的是能适应区域性文化事业与文化产业发展需求的、一专多能的应用型设计人才,目前存在合作模式传统陈旧、产教脱节 严重、人才培养质量评价不全面等诸多诟病。 高职院校应深化校企合作,与产业深度融合,通过搭建人才培养共享平台、创 新专业教学模式、共同打造混编型双师教学团队、实施“四位一体”毕业设计创作新模式等途径,积极探索并实施“产教互 动,协同育人”人才培养新模式,以培养出符合区域性文化事业与文化产业发展需求的高技能设计人才。  相似文献   

文章主要通过介绍现代学徒制的实践,分析了基于现代学徒制模式培养高职物联网专业创新创业人才的经验和教训。通过现代学徒制双主体育学、育人进而育创新创业,为校企合作搭建共同平台,推进产学融合、促进校企创新创业教育的供给侧改革,实现创新创业教育和专业教育的融通,形成结合企业项目探索产学研合作培养创新人才的新模式。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,会计信息化专业的培养模式问题成为国内众多会计教育工作者关注的热点。笔者结合教学实践,探索在高职高专会计信息化专业培养模式的创新。高职高专会计信息化专业可以选择知名财务软件公司,搭建校企合作平台,探索“校企合作、工学结合”人才培养模式,构建“一线二点三领域”课程体系,推行任务驱动教学方式,实行多元评价等。  相似文献   

肖磊荣 《电子世界》2013,(20):208-208
高等职业教育市场营销专业人才培养模式的改革要以校企合作为基础,适应市场需求、提升人才培养规格,使企业的人才需求与学校的发展目标结合起来,建立校企双赢的合作机制。高职院校只有在校企合作制订营销人才培养方案、校企合作解决高职营销学生就业问题、校企合作共建实训基地进行实践、校企合作进行专业课程的教学改革等方面与企业紧密结合,才能提高学生营销专业能力、方法能力和社会能力,有效解决学生就业的“零距离”对接,实现营销专业应用型人才的培养目标。  相似文献   

四川邮电职业技术学院在推进国家骨干高职院校建设过程中,不断理清思路,以体制机制建设为主线、以重点专业建设为龙头、以应用型科研项目为纽带,形成“三个循环”,即学院自身造血能力提升循环、师资能力提升循环、人才培养质量提升循环,建立了校企紧密合作的长效机制,实现校企深度融合,共同发展。  相似文献   

戴丹丹 《电子技术》2023,(3):301-303
阐述跨界融合背景下的职业教育计算机学科人才培养模式创新,学科状况,学科跨界融合模式,包括计算机专业的跨界融合,计算机课程、培养理念、教学思维的跨界融合。  相似文献   

本文以模具专业为例,说明了理实一体化实训室建设的思路,介绍了理实一体化实训室教学的实施情况,并提出了理将实一体化实训室建设与校企合作相融合,培养出更符合社会需求的高技能型人才。  相似文献   

刘正顶 《通讯世界》2017,(11):292-294
技工院校和企业作为技工教育不同培养主体,在人才培养上各具优势,需要既有合作又有分工.文章分析了通信专业传统教学实践模式的不足,针对技工院校通信技术人才培养模式的特点,结合行业特色与专业特色,探讨了校企共建ICT融合创新实训基地的思路与具体建设方案及效益分析,对培养具有实践能力、创新精神的ICT融合创新技能人才具有积极的意义.  相似文献   

浙江华数按照既定计划结合《新型服务模型与跨界服务模式》研究理论,开发了华数智慧教育示范应用。通过电视、手机、电脑等终端将家庭和学校连接起来,将学校教育资源辐射至学生家庭,为学生提供同步课堂、学校通知、收看教学视频、查看成长报告、参加视频会议等服务。目前项目在浙江省多市县子公司进行了试点,得到广大师生和家长认可。主要描述跨界服务融合理论和相关示范应用。  相似文献   

基础设施是实现车联网产业融合创新发展的必要支撑,其可靠通信、精准感知和实时计算等能力可赋能智能网联汽车、智能交通、信息通信发展。在研究车联网新型基础设施的范畴与发展现状的基础上,分析了车联网新型基础设施建设与服务在跨域协同方面的挑战。结合国内外发展趋势,提出了“物理分立、逻辑协同”的车联网基础设施系统架构,并提出了进一步的发展建议。  相似文献   

The divergent evolution of e-commerce has complicated its correspondingly logistics management. However, few studies have explored e-commerce logistics business models via big data analytics. Hence, this investigation explores e-commerce logistics business models from unstructured big data. Specifically, this work develops a hybrid content analytical model to scrutinize essential knowledge of e-commerce logistics. The empirical results of the proposed model incorporate theories of resource dependence theory (RDT) and innovation diffusion theory (IDT) to generate logistical strategies. Ten critical themes of e-commerce logistics from topic mining are “Southeast Asia’s e-commerce logistics payments”, “E-commerce order management”, “E-commerce logistics cloud services”, “E-commerce logistics package management”, “Europe e-commerce trends”, “India’s e-commerce logistics”, “E-commerce distribution management”, “Tax policies”, “E-commerce logistics platforms”, and “E-commerce logistics networks”. Moreover, the fundamental rule of “cross-border e-commerce logistics” is uncovered by the association rules model. The proposed hybrid content analytics framework provides a research foundation for e-commerce logistics management. Furthermore, e-commerce logistics can be implemented by vital strategies: “Establish inter-organizational and technical collaboration to create positive operations performance” and “Comprehend law, policy, and cultural differences to customize appropriate technologies of e-commerce logistics”.  相似文献   

建筑工程技术品牌专业建设要以产业现代化的视角审视, 紧跟时代发展新要求。在调研建筑业产业背景的 基础上, 提出了精准服务区域建筑产业转型升级、最大满足学生成长成才需要、合作创新产教融合育人模 式、完善培养质量监控等品牌专业的建设理念, 并在制定基于建筑产业现代化的人才培养方案、构建基于 能力本位和工作过程的专业课程体系、优化“双师、双化”专业教学团队、共建共享优质教学资源和教学 条件等方面进行了探索和实践, 取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

创新教学模式作为“信息安全技术”课程构建的重要组成部分,如何有效教学模式和课程知识体系协调统一是当前所关注的重点。文章通过“信息安全技术”的知识体系、涉及范围两方面显著特点入手,探讨了教学模式面临困境及现状,构建了“目标-内容-方法-机制”创新教学模式,讨论了“信息安全技术”课程优化途径,创新性引入了校企合作模式,为“信息安全技术”课程教学模式的良性发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为了更好地适应新的社会需求发展变化,将应用型人才要求的实际工程技能训练与本科教育规格要求的学科理论深度及知识体系的有机融合方面应体现出“理实结合”的培养理念,在网络虚拟化环境的背景下,将专业人才培养与新技术人才需求对接及专业课程知识体系与新技术岗位群技能对接,构建“通识教育模块”+“学科基础模块”+“专业模块”课程体系,构建协同创新的校企互动与科教融合内涵建设的培养模式。实践表明,该模式具有一定的推广价值,专业建设达到预期目标,初步形成了“网络基础能力扎实,应用开发能力突出”的人才培养特色。  相似文献   

随着人们实践探索“做学教合一”课堂教学改革的深入推进, 为持续发挥“做学教合一”教学模式的积极 作用, 人们需要主动探索指引实践的发展向度。为此, 结合新时期职业教育人才培养的新要求, “做学教 合一”课堂的建构, 要主动融合对学生核心素养和工匠精神的内涵培养;主动寻求生态课堂、教学支持的理 念支撑实践, 探索“做学教合一”新的发展向度。  相似文献   

Yusun FU  Genke YANG 《通信学报》2005,41(9):190-201
The research and application progress in mobile communication,and points out its obstacle for improving the performance of mobile communication system were summarized.A new approach for reducing the gap between the practical and the ideal network performance was put forward creatively,which included the artificial intelligence reconstruction for performance outer loop part,the traditional adaptation or optimization for performance inner loop part,and the optimal cooperation between the two parts.The effectiveness of this approach was proved by the several successful applications.Finally,it pointed out that in order to meet the severe demands of mobile communication system for the “stable” “accurate” and “fast” artificial intelligence solution,and make the mobile network automatic,intelligent and wise,in addition to the excellent performance of the artificial intelligence reconstruction scheme itself,there must also be a feedback closed-loop system architecture based on the big data analysis and analog system,which is the key path to achieve this target.  相似文献   

In the upcoming era, one of the emergent technologies is “Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs),” which has provided various solutions in the field of defense, surveillance, and so on. But the main problems in the WSNs are security and energy-efficient routing to the researchers. The deployment of security algorithms can monitor only the unauthorized signals to ensure security, but it lacks and leads to higher energy consumption, whereas the deployment of energy-efficient routing algorithms is used only for the selection of routing paths, but it fails to ensure security. Hence, the main intent of this research work is to solve both problems by the following proposed models. Model 1 is “Identity-Based Aggregate Signatures (IBAS)” that is the most effective security-based framework protocol in this research work. Model 2 is the integration of IBAS and “Fuzzy Logic System (FLS)” that acts as an energy-efficient algorithm, and here, FLS is used to find the optimal path from source to destination to transmit the data. Model 3 is the combination of IBAS and the “Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA)” for higher energy efficiency and auto localization by analyzing the entire route in WSN. Model 4 is the combination of IBAS, WOA, and the “Reinforcement Theory of WOA (RTWOA)” energy-efficiency model with a twofold and weight factor strategy for better speed and accuracy. These models ensure security, energy efficiency, and auto localization. The simulation parameters such as “Energy Efficiency,” “Packet Delivery Ratio,” “Average delay,” “Throughput,” and “Energy Consumption” are evaluated, and results show that the performance of energy efficiency and security is higher in Model 4 when compared to the other three models.  相似文献   

The Cooperation Center for Disaster Mitigation and Security in Buildings as an interdisciplinary academic facility of the Vienna University of Technology (VUT) aims at the goal to carry out “research for the benefit of mankind”. It takes place in the framework of practice oriented and society relevant research projects of complex quality, which require a close cooperation between the various disciplines. Because of the increasing number of hazards caused by the violating forces of nature the Vienna University of Technology has made research driven education a new focal point for students of the Department of Architecture in cooperation with experts of disaster mitigation. By means of an agreement and through joint projects in cooperation with the University of Tokyo, since 1981 the Vienna University of Technology has had a close relation with Japan, which similarly to Austria is a natural hazard prone country. The so-called Key Station of the VUT plays an important role by continuously maintaining the prerequisites of scientific cooperation with Japan and by directing research activities, as well. An actual theme is the Niigata-Project, which will be carried out in the framework of the official program “Japan — EU Year of People-to-People Exchanges 2005” on the occasion of the disastrous earthquake in Japan 2004. Some of the disaster mitigation projects on the fields earthquake, tsunami, flood, avalanche and landslide carried out by students of the VUT are presented.  相似文献   

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