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面向数字图书馆的海量信息管理体系结构研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
分析了数据密集型应用的特点,讨论了管理海量数字资源面临的技术挑战和关键问题,并综述了支持高性能数据密集型应用的相关工作,包括标准、技术和应用系统.在分析和比较相关工作的基础上,设计了一个新型的面向海量信息管理的数字图书馆体系结构,并描述了其中的关键功能组件和核心服务模块.最后,给出了一个遵循该体系结构设计和实现的应用实例——清华大学建筑数字图书馆.  相似文献   

提出一种应用于电子政务的、综合运用数字签名和数字水印技术的体系结构,并且讨论了该结构的安全性能。  相似文献   

This article describes the developments in The Netherlands to establish a national Network for Digital Heritage. This network is based on three pillars: to make the digital heritage visible, usable, and sustainably preserved. Three working programs will have their own but integrated set of dedicated actions in order to create a national infrastructure in The Netherlands, based on an optimal use of existing facilities. In this article the focus is on the activities related to the sustainable preservation of the Dutch national digital heritage.  相似文献   

智慧城市是利用物联网等新一代信息技术实现城市智慧运行和管理的新型城市形态,是信息技术与城市发展深度融合的产物;针对当前智慧城市因碎片化、烟囱式发展模式而面临的重复建设严重、跨域资源难以共享与联动协同等突出问题,从资源汇聚和促进城市应用互联互通互操作的角度,定义了城市物联网基础设施的概念内涵,提出城市物联网基础设施是一个涵盖“网络+平台+服务”的综合体,分析总结了国内外政府与企业在城市物联网基础设施尤其是物联网平台方面的发展现状,在此基础上,研究提出了为实现城市物联资源泛在接入、网络融合、资源管理和智能服务等核心功能亟需突破的关键技术,最后给出了推动城市物联网基础设施快速发展的意见和建议。  相似文献   

In this article, we aim to sensitise the information systems community about the dispossession of choice that the extended reliance on Internet technology creates for individuals. The overemphasis of digital inclusion as a solution to the digital divide problem frames Internet use as desirable in a progressive society but labels non‐use as problematic or a deficiency that needs to be remedied. This situation, we argue, creates a new modality of inequality that we term digital enforcement, defined as the process of dispossession that reduces choices for individuals who prefer to minimise their reliance on the Internet if given the opportunity or those who want to live their lives offline altogether. We present digital enforcement as an ethical problem and draw on the concepts of governmentality and technologies of power to explain how practices around Internet use in society result in digital enforcement. We conclude with a hopeful perspective to call for an ethical agenda to develop desirable futures.  相似文献   

文章扼要介绍法院数字化建设中网上办案和网上法庭系统上使用数字证书的重要性,根据《电子签名法》的规定,论述了通过使用数字证书和电子印章实现在网络上完成法院的各项工作。  相似文献   

Community informatics is emerging as the framework for systematically approaching information systems from a “community” perspective. We discuss how a particular form of information technology, digital signage, was used to solve some of the problems faced by a city and a non-profit association in a distressed community. An analysis of this implementation shows that a community informatics perspective is essential to designing and implementing information and communication technologies systems for communities.  相似文献   

Recent findings have shown that Digital Twin served multiple constituencies. However, the dilemma between the scope and scale needs a sophisticated reference architecture, a right set of technologies, and a suitable business model. Most studies in the Digital Twin field have only focused on manufacturing and proposed explicit frameworks and architecture, which faced challenges to support different integration levels through an agile process. Besides, no known empirical research has focused on exploring relationships between Digital Twin and mass individualization. Therefore, the principal objective of this study was to identify suitable Industry 4.0 technologies and a holistic reference architecture model to accomplish the most challenging Digital Twin enabled applications. In this study, a Digital Twin reference architecture was developed and applied in an industrial case. Also, Digital Twin as a Service (DTaaS) paradigm utilized for the digital transformation of unique wetlands with considerable advantages, including smart scheduled maintenance, real-time monitoring, remote controlling, and predicting functionalities. The findings indicate that there is a significant relationship between Digital Twin capabilities as a service and mass individualization.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了OA系统在党政机关无纸化办公、数字化建设、政务信息网络化服务中的应用,并就应用中存在的问题提出了相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

随着我国现代化科技飞速发展,数字化领域的进步日益开始展露头角。教育数字化、档案数字化管理、农业数字化等诸多发展方面的数字化转型已逐渐形成社会中发展的主流。加之以现价段党中央领导对于数字化建设工程的大力支持,使得现阶段我国信息化建设发展速度突飞猛进,取得了喜人的效果,数字化技术已达到世界发展潮流中较为领先的国际化水平。在我国进一步发展现状的前提下,以科技为主要推动力,数字信息化建设发展必定能够在我国更多行业领域中成为主导。本文就现阶段我国数字信息化建设中所存在的安全问题进行综合分析,并结合发展实际提出相对应的问题解决方案。  相似文献   


Whereas the rise of e-book use has undermined printed books, it is somewhat surprising that students still prefer printed books for intensive reading and would rather use e-contents just for fun. This calls for a holistic study that investigates what facilitates or hinders e-book use in the digital era. Drawing upon UTAUT and cognitive judgmental processes, a research framework was tested with 1,419 university students. Further, the responses were split into those students with digital textbook exposure and those without it to examine their differing mental schemas. Results confirm that performance expectancy is the primary factor in the digital textbook adoption. Effort expectancy and facilitating conditions are significant to the experienced, but not to the non-experienced. The experienced do not see result demonstrability and output quality as variables that influence usefulness, while the other group perceives them to be critical. Theoretical and practical implications of this research are also discussed.  相似文献   

结合西藏和党政机关的实际 ,对如何按照“三个代表”要求 ,加强和改进机关党建工作 ,进行了系统思考、总结和探索。加强和改进党的建设 ,对于巩固党的执政地位具有重要意义 ,对于端正党风政风有着直接而密切的联系 ,对于建设一支高素质的党员干部队伍具有特殊的重要性 ,对于适应新形势 ,迎接新挑战具有现实的紧迫性。按照“三个代表”要求 ,高标准、严要求地做好机关党的各项工作 ,必须结合西藏的社情民意 ,切实把提高机关广大党员干部的思想政治素质摆在首位 ;必须立足提高西藏各族人民的生活水平 ,不断开拓创新 ;必须坚持以中央第四次西藏工作座谈会精神为指导 ,紧紧围绕“一个中心 ,两件大事、三个确保”展开 ;必须从源头上预防和铲除腐败 ,确保用高尚的革命气节来凝聚民心 ;必须把“执政为民”作为实践“三个代表”的本质 ,全心全意为人民服务  相似文献   

Codes of ethics reflect the core values of an organization; with the variety of data, staff, and contributors working with the DRI, its ethical code must be wide-ranging enough to reflect its diverse nature, but specific enough to effectively guide the reader to a morally sound conclusion in the face of an ethical problem. Reviewing the reasons for a code of ethics, the methods involved, the challenges, the expected outcomes, and organizational input, this article will relay the experience of writing a professional code of ethics for the Digital Repository of Ireland.  相似文献   

针对多媒体数字作品的版权保护,传统的加密方法具有一定的局限性,数字水印作为信息隐藏技术的一个分支正逐渐成为实现数字产品版权保护的最后一道屏障。文章提出了一种新的文本数字水印嵌入及检测算法:根据特征编码思想,针对Word文档格式特点,通过改变文档中某些字的大小以嵌入和检测水印。实验结果表明:该算法很好的实现了水印的嵌入和检测,并对传统攻击有着较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

数字商品非法复制的检测算法   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
宋擒豹  杨向荣  沈钧毅  齐勇 《计算机学报》2002,25(11):1206-1211
数字商品,即以数字方式存在的商品,主要有正方,图像,视频和音频等4种形式,在Internet电子商务环境下,数字商品很容易被非法复制和扩散,这无疑会妨碍电子商务的健康发展,本文试图解决电子商务环境下数字正文的非法复制和扩散问题,文中首先提出了一种数字正文的多层次,多粒度表示方法,然后,在此基础上给出了相应的重叠性度量算法。该方法不但能较为准确地检测等价复制,超集复制和移位整体复制这样的数字正文整体非法复制行为,而且还能检测诸如集复制和移位局部复制等部分非法复制行为,同时,该算法也具有较强的扩展性。文章从5个不同的方面对提出的方法进行测试,实验结果表明该算法是有效的。  相似文献   

"数字城市"GIS总体规划设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对“数字城市”GIS进行了总体规划设计,主要针对地理空间数据框架、空间数据交换网络体系、应用服务系统、技术支撑体系、保障体系这五个部分来进行研究。“数字城市”的建设应以GIS的建设为核心。“数字城市”GIS的建设有利于促进城市信息化建设和经济发展,使城市更具有竞争力。  相似文献   

王蓓  ;殷肖川 《微机发展》2008,(10):244-246
数字图像在石油钻杆无损检测中应用广泛,文中重点介绍荧光磁粉成像法。基于该原理,设计实现了一个表面裂纹无损检测软件,利用钻杆图像颜色较为单一、干扰因素较少以及图像结构稳定的优点,在分析钻杆表面裂纹走向的基础上,主要讨论了图像二值化后裂纹的识别算法和裂纹真伪性的判断。提出了基于顺序扫描法的改进裂纹识别算法,可以有效地进行裂纹识别,以及利用圆形度进行裂纹真伪识别判断,实验结果证明该系统检测效果良好、效率高。  相似文献   

Advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), computing, networking, mechanics and electronics are changing the people’s way of life. Several research efforts are leading the design and development of Artifact and Service Combination (ASC) with the implementation of Ubiquitous Technologies (UTs) in multidisciplinary sectors. However, the design process of such systems often ends in the implementation of conventional approaches and tools. A Ubiquitous Design Support Environment (UDSE) comprising an application intended to guide the different activities, tools and resources applied at the conceptual design stage is presented. After needs analysis, multidisciplinary collaborations are also required in order to generate innovative conceptual solutions, focusing this approach in the conceptual design stage of traditional design methods. Some activities from the conceptual design stage are enhanced through the use of the UDSE as well as through the use of a novel ubiquity assessment tool for concept selection and validation of Ubiquitous Products and Services. Finally, a case study on a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) from textile sector, in a developing country, is presented to analyze and validate the presented concepts.  相似文献   

The idea of the ‘digital natives’, a generation of tech‐savvy young people immersed in digital technologies for which current education systems cannot cater, has gained widespread popularity on the basis of claims rather than evidence. Recent research has shown flaws in the argument that there is an identifiable generation or even a single type of highly adept technology user. For educators, the diversity revealed by these studies provides valuable insights into students' experiences of technology inside and outside formal education. While this body of work provides a preliminary understanding, it also highlights subtleties and complexities that require further investigation. It suggests, for example, that we must go beyond simple dichotomies evident in the digital natives debate to develop a more sophisticated understanding of our students' experiences of technology. Using a review of recent research findings as a starting point, this paper identifies some key issues for educational researchers, offers new ways of conceptualizing key ideas using theoretical constructs from Castells, Bourdieu and Bernstein, and makes a case for how we need to develop the debate in order to advance our understanding.  相似文献   

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